How Many Rounds of Rage would a lvl 1 Gestalt Bloodrager / Barbarian have?

Rules Questions

and just in general how would that interact with rage powers and bloodcasting and such?

There are no rules for Gestalt in Pathfinder, so there's really no way to answer this except to say that they are separate where there isn't text saying to the contrary.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

2 separate rage pools i'd guess with no stat stacking.

They have the same amount of rage that a level 1 barbarian would have. Bloodrager doesn't grant any rage.

Bloodrage grants bloodrage, which is significantly different. It activates bloodline powers and you can cast bloodrager spells. You need to keep track of the two pools separately.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

you can cast bloodrager spells even while not bloodraging FYI(if this was already clear then i'm sorry for the tangent). normally you can't cast spells while "raging" so they added that line.

lets say you got to lvl 4 as a primalist bloodrager/barbarian so you now have 4 rage powers do all 4 activate during the one rage?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Koshimo wrote:
lets say you got to lvl 4 as a primalist bloodrager/barbarian so you now have 4 rage powers do all 4 activate during the one rage?

only from the rage from their respective class

ok so that idea is worthless fantastic :)

well it was an interesting thought while it lasted thanks guys

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