Silken Ceremonial & Haramaki stacking

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

Ok, I'm asking how this is supposed to be ruled...

The Silken Ceremonial from the Ultimate Equipment Guide says this...

Silken Ceremonial = Armor Bonus +1, Max Dex Bonus -, Armor check penalty 0, Arcane spell failure 0%, WT 4lb; Spd 30'ft [30gp]
"Used for ceremonial displays or occasionally worn (albeit with no additional benefit) over heavier armor, these robes consist of several layers of cloth and an outer layer of silk intricately woven with gold brocade designs and covered with metal studs."

The Haramaki from Ultimate Equipment Guide says this...

Haramaki = Armor Bonus +1, Max Dex Bonus -, Armor check penalty 0, Arcane spell failure 0%, WT 1lb; Spd 30'ft [3gp]
"Also called a belly-warmer, a haramaki is a simple silken sash lined with chainmail or articulated metal plates and tied about the stomach to protect it."

Can these two armors be worn together and stack their effects? It seems the Haramaki is "meant" to be worn in combination with other armors as it makes no restriction in its description that says it can't be worn with other armor.. otherwise it is kinda pointless... or at least seems so.

The Silken ceremonial says it does not stack with heavier armor it is worn over.. but wearing it with a Haramaki..which seems by its description to be able to be worn with other armors would seem to be viable.. at least on the surface.

Thematically, ALL the picture depictions of everyone's favorite hottie sorceress the Iconic Seoni is wearing this same combination of adventuring gear.

What's the 'official' position of the game designers on this?

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No. They both provide armor bonuses, and you can't stack armor bonuses.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sunphoenix72 wrote:

Can these two armors be worn together and stack their effects? It seems the Haramaki is "meant" to be worn in combination with other armors as it makes no restriction in its description that says it can't be worn with other armor.. otherwise it is kinda pointless... or at least seems so.

The Silken ceremonial says it does not stack with heavier armor it is worn over.. but wearing it with a Haramaki..which seems by its description to be able to be worn with other armors would seem to be viable.. at least on the surface.

What's the 'official' position of the game designers on this?

The Haramaki is worn over other armors like the Oyori, the same way a tabard is worn over a knight's armor. For decorative and fashion purposes, not armor stacking. The Haramaki is also worn when wearing heavy armor is not appropriate to a social occasion.

As for the developers they point to this stack of writing called the rules. Since the Haramaki does not have any specific text that exempts it from the armor stacking rule, general rules apply.

She may be wearing them because they have different enchantments that are beneficial...

The Silken Ceremonial armor is the one that is just bling; The Haramaki is a means for Arcane casters like Sorcerors or Wizards to walk around with a little armor. (A +5 enhancement bonus to it a you level doesn't hurt either). At low levels though, a high dex, this, an armored kilt, and perhaps small size, and your rocking an Ac of 17+. Worth it when your GM decides to try sniping the mage.

Liberty's Edge

They each also take up the "armor" slot. Although you could pile on several different armors at once, uncomfortably, only one will grant any mechanical benefits.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Malvos wrote:
They each also take up the "armor" slot. Although you could pile on several different armors at once, uncomfortably, only one will grant any mechanical benefits.


alexd1976 wrote:
She may be wearing them because they have different enchantments that are beneficial...

That doesn't work either. Only one armor provides any bonuses, of any kind. You can't have a Ceremonial Silk Robe +5 and a haramaki +1 of heavy fortification and gain the benefits of both.

Scarab Sages

Well, you can wear a non-magical suit of quilted cloth under heavier armor and gain DR 3/-against thrown weapons and arrows.

This is also historically accurate. All chain and plate armor was designed to be worn over a padded gambeson.

Malvos wrote:
They each also take up the "armor" slot. Although you could pile on several different armors at once, uncomfortably, only one will grant any mechanical benefits.

That's not actually true.

The "Armor" slot is a thing that only applies to magical items. So long as nothing you have is magically enchanted, the slot system is completely irrelevant.

The bonus stacking rules are what prevents armor stacking.

Note that if you had something like a hypothetical bullet proof vest (+3 armor AC, and applies against firearm attacks) and full plate (+9 AC) you would have a +3 against firearm attacks, and a +9 against non-touch attacks. If one of those was enchanted to +1, you would either get +4 and +9 (+1 vest) or +3 and +10(+1 full plate). If both were enchanted, they would try to occupy the same slot which would result in one turning off and behaving as if it was nonmagical for the purpose of giving you benefits, resulting in you still getting +4/+9 (full plate turns off) or +3/+10 (vest turns off).

Imbicatus: Where is this supported? Not doubting you, just curious because I can't find it.

So we all agree, they can't stack really. The aforementioned iconic character wears them as a fashion statement, and for no other reason.

You could wear either of the above together with an armored kilt for +2 armor bonus to AC. But it would count as medium armor and slow you down.

alexd1976 wrote:
So we all agree, they can't stack really. The aforementioned iconic character wears them as a fashion statement, and for no other reason.

Seoni doesn't even wear this outfit. She banks entirely on Mage Armor. Her aesthetic bears some resemblance, but that's really just an outfit, not armor.

kestral287 wrote:
alexd1976 wrote:
So we all agree, they can't stack really. The aforementioned iconic character wears them as a fashion statement, and for no other reason.
Seoni doesn't even wear this outfit. She banks entirely on Mage Armor. Her aesthetic bears some resemblance, but that's really just an outfit, not armor.

Just going off someone else's earlier post. Looking at the pic, your assessment is obviously correct.

She's about as armored as the average stripper.

alexd1976 wrote:
kestral287 wrote:
alexd1976 wrote:
So we all agree, they can't stack really. The aforementioned iconic character wears them as a fashion statement, and for no other reason.
Seoni doesn't even wear this outfit. She banks entirely on Mage Armor. Her aesthetic bears some resemblance, but that's really just an outfit, not armor.

Just going off someone else's earlier post. Looking at the pic, your assessment is obviously correct.

She's about as armored as the average stripper.

But far less armored than high-level strippers, who know to worship Arshea.

Or Oracle strippers, a time-honored tradition if 300 is to be believed (ha, I made a funny).

Scarab Sages

Lune wrote:
Imbicatus: Where is this supported? Not doubting you, just curious because I can't find it.

The only place where it is explicitly called out is with the armored coat. However, it is entirely reasonable for lights armors to be worn under heavier armor in place of "padding"

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Hm. Yeah, I doubt that would fly in PFS for instance.

Scarab Sages

True, but it would be perfectly fine to have an armored coat over a quilted cloth in PFS. It would give you a decent AC, and decent DR against most ranged attacks at low level. You would like want to replace both with a better suit of medium/heavy armor at high levels, but its an option to have. Especially if you are a fighter or a dwarf.

As far as the Seoni picture goes, it is quite likely that it doesn't show either silken ceremonial armor or a haramaki. While she is clearly wearing some sort of silken robes there are many many items in the game that those could be, without being ceremonial armor. Similarly, while she is wearing some sort of large belt, whether it is an armored haramaki, a magical belt, or simply a mundane decorative item is impossible to say.

That picture predates these items anyway, if memory serves, so it's highly doubtful.

Certainly they aren't in her stat block.

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I'd check out her stat block any day.

alexd1976 wrote:
I'd check out her stat block any day.

And you'd see Mage Armor! And Shield. Seoni is well-prepared for the likes of you.

... Though high-level Seoni (her level 12 block, maybe the 7th too) is kind of stupid. She uses the Arcane school's metamagic trick on Extended Shield as a pre-battle buff. Why would you ever do that.

kestral287 wrote:
alexd1976 wrote:
I'd check out her stat block any day.

And you'd see Mage Armor! And Shield. Seoni is well-prepared for the likes of you.

... Though high-level Seoni (her level 12 block, maybe the 7th too) is kind of stupid. She uses the Arcane school's metamagic trick on Extended Shield as a pre-battle buff. Why would you ever do that.

Wait, you mean the trick that removes the stupid action economy tax on spontaneous casters? The trick that is absolutely useless on standard action spells when not needing a move action on the same turn?


Yes. It's right in her stat block that she uses Metamagic Adept with Extended Shield before battle. Seoni apparently dumped Int really, really hard.

I blame blonde stereotypes here.

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