We just tried to play with our new copy of Wrath but we noticed that the backs of some of the cards are a lot darker than the rest. Especially the villains and the henchmen are a few shades darker which makes them extremely easy to stop on the top of a location deck. This obviously makes playing really hard as you know if it will be a villain/henchman before you even explore. We even tried a blind test to see if was just in our minds but we could pick the villain/henchmen from a random pile without problem every time.
I checked the AP1 and they have the same problem so I think there might be an issue with the whole batch. I can't believe this is how it's supposed to be as my copy of Runelords does not have this issue.
Is anyone else having the same problem? What can I do about this? I have contacted the support but not heard back from them yet. I'm afraid that even if I try to return it to the retailer I will have the same problem with the rest of their stock.