Lanowar |
So just a quick question, if a Bloodrager had the Superstition rage power would he have to roll a Will save when he begins the rage and starts adding spells?
Also how would this work in conjunction with greater bloodrage
"The bloodrager can apply the effects a bloodrager spell he knows of 2nd level or lower to himself. The spell must have a range of touch or personal. If the spell's duration is greater than 1 round, it instead lasts for the duration of the bloodrage. This use consumes a bloodrager spell slot, as if he had cast the spell"
Does that mean he doesn't actually cast a spell but just gets an effect similar to it so he doesn't need to roll?
Any help in this would be most useful.
zza ni |
hmm hard to say. it seems they are activated at the same time and since he is an ally of himself then he need to resist his own spell.
BUT there is a sneaky way out. see while the bloodrager gain the effect of the spell. that spell was not really casted.(it was more like used as a spell like ability). he didn't need to concentrate.didnt provoke etc.what more the spell duration is difrent. what happend is he got a spell like ability used on him that was powered by his spell slots. and reading the superstisus close youll see he get a +2 +1 for 4 levels on spells\spell like abilities and other when he rages. BUT the paart talking aout him resisting his ally's spells only talk of spells. not sla or supernatural aiblities. (kinda of nitpiking, but otherwise should work.he doesn't need to resist ally's using supernatural aiblities on him,so sla should also be fine.)