For the life of me can't find a set of optional rules I was certain I saw. Little help?

Rules Questions

To start off, when I got the Unchained PDF and skimmed over it, I saw rules for a low magic item game where the characters got more static stats in exchange for reduced wealth.
The thing is now when I look thru it I can't for the life of me, find the rules.
Did they exist only in my mind? Or are they in another book, or what?

Thanks for any help

It's in the Magic Section, towards the end.

I can't remember the exact page, but keep looking - they are there.

If it helps at all, there's a table on the left-hand page in the bottom left-hand corner showing lvs 1-20, with a lot of abilities of what items should grant at each level.

Yeah that table is exactly what I remmbered. I took another look based on what you said and did find it. The name is what was putting me off.

Alternate Bonus Progression is what it's called, I believe.

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