Darrian Masters Dungeon Maestro |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It seems that two of my adventurers mysteriously vanished from my pbp thread and I am looking for replacements. I am looking for a skill monkey (preferably with some disable device skill) and an any.
Previous characters include an investigator (empiricist) and a magus (kensai/blackblade).
You can look here at my previous recruitment thread.
And here is the character build requirements for your convenience:
Here are the character creation requirements and Guidelines:
-Lv1 of course
-25 point build... (something tells me your going to need it.... and I tend to like tougher characters anyway)
-All Paizo is welcome with some guidelines: All non-core races will be run by me before implementation and playtest classes will also have to be run by me before hand (it would also help if its in something that isn't part of the ultimate/advanced/core books that it appears on d20).
-Any third party content will be run by me and will have to appear in its entirety on http://www.d20pfsrd.com/ (Please don't be ridiculous with this).
-2 Normal traits and 1 Reign of Winer Campaign trait (From the Players Guide)
-non-evil alignments
-average starting wealth: The Adventure path assumes you don't start with any winter equipment at all (though some you can get from town by buying it)
-Please include a short background that either includes your time living in the village of Heldren or how you got there recently (preferably live there)
-Lastly please include your Character Crunch (in a spoiler as to not make a wall of text please)
*-Not a guideline per sey, but I tend to like a complete party: A front lines fighter (doesn't have to be the class), a skill monkey, a healer, and a Magic user.
**-Also not a guideline and no one has to follow this, but the players guide recommends certain archetypes for the theme of the adventure path: The winter witch archetype, winter witch prestige class (later on), the oracle winter mystery, arctic druid archetype, the sorcerer boreal bloodline, witch hunter archetype (inquisitor), and hexcrafter (magus).
Please ask questions if you have them.
Please get the players guide for the campaign and as of previous adventuring happening in the campaign you may buy winters clothes and get free quickly constructed snowshoes.
P.S. We are as of yet not done with the majority of the first book and have only completed some encounters in the beginning. Also, as this is an already started campaign, the picking and choosing will not be exclusively up to me. My players will also have a choice in the choosing process. Good luck! ^_^

Vincent Fleming |

I've got a Witch Hunter I have been wanting to make for one of these campaigns, are tiefling's ok?
Vincent Fleming
Neutral Good
5'11" 186lbs. Age 80
STR 12
DEX 16
CON 13
INT 16
WIS 16
HP 9
Speed 30
Init +3, Darkvision, Perception +7
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5
AC 18, Touch 13, Flat 15 (Chain Shirt)
CMD 14/11Fl
Trait: Vagabond Child (Disable Device), Warded Against Witchery
Feats: Point-Blank Shot
Javelin +3 1d6+1
Unarmed +1 1d3+1
Acrobatics 1
Appraise 3
Bluff 1
Climb -1
Diplomacy -1
Disable Device 6
Disguise -1
Escape artist 1
Fly 1
Heal 7
Intimidate 4
Knowledge (Arcana) 7
Knowledge (Nature) 7
Perception 7
Ride 1
Sense Motive 8
Spellcraft 10
Stealth 7
Survival 7
Swim -1
Chain Shirt
Blanket, Winter
Flint and Steel
Thieves' Tools
Waterskin x2
Lvl 0 Brand, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilize
Lvl 1 2/day Returning Weapon, True Strike
Special Abilities
Bit of Luck 6/day
Deathwatch at Will
Energy Resistance Cold 5
Judgements: 1/day
Weapon Damage, Fast Healing, Concentration and vs SR, AC, Save, DR/Magic, Energy Resistances, DR bypass
Point Blank Shot
Spell Sage +3 (Add Wis+Int to Spellcraft)
Warded Against Witchery +1 to spellcraft evil arcane, +1 save vs their spells.
If not I can change it to Human with the dual talent alternate trait.

Darrian Masters Dungeon Maestro |

@ Djack: Hi again! Welcome back to the recruitment. Don't worry, I didn't forget about you and the others in the last recruitment.
@ Luke_Parry: Whatever suits your fancy!
@ Grimkell Son of Ogmundr: That would be fine, though roleplaying has been spread out all over the place because of a lot of combat based encounters.
Also, you are a skald I assume?
@ Ash..: Yes.
@ Vincent Fleming: Yes you can be a tiefling, though certain superstitious folk might not take a liking to you.
@ Choant: Sorry... I decided not to use path of war.
@ El Ronza: Alright.
@ Snjorinn Verkirsson: So... Luke_Parry?
@ Dylos: I am not entirely familiar with the unchained versions of classes as I have not gotten the book yet, though I have skimmed over the d20pfsrd. I will allow it for now, but will get back to you, K?

![]() |

Here is Vilgeirr Isleifson, a human fighter (viking). He is a member of the Ulfen Guard.
Vilgeirr was born the fifth child of nine and third son to Isleif and Agetha. Growing up in the town Ullerskad in the Thanelands of the Land of the Linnorm Kings, he was steeped in the traditions of the Ulfen Guard. He knew every retired shieldman and maiden in the town and was never happier than sitting fireside in their longhouses reminiscing about the "good ole days" of fighting assassins and ferreting out spies of the hated Qadirans. He learned that the Guard were not only bodymen to the Grand Prince of Taldor, no! Their charge was to protect the bearer of the Primogen Crown, regardless of their personal worth or honor. As he often heard Isleif say, "We gave our word, each of us, to protect he who bears the Primogen Crown. We do not judge their worth nor do we hold them to their word. Their honor is not for us to care. It is our own honor, that of our own word that we must uphold. Our oath is our bond and in over one thousand five hundred years not one of us has forsaken that vow."
Isleif was a mighty warrior, a huscarl to be reckoned with in the shieldwall. His true claim to fame though was his mastery of the Taldan falcata. It was a weapon he picked up during his own service in the Ulfen Guard. Several of the other veterans from his father's time would sometimes quietly mention Isleif's training with Dominicus Rell, advisor to the Grand Prince. Vilgeirr loved to watch his father practice with the exotic blade; how could a sword cut like an axe?
No matter how keen the boy was to watch his father, he was held in awe of Agetha's prowess with the shield. She was a famed skirnir, a shieldmaiden, weaving magic through her shield as if it was her hand itself. She trained his older sister, Briða in the mystic arts. A huscarl in her own right, she trained all of her children in the use of the shield. Vilgeirr learned how to make the shield his own personal extension of his person, gaining greater advantage from its protection and simultaneously attacking and defending with it.
As he grew older, Isleif began to teach his son the basics of the southern sword style. Vilgeirr took to the strange swordplay and quickly became proficient in it's use, favoring it over the axe, broadsword and spear. In the winter of his fourteenth year, Isleif presented his son with a falcata of his own. Agetha gifted Vilgeirr a great round shield studded with spikes of cold iron, the bane of their traditional enemies in the stolen lands of Irrisen. It was explained to him that he was being granted leave to accompany, Briða, as she traveled to Taldor to join the Ulfen Guard. He would join his uncle's household until he, too, was old enough to petition the Guard.
Vilgeirr was elated. He could hardly wait until that spring when the winter storms abated and the ice melted. When shipping once again be possible, they set off down the Rimeflow to Kalsgard and booked passage on a trading knorr heading south. Over the several months of travel, Vilgeirr took turns at the oar, the rudder and the helm, learning the intricacies of piloting and sailing.
Upon reaching the shores of Taldor, they headed into the mouth of a great river and sailed north to the capital city, Oppara. Never had Vilgeirr known such a magnificent place. All of the tales and histories paled in comparison to the actual sight. He was dumbstruck that so large a city could exist and the massive bridge arching over the river was dwarfed only by the Arch of Aroden itself. Disembarking, they were met by their uncle, who took possession of the fine trade goods his brother had sent to secure his children's upkeep in addition to his niece and nephew. Impatient to join the Guard, Briða could barely contain herself as they made their way to the Staggering Skald, where they both gaped at the sights of their countrymen who were already members of that famed company. Staying the night, their uncle presented his oldest niece the next morning. After seeing to her placement, he took Vilgeirr to his home. There he met his aunt and cousins.
The next three years went by quickly as the young viking learned the ways of the south from his uncle and his family. The lands were very warm for much of the year and even the winters were mild with snow never making it to the eaves of the house let alone covering it completely. Never one to be bothered by a bit of cold, Vilgeirr took to wearing light clothing year round much to the consternation of his aunt, herself a southerner. When she needled him about staying warm he would laugh and shake his head waving her off as he went about his day.
Finally his eighteenth year arrived and he traveled with his uncle to petition the Ulfen Guard. Upon meeting their famed leader, Kol Kodranson, he found himself looking him straight in the eye. after years amongst the small people of Taldor, he only at that moment realized how he had grown to the size of a man of the north. Kol mentioned his sister and how well she fared amongst her fellow Ulfen. He looked the young man up and down and nodded approvingly. Upon seeing the falcata hanging from Vilgeirr's belt, he smiled and laughed. "Truly, one of Isleif's brood, with that wicked axe-knife these people so revere. Tell me, do you share your mother's blood gifts?"
"If you ask, whether or not I can make my shield spout fire, then no, for that is a skill passed from mother to daughter. If instead you ask can I best any warrior with only a shield? Then, yes, I am as formidable as Agetha herself." Vilgeirr answered with a bold grin.
Koldarson returned the boy's smile and nodded his acceptance. "The son of two huscarls are always welcome to our band of brothers and sisters. Come take your oath and serve the Primogen Crown for the length of your life... or at least a single year; whichever may come first."
After taking the oath and spending several weeks training in the ways of guarding the Grand Prince and working out puzzles and questions put forth by his fellows, Vilgeirr was summoned to the offices of his commander.
"Vilgeirr Isleifson, get your gear and hie yourself to the Grand Bridge. There's a caravan heading south and you need to ensure they get as far as the Qadiran border. No, you don't need to know why. Go no further! Once they are safely there, turn around and come back." Kol instructed the young man.
Waving him away, Koldarson turned back to his mountain of paperwork. As Vilgeirr turned to leave, the commander hollered after, "Oh, and don't forget that pig chopper of yours, Taldan-at-heart. Har! har! har!"

Ellipsis |

Here's my character submission, I will work up a background and post it sometime this weekend.
N Male Human
Bard - Archeologist (UC) 1
STR 10
DEX 16
CON 13
INT 12
WIS 10
CHA 16 + 2 = 18
HP 9 (8+1)
AC 16
Resist Cold 4
Saves (Base + Stat Bonus + Other Bonuses)
FORT 0 + 1 + 1 = +2
REFL 2 + 3 + 0 = +5
WILL 2 + 0 + 0 = +2
Skills (Ranks + Stat Bonus + Class Skill Bonus + Other Bonuses)
[CHA] Bluff
1 + 4 + 3 + 0 = +8
[DEX] Disable Device
1 + 3 + 3 + 1 = +8
[CHA] Diplomacy
1 + 4 + 3 + 0 = +8
[INT] Knowledge (Arcana)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Engineering)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Geography)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (History)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Local)
1 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 6
[INT] Knowledge (Nature)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Nobility)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Planes)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Religion)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Linguistics
1 + 1 + 3 + 0 = +5
[WIS] Perception
1 + 0 + 3 + 0 = +4
[WIS] Sense Motive
1 + 0 + 3 + 0 = +4
[INT] Spellcraft
1 + 1 + 3 + 0 = +5
[DEX] Stealth
1 + 3 + 3 + 0 = +7
Class Features
Bardic Knowledge (+1)
Archaeologist’s Luck (+1) (4 + 4 = 8 rounds/day)
Arcane Strike
Weapon Finesse
Northern Ancestry (RWPG)
Criminal - Disable Device (ULC)
Unscathed (ULC)
Favored Class Bonuses
+1 Skill Rank
Spells Known
Cantrips (4)
Detect Magic
1st Level (2)
Hideous Laughter
Vanish (APG)
Equipment & Money
4 GP
Daggers (2)
Shortbow (20 Arrows)
Studded Leather
Wizard's Kit (UE)
Belt Pouch
Flint and Steel
Iron Pot
Mess Kit
Spell Component Pouch
Torches (10)
Trail Rations (5 days)

Darrian Masters Dungeon Maestro |

@ Otto Otto von Kielson: ... German's not out of the question per say, but it won't have much use in the "majority" of the campaign.
@ SCKnightHero1: Still on a rescue mission but not yet to the destination of the rescue mission (if you are familiar with the AP)... if not, not much else I can tell you. Also, I think I've already listed the classes being replaced... If you want to see the characters themselves, just follow the link in the first post and look up the characters Varian and Sevante. They just went "Poof!" for about a month now and haven't been responding to me.

Vincent Fleming |

Forgive me, the backstory might be a bit longer then I meant but the muse hit for weaving into this...I think. I hope you all find it to your liking.
As most Tieflings stories begin, he was born in Cheliax. Though it wasn't common for tieflings to become urchins at a young age for fear that their lineage might be able to be traced back to the unfortunate family from who it was spawned. Vincent lived on the street, no having a true name he adopted one from a book he found in the trash. It was a hard life, even for a scamp like Vincent, but he had a break at one point sneaking into the port late one night. He picked a lock and stole himself into a barrel to hide.
It turned out that the ship was bound for Andoran and he wasn't discovered until the cask was broken open in a church of Kugress. The priests were sorely disappointed by the fact that their wine had somehow been replaced with a Tiefling child, but being the good men that they were and thankfully on their third cask at the time he was greeted with laughter and warmth. It was the first time he had been treated kindly in life, and for that matter feeling full. The night passed and in the morning the priests began to question the poor boy about himself. He told them what he felt safe telling them at the time and the priests were kind enough to let him keep his secrets for a while.
He grew up in the church doing what he could to earn his keep. He was a smart and spry lad, taking to lessons well and did his best to learn everything that the various priests could teach him from languages to surviving in the wild. He soaked up everything he could and used it well. They found that his talent with knowledge wasn't the only one he had, a few tests and they found he had a knack for knowing about the arcane, something that was rare outside of those who actually studied it themselves. He was thankful to the priests and the church that took him in and as he became of age he vowed to join their ranks and began studying as an inquisitor for Kurgress. It wasn't often that one chose that path under him but paladinhood just didn't suit him as while was intelligent, he certainly wasn't adept at social situations.
He showed the same passion as always while training to be an inquisitor, putting himself wholly into the role. He had another advantage that came up as he learned and that was the ability to tell how close the reaper had come to others. This would be useful for the days to come. He finished his training and spent another few years in service in the area to pay back his debt but time was coming that he must begin his rite of passage. Those who serve the god must prove themselves in some way and he had honestly yet to do it. But as his friends who raised him began to pass, he felt it was finally time. He gathered up his belongings and settled down in his room in the church. He spread out a map before him and nailed it down. He brought out the offerings to his god and set up a pendulum above the map. He put a candle into the nook and lit it before settling it swinging in a circle. He sat down in silence, burning the incense and waited. His left his test of bravery and challenge up to his god and the first drop of wax was where he would seek out his trial.
The time passed and finally the first drip hit, deep in the snowy lands of Irrisen. He gathered up the coin needed for the trip and headed to the port. He mused about the importance of boats whisking him away in the more importance moments of his life, the trip itself was uneventful across the ocean, up the river and even along the caravan up towards where the wax had indicated. He made the last bit of the trip up to Heldren by foot, testing himself against the world that he world that he would be a part of, it has hard and took up what little supplies he had left leaving him with very little but the gear on his back that wasn't edible. But he finally made it and breathed a sigh of relief, while the cold may not have bothered him so the environment itself was hard to live off of. He spent the last few coins he had left getting a place at the inn to warm up and he began to look for his first trial now that he had arrived, what was in store for him he did not expect....

Darrian Masters Dungeon Maestro |

@ Feth, Shadowrun312: I don't have a deadline in mind at the moment, but I hope for this to be done in about a week or two... maybe three if it gets hectic/interesting. Also, the posting rate is Daily to every other day. I try to keep the pacing as quick as possible without harming roleplaying, so people aren't just sitting around doing nothing for the longest time.
@ Jarred Henninger: I would and I wouldn't except another barbarian... If you make an incredibly enticing character with rich back story, quirky personality, and somehow help the party besides just being a tanky smasher (niche filler/interesting character specialty) then I would consider another barbarian, but for the most part probably not... I'm not trying to be mean or "snooty" when I say that, but if that's what you want to play, then I don't want to get your hopes up if you submit one. However, if you think you can pull it off or you think you would want to play another character, I say go for it and good luck. ^_^
@ ShadowyFox: Sounds interesting.
@ Vincent Fleming: Thanks for getting that down for me.
@ SCKnightHero1: Just clarifying that my players are still level one, though they are very close to leveling up.
Connection with the winter witch? ... Maybe, just clarify with me over a pm please.

Vincent Fleming |

Hmm, I forgot to mention plans for advancement. I do plan on going up the Inquisitor tree pretty much fully, lest there is a moment that might give me a chance to go Grey Warden. However, given the idea for the background of this character. I do plan on alternating between Diplomacy and Intimidate, picking up the local languages, and continuing to pick up all the knowledges (Though not planes, other, or nobility..don't see those being useful in this campaign plus not something Vincent would find much interest in...well maybe a bit in planes but eh)

Wolfgang Rolf |

I've been on hiatus from PBP for a while, but I now find myself with sufficient free time to come back to it.
I'd like to throw my hat in with Brynjar Kilaanti who's an arcane bloodline bloodrager and an all around angry, paranoid guy.
Oh also he's really fun at fun at social gatherings ;p

ToxicDragon |

Here is my rough draft of my winter witch character Pyrrha Snowfrost
Thank you for consideration!

Nickadeamous |

Isavara, half-orc investigator would love to join you.
Isavera stands just over 6 feet tall and weighs just less than 160 pounds. She is tall and lanky and covered in tattoos and piercings. Some are her own doing but most where done by her tribe when she was a child. Her flesh has been decorated for as long as she can remember. In those rare spots that she doesn’t have tattoos, she is heavily scarred from frequent torture sessions. She keeps her hair cropped close and wears clothing of average make.
The result of a brutal union between a human man and an orc woman, Isavara was raised in a savage tribe of orcs and half-orcs. Her mother was punished with banishment from the tribe for failing to resist Isavara’s father. He died several years later during a border skirmish between his village and the orc tribe. She never knew either of them. She was instructed by the half-orcs in the ways of the tribe. She was to be their next shaman, assuming she survived the trials, for even at a young age, even these savages could see the intelligence in her eyes.
Her tribal life was interrupted by a raiding party of slavers. Being less than a teenager, she was easily captured along with numerous others and sold into slavery. She ended up a house servant and plaything for the children. It was a much easier life than the orc tribe, and she was educated and learned much more than she new existed. She was content with this life for a while, but now exposed to so many things, she sought more. She escaped the family’s estate one night when a mysterious fire broke out. She did not wait to see the extent of the fire, she left as soon as she was clear of the property. She spent the next several years as a sewer rat, living off of whatever she could find and stealing the rest. After stealing from a Pathfinder Society member and getting caught, a relationship briefly formed. Apparently, she had potential. She served the society for a few years before “retiring” to focus on her work. She moved north to a small village named Heldren and has lived there for the last 4 years.
Isavera is mostly an outcast…a hermit…a recluse. She earns a meager living creating mundane alchemical items for the town. She is mostly left alone to her own devices, although some times the children gather the courage to get close enough to her hut to see the marked monster.
Female half-orc empiricist investigator 1
CG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +3; Senses Perception +3 (+4 vs. traps)
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13
(+3 Dex, +3 Armor)
Hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +3
Resistances cold 2
Speed 30 ft. [Base 30]
Melee whip +1 (1d3+1/x2) {15 ft.}
Ranged sling +3 (1d4+1/x2) [50 ft.]
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 8 Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Simple Weapon Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Endurance, Additional Traits
Skills 12 ranks [6 class + 5 Int + 1 race +1 favored class]
+7 Acrobatics [1 rank, 3 Dex, 3 class]
+5 Appraise [5 Int]
-2 Bluff [-2 Cha]
+1 Climb [1 Str]
+9 Craft (alchemy) [1 rank, 5 Int, 3 class]
-2 Diplomacy [-2 Cha]
+7 Disable Device [1 rank, 3 Dex, 3 class]
-2 Disguise [-2 Cha]
+7 Escape Artist [1 rank, 3 Dex, 3 class]
+3 Fly [3 Dex]
-1 Heal [-1 Wis]
-2 Intimidate [-2 Cha]
+11 Knowledge (local) [1 rank, 5 Int, 3 class, 2 racial]
+9 Knowledge (nature) [1 rank, 5 Int, 3 class]
+9 Linguistics [1 rank, 5 Int, 3 class]
+3 Perception [1 rank, -1 Wis, 3 class]
-2 Perform [-2 Cha]
+3 Profession [1 rank, -1 Wis, 3 class]
+3 Ride [3 Dex]
-1 Sense Motive [-1 Wis]
+7 Sleight of Hand [1 rank, 3 Dex, 3 class]
+9 Spellcraft [1 rank, 5 Int, 3 class]
+3 Stealth [3 Dex]
-1 Survival [1 rank, -1 Wis, 3 class]
+1 Swim [1 Str]
+2 Use Magic Device [1 rank, -2 Cha, 3 class]
Traits Adopted (Social); Helpful {Halfling} (Race), Fate’s Favored (Faith), Northern Ancestry (Campaign), Armor Master (Regional), Muscle of the Society (Combat)
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Orc
Combat Gear 10 sling stones
Other Gear whip, sling, hide shirt, cold-weather outfit, snow shoes, bandolier x2, backpack {formula book, alchemy crafting kit, scrivener’s kit, trail rations x2, canteen, blanket}, belt pouch {thieves tools}, belt pouch {flint and steel}, belt pouch {compass}, belt pouch {10 sling stones}
Encumbrance Load: 56.5 [0 – 58 Light; 59 – 116 Medium; 117 – 150 Heavy]
Alchemist Spells Prepared (CL: 1st)
1st – endure elements, shield x2
Formula Book
1st – crafter’s fortune, cure light wounds, detect secret doors, endure elements, firebelly, shield, true strike
Special Abilities
Alchemy Add investigator level to craft (alchemy) checks; identify potions with
City-Raised proficient with whips and longswords, +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (local) checks.
Inspiration add 1d6 on Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft checks; inspiration pool ½ investigator level + Int mod (5); spend 2 points to add to attack rolls and saving throws.
Sacred Tattoo gain +1 luck bonus on all saving throws.
Shaman’s Apprentice gain Endurance as a bonus feat.
Skilled gain 1 additional skill rank per level.
Trapfinding +1 to Perception and Disable Device against traps; can disarm magical traps.
Weapon Proficiencies investigators are proficient with hand crossbows, rapiers, saps, short bows, short swords, and sword canes. City-raised half-orcs are proficient with whips and long swords.

El Ronza |

El Ronza wrote:Would you disallow multiple submissions? Turns out I have a lot of ideas floating around, but if you'd prefer one submission per person, I'm cool with that. =)Please, only one submission per person. Thanks ^_^
That's fine. Just means I need to 'murder my darlings', so to speak! Hmm, what to choose, what to choose...

Mowque |

Raseri Whitescale wrote:Given I'm Australian, I think Thunderdome would be more appropriate...I suggest using a Highlander style tournament to determine the winner.
This is the Barbarian in the game, by the way. Currently suffering from hypothermia and dripping wet.
Can't we get Beyond Thunderdome?

El Ronza |

Sorry, My roots are Scotch-Irish, so I have a predilection for that sort of thing. :)
That said, you could also settle things like Horatio and Olivius did. >:D
Ye gods, no! Why would you even bring that up again? :P (BTW, Horatio totally won that.)
GM, I'm currently working on a hunter, tossing up between wolf and weasel for the animal companion. Would you allow the primal companion hunter archetype? I understand if you decide not to; the potential shenanigans are certainly immense.

Samuel Soulkeeper |

This is Samuel Soulkeeper. He is a human born from a Taldan soldier and a northern mother.
He got orphan at an early age and learned to survive in the Border Wood and all the secrets of Gunsmithing from a half-crazy dwarf. Thus, he became a musket master gunslinger member of the High Sentinels in the Border Wood.
A complete background and personality, as well as crunch, can be found on Samuel's profile. I have focused him on being strong with skills, and I plan to take 1 level on rogue for Trapfinding and further strengthen him as a skillmonkey and a silvertongue if needed. I feel that will fit good with his orphan life background and the character crunch. He is already good at finding traps thanks to his high Perception.
If you are not fond of firearms I can slightly tweak him to use crossbows instead.

Darrian Masters Dungeon Maestro |

@ El Ronza: I think I will allow the archetype... I think it fits the setting very well actually.
@ Wolfgang Rolf: Good luck to you too.
@ Samuel Soulkeeper: The firearms are fine, just know that if you are selected, you may not find many things related to firearms within the AP... until later or I add them. Most of what you are using you are probably going to make... though a discount would be in order in some cases for building such items. Good luck!
edit: @ Olmek: You're fine. I don't have an official due date yet.

WabbitHuntr |

I would like to float my idea by you to see if this would be something acceptable.
I would like to play a Skinwalker (10 RP)
Go to Skinwalker..
I think a Polar Bear Monk/Druid would be INCREDIBLE to play!
So many ideas floating in my head right now. But I wanted to make sure something like this would be acceptable before spending time on it.
Your thoughts?

Calli McDaniel |
Throwing up this character for consideration! I think everything relevant is both here and on the profile itself, but feel free to let me know if you have any questions or if I've forgotten something.
Calli McDaniel
Female Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +4
Favored Class Alchemist
1st - 1 Skill Point
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex)
HP 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0; +2 insight bonus vs mind-affecting effects
Speed 30 ft.
Dagger +1 (1d4+1/19-20)
Longspear +1 (1d8+1/×3)
Bomb +4 (1d6+3 Fire)
Shortbow +3 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks
Bomb 4/day (1d6+3 fire, DC 13)
Alchemist (Grenadier) Extracts Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st — Adhesive Spittle, Cure Light Wounds, Heightened Awareness, Monkeyfish, Targeted Bomb Admixture
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Martial Weapon Proficiency (Shortbow)
Point-Blank Shot
Steadfast Personality
Throw Anything
Failed Winter Witch Apprentice
Meticulous Concoction
Talented Organizer
Craft: Alchemy +7; +8 to create alchemical items (1 rank, 3 class, 3 Int; 1 alchemy)
Heal +4 (1 rank, 3 class)
Knowledge: Arcana +8 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 Int, 1 trait)
Knowledge: Nature +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 Int)
Perception +4 (1 rank, 3 class)
Sense Motive +5 (1 rank, 3 class, 1 trait)
Sleight of Hand +7 (1 rank, 3 class, 3 Dex)
Spellcraft +7; +8 to identify spells or magical effects with the cold descriptor (1 rank, 3 class, 3 Int; 1 trait)
Use Magic Device +6 (1 rank, 3 class, 2 Cha)
Languages Common, Elven, Halfling, Hallit
Other Gear Leather Armor, Arrows (20), Alchemist's Kit, Artisan's Tools, Hemp Rope (50 ft.), Wrist Sheath, 10 gp, 5 sp
Special Abilities
Alchemy +1 (Su) +1 to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Mutagen (DC 13) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a physical & -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 nat. armor for 10 minutes.
Originally known as Karina Denikin, Calli was born in the small town of Dalun in the Irrisen province of Wintercrux. Blessed with a sharp mind and a quick wit, she quickly caught the attention of the White Witches, who approached her family with the desire to take her on as a witch's apprentice. Initially, her parents were proud to have their daughter be chosen as a prospective White Witch and quite happily handed her over for training. Over time however, her father came to regret this decision. As the town of Dalun bordered the neighboring Lands of the Linnorm Kings, it was one of the few settlements that saw much contact with the world beyond Irrisen's borders. Through bits and pieces picked up from traders and travelers, it gradually dawned on him that there was the possibility for a better life out there - for his daughter and for himself. Rather than watch her training and association with the White Witches slowly taint her soul, Karina's father took a great risk and stole away with her in the night, his only initial plan to run as far as they could from Irrisen. Perhaps if they ran far enough, the witches would not be able to find them.
Eighteen years later and half a world away, Karina Denikin now lives in the small Taldan village of Heldren as Calli McDaniel. Even though she was never able to complete her apprenticeship as a witch, she maintained both her aptitude and interest in all things arcane. Though her father made her swear that she would never return to the ways of witchery, he did encourage her interest in alchemy as form of honest, productive work. Over the years, Calli grew skilled as an alchemist and even gained proficiency in mixing concoctions to mimic the effects of arcane spells as well as small spheres that she could throw and detonate to spectacular effect. Currently, she makes her living working in the town's apothecary shop though on occasion she lends use of her 'bombs' to aid in the town's defense against the occasional errant beast or creature.
Though she has not seen her homeland since the age of seven, Calli has never forgotten it. Since leaving, she has learned much of how the outside world views Irrisen and the White Witches that govern it. Realizing that the nation has been caught in a centuries-old stranglehold by the witches, Calli's heart aches for the plight of the citizens that yet live there...including her mother, should she still live. As a result, she has taken comfort in the faith of Milani, the Everbloom and the hope of a brighter day for those oppressed that the goddess offers. She's not sure if she will ever be able to return to Irrisen or to make a difference there, but she is bound and determined to eventually leave Heldren and set forth for anywhere that she might make a difference.
Kindhearted but with a sarcastic streak a mile long. Though part of her sarcasm is a true facet of her personality, anyone who gets to know her very well or is a good judge of people will likely recognize it to be as much a defense mechanism as anything else; one of her ways of dealing with the difficulties of life and her past. Amusingly enough, she herself is a surprisingly shrewd judge of the character and motivations of others.
Standing a petite 5'2", Calli is 25 years old. She wears her strawberry blonde hair cut short in order to keep it out of her way when she works on her alchemical projects. Bottles and vials always hang from a belt around her waist and the pungent odor of herbs mixed with the acrid scent of black powder lingers around her.
This is more or less what she looks like.

Ellipsis |

As promised, here is the background for my submission, I have reposed the stats below for reference.
Wyln grew up in the slums of Oppara, the jewel in Taldor's tarnished and moldering crown, and in so doing developed an intense dislike of poverty. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on one's worldview), the only opportunities available to him were of a less than legal nature, but Wyln embraced them wholeheartedly. He started off distracting marks for the older children before graduating to bigger and more complex crimes.
The life of crime treated Wyln well, keeping his belly, and his purse, full. Six months ago he was considered a rising star in the Oppara thieves guild, a safe-cracker with a string of successful jobs behind him and (presumably) many more ahead. That's when things went wrong.
He took a job, a big one, with a gang of thieves he knew only by reputation. Everything went smoothly at first, they infiltrated the target mansion and made it all the way to the strongbox in its owner's bedroom; then the maid walked in. His comrades wanted to kill her, Wyln didn't. There was a scuffle and the maid got away, but one of Wyln's companions ended up with a knife in the gut.
Given the circumstances, Wyln decided his best option was to run, and keep running. He has burned through most of his savings and crossed most of Taldor, bringing him to the village of Heldren.
Wyln Fitch:N Male Human
Bard - Archeologist (UC) 1Stats
STR 10
DEX 16
CON 13
INT 12
WIS 10
CHA 16 + 2 = 18Defense
HP 9 (8+1)
AC 16
Resist Cold 4Saves (Base + Stat Bonus + Other Bonuses)
FORT 0 + 1 + 1 = +2
REFL 2 + 3 + 0 = +5
WILL 2 + 0 + 0 = +2Skills (Ranks + Stat Bonus + Class Skill Bonus + Other Bonuses)
[CHA] Bluff
1 + 4 + 3 + 0 = +8
[DEX] Disable Device
1 + 3 + 3 + 1 = +8
[CHA] Diplomacy
1 + 4 + 3 + 0 = +8
[INT] Knowledge (Arcana)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Engineering)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Geography)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (History)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Local)
1 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 6
[INT] Knowledge (Nature)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Nobility)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Planes)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Knowledge (Religion)
0 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 2
[INT] Linguistics
1 + 1 + 3 + 0 = +5
[WIS] Perception
1 + 0 + 3 + 0 = +4
[WIS] Sense Motive
1 + 0 + 3 + 0 = +4
[INT] Spellcraft
1 + 1 + 3 + 0 = +5
[DEX] Stealth
1 + 3 + 3 + 0 = +7Languages
SylvanClass Features
Bardic Knowledge (+1)
Archaeologist’s Luck (+1) (4 + 4 = 8 rounds/day)Feats
Arcane Strike
Weapon FinesseTraits
Northern Ancestry (RWPG)
Criminal - Disable Device (ULC)
Unscathed (ULC)Favored Class Bonuses
+1 Skill RankSpells Known
Cantrips (4)
Detect Magic
Resistance1st Level (2)
Hideous Laughter
Vanish (APG)Equipment & Money
4 GPRapier
Daggers (2)
Shortbow (20 Arrows)
Studded LeatherWizard's Kit (UE)
Belt Pouch
Flint and Steel
Iron Pot
Mess Kit
Spell Component Pouch
Torches (10)
Trail Rations (5 days)

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@ Dylos: I am not entirely familiar with the unchained versions of classes as I have not gotten the book yet, though I have skimmed over the d20pfsrd. I will allow it for now, but will get back to you, K?
No problem at all, just keep in mind that the unchained rogue is strictly an improvement over the normal rogue.
Also, I'm having trouble coming up with a name. I do have an alias I could potentially reuse for her name, though I'm unsure of how I feel about that. Standard Kitsune use Japanese names, but unless her human form appeared to be of Tien descent, such a name wouldn't make sense, additionally Kitsune don't often like to introduce themselves as the same thing every time, so a monkier might be preferable over a name.
The alias I could possibly repurpose for the Kitsune is Lies which is both a (rare) nickname for Elizabeth and something most rogues do quite often. But that alias comes with the joke of introducing oneself as "Elizabeth Verity" hence lies truth.
I need to think more about why a Kitsune is even in Taldor.