Shalelu Andosana

Grimkell son of Ogmundr's page

542 posts. Alias of TheCelticCircle.


Green faith.

About Grimkell son of Ogmundr


Stat block:

Male Sylph Skald
N Medium Native outsider
Favored Class: Skald
Init: +2
Senses: Darkvision 60’, -2 perception.
AC 19 (+2 Dex, +5 armor, +2 shield) | Touch: 12 | Flat Footed: 17 +2 vs non-magical missiles.
HP 10 | Con: 12/12
Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +2, +5 vs cold weather
Resistances: Cold: 2 | Electricity: 5
CMD: 14
Speed: 20’
BAB: +0
Yuln's longsword(c.i.) +2 (1d8+2, 19-20 x2).

Javelin(3) +2 (1d6+2, x2; range 30)

CMB: + 2
Str: 14 | Dex: 14 (+2 from race) | Con: 12 (-2 from race) | Int: 14 (+2 from race) | Wis: 7 | Cha: 16

Feats: Iron will.

Traits: Savant, Northern ancestry.

Escape artist.......... -4
Sense motive.........-2

Raging song: 6 rd.

Languages:Taldan, Auran, Skald, Hallit.


Spells per day:
Level 1: 3/3

Spell known:
Level 0
Detect magic, Ghost sound, Know direction, Mending, Read Magic.

Level 1
Cure light wounds (dc 15), Nature's path.In the future: feather step, remove fear, saving finale,



1) Take shield, start Inspire Rage vs strong opponents/demoralize (intimidate) weak enemy.
2) Unsheath sword while moving, move to flank, attack.
3) Go on attacking until it drops or until ally is dropped.
4) Happy victory or possible escape.


At first glance, it is hard to tell whether Grimkell is a woman or a really effeminate man. His gait seems to suggest the later, and has soon as he presents himself, in an androgynous voice, as Grimkell SON of Ogmundr, no more doubts can be present.

Grimkell’s most notorious feature is an air of unnatural beauty (in an androgynous way) that leaves some men uncomfortable. His hair is blond, half of it is combed into four braids, and the rest tied to the braids by a ring. This mane flows down to the middle of his shoulders. As for his eyes, they have a deep blue hue and an oversize iris which gives then an eldritch intensity.

Grimkell’s face is always stern, yet a glow can be seen in his eyes, a smile. His dourness usually disappears as soon as he starts discussion with people.

Background for other players:

Grimkell is a young man who often visits Heldren to get supplies and sell furs. He usually stops at the local tavern to talk with the people there, telling stories of great Viking warriors defeating linnorns or witches, and going to Valhalla.

It is also well known that Grimkell often travels to the World’s Edge mountains where he hunts and lives in the mountains.

Finaly, Grimkell is usually found with an ancient Ulfen man whow he calls his father (although the age difference seems to make it highly unlikely).

Secret! Shhhhhh:

Grimkell is actually a woman disguising as a man, more information on that to be found in the background section.

General personality:

Summary: stern but easily swayed to laugh deeply and loudly.

Grimkell has adopted the stern nature of his father. However, the blood of air elementals causes him to easily change mood due the slightest events. It is not unlikely to see Grimkell approaching people with a menacing expression, slapping them in the back, saluting them, and laughing loudly.

Grimkell is unlike most sylph in that he does not show a will to manipulate people. Although he once had this instinct, his low ability to notice details (such as emotions and states of mind due to a very low wisdom) led to a number of failed attempts. Since then, he has learned to use his charisma to inspire people, and as such, is fulfilling some of the urges that lie in his blood. However, he does not seek to bend people to his will, he only wishes for everyone to become heroes; as such he tries to inspire people to accomplish great deeds.

Grimkell’s sylph heritage is betrayed by his curiosity and inquisitive nature. Lacking in subtlety, his meddlesome nature is usually expressed by asking many questions and sometimes looking through people’s belongings.

Grimkell’s pet peeve is to be called a woman; he hates that and will always confront the person whom insulted him so.


Grimkell was born in Irrisen from a renowned druid named Ogmundr and a dissident witch on the winter solstice. That day, a great storm was blowing. Many though it was a sign, and they were right. The union of the druid and the witch allowed their elemental blood to flare up in the baby and create a sylph. At birth, the baby girl’s body was covered with strange-looking marks that resembled the blowing wind.

Giving birth proved too much for the woman and she died. In the following years, Ogmundr took good care of his daughter, hiding the nature of her heritage from everyone but more particularly from the witches; it was said that a sylph would prove to be a powerful witch and the Jadwiga would have stolen her if her race was discovered.

Yet, some Jadwiga did come to know of his existence and sent witches to take care of bringing Grimkell back. The Jadwiga underestimated the strength of Ogmundr who slew the witches and escaped Irrisen with Grimkell and his closest warriors.

Many witches were sent in their pursuit, but Ogmundr and his men would always win. After a few years, only Ogmundr and Grimkell remained. Many decades later, the father and his daughter arrived in Taldor where they settled in the mountains.

Through all her traveling years, Grimkell heard many stories of Nordic male heroes defeating evil female witches. The stories were always spoken by her father, who was a LoreKeeper. This coupled with growing up amongst men gave her the will to be a man. Told by her father that a real man was made from deeds, not birth, she strived to appear like a man. In the end, she got the hang of it. This made her father really happy since he had always wanted a boy.

Growing up, Grimkell realized that she did not want to be the main hero of a tale, she wanted to be the the Skald, the one who came back to tell the tale and immortalize the dead. Moreover, she wanted to spur people to become heroes, rise up from the masses and defeat powerful enemies.

As the years passed, Ogmundr grew old (111) and passed away in the mountain. As a last gift, he bequeathed two gifts to his daughter. The first was a book of tales from the north. The second was an acorn, which, he told her, would need to be planted in the soil of Irrisen. He did not explain why.



Cold weather outfit (+5 vs cold weather) ... 7 lbs … [free]
Scale mail (+3/4/-1/15%).......................... 30 lbs … [50 gp]
Heavy wooden shield (+2/-/-2/15%) ........ 10 lbs … [7 gp]
Longsword ................................................. 4 lbs … [5 gp]
Javelins (3), range 30’ ............................... 6 lbs … [3 gp]
Lyre ........................................................... 3 lbs. … [5 gp]
Backpack .................................................. 2 lbs. … [2 gp]
Bedroll....................................................... 5 lbs. … [1 sp]
Blanket, winter .......................................... 3 lbs. … [5 sp]
Fishhook ..................................................................[1 sp]
Flint and steel .................................................... … [1 gp]
Rations:4 .....................................................2 lbs ...[2 gp]
Weigth: 72 /59/117
28 gp, 3 sp


Sylph (Ulfen) Outsider with native subtype.
+2 dexterity, +2 intelligence, -2 constitution
Normal speed:30’
Darkvision: 60’
Energy resistance: Electricity(5).
Languages: Taldan (common), Auran (race).

Weather Savvy: Some sylphs are so in tune with the air and sky that they can sense the slightest change in atmospheric conditions. Sylphs with this trait can spend a full-round action to predict the weather in an area for the next 24 hours. The sylph's prediction is always accurate, but cannot account for spells or supernatural effects that might alter the forecast. This racial trait replaces the sylph's spell-like ability racial trait

Breeze-Kissed Breezes seem to follow most sylphs wherever they go, but some sylphs are better able to control these winds than others. A Sylph with this racial trait surrounds herself with swirling winds, gaining a +2 racial bonus to AC against non-magical ranged attacks. The Sylph can calm or renew these winds as a swift action. Once per day, the Sylph can channel this wind into a single gust, making a bull rush or trip combat maneuver attempt against one creature within 30 feet. Whether or not the attempt succeeds, the winds are exhausted and no longer provide a bonus to the sylph's AC for 24 hours. This is a supernatural ability. This racial trait replaces air affinity.


BAB: +0
Saves: +2/0/+2

Armor proficiency:
A skald is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armor, and shields (except tower shields). A skald can cast skald spells while wearing light or medium armor and even using a shield without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. This does not affect the arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes. Like other arcane spellcasters, a skald wearing heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has somatic components.

Bardic knowledge:
A skald adds half his class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

  • Bardic performance: 6rd/day (1+2/lvl + cha).
    Starting a raging song is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. A raging song cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the skald is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action each round to maintain it. A raging song counts as the bard's bardic performance special ability for any effect that affects bardic performances. A skald may learn bard masterpieces.

    A raging song has audible components, but not visual components. Affected allies must be able to hear the skald for the song to have any effect. A deaf skald has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use a raging song. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts against his daily limit. Deaf creatures are immune to raging songs.
    If a raging song affects allies, when the skald begins a raging song and at the start of each ally's turn in which they can hear the raging song, the skald's allies must decide whether to accept or refuse its effects. This is not an action. Unconscious allies automatically accept the song. If accepted, the raging song's effects last for that ally's turn or until the song ends, whichever comes first.
    At 7th level, a skald can start a raging song as a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level, a skald can start a raging song as a swift action instead.

    -Inspired Rage (Su)
     At 1st level, affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of inspired rage, allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, orIntelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the song's bonuses on Will saves increase by 1; the penalty to AC doesn't change. At 8th and 16th levels, the song's bonuses toStrength and Constitution increase by 2. (Unlike the barbarian's rage ability, those affected are not fatigued after the song ends.)
    If an ally has her own rage class ability (such as barbarian's rage, bloodrager's bloodrage, or skald's inspired rage), she may use the Strength,Constitution, and Will saving throw bonuses, as well as AC penalties, based on her own ability and level instead of those from the skald (still suffering no fatigue afterward). However, inspired rage does not allow the ally to activate abilities dependent on other rage class abilities, such asrage powers, blood casting, or bloodrager bloodlines; the ally must activate her own rage class ability in order to use these features.

    Scribe scroll: At 1st level, a skald gains Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.

  • Favored class bonuses:

    Hp: 1
    Sp :


    Northern ancestry
    One of your parents came from the North, and the tales of the frozen lands at the top of the world that you grew up listening to excited your imagination. Alternatively, maybe one of your ancestors passed on the blood of some frost-rimed creature. You feel most alive during the chill of winter, and as a child, you spent hours playing in the snow. You rarely feel the cold, and you’ve always had a restless longing to travel north. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves, as well as cold resistance 2; this resistance does not stack with cold resistance gained from any other source.

    Savant: From a very young age, the ability to master performance types has come quite naturally to you.
    Benefit: Chose a performance type (Oratory). You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Perform checks made using that performance type. Perform is always a class skill for you.

    Iron will:You get a +2 bonus on all Will saving throws.

    Detailed skills:

    Acrobatics....................-4......2......0......0......-6(armor + shield)
    Climb............................-4......2......0......0......-6(armor + shield)

    Escape artist................-4......2.......0......0......-6(armor + shield)
    Knowledge(Geo)............3......2......0......0......+1 class
    Knowledge(Hist)............6......2......1......3......+1 class
    Knowledge(Local)..........3......2......0......0......+1 class
    Knowledge(Nature)........3......2......0......0......+1 class
    Knowledge(Planes)........3......2......0......0......+1 class
    Profession (Tanner)......2.......-2.....1.....3
    Ride..............................-4......2......0...... 0......-6(armor + shield)
    Sense motive...............-2......-2......0......0......
    Stealth..........................-4......2.......0..... 0......-6(armor + shield)
    Swim............................-4......2.......0...... 0......-6(armor + shield)


    Age: 71;