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Only two APs so far have departed the Inner Sea - Jade Regent and Reign of Winter. Both started in the Inner Sea region.
The only non-Inner Sea product we know of is the Distant Shores Gazetteer, which will only provide limited information about any given region. It will not provide a sufficiently in-depth look at any given city to set an entire Path in one. Plus, they'll be coming off the heels of an urban AP.
There could be more supplemental material provided in the time between then and now; or they might not provide such material.
So, it's possible. I think it's far more likely to see an Inner Sea locale though. Maybe Taldor? ^_^

Morzadian |

Only two APs so far have departed the Inner Sea - Jade Regent and Reign of Winter. Both started in the Inner Sea region.
The only non-Inner Sea product we know of is the Distant Shores Gazetteer, which will only provide limited information about any given region. It will not provide a sufficiently in-depth look at any given city to set an entire Path in one. Plus, they'll be coming off the heels of an urban AP.
There could be more supplemental material provided in the time between then and now; or they might not provide such material.
So, it's possible. I think it's far more likely to see an Inner Sea locale though. Maybe Taldor? ^_^
What about occult adventures? Will the next AP include the occult iconics or NPC's with occult class levels?
Is there a region of Golarion that is occult centric?

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Kalindlara wrote:Only two APs so far have departed the Inner Sea - Jade Regent and Reign of Winter. Both started in the Inner Sea region.
The only non-Inner Sea product we know of is the Distant Shores Gazetteer, which will only provide limited information about any given region. It will not provide a sufficiently in-depth look at any given city to set an entire Path in one. Plus, they'll be coming off the heels of an urban AP.
There could be more supplemental material provided in the time between then and now; or they might not provide such material.
So, it's possible. I think it's far more likely to see an Inner Sea locale though. Maybe Taldor? ^_^
What about occult adventures? Will the next AP include the occult iconics or NPC's with occult class levels?
Is there a region of Golarion that is occult centric?
It's unlikely - they're learning not to develop the Path at the same time as its rule set. Could be surprised, though. ^_^
The big region for that (of the known ones) is Vudra - a lot of the excitement for Vudra to be detailed was tempered by the knowledge that we needed "psychic" rules before justice could be done. Now that those rules are coming... a lot of us are eager to see the Impossible Kingdoms for the first time.
Still a bit soon for an AP, though - see point one up there. ^_^

ladydragona |

While we don't know what the AP will be yet we do know a few things it will NOT be.
It will not focus on the Occult book.
It does not involve the Distant Shores book in any way. So if it does take place outside of the inner seas it will not be in one of the places that book covers.
It will not take place in Varisia nor involve goblins.
James keeps teasing us with the term (REDACTED) so oviously that is our clue and since we are only 2 days away from the announcement that is likely the only clue he is going to give us sooooo what does he mean by it.

Zaister |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
While I don't truly think the next AP will be this, I still want it to be.
Planet Hopping campaign fighting against the things beyond the Dark.AKA Flash Gordon vs Cthullu.
Legendary Games' upcoming Planet Adventure Path might be something for you

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The Anaphexia also got faction info in Occult Mysteries. Given Mr. McCreary's previous work on Skull & Shackles, maybe a little dip into the Evil-ish AP? I have a vague (and probably false) recollection of him saying that the Path would be big/different in some way...
EDIT: Couldn't find that, but I did find these posts supporting my earlier theory about the Lamashtu plot. ^_^

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I'm thinking an Age of Exploration - starting as explorers on a ship, settling, expanding the colony, trade and interaction with the natives, some ancient evil stirring, huge conflict happens.
Unlikely, I'm afraid - the fine folk at Paizo are not fans of colonialism. Nor is a significant and vocal portion of their fan base. They might, someday, but it'll be handled very carefully, and will shy away from most or all of the stereotypes.
Plus, that'd involve Distant Shores, and they've said that this one isn't that. ^_^

Dragon78 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I really do like exploring new lands, that is why liked king Maker, it wasn't kingdom building, it was the exploration.
I can't see an entire AP based in Galt, there is only so many times your characters can be accused of "crimes against the people", "witchcraft", "being spies", etc. before it gets old really fast. Maybe one AP volume would make sense though.
I hope the AP after the AP that is after Hell's Rebels will use the be a occult/psychic based adventure.
Also why keep using "Redacted" when "censored" or ???? works just as well?

ladydragona |

I think (REDACTED) is implying that travel and or multiple location will be involved. I do vaguely remember at last year's gencon press conference them saying that they had no plans at "this time to do an evil campaign or Vudra or another mythic so I think those are all out as well. This is simply going on memory with the press conference.

Ckorik |

Well (REDACTED) is usually what you get when either government is publishing information or lawyers are publishing something while protecting secrets.
It's government more often than not - are there any governments in the inner sea that have a set of spys that would operate like the NSA/CIA and edit official statements?
Talador comes to mind...

MrVergee |

It's unlikely - they're learning not to develop the Path at the same time as its rule set. Could be surprised, though. ^_^
The big region for that (of the known ones) is Vudra - a lot of the excitement for Vudra to be detailed was tempered by the knowledge that we needed "psychic" rules before justice could be done. Now that those rules are coming... a lot of us are eager to see the Impossible Kingdoms for the first time.
Still a bit soon for an AP, though - see point one up there. ^_^
I agree that a Vudra AP is somewhere on the horizon, but you might be right, it could be too soon. Still, you never know ...

Lord Twitchiopolis |

Well, let's do the Norgorber test here. If we can't see what is, let us see what isn't.
As ladydragona said:
While we don't know what the AP will be yet we do know a few things it will NOT be.
It will not focus on the Occult book.
It does not involve the Distant Shores book in any way. So if it does take place outside of the inner seas it will not be in one of the places that book covers.
It will not take place in Varisia nor involve goblins.James keeps teasing us with the term (REDACTED) so oviously that is our clue and since we are only 2 days away from the announcement that is likely the only clue he is going to give us sooooo what does he mean by it.
Now, I have no clue as to content; that could be anything. So I'm going to focus on setting.
So, since it does not involve Distant Shores, We are limited to the Inner Sea and the Tien Xia.
Since Jade Regent already did Tien Xian (the Minkai Empire), any AP set there would most likely focus on the other regions (such as the successor states or Goka).
As for the Inner Sea, let me bust out the Inner Sea World Guide...
1.Absalom: it has been stated that Absalom is left for PFS use.
2.Andoran:Right on the heels of Hell's Rebels, this is unlikely.
3.Hold of Belkzen: Giant Slayer starts here, but an option for VS the Orcs or as the Orcs seems pretty open.
4.Brevoy: While internal political play is an open option and the popularity of Game of Thrones makes a Brevoy AP seem doable, close ties to Kingmaker make this seem unlikely.
5.Cheliax: Done in two APs by this point, an unlikely setting.
6.The Darklands: Possibly. However, while the Darklands are expansive and leave plenty of room for development, Second Darkness already takes place here.
7.Druma: This has potential. Prophets of Kalistade, close political ties.
8.Five Kings Mountain. Maybe, but unlikely. While I'm all for a Dwarf-centric game, I don't think the appeal translates to a broad enough audience to warrant Paizo making an AP.
9.Galt: I feel a strong possibility here. Great setting for politics, struggle, and world shaping. The regime changing methods of Galtians could be the hint of the (REDACTED). however, after coming from an Urban AP, this one would most likely also be urban.
10.Geb: Want to play Hell's Rebels, but against an undead tyrant?
An unlikely starting zone, but a potential plot point. If Geb is involved, I'd expect to see Nex as the starting grounds, with a stop in the Mana Wastes in the middle.
11.Irrisen: Reign of Winter. Done and Done.
12.Isger: Too many close ties with Cheliax (just done as an AP) and Goblins (this AP will not be gob-centric)
13.Jalmeray: I would expect that an AP here would utilize the Occult book, which this AP will not.
14.Katapesh: Legacy of Fire.
15.Kyonin: An AP against Tree Raiser seems like it would be too similar to Wrath of the Righteous, and otherwise it'd be as Elf-centric as a Five Kings Mountains AP would be Dwarf.
16.Lastwall: This would either tie into a Belkzen or Ustalav AP. Unlikely.
17.Land of the Linnorm Kings: Touched on in other APs but never fully explored. Potential.
18.Realm of the Mammoth Lords: As much as I'd love it, I doubt it. Too much related to Numeria, the World Wound, and Irrisen, all of which have their APs.
19.Mana Wastes: Possibly. A mid-tech setting, taking parts from other APs. If used, more likely books 3-4 in a Nex vs Geb AP.
20.Mediogalti Ilse: This AP is gonna be non-evil, right? Unlikely. Too close to Shackles if you play away from the Red Mantis.
21.Mendev: Done. Wrath of the Righteous.
22.Molthune: A good possibility. Mass combat rules, the life of a soldier. A Molthune/Nirmathas AP is a strong possibility in my mind.
23.Mwangi Expanse: Already done in Serpent's Skull, but it's an expansive Expanse, so maybe. I would expect ties to Skull and Shackles and Sargava if done.
24.Nex: High magic setting and a war vs Geb. Serious potential. See Geb and Mana Wastes.
25.Nidal: If the AP is not evil, this would be almost exactlly like Hell's Rebels. Unlikely.
26.Nirmathas: I think this has a strong possibility, playing largely off of the conflict with Molthune. Possibly a tower defense-esque AP.
27.Numeria: Done. Iron Gods
28.Osirion: Done. Mummy's Mask.
29.Qadira: Interplay between Qadira and Taldor, play off of the rest of the Keleshite Empire. It's possible, but Legacy of Fire already played the "Arabian Knights" and genies angle a bit.
30.Rahadoum: An interesting possibility. A godless environment, forcing players to find awkward forms of healing, plenty of desert environments.
31.Razmiran: While possible, I doubt it. Razmiran is a great place for a module, but a full AP of the worst kept secret could be tiresome.
32.River Kingdoms: While Kingmaker already played up the Stolen lands, there's plenty of material here to work with.
33.Sargava: They released a source book, but no AP. Close ties to the Mwangi Expanse. I'd think it a good possibility.
34.The Shackles: Done. Skull and Shackles.
35.The Sodden Lands: Maybe. Similarities with the Mwangi Expanse and the Shackles make it an unlikely place for a full AP, but it has potential.
36.The Steaming Sea: A whole AP dedicated to being the slave....I mean protege, of a gold dragon. Maybe, but unlikely.
37.Tadlor: There's a ton of room to work here, from political intrigue to Qadiran relations. Maybe.
38.Thuvia: While Legacy of Fire already did Genies, I think Divs are workable room.
39.Ustalav: Done. Carrion Crown.
40.Varisia: Done to the point of being overdone. Explicitly will not take place here.
41.The Worldwound: Done. Wrath of the Righteous.
42.The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life the Universe and Everything; What is Six Times Nine?

Lord Twitchiopolis |

There's also a subplot of at least two gods playing an important role in the AP in each AP; Each AP has an article in Books 2 and 5 relating to two major players.
To date, each major god has been seen at least once in these articles. Minor gods are beginning to play a part now in these articles (Brigh and Zyphus are the two in Iron Gods, for example).
Looking at the Minor Gods left to us, which two would pair up best for interplay in an AP?

RuyanVe |

Wikipedia sends you from redaction to fix-up but then again what's written there is more or less true for all the APs (in the sense that they create a story arc by pooling together pieces by six different writers).
Hm. Doesn't really help.
The redacted-theme kinda reminds me of the Order of the Rakc but Cheliax has also been ruled out, right?

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the seemingly-universal religion of the Gray Gardeners (the prerequisites for the prestige class are a bit suspect as well).
I got some conspiracy theories regarding that. If you think about it...Galt's practically the ultimate playground for THOSE guys.

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They already used the Rack pretty heavily in Council of Thieves anyway. Plus, too obvious. Good thought though. ^_^
If that's true about Erik Mona, we could be in for something interesting. If the First World's involvement hasn't been completely ruled out, we could see hints (or more) of Count Ranalc.
Now I have to go open Herolab... and see if an Inquisitor of Lymneris can qualify for Gray Gardener. ^_^

UnArcaneElection |

{. . .}
42.The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life the Universe and Everything; What is Six Times Nine?
Of course, you realize that if the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything and the Answer to the Ultimate Question are both known, Golarion will disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre . . . .

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Dibs on Distant Worlds AP. Lazor gunslingers vs. Eox. This will gobsmack everybody, delight some, disappoint others, make Sincubus very sad and it's totally (REDACTED).
Yah but James that covers all of your bases for Pathfinder lovers lol. I am hoping it is somewhere we haven't gone yet either in Avistan or Garund. I'm guess since Andoran campaign info was released that it will be there. That should be fun. Next stop, I'm hoping Qadira, Brevoy, Nex or the lands of the Vudrani...