Politics and overthrowing??


Ok, so my girl is playing pathfinder with me for the first time. We are both very new at this. Her character is a tiefling and her ultimate goal is to take over territory through politics and or deadly means in order to create a country that welcomes people of all heritages.

Sooooo.... How does one even begin/do such a thing?

Start a Kingmaker Campaign!

The Adventure Path's main theme is to allow the party to form a new kingdom, of their own design, from the wilds of an untamed area.

It sounds perfect for what you need!

There are no hard rules for this. You really need to talk to your GM on this.

Perhaps, don't be so ambitious. Perhaps a charitable organization that helps everyone, especially those of the more maligned races.

If you're wanting to found a country...you kind of need to look at the Kingmaker campaign. Of course, then you have the other members of your party who will weigh in on the direction of the country as a whole.

She needs a political maneuver bonus (PMB) that lets her reliably get through her opponent's political maneuver defense (PMD)

Or just do something that actually exists like a king maker game. Ultimate Campaign also has rules for kingdom building.

Ultimate Campaign is a good place to start, the organization rules help you build up different types of points, in this case what you want is influence. From there you specifically cultivate power within the city and among the nobles until you have enough influence to result in real change, thus creating your utopia. You'll have to read the rules and plan how to do this. Also, she could just marry into the ruling family and say, here's the law, deal with it.

Could you clarify if you are the GM or another player? Advice to you will likely depend on which of these is the case.

For example, if you are the GM, the advice might skew towards how to create opportunities for her character to get the kind of political clout. Mixing politics into your adventure planning and such, so they have an idea of who their likely allies or enemies would be in such an endeavour, or creating opportunities where she or other party members can be put into leadership situations. If she's just a starting character, maybe create or locate a character with similar goals who could mentor her.

As a fellow player, you could advise her to look for those sorts of opportunities, or back her up when she is in a leadership sort of role.

That said, a lot of this will depend on the type of campaign this is. If it is an adventure path (other thank Kingmaker), it will depend on how far the GM is willing to go off-script, though her character could still have these goals and her behaviour could be defined by them.

If it is a homebrew campaign, the GM is likely to have more flexibility, and most GMs I know love when players have long term goals. It is good to let the GM know out of character, because it can give them hooks to use in upcoming sessions.

We are both players and it's his first time as a GM. He is running a homebrew campaign also. This is why I'm asking more experienced people for ideas etc o.O

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

You might want to check out Legendary Games, Ultimate Relationships.
It is the improved rules sub-set from the Jade Regent AP by the same writers.

Ultimate Relationships

Their Imperial Relationships may also be needed.

If you're a new player and you're looking for the ropes, my advice is to increase the skills Diplomacy, Bluff, Sense Motive, and get access to the spell Enthrall for when you want to start a small scale revolution.

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Don't forget Knowledge (local), Knowledge (geography), and Knowledge (nobility and royalty) -- all of these are very very useful for knowing what's up, what the possibilities are, and who all the local power structures are and what can be done about them.

Most definitely talk to your GM! This is really a matter of campaign direction more than anything; there are no particular rules for it.

The Leadership feat will help you have a coterie of devoted followers, but it's more along the lines of a gang or a business or a monastery or a private guard than it is of taking over a kingdom.

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