Gonzo 2 Kickstarter is Live & Playtest Tonight!

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Hey guys!
So we launched the Gonzo 2 Kickstarter last week and we are already over 40% funded! Today we've posted our stretch goals up and some of our extensive playtest logs!

We will be doing an open playtest for any backers tonight and on most Tuesdays nights (as well as Saturdays) so people can get more familiar with our material. Tonight's will be around 5pm Arizona time (8pm EST). We will be sharing the link on the latest backer updatep!

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...Henshin Hero is the just amazing. I'm in awe. It looks like a barbarian chasis at first blush but the execution is beyond my words to say, a perfect combination of fluff and crunch. Kudos to the writer. Seriously!

*edit* Is there any way to leave comments or feedback? Some things I think could be improved a little. Example: High Speed Transformation is an immediate, but should probably be a swift or immediate since I would imagine it should be able to also be used quickly on your turn.

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Got any idea of what the cover will look like? I'm nominally interested in a print copy (as well as PDF) but the shallow aesthete in me wants to know the graphic and illustrative presence of said purchase. Though shipping costs may nix the possibility of print altogether...

Aleron wrote:

...Henshin Hero is the just amazing. I'm in awe. It looks like a barbarian chasis at first blush but the execution is beyond my words to say, a perfect combination of fluff and crunch. Kudos to the writer. Seriously!

*edit* Is there any way to leave comments or feedback? Some things I think could be improved a little. Example: High Speed Transformation is an immediate, but should probably be a swift or immediate since I would imagine it should be able to also be used quickly on your turn.

Glad you liked it. :-)

The designer is Dayton Johnson, a longtime goblin and probably the best "crunch" guy I've ever worked with. I can add commenting permission to the backers on those documents. I'll do it here in just a minute.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Got any idea of what the cover will look like? I'm nominally interested in a print copy (as well as PDF) but the shallow aesthete in me wants to know the graphic and illustrative presence of said purchase. Though shipping costs may nix the possibility of print altogether...

We have Naiche Washburn as our main artist on this book. I'm actually not 100% sure if we are going to have him do the cover in a more Dragon Tiger Ox "full scene" style thing or a more Alt. Path style. My current plan is, when he is finished with all of his pieces, ask the backers who they'd like to have on the cover and have him to integrate that character into a scene with a bigger background. If you look at Gonzo 1's cover, it was literally red with some chains and that was it. Simple and stylistic. I'd like to incorporate those as part of a motif, but we will see.

Now the REAL treat is going to be in interior artwork. I literally have access to Thalzon's library of over 1,500 pieces of AWESOME and totally bizarre artwork. I want to try to bake this book with SO MUCH weirdness in the columns and column breaks you'll feel like you are looking at an illuminated manuscript ;-)

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Dotting for near future backing.

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I'd be happy to see Gonzo 2 with a darker, grittier version of Gonzo's chains...

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Still needs a drug-addled journalist class. :D But backed!

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
I'd be happy to see Gonzo 2 with a darker, grittier version of Gonzo's chains...

That could be cool I think. It's one of the few things we are kind of playing by ear.

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Still needs a drug-addled journalist class. :D But backed!

I mean we DO have like 20+ archetypes to write if we hit our first stretch goal. One of the things pitched during the initial pitch period WAS a drug dealer so don't loose hope ;-)

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Guide and Magical Girl can't be released soon enough. They were hilarious to see in action tonight!

Aleron wrote:
Guide and Magical Girl can't be released soon enough. They were hilarious to see in action tonight!

That was a total riot. I haven't laughed that hard... since the last playtest I think ;-) Thanks for stopping by!

I had a blast! Hope to be able to join into more in the future!

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Had time so I went through the Henshin Hero playtest document and commented it up with what I hope will be helpful suggestions and ideas. Definitely my favourite class I've seen so far, though my gut tells me certain motifs and heroic powers might be a little too strong at this point.

Hoping I'll have a chance to go through the rest that have been released in the next week sometime too!

Aleron wrote:

Had time so I went through the Henshin Hero playtest document and commented it up with what I hope will be helpful suggestions and ideas. Definitely my favourite class I've seen so far, though my gut tells me certain motifs and heroic powers might be a little too strong at this point.

Hoping I'll have a chance to go through the rest that have been released in the next week sometime too!

That's the sort of feedback we love! Henshin hero has only had like 2 of the MANY motifs tested thus far so they may be out of whack a bit. I'm sure Dayton will be responding to them ASAP. Thanks so much!

Had a little time so I gave Davatti my first read through. It feels much more complex than Henshin Hero so I suspect I'm going to need a few more read-throughs to really digest everything there and do it justice. I did toss a few comments down on stuff that really stood out on the first read though.

To be brief, I'm in a love/hate relationship with it. The fluff, information, little quotes, and even the ideas are just fantastic. I love the teleporting nature, the manifesting weapon, pretty much everything on the idea level. The way it is executed currently and the mechanics, though, I could never use or allow it in my games. I elaborated in the comments, but it adds a degree of bookkeeping that would drive me insane and as it is currently is extremely powerful unless I missed some stuff in my reading (very possible).

Plan to revisit it, hopefully soon.

Just a heads up to backers!
We are going to be doing a playtest at 6:30pm Az time for backers tonight.

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Really interested in this Kickstarter. Will there be any more playtesting?

They do playtesting every Tuesday and Sunday evening so far. They did miss last Tuesday, but I think that was an exception to the rule.

I suspect they'll have two more at least before the campaign ends. I highly recommend hopping in, they let me run along with the party twice and it was hilariously fun. Actually seeing the classes in play shows that while some can use work they generally are extremely well designed and more importantly a riot to play!

Indeed. We will be running a playtest at 5:30 PM PST / 8:30 pm EST tomorrow for backers (any level will get you in). It's always open and we typically do a few rounds each night. It's always a lot of fun and it's a great way to get familiar with the classes in the book. Once the campaign is done we will continue to playtest weekly (probably not bi-weekly).

We will be starting in about an hour.

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is there a live stream? i'd love to see this stuff if possible

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We talked about the possibility of recording it tonight, but so far it isn't set up yet. They use Roll20 and google hangout for chatting, though, so popping in to watch and listen in shouldn't be a big deal to set up.

It's like Aleron said. It's something we could look at doing in the near future (like maybe next week) but we haven't yet.

We WILL be doing totally open (not just backers!) playtests on Tuesday night and next Sunday! We will be posting the link up in this thread as well as other places!

Reminder- there is just ONE WEEK before this Kickstarter ends! We are so close guys!

Edit: We DO have quite the extensive list of our playtest notes however. We will be posting them up publicly for all to see here later today.

Wooo Battle Butler. I've been waiting for this one! I gotta say, pretty cool!

Couldn't post comments on the google doc, but wanted to say a couple things that stood out to me:

1) The capstone made me sad. Or lack thereof. Five masters is cool, but it is far from what this class deserves. Feels really weak and like it could definitely use something else here.

2) Tricks of the Trade are really awesome but so limited. You get a very small number and if you want more it requires investing in a stat that only tricks of the trade requires. Which hurts it quite a bit.

3) There is servant's gloves but no option for simple unarmed striking? That made me a bit sad. I want the battle butler that whips out crazy kicks and punches and currently that isn't really doable.

Otherwise really like it!

Aleron wrote:

Wooo Battle Butler. I've been waiting for this one! I gotta say, pretty cool!

Couldn't post comments on the google doc, but wanted to say a couple things that stood out to me:

1) The capstone made me sad. Or lack thereof. Five masters is cool, but it is far from what this class deserves. Feels really weak and like it could definitely use something else here.

2) Tricks of the Trade are really awesome but so limited. You get a very small number and if you want more it requires investing in a stat that only tricks of the trade requires. Which hurts it quite a bit.

3) There is servant's gloves but no option for simple unarmed striking? That made me a bit sad. I want the battle butler that whips out crazy kicks and punches and currently that isn't really doable.

Otherwise really like it!

1) Oh there will be a capstone. Often times a capstone is something we add at the very end once we are 100% done with a class, unless it is a very obvious outcome. That's because it should reflect the finalized class and serve as a culmination of what came before it. It's very difficult to see what that zenith looks like without everything being finalized.

2) That's interesting to hear. Before you had FAR too many of them. You had 1 EVERY level but it got really tiresome picking all of those every time. However, we may reconsider this in light of your feedback.

3) That's something we can look at adding.

OH! And in unrelated new, in case you haven't heard there will be a PUBLIC playtest tonight at 5:30pm PST / 8:30 pm EST!

In addition we've gone and expanded the $25 goal! Give the new Kickstarter rewards another look!

The Open Playtest is Now Live. Please join us!

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That last update. It's just.... so incredibly full of transparent and open information.

* *HUGE* Update on just where the playtests are at, with links to volumes of playtest data...

* Links to comment-enabled class docs

* New art showcased - nice pic by the way, which class is that?

* New content added to the $25 pledge tier. Now this is interesting - I had no idea that tier added Gonzo 1 to the pile, as well as the Martials book and now Liber Influxus Communis (thanks to Greg LaRose/Amora Games!).

- Just based on that, I'm definitely in for $25, and I'll go back and see if there is a print option..

* Frank assessment of where the KS is at, without too much endless harping on about how fans can help to "make this thing happen".

But seriously, this is the way to both run a Kickstarter, and engage with your fans. LRGG are singlehandedly showing all RPG companies how to run playtests and how to transparently communicate with their fanbase.

Kudos, and consider me pledged. Sorry it took so long.

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I'm a little bummed because I don't think the architect class is gonna happen via the KS, but I'd still love to actually see that class. I loved playing dungeon defenders and I would be really interested to actually have a tower defense style character in game.

But that said, the update showcasing some of the art plus the open documents for review makes me really excited for this. I've pitched in already, and even upped the pledge to 25 bucks. Can't wait!

And now that I look, it is completely, abundantly, amazingly crystal clear that you get Gonzo 1 with the $25 pledge. Which means I really should have pledged a loooooong time ago.

I blame looking at the KS on my smartphone, because saying I'm an idiot would be more truthful....

Really close to funding now!

Also, yeah, I was in at 25 soon as I realized the difference that 10 bucks makes for what you get. I didn't have the original gonzo, but it's a bonus considering all the content in this one (and the transparency so far has been awesome). Kudos to Little Red!

I want to back at the $25 level but I currently own both the gonzo 1 book, alt paths martial, and LIC. As this is my first kick starter I don't know if I have an option to swap them out for other lrgg products or to possibly gift them to another person. Any words of advice from you veterans?

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:


That last update. It's just.... so incredibly full of transparent and open information.

* *HUGE* Update on just where the playtests are at, with links to volumes of playtest data...

* Links to comment-enabled class docs

* New art showcased - nice pic by the way, which class is that?

* New content added to the $25 pledge tier. Now this is interesting - I had no idea that tier added Gonzo 1 to the pile, as well as the Martials book and now Liber Influxus Communis (thanks to Greg LaRose/Amora Games!).

- Just based on that, I'm definitely in for $25, and I'll go back and see if there is a print option..

* Frank assessment of where the KS is at, without too much endless harping on about how fans can help to "make this thing happen".

But seriously, this is the way to both run a Kickstarter, and engage with your fans. LRGG are singlehandedly showing all RPG companies how to run playtests and how to transparently communicate with their fanbase.

Kudos, and consider me pledged. Sorry it took so long.

That is legitimately the kindest thing anyone has ever said to us. We really appreciate those words :-)

LRGG always strives to be as transparent as possible with our backers and these public playtests are a great way to do that!

I wanna thank Alex and his brother for showing up to so many of them and everyone else who has stopped by (if only just to say hi and ask a question or two!)

That artwork is for the henshin hero class by the extraordinary Naiche Washburn. He will be tackling quite a few of the pieces in this book. He has already done the dynamancer, henchling, and henshin hero. He is currently on croupier.

sepik121 wrote:

I'm a little bummed because I don't think the architect class is gonna happen via the KS, but I'd still love to actually see that class. I loved playing dungeon defenders and I would be really interested to actually have a tower defense style character in game.

But that said, the update showcasing some of the art plus the open documents for review makes me really excited for this. I've pitched in already, and even upped the pledge to 25 bucks. Can't wait!

Well, we are REALLY close to goal (like $89 at the time of posting) so it is TOTALLY within the realm of possibility that we will hit the first stretch goal.

If we don't hit it, I personally love that class, so there is a very good chance that it will be released solo or as part of something else in the future.

fafnir_bane wrote:
I want to back at the $25 level but I currently own both the gonzo 1 book, alt paths martial, and LIC. As this is my first kick starter I don't know if I have an option to swap them out for other lrgg products or to possibly gift them to another person. Any words of advice from you veterans?

Yep! There is a note in the Kickstarter that says if you already own one/all of those books we are happy to swap for any other book in our library of about the same price (or, I suppose, multiples if the price would add up to it).

Little Red Goblin Games wrote:

sepik121 wrote:

I'm a little bummed because I don't think the architect class is gonna happen via the KS, but I'd still love to actually see that class. I loved playing dungeon defenders and I would be really interested to actually have a tower defense style character in game.

But that said, the update showcasing some of the art plus the open documents for review makes me really excited for this. I've pitched in already, and even upped the pledge to 25 bucks. Can't wait!

Well, we are REALLY close to goal (like $89 at the time of posting) so it is TOTALLY within the realm of possibility that we will hit the first stretch goal.

If we don't hit it, I personally love that class, so there is a very good chance that it will be released solo or as part of something else in the future.

Maybe the start of a Gonzo 3, or the LRGG take on a technology guide with technology based classes?

VM mercenario wrote:
Little Red Goblin Games wrote:

sepik121 wrote:

I'm a little bummed because I don't think the architect class is gonna happen via the KS, but I'd still love to actually see that class. I loved playing dungeon defenders and I would be really interested to actually have a tower defense style character in game.

But that said, the update showcasing some of the art plus the open documents for review makes me really excited for this. I've pitched in already, and even upped the pledge to 25 bucks. Can't wait!

Well, we are REALLY close to goal (like $89 at the time of posting) so it is TOTALLY within the realm of possibility that we will hit the first stretch goal.

If we don't hit it, I personally love that class, so there is a very good chance that it will be released solo or as part of something else in the future.

Maybe the start of a Gonzo 3, or the LRGG take on a technology guide with technology based classes?

lol I like how you think.

If it doesn't make it into this book however, I am more inclined to do a solo release for it- it's a pretty big class and could handle it's own 10-20 page book solo (maybe toss in a few archetypes or a new prestige for it).

In terms of where we want to go next- we have had a LOT of fun with the Alternate Path books. We've tackled martial and magical and we have a "skill" one as well as a "divine" one lined up for the near future. I'm kinda hesitant to do a "technology" book because we did SO much of that in Necropunk and a lot of that is Pathfinder compatible.

Our next BIG thing will be the revamp of Legendary Levels (post 20th level Pathfinder). Dayton has been working on that for like a year and it is... just beautiful math.

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If that Architect book comes out, i'll probably buy it day 1. Cause man do i want that super badly.

sepik121 wrote:
If that Architect book comes out, i'll probably buy it day 1. Cause man do i want that super badly.

So I spoke with the others and something we could do, if we don't reach the 1st stretch goal, is potentially swap monster cowboy for architect if the backers want it.

I'd be definitely down for that.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would also like that.

Just checked, $1304! YEAH!!! Come on stretch goals!

Congrats on making funding!

Another suggestion for battle butler as I was making one. I think it would be cool if you could take a feat or ability leveling up that allowed your unseen servants to be able to use your tricks of the trade (assuming it doesn't introduce something broken...the potion one might be?).

There also seems to be an error with the battle butler bonus feats. It mentions him getting one every level which is decidedly untrue. I suspect this is carryover from the fighter bonus feat language?

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So we passed our goal sometime last night and we are IMMENSELY grateful to all of our backers!

In terms of the monster cowboy / architect swap out- let's see where we end the KS. It may not be necessary if we get to $1,750. If not- we talked it over and we will post a backer thread to see if the motion passed (I suspect that it will).

That is defiantly something we can ad! I like it! It MIGHT even be something that we can roll into that Master of the Staff feat we were talking about. We like feats to be meaty rather than


let's go architect :P

congrats on the funding too! #hyped

We actually just posted an update about monster cowboy vs. architect (along with some other awesome stuff) so go comment on the update and let folks see that you support it :-)

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My brother wanted me to post that the battle butler should get the swordcane too. Heh.


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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As a result of some leet budgeting skills, I've upped my pledge from $50 to $500. What do I win?

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Lindley Court wrote:
As a result of some leet budgeting skills, I've upped my pledge from $50 to $500. What do I win?

What do you win? What about us? Because of your excellent pledge upping, we all now receive awesome archetypes for the new classes, and are much much closer to seeing Gonzoid archetypes for CRB classes!!!

Let's hear it for Lindley Court!!!

Scott may just have to develop some ideas for new stretch goals!!!

[And I might have to pledge for physical copy!!!!]

@Scott - any spoiler of the cover art?

damn that's a huge spike. 50 to 500 is bonkers

Lindley Court wrote:
As a result of some leet budgeting skills, I've upped my pledge from $50 to $500. What do I win?

My vote for any public office election you want. With that level of leet budgeting skills, you could probably save the economy.

Woooo! Way to go Lindley!

Lindley Court wrote:
As a result of some leet budgeting skills, I've upped my pledge from $50 to $500. What do I win?

O.o You win whatever the heck you want. Shoot me an email? (ScottGladstein@littleredgoblingames.com)

PS: The architect vs monster cowboy was single-handedly resolved by Lindley.

If you missed it, we just posted an update with expanded stretch goals.
(Sorry for the double post)

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