Raven Ravensson |
We just tried to play with our new copy of Wrath but we noticed that the backs of some of the cards are a lot darker than the rest. Especially the villains and the henchmen are a few shades darker which makes them extremely easy to stop on the top of a location deck. This obviously makes playing really hard as you know if it will be a villain/henchman before you even explore. We even tried a blind test to see if was just in our minds but we could pick the villain/henchmen from a random pile without problem every time.
I checked the AP1 and they have the same problem so I think there might be an issue with the whole batch. I can't believe this is how it's supposed to be as my copy of Runelords does not have this issue.
Is anyone else having the same problem? What can I do about this? I have contacted the support but not heard back from them yet. I'm afraid that even if I try to return it to the retailer I will have the same problem with the rest of their stock.

Sandslice |

One thing you can do is sleeve your cards with opaque-back / one-sided sleeves; Ultra Pro sells them for ~$5 per hundred, so plan on about $60 to sleeve the AP going this way.
You can also use the cheaper fully transparent sleeves - often called "penny sleeves" because they normally cost $1 per hundred - and paper cut to the size of the cards in order to hide the backs. You can get nine such "cards" out of a single sheet of paper, so your total cost should stay under $15.

Raven Ravensson |
Yes, my copy is from the US. The difference is indeed very profound and literally makes it unplayable as it is 100% clear if the next exploration on a location will yield a villain/henchman or not. As at least Chimpy seems to have a good print I will try to get in touch with the support once more and also try to return in to the retailer.
Honestly though I'm very disappointed in the product as I paid good money for it and was really excited to play with my family. It kind of put a downer on the evening when it was so easy to tell which the next card was and now I have to try to get a refund or a replacement. I thought these issues would have been sorted out long ago as this is the third installation of the series...

Sharaya Customer Service Representative |

I have contacted the support but not heard back from them yet. I'm afraid that even if I try to return it to the retailer I will have the same problem with the rest of their stock.
This issue does sound unusual and we would be happy to take a further look at it. What method did you use to contact us? I'm not seeing any emails from the email address that is linked to your Paizo.com account.

Raven Ravensson |
Hi Sharaya. Thanks for taking your time to look at my issue! Your reply to my first email had gone into the spam folder but I found it and sent a reply with the same picture as I linked in the above message to your support yesterday evening. I'm not however using the same email. The one I used is jakob@*.se.
Thanks again and I hope we can resolve this issue.