It's Dangerous to Go Alone

Monday, February 19, 2018

Okay, so I need to get this off my chest. We all know the classic line from the cave hermit at the start of The Legend of Zelda. "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this." Cool. But how does taking a sword address the fact that Link is still going alone? Sure, he has something with which to fight the danger inherent in solo adventuring, but wouldn't it be better for the old dude to also advise Link to take some friends along? That worked really well for 15 core Final Fantasy games.* I'm just saying.

Well, when you venture into the Jungle of Despair in May, I advise you to take allies in addition to your swords, boomerangs, bombs, and whatnot. And when you build your expedition party, you're going to need some miniatures to represent them. That's where today's blog comes in!

What jungle expedition is complete without a ranger to cut a path through the thick underbrush, to listen to the calls of nearby fauna warning of pending danger, or to gauge the best time and place to make camp during the annual monsoon, when the threat of flash flooding could ruin your much-needed 8 hours of rest. Enter the human hunter, a Medium uncommon figure, and your savior when you need a high roll on that next Survival check. Equipped with a ghillie suit, soft leather boots, and a knocked arrow ready to let fly, the human hunter won't make a sound as she blazes a trail to adventure at your side!

"But," you might inquire, "what's our guide's final destination? Where are we going?" Why to find that lost magic anvil from the blog two weeks ago, silly! And who better to accompany such an expedition but the dwarf explorer? No one. There is no one better. If you don't believe me, this curmudgeonly companion will remind you at every opportunity. He's clearly planning on doing some spelunking, what with his rope and grappling hook, but even aboveground he stands to be a stalwart ally with his short sword and heavy crossbow. The dwarf explorer is a Medium rare figure.

Rounding out the party is some magical support—a companion capable of deciphering ancient runes and dispelling arcane wards that protect your prize from plunder. The human arcanist looks like he could hail from the esteemed magical academy of the Magaambya deep in the heart of the Mwangi Jungle, where acolytes of Old-Mage Jatembe still mix the traditions of arcane and druidic magic to keep the forces of evil at bay. And if his magic fails, he can always literally throw the book at his enemies. Look at that thing! It has to weigh 20 pounds! The human arcanist is a Medium rare figure.

When the dangers of the deep jungle become too much for even these capable adventurers to handle, they can always call upon the help of outsiders (maybe that giant book is full of true names used for planar binding and other summoning spells). But the arcanists of the Magaambya would never treat with the likes of devils or demons. Only the forces of good are, well, good enough for our magic warriors! The azata wilder, a CR 6 outsider capable of being summoned via summon monster V, relishes the thrill of battle, and would be more than happy to come to your aid. Since higher level variants of the spell could result in as many as 1d4+1 of the azatas, this is a common figure, enabling you to represent an entire host of Elysian archers on the battle mat. As a Medium creature with distinct elven features, the figure can also serve as a player character in a pinch—I could see this as an aasimar or a sorcerous elf arcane archer with the celestial bloodline.

Next week we'll look at the antithesis of today's previews: creepy, crawly creatures from the dark places of the earth (and at least one outer plane), as well as a thematically related piece of dungeon dressing! I look forward to continuing the conversation with you then, friends!

Mark Moreland
Franchise Manager

*Yes, I know there are like fifty Final Fantasy games at this point. I said "core"—like with a Roman numeral in its title. You don't get to out-pedant me, nerds.

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Tags: Jungle of Despair Licensed Products Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

I like the Elysian’s bow! And having a figure with a grappling hook is agreat idea.

Silver Crusade

Hehe, nice Mark.

Dark Archive

Human Hunter:
While the details on this figure are amazing, the direction the bow is pointed to seems non-threatening and un-dynamic.
If the bow would be pointed straight, i could see the use of 4-6 of these, but like this it is the first mini in the set, that i won´t have use for more than one. ;-(

Dwarf Explorer:
He looks pretty cool and i can see him well in a Darklands setting. I hope the mostly darker colors don´t make the details unrecognizable.
The decision to make this mini rare is also right imo.

Human Arcanist:
Great looking mini! Perfect colors, perfect details, perfect rarity.

(Bralani) Azata Wilder:
Very similiar to the artwork on page 24 of the Bestiary, this guy is holding his elaborate bow the right way and it´s great to have a Pathfinder Battles version of this often summoned "monster".

Thanks again for a great punctual and atmospheric preview, Mark!

Do you know from your head where the artwork from the first three is from?

So next week we´ll finally see one or two of the Daemons or Qlippoth in the set? ;-)

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the bow is non-threatening because she is still sneaking about.
she might have been better off as a rare, but I’d rather have a sneaky hunter PC than a bunch of mook archers.

that darf looks fantastic

what is wrong about the pose is that she is holding the bow the wrong way for a sneaky character, plus the quiver on the back is also impractical:
If she goes any lower profile sneaking the arrows will spill out.
That’s why the quiver should be mounted on the belt and the arrow nooked on the other side of the bow.

The way she is holding them is only good in a group standing up straight in a line, drawing the arrows from the back in unison.

The dwarf really looks like a good candidate for my favourite "tough guy" niche, well done! Loving the Arcanist also.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

All great. Can see a use for all of these at my table. I especially like the two rare figures and can see the rest of my group using these on a regular basis.

I like the way the Azata is sculpted, and thankfully since it common (and summonable) You should get all I need in 1 case. Excellent decision on rarity.

As always in hand final impressions will depend on those faces, but if the latest icons are any indication it would appear Wizkids have finally managed to get on top of the “blobby” face issue.

These are all great additions to the set. Looks like the line continues to grow in leaps and bounds

There are a couple of problems with the hunter mini. Her legs look too thin and flat while the quiver on her back has the top over her left shoulder instead of her right shoulder. She is holding the bow in her left hand, so the quiver needs to have the top over the right shoulder for her to easily draw an arrow.

The dwarf looks outstanding, as does the arcanist. I'm not into the azata; the bow is just too weird looking for my tastes.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I *love* the look of that dwarf. I suspect every dwarf I make in the future will be equipped with a rope and grappling hook, even though he might find it impractical.

Scarab Sages

Totally unrelated, but is there going to be word this week on volunteering for Origins?

Ginasteri wrote:
Totally unrelated, but is there going to be word this week on volunteering for Origins?

OT: It's up on the site under Origins.

Vernon Fults wrote:
There are a couple of problems with the hunter mini. Her legs look too thin and flat while the quiver on her back has the top over her left shoulder instead of her right shoulder. She is holding the bow in her left hand, so the quiver needs to have the top over the right shoulder for her to easily draw an arrow.

While I completely like the artistry of the ranger, the extra large and out of place quiver spoils the piece. This is one mini that should go back to the sculptor for revision. Put the quiver over the right shoulder and turn her head facing to her left, over the bow.

Swiftbrook, when I read your comment about the size of the quiver, I took another look at the picture. Maybe what we see as a quiver is really a backpack or duffel bag.

Vernon Fults wrote:
Swiftbrook, when I read your comment about the size of the quiver, I took another look at the picture. Maybe what we see as a quiver is really a backpack or duffel bag.

nope: there are some arrow fletches peeking up over the head, right hand side.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

4 people marked this as a favorite.

You guys are in such great hands with Mark.

Thanks for keeping up the great work, Mark! You're a master at this already!

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

You guys are in such great hands with Mark.

Thanks for keeping up the great work, Mark! You're a master at this already!

I absolutely agree, Erik. :-)

Was my "missing Bestiary minis" list of any use to you?
How amazing is the "Fallen Star" ship mini?
I hope we'll get something similiar (but different) to this after set 15's huge Earth & Water elementals.
Your comment on plasticrypt about Wizkids seemed to suggest great things for Pathfinder Battles future. ;-)

Silver Crusade Contributor

Fallen Star?

The ship will come painted and the decks are reversable to offer a normal ship surface or 1” grid. No mention yet of a MSRP, though.

Fallen Star

This thing would be great for any sea-faring adventure, especially when crewed with Skull & Shackles minis!

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

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The Fallen Star is very impressive in person, and will be even cooler when painted and when the map portions are printed more than blank grids. I'm excited for what it means for all WK's lines.

Lists of missing monsters are alway helpful. Thanks!

Even I don't know what the next incentive after the elementals will be. We're still determining that at the moment, but I promise it will be cool!

I don’t have the shelf space for that ship :-(

Silver Crusade Contributor

I can't possibly imagine I'll have the money for it.

Erik Mona wrote:

... Lists of missing monsters are alway helpful. Thanks! ...

Erik, a few sets backed you mentioned there might be Formians upcoming. At the time, there was some confusion about Formians and Fomorians, so I was wondering if you think we still might see Formians in a future set? It would be nice to get several types, instead of just the workers that were made in another line’s set.

And, a Huge Aboleth! The Aboleth is certainly a highly used creature to still not have a mini. And the Pathfinder artwork for it is wonderful (although I don’t know what actually makes a picture suitable to use for a sculpt). I know there is a problem working huges into the sets, but this one is high on my list. I really wish the encounter packs had taken off better, as that would have been a great way to work this guy in.

Kalindlara wrote:
I can't possibly imagine I'll have the money for it.

from that perspective I sozld have used a happy smily.

At least money can theoretically be saved up. Shelfspace has a different economic.

Dark Archive

Awww, no preview today. ;-(

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Berk the Black wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

... Lists of missing monsters are alway helpful. Thanks! ...

Erik, a few sets backed you mentioned there might be Formians upcoming. At the time, there was some confusion about Formians and Fomorians, so I was wondering if you think we still might see Formians in a future set? It would be nice to get several types, instead of just the workers that were made in another line’s set.

And, a Huge Aboleth! The Aboleth is certainly a highly used creature to still not have a mini. And the Pathfinder artwork for it is wonderful (although I don’t know what actually makes a picture suitable to use for a sculpt). I know there is a problem working huges into the sets, but this one is high on my list. I really wish the encounter packs had taken off better, as that would have been a great way to work this guy in.

Out of all HUGE creatures in the six Pathfinder Bestiary books, the "Water Elemental Lord", which we'll finally get in Set 15 is the most used one in adventures, of which no mini exists yet, so i am glad that it is finally made.

That being said, the Aboleth is definetly the 2nd-most used huge creature (not yet made) in all Pathfinder Adventures.
So i am voting for it to be one of the two huge minis we'll hopefully get in 2019. ;-)

Dark Archive


01 Aboleth
02 Bebilith (D&D version exists)
03 Behir (D&D version exists)
04 Black Pudding
05 Bulette (D&D version exists)
06 Nalfeshnee Demon (D&D version exists)
07 Ankylosaurus (Toy exists)
08 Elasmosaurus (Toy exists)
09 Stegosaurus (Toy exists)
10 Triceratops (D&D version exists)
11 Orca (Toy exists)
12 Blue Dragon (D&D version exists)
13 Green Dragon (D&D version exists)
14 Brass Dragon
15 Bronze Dragon
16 Copper Dragon (D&D version exists)
17 Gold Dragon (D&D version exists)
18 Silver Dragon (D&D version exists)
19 Dragon Turtle
20 Elephant (Toy exists)
21 Mastodon (Toy exists)
22 Giant Flytrap (alternate mini exists)
23 Frogemoth
24 Cloud Giant (D&D versions exists)
25 Cauchemar Nightmare
26 Remorhaz (D&D version exists)
27 Retriever (Star Wars Crab Droid)
28 Shoggoth (Arkham Horror)
29 Giant Slug (Toy exists)
30 Giant Squid (Toy exists)
31 Treant (D&D version exists)

For which two minis would you vote to be in the next possible case incentive?

My vote: 01 & 23

I'd be keen to see a mini of a dragon turtle, one of these days. Not sure why but we seem to encounter a lot of them.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DropBearHunter wrote:
I don’t have the shelf space for that ship :-(

I read this as as "I don't have a shelf for a space ship" and it immediately got me thinking about the (im)practicality of a Silver Mount miniature akin to the Falling Star. Thanks a lot!

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:
Awww, no preview today. ;-(

I sent one to the blog team, but they're suuuuuper swamped with the site update that's happening tomorrow morning, so it's no surprise to me it wasn't given the highest priority. I'll see if I can't get them to post it in the next few days so you folks don't have to suffer through two whole weeks without a preview.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Marco Massoudi wrote:


...snip for space...

For which two minis would you vote to be in the next possible case incentive?

My vote: 01 & 23

Weird. You and I made almost the exact same list just a few hours apart.

Shadow Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Bam. 100% behind your suggestions Mark. I think a huge aboleth and a Frogemoth are long overdue. behind that would be dragon turtle and mammoth, simply because I know I see a lot of use for these.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Errr Marco sorry. I realise now it was you who suggested 1 and 23

Scarab Sages

Cat-thulhu wrote:
Bam. 100% behind your suggestions Mark. I think a huge aboleth and a Frogemoth are long overdue. behind that would be dragon turtle and mammoth, simply because I know I see a lot of use for these.

Agree with these 100%

#23(I avoid it as a GM and keep it for when I have a mini!) and #5 (the D&D Bulette don't look as Dangerous as the Pathfinder one)

Just had a battle with Frost Giants last week. I really could have used a Mammoth, in conjunction with the Tundra Scouts we had in play. They dismounted and getting rid of the riders off the minis would have been useful.

Dark Archive

Mark Moreland wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:


...snip for space...

For which two minis would you vote to be in the next possible case incentive?

My vote: 01 & 23

Weird. You and I made almost the exact same list just a few hours apart.

No wonder Cat-thulhu confused us - one of us is probably the other ones (evil?) twin! ;-)

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Nah, it’s because I’m on the wrong side of old (I’ll leave you to decide on how old, old actually is).

Mike any chance you can push/guide Wizkids gently toward a set that includes huge figures like the ones they produce for the D&D line? this would go a loooong way toward filling the gaps.

I also think that set that include huge in boosters would be great for the line. Something like one every 4-5 sets.

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