Rerednaw |
As an update.
FYI, my Rogue (Unchained Halfling Rogue Scout with Elven Curve Blade) just played his first session in Rise of the Runelords.
In sequence:
Failed to detect trap.
Failed reflex save when trap went off.
Tried to disarm trap, 7 rounds, almost got killed.
Failed to detect second trap.
Failed reflex save and fell down pit.
Triggered boss encounter (trap going off warned them.)
Hit wounded foe and then:
Critted by boss and then negative channeled to death.
Heh my luck with rogues in Pathfinder continues...

Rynjin |

If you post your build we could perform an autopsy and see where things might have gone south for you.
(Unchained Halfling Rogue Scout with Elven Curve Blade)
Halfling Rogue Scout with Elven Curve
Rogue Scout with Elven
Once more!
Good job men, we found the problem.

Ryzoken |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Ryzoken wrote:If you post your build we could perform an autopsy and see where things might have gone south for you.Quote:(Unchained Halfling Rogue Scout with Elven Curve Blade)Enhance.
Quote:Halfling Rogue Scout with Elven CurveEnhance!
Quote:Rogue Scout with ElvenOnce more!
Quote:RogueGood job men, we found the problem.
The witness clearly states the rogue involved was of the Unchained variety and thus the possibility of non suckage does exist. I move to strike the preceding remark from the record as it is prejudicial in the extreme.
Orfamay Quest |

Rynjin wrote:Ryzoken wrote:If you post your build we could perform an autopsy and see where things might have gone south for you.Quote:(Unchained Halfling Rogue Scout with Elven Curve Blade)Enhance.
Quote:Halfling Rogue Scout with Elven CurveEnhance!
Quote:Rogue Scout with ElvenOnce more!
Quote:RogueGood job men, we found the problem.OBJECTION!!!
The witness clearly states the rogue involved was of the Unchained variety and thus the possibility of non suckage does exist. I move to strike the preceding remark from the record as it is prejudicial in the extreme.
Overruled. Counsel's objection goes to weight, not to admissibility. If counsel thinks that he can support such a transparently unlikely and manifestly implausible theory, he has the opportunity to cross-examine.

Orfamay Quest |

considering the HALFLING ROGUE failed several important reflex saves, i'd say sh*t dice played a roll... pun not intended.
Not really. If you're relying on luck to keep you alive when you're doing manifestly dangerous things, then it's not Lady Luck's fault when you die.
Any plan that involves the phrase "... and hope I roll well" is not an actual plan. And one of the major weaknesses of the rogue is that that phrase is involved in almost every (pseudo-)plan.

Bandw2 |

Bandw2 wrote:considering the HALFLING ROGUE failed several important reflex saves, i'd say sh*t dice played a roll... pun not intended.Not really. If you're relying on luck to keep you alive when you're doing manifestly dangerous things, then it's not Lady Luck's fault when you die.
Any plan that involves the phrase "... and hope I roll well" is not an actual plan. And one of the major weaknesses of the rogue is that that phrase is involved in almost every (pseudo-)plan.
can you fail a save on a 1? because i mean rogues shouldn't be losing reflex saves, they should have dex and good save bonus for days.
also, i think the trap he failed actually murdered a bloodrager in my game, decided to attack the boss behind that iron grate (by trying to sunder the gate) and just got nommed by the blades and then dropped.

Kudaku |

Just to air out the possibility that just this once it might not be a rogue problem: Low level play can be notoriously swingy. The only pit traps I can remember running into in Rise of the Runelords take place at ~level 2. The party can expect to be ~level 3 when they run into the channeling boss encounter.
At that point most character builds are still highly reliant on good/not bad rolls - you don't have the sheer range of modifiers to make the dice outcome irrelevant yet. Since we're talking about a curve blade (high dex) halfling (higher dex) rogue (high reflex, danger sense?) failing not particularly hard reflex saves vs traps, odds are he was rolling below average.
Though on the bright side it sounds like you're now free to make and play something you really want to play! Don't be afraid to make a new thread here once you've figured out what that is. :)

Orfamay Quest |

Just to air out the possibility that just this once it might not be a rogue problem: Low level play can be notoriously swingy.
... which is why real plans involve contingencies and safety precautions, not merely pious dreams about good rolls. If we're specifically talking about pit traps, the safest way to disarm those is with an eidolon. And we're back to "play a class that doesn't have to rely on `hope' to survive at low levels."

Kudaku |

Kudaku wrote:Just to air out the possibility that just this once it might not be a rogue problem: Low level play can be notoriously swingy.... which is why real plans involve contingencies and safety precautions, not merely pious dreams about good rolls. If we're specifically talking about pit traps, the safest way to disarm those is with an eidolon. And we're back to "play a class that doesn't have to rely on `hope' to survive at low levels."
He specifically said he failed both perception checks to find the traps. It's hard to make a plan with contingencies and safety precautions when you fail the perception roll to realize you need a plan in the first place.

Orfamay Quest |

Orfamay Quest wrote:He specifically said he failed both perception checks to find the traps. It's hard to make a plan with contingencies and safety precautions when you fail the perception roll to realize you need a plan in the first place.Kudaku wrote:Just to air out the possibility that just this once it might not be a rogue problem: Low level play can be notoriously swingy.... which is why real plans involve contingencies and safety precautions, not merely pious dreams about good rolls. If we're specifically talking about pit traps, the safest way to disarm those is with an eidolon. And we're back to "play a class that doesn't have to rely on `hope' to survive at low levels."
Not that hard.
"The eidolon walks in front, because if he triggers a trap, he won't die. I'll just take another minute to re-summon him later."

Bandw2 |

I made and am playing an unchained rogue as well, i haven't gotten into combat yet, but i did manage to steal from 2 players(only to put the items back) and used the heal skill to actually heal hit-points with the heal skill's unlock.
10/10 would steal from friendlies again.
though she does appear to be somewhat combat effective(from a to-hit and average damage stand point), but only due to house rules. she's a Kobold who went with TWF with finessed fists using dragon style and is using the scout archetype and is built mostly as an actual scout, in a few levels i'll have flight(Ex) and then i should handle most things well.
Party doesn't have a good caster though and i considered playing one (i'm the only one who really knows how to end encounters as a full caster in the group), but i just wanted to try out the rogue.
question though, with good intelligence (rolled stats), would taking a drawback be worth it to add use magic device to my character's repertuar. don't suppose i'll use it for more than cure light wounds and what not for right now though,

Bandw2 |

Kudaku wrote:Orfamay Quest wrote:He specifically said he failed both perception checks to find the traps. It's hard to make a plan with contingencies and safety precautions when you fail the perception roll to realize you need a plan in the first place.Kudaku wrote:Just to air out the possibility that just this once it might not be a rogue problem: Low level play can be notoriously swingy.... which is why real plans involve contingencies and safety precautions, not merely pious dreams about good rolls. If we're specifically talking about pit traps, the safest way to disarm those is with an eidolon. And we're back to "play a class that doesn't have to rely on `hope' to survive at low levels."Not that hard.
"The eidolon walks in front, because if he triggers a trap, he won't die. I'll just take another minute to re-summon him later."
failed perception to know it was there too, but what evs.

Rerednaw |
If you post your build we could perform an autopsy and see where things might have gone south for you.
Mouse (deceased)
20 point buy, 3rd level. 5k wealth. Core +Unchained. A few non-Core exceptions per GM fiat (such as Scout archetype).
Unchained Rogue.
str 12(bump to 13 for Power Attack later)
dex 17
con 14
int 10
wis 13
cha 10
Key Skills: Perception +10 Disable +12 Stealth +12
AC: 18, HP 24.
Traits: Giant Slayer (campaign), Reactionary.
Feats: EWP Elven Curve Blade, Iron Will.
Fort +4 Ref +7 Will +5
Rogue Talent: Trap Spotter. Auto roll to spot trap if within 10 feet. (kind of silly as Perception interaction rules already give you a Perception check, but left no room for rules debate/table variation.)
Combat Gear: Handy Haversack, Wand CLW, Mithral Chain Shirt, MW Elven Curve Blade, Everburning Crystal Phial. (as torch, refluffed as that phial from that book/movie).
Plus lots of mundane and alchemical gear.
+7 vs. AC 1d8+4 18-20x2.
Party of 5.
Elf Wiz (diviner)
Human Cleric of Desna (support)
Halfling 2H fighter
Half-Orc Reach Fighter
Mouse (my rogue).
I knew the double portcullis by statues screamed trap. But my PC did not know this, so he followed his typical careful scouting routine. After triggering the first trap, he tried to evade with a reflex, which failed. The GM suggested Total Defense, which did nothing as he was hit anyway. He then threw a crowbar at his party and tried to Disable the trap. 2d4 rounds, rolled 7 rounds for time. The party tried and failed to budge the portcullis and then to sunder the statue weapons.
After the second round, the second trap, a pit opened at his feet. Mouse also failed to spot this trap, and also failed the reflex save.
After getting out and healed, the boss fight started. Mouse opened a door that had a angry severely wounded Hobgoblin brhind it, plus boss, plus 2 Yeth Hounds. Bosses minions opened with baying which feared the party wiz, twice. Cleric removed fear on the wiz, and took after her she failed the second will save. Mouse just barely going before the Hobgobble, got a sneak in which dropped the previouslu injured foe and then fell back.
The party fell back to a superior tactical position and the fight began in earnest. Mouse lasted about 2 rounds as he was critted by the boss on the 2nd round. The boss then negative channeled twice, tried to escape via Obscuring Mist which she defensively cast successfully, but was hit through the concealment by the fighters. Mouse died after the second channel. The wiz was dragged back by the cleric, ran away again but was only 1 round away when the fear wore off so was able to enter the fight. She spammed Magic Missiles via her wand. Cleric supported party until he dropped (was either a hit or channel, forget which offhand). But the 2 fighters and the wiz managed to take the boss out before any major casualties of a permanent nature. The DR of the hounds proved troublesome as only 1 person had a silver weapon.

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The sequence includes a bunch of really bad rolls from Roll20. Nothing above a 5, at one point, IIRC, from Mouse.
I don't think Mouse would have been hit on the second round, if he had continued the Total Defense, and I think I would have ruled it as a bonus to his Reflex, in this case, when the floor dropped out.
She attacked Mouse because he had whacked her hardest of everyone, and where everyone was placed.
She didn't channel, because she preferred melee first, until she was trying to open her escape route. Unfortunately, while the Cleric had stabilized Mouse, he didn't want to heal him while the BBEG was adjacent to him. Probably a wise choice, but it backfired when the Cleric went down on the first Channel.
Now, if Aeris had moved, or been more amenable to being hit, she probably wouldn't have Channeled. Unfortunately, Aeris is one of those high AC builds, so she needed something like a 16 on the die (or was it a 19?) to hit him. Then another PC came and locked her in place. She was looking to drop either of those two, so she could get back some maneuvering room. Unfortunately, Mouse and the Cleric suffered for it.
I dunno, Diviner Wizard seems to have some issues. Always going in the surprise round is nice, if you have something worth going in that round FOR, besides not getting caught flatfooted. Spamming a CL1 wand of MM at 3rd level just seems a bit ... weak, to me, and that despite having a PC who did just that during a scenario.
@Rerednaw: Ah, well, the PCs are locked into a room for a rest, since they burned a lot of resources, and your replacement PC, whatever he might turn out to be, will be 4th level with standard WbL, 6K gp.
@Orfamay: I had a choice between 4 players and allowing animal companions, followers, eidolons, ettc,; or a 5 player party without. I chose 5 player.
Also, with classes limited to Core, for the most part, eidolons are few and far between.
Now, the party could try the Summon Monster trick, but 3 or 4 rounds duration doesn't help much.

Cavall |
Bandw2 wrote:considering the HALFLING ROGUE failed several important reflex saves, i'd say sh*t dice played a roll... pun not intended.Not really. If you're relying on luck to keep you alive when you're doing manifestly dangerous things, then it's not Lady Luck's fault when you die.
Any plan that involves the phrase "... and hope I roll well" is not an actual plan. And one of the major weaknesses of the rogue is that that phrase is involved in almost every (pseudo-)plan.
Considering that you have to roll dice in this game, your comment is faulty. You're always dependant upon luck. His luck was bad.
Failing 2 saves and two failed disarms and getting crit? All bad luck and having no reflection upon the class. Considering him falling down the pit started a fight I don't think there's much in the way of planning you can do. You're in a pit.
I would ask the player to buy Dice Unchained. His current ones suck.

Rerednaw |
Well, normally my solution is to hedge my bets. Like, how to minimize the impact of bad rolls or if possible increase opportunity for re-rolls (time oracle, saving finale, etc...). But with mostly core, at low level, I am at a loss.
So we rolled no higher than a 5, okay, so shoot for somehow making that a success or is assuming 75-80% success rate for a trained professional in his area of expertise unreasonable? :D
Or I suppose my other option is avoid rolls for success and just roll extent of success, i.e. roll damage lol. :D
We are 5 20 point buys in an AP for 4 15 point buys. Even with below average luck or average play I do not think he should have made such a poor showing. Maybe we could have done things differently, maybe not. And I thought tactics-wise we did pretty well.
The Total Defense was only defending vs. a trap, it would not have helped in the boss fight, not that he had a chance to do so. I considered fighting defensively...but the last thing a rogue needs is another attack penalty. And it would not have stopped the crit in any case. :D Plus his AC was 18, not awesome but not horrific for 3rd level.
I suppose the Wiz could have tried a Color Spray...but the BBEG was a cleric and higher level (we also found out she had with magic gear to boost her saves). And that meant the Wiz would have been in channel range. I don't think staying back was a bad decision. I mean she survived and half the party that closed with the BBEG dropped. :)
Well on the bright side, I can work on a new concept.

Drogos |
If you pulled all that
Bad rolls did not help, but heck, even if you had been a Barbarian for example, how many HPs would you have? You weren't likely to do much better in many other situations. I assume most of your commentary was tongue in cheek, but if you want auto-success perhaps a video game is a better time to enjoy.

Rerednaw |
If you pulled all that
** spoiler omitted **
Bad rolls did not help, but heck, even if you had been a Barbarian for example, how many HPs would you have? You weren't likely to do much better in many other situations. I assume most of your commentary was tongue in cheek, but if you want auto-success perhaps a video game is a better time to enjoy.
Well first, a barbarian would have lived. :)
And with 20-20 hindsight I can think of any number of things that would have worked better. But basically, I am used to a 25% overall success rate in Pathfinder with Rogues...well before they all died anyway :).
I was hoping for constructive positive feedback on how to improve that success rate. I know bad luck is part of the game...I personally feel it should not be dominating the game, i.e. planning and preparedness handle the majority and leave as little to chance as possible. If that is what you call video game auto-success, we agree to disagree sir. I am playing Pathfinder with a 'big darn heroes mentality'...if I want losing to be fun, then there is always Dwarf Fortress :)

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Due to positioning, the door he had to run away through led to the temple, with the two Yeth Hounds. Due to a bad party decision earlier, which was also a contributing factor to Bruthazmus being able to escape, they were low on spells.
Due to real life, the party Cleric was not available, which also hurt.
So, Bruthazmus ran away, the Yeth Hounds came to investigate. One dead Yeth Hound, one dead Wizard, and three other PCs' unconscious later, we had a problem.
Next session, the new PCs came in, found out what happened, found the survivors, but couldn't get them out of the cells they were imprisoned in. That session was also where one of the players dropped form the game, due to clearing up a misunderstanding. He thought we were running all Paizo approved, 3PP needs approval, rather than Paizo CRB approved, all else needs approval. Meh.
Session after this is when Mouse came in to play.
The portcullis encounter was just bad luck, leading to Nualia being fulling spelled up.
In Nualia's room:
Bruthazmus, down to single digit hit points, IIRC
Surviving Yeth Hound form the temple, healed by Nualia's one Cure spell, ro about 20 hit points.
Nualia, rested, since the hound got healed the day before.
Her Yeth Hound, fully healthy.
And, looking at this, I forgot to include the healing on those two of a night's sleep. Consider them to have been under stress, so no healing.
So, Door opens, Mouse gets to go fast, drops Bruthazmus while he is flatfooted.
Hound howls, none of the PCs were the ones from the day before, saves all around. All but the Wizard succeed, Wizard starts to flee.
Cleric goes, chases the Wizard (Travel DOmain FTW), and casts Remove Fear on the Wizard, neutralizing this fear effect.
Other hound goes, also howling. All but the Wizard succeed at the Will save, Wizard fails despite the bonus from Remove Fear, again starts to flee.
Various movements occur, combat winds up in the room with the pillars, at the base of the stairs.
Nualia winds up in the corner near the stairs up, fear on Wizard has ended, freeing up the Cleric, as well, who had been keeping the Wizard from running too far away. Both Yeth Hounds are now down, leaving Nualia on her own.
Nualia keeps missing the halfling fighter in front of her, then the Dwarf moves up into the other open square by her, blocking her into the corner.
She channels, since that halfling is unhittable, and blocking the stairs out. High damage from the channel.
Various attempts to take her down, or sunder her unholy symbol don't quite succeed, so she channels again, trying to clear the way out.
At this point, they finally manage to finish her off, but too late for poor Mouse, who failed one save too many. The Cleric was barely rescued, as he went down to the channeling, as well. Fortunately, Core Rangers can use a Wand of CLW...
Present situation:
Mouse had freed the original party members, but their gear is partly missing, so they headed back to town.
At the end of the combat with Nualia, the Cleric was able to catch up to them, with Mouse's remains, and send them on back to look for someone else to assist the party, which will be Rerednaw's new PC.
Cleric came back, group is holed up in Nualia's room, recovering from that difficult combat....
And waiting for Mike's new PC.
Hope that explains why that encounter had a few extras there.