Building the Herald of a Kobold god


NOTE: For mine LoOS players, this is a spoiler-free thread, since you already ascended and discovered part of the story.

Hello pathfinders,

I'm here asking your help for mine Kobold version of the Kingmaker AP named "Legacy of Old Sharptooth".
I'm in need of building a CR 15 unique Herald NPC (like Lawgiver, Hand of the Inheritor, The Grim White Stag and so on...)

The god in question is Old Sharptooth, but differently from the standard AP version this time the entity is a real god, able to grand divine spell and so on. He also granted the Party their first Mythic tier, and as the PCs have already discovered Old Sharptooth is another son of Tiamat (and Apsu), and a minor brother of Dahak.

He is defined by the following information:
Alignment: LE;
Portfolio: Kobolds, Self-perfection, Tiranny;
Domains: Air, Lawful, Evil, Scalykind;
Subdomains: Dragon, Fear, Tyranny, Wind;
Favored Weapon: unarmed strike

Now, about the Herald, I was thinking about a medium sized koboldish/draconic creature (with draconic wings, of course).
The type should be Oustider with the Lawful, Evil and Herald subtypes.
He should have awesome defensive abilities (DR/Epic) due to his draconic divine scales (which are of all the 5 chromatic colors variant), offensive capacity from his Unarmed Strikes (favored weapon) and breath weapon, but I have not others idea of how to build a unique monster of this kind.
I'm open to any help and suggestion you can give me.
Thanks in advance.

Add many statues of Kobolds in the room. If the Herald uses his breath attack and hits any of the statues, the statue becomes a Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 12 or Draconic Bloodline Bloodrager 12.

The idea is to swarm the players mostly, and have them start breaking the statues before they get animated.

The Herald will attempt to kill the players himself, as he doesn't want to give his minions the honor.

Just to make this more fun, each statue broken before it was animated releases it's draconic essence, and grants temp HP to the Herald.

Thank you Secret Wizard!
I'm more concerned about how to build such NPC than the combat encounter itself.
Technically they should be able to recruit him instead of kill him, since all of them should be working for freeing O.S. from his prison (a different version of Rovagug's cage).
But like Kurshu the Undying (Lissala's Herald) even this Herald should be suffering the absence of his patron god... so if diplomacy fails maybe the PCs will be forced to subdue their own god's herald with force but without killing him, that will make an interesting encounter.

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