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Btw I'm sorry for being so nick picky
No apologies needed as that's exactly what we need! If people aren't picky, then we'll take forever to figure out what needs to be fixed :)
No luck logging in. Says the email may not be confirmed. No email received. Checked all folders
You should be good to go - just set your account to 'confirmed'. Not sure what happened with the email, unfortunately. :\ I have seen it show up in Gmail's "Spam" folder (which is slightly hidden) before.
Like the changes made to Craft, Knowledge, Perform, and Profession skills.
Awesome. I think we're getting close with that particular page.

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Okay, faction traits are now updated to reflect the present state of affairs. Old traits are out, new traits are in!
In addition, languages had a major revisit. All language selections are now grouped up in the 'Languages' tab. If you select a racial trait, trait, linguistics skill rank, or feat that allows you additional languages, then visit this tab next and there should be a (fairly) obvious spot to make your language selection.
I also spent a good bit of time reviewing language lists and gap filling some languages we were missing. If anyone spots any missing languages, feel free to let me know here or just make a ticket. They are easy to add it's good to be complete.
Languages have been a bit like whack-a-mole in making sure we get all the various ways a player can learn a new one, so there may still be a couple of snags. Please do point them out to me if you see any.
There is a slew of additional fixes in the queue - once these get whittled down a bit further, I'll send out some new codes to those folks who have asked for them.

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Could I get in on trying this out? I have been looking for an alternative to herolab for a while now and my interest is very piqued.
You bet. As I said though give me a few days (a week at most) as we sort through some existing issues. I'd hate for you to encounter bugs and snags that others have already discovered.
Also - I'll repeat this as its been a long thread and its an important note - this only generates level 1 characters for the moment. The plan is, once we have things working an an acceptable manner, we'll start the effort to push it to a full level 20 generator with some neat functionality.

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Okay, pushed up some new stuff and I sent out some new codes. Everyone who has asked for a code should now have one; if you don't, then please do poke me with a stick and I will get you one!
In this update:
- The order of the tabs in the dashboard have changed to help provide a more intuitive character creation process. They now go Basics->Race->Racial Traits->Abilities->ONWARD.
- The player attributes of Age, Height, and Weight have been removed from the Basics tab as well as the character origination form (which is the first form you see when you create a character).
- Player attributes of Age, Height, and Weight are now found in their own tab on the Racial Traits tab. The minimums and maximums of these attributes are now determined by your race and gender. When you choose your race, these values are already set to 'default' values that are considered the norm for your race and gender.
- Some bugs with the Skills page were found, and these bugs were slowing down page refreshes. These were fixed.
- 'Religious' traits within the Traits tab are now correctly filtered on your characters deity worship.
- Your abilities as influenced by your racial selection are now shown on the Abilities tab, to help you see the true total of your stats.
We've still a good number of open tickets from previous testing but we are catching up and could use more - feel free to test away and let us know if anything explodes.
As for me, I think Pillars of Eternity needs to make up the rest of my holiday afternoon. Good times.

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Okay, pushed up some new stuff and I sent out some new codes. Everyone who has asked for a code should now have one; if you don't, then please do poke me with a stick and I will get you one!
If there happens to be another round of codes going out, I'd love to give this a whirl...

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I'm curious as to what (if any yet) plans you have for when you implement leveling up. When I do it by hand, I want to see the progression. I've got my own spreadsheets that I fill in level-by-level and with those I can see an outline of my character at any given level. Sure, it's not helpful when playing, but it's super helpful when planning.

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I'm curious as to what (if any yet) plans you have for when you implement leveling up. When I do it by hand, I want to see the progression. I've got my own spreadsheets that I fill in level-by-level and with those I can see an outline of my character at any given level. Sure, it's not helpful when playing, but it's super helpful when planning.
From what you described, I think you may like what we have in mind.
We're toying with something we're calling "Build Plans". This means, when you make a character, if you like you can make the whole darn thing - all the way to level 20. When you make your choices, the system will 'know' which feat was the one you chose for level 1, for level 3, for level 5, and onward, as well as all the class specific specials.
The character sheet will come with a slider (or similar UI control) to increase or decrease the character level, and all stats will be refreshed as desired. It will default to level 1 when you first create your character, regardless of how high of a level your Build Plan goes. Since the system knows which feat(s) and/or other specials were taken at what level, it will then also know when to apply them when you increase or decrease the character level.
This means you can make your whole character in one shot, and anytime you level - just bump the toggle and it will automatically integrate your level selections according to the Build Plan you are on.
The extra big 'fun' part of this is - you'll be able to clone build plans. We already have 'cloning' of characters; well, when we have Build Plans, we'll be able to clone those too. That means people can come up with an entire level 20 Build Plan, and then *share* that build plan for other people to try out. Cloned Build Plans are to be modifiable - meaning you can clone a Build Plan that is close to what you want, and then tweak it to your heart's desire.
The only thing that we're not currently considering as part of the Build Plan is equipment and other purchases. It will be challenging enough to map out all character selections without trying to integrate purchases into a Build Plan. So - equipment will be static and won't toggle quite as easily, at least at first and perhaps permanently.
Things can change rapidly of course but in general this is the direction our thinking is headed ;)

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... We're toying with something we're calling "Build Plans"...
That sounds very cool and exciting. Will you be able to change things in the middle without having to go back and re-do everything? (For example, in a 10 level build, feat choice at level 5 without having to re-do levels 6-10 (as long as pre-reqs are still met).)

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Tabletop Giant wrote:... We're toying with something we're calling "Build Plans"...That sounds very cool and exciting. Will you be able to change things in the middle without having to go back and re-do everything? (For example, in a 10 level build, feat choice at level 5 without having to re-do levels 6-10 (as long as pre-reqs are still met).)
That's the idea. The intent is that you can swap out parts without redoing the whole; though it will do a validation check for prerequisites so that you won't be able to create shenanigan builds. What it does with feats (or other things) that become invalid remains to be decided. Should they be automatically removed as well? Rendered as invalid in the build and flagged?
It will be fun to settle those questions once we get there.

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Thanks for fixing the Masterwork Backpack issue. I figured out I had to sell the old one and buy a new one, but once I did that it worked.
Glad it worked :) Though - it actually shouldn't have required you to sell/re-buy.
If it at all looks quirky again, let me know; we can configure it to expose the 'effective' strength level encumbrance is judged at if need be, which would settle it for sure.
Edit: on further mulling this over, that particular page may 'cache' (we have several pages that cache to speed up viewing after the first view). Meaning, it didn't update the encumbrance until the item was sold and re-bought, forcing it to redraw.
That's my current theory, anyway ;)

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Hey! New feature for the day.
Users may now set their character(s) as 'Public'. This means you can share the link to your character in forums, emails, or wherever you like, and other users - logged in or not - are able to view your character. This could be helpful for feedback purposes or just if you want to share.
To make your character Public, head to the 'Character Sheet' from the dashboard, and look for a new tab titled 'Public' in your sheet. It should be the last tab. From there it should be intuitive.
I put together an old build of mine for an example. This is Maxwell Kaput - he was a pre-made character given to me to use in a game at a convention a long, long time ago. The original build was very early AD&D and so some stats had to change. His background story was not written by me and is the original convention description. He's a fun guy but his attitude would probably make some PFS players unhappy (that whole "cooperate" thing), so he should be used with care.
If anyone has trouble viewing that page, please do let me know. This is a new feature and so there could easily be bugs in the woodwork. Furthermore - if some others would make their characters public and perhaps share them here that would be cool. It would help in finding issues, plus it would just be neat to see what people are making.

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I am not registered, nor do I have the time to really do a thorough play test with it but here are my suggestions, from what I see.
1) Could use a break down for combat stats - bonuses to hit and how your AC is figured out. This allows GMs a quick glance to figure out your character got some of those crazy numbers.
Example: Class bonus, enhancement bonus, size bonus, luck bonus, moral bonus, etc etc break down.
2) Need a place for situational modifiers on combat tab. I have a character with 6 different situation modifiers I try and keep track of when in combat. This means I have these modifiers scribbled in on the side of a character sheet, trying to keep track of them.
Example - Maxwell Kaput (your dwarf warrior): You have nothing on the combat tab for when fighting giants or orcs/gobliniod.
3) Should also be a place for situational modifiers on skills.

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I'll send out some new codes to folks soon, likely tomorrow ;)
I really agree with increasing the explanation and break-down of stats and there have been other requests for similar features; I think we'll take a look at getting this in soon. The info is all there in the code and DB; it's just a matter of hooking things up so that they are present on the character sheet.

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The Enchanting Smile ability from the wizard Enchantment school doesn't seem to be reflected in the skills section (you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate).
Fixed. :)
You may have to refresh your skills for it to show (skills cache). If you just bump a skill point up and down on the skills page, that should do it.

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I got charged for my starting outfit, and in my attempt to recoup that bit of funding, I realized I have no idea how to add gold to my inventory.
How do I get money?
Hah - no real way to do that yet. Of course that will change (I promise). Currently, everyone gets 150 gold (the PFS way) at start-up and that's all you get!
You should be able to recoup though by visiting the Store tab, then the 'Inventory' subtab, and from there you can view all your purchases and sell those ones you don't want for full value. If it doesn't give you full price back, then let me know and we'll fix it as that's a bug.
We do have an open ticket by the way to give all new characters some sort of starting clothes, which are free. Didn't mean to make everyone stand out in a breeze like that.

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Kigvan wrote:The Enchanting Smile ability from the wizard Enchantment school doesn't seem to be reflected in the skills section (you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate).Fixed. :)
You may have to refresh your skills for it to show (skills cache). If you just bump a skill point up and down on the skills page, that should do it.
Working just fine now!

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Atragon wrote:Tabletop Giant wrote:... We're toying with something we're calling "Build Plans"...That sounds very cool and exciting. Will you be able to change things in the middle without having to go back and re-do everything? (For example, in a 10 level build, feat choice at level 5 without having to re-do levels 6-10 (as long as pre-reqs are still met).)That's the idea. The intent is that you can swap out parts without redoing the whole; though it will do a validation check for prerequisites so that you won't be able to create shenanigan builds. What it does with feats (or other things) that become invalid remains to be decided. Should they be automatically removed as well? Rendered as invalid in the build and flagged?
It will be fun to settle those questions once we get there.
By the way, just as a pain in the neck, for higher level PCs, there needs to be a way to do things like add 2 extra stat points (several things, including one non-item bonus that affects new PCs, can do this) or an extra feat (at least one item does this), or make other, non-standard changes to the PC.
The cursed ocher rhomboid Ioun stone adds a feat.
There is a boon on an AP chronicle that adds 2 to a stat.

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I'd love to check it out! Can I get a code please?
Hello mkcottle! It appears your PM's have been disabled and so I wasn't able to send you one - if you could enable them, then please send me a PM and I'll get one to you as soon as I see it ;)
Today we added a number of conditional bonuses to various stats, pretty much as Matt2VK described above (others have submitted tickets for this in the past as well).
If you take another look at Maxwell Kaput, you'll find a few footnote sized lines on the stats, combat, and skills tabs that help the visibility of conditional bonuses. For example, under AC, the footnote "Defensive Training (Racial Trait): AC +4, Against giants or giant subtypes" is included in small text underneath the total.
If anyone has suggestions on other stats that do not yet have conditional footnotes, or if you find any traits, feats, or abilities than do not generate a conditional footnote when they should, please do let me know.
Also - if any of the footnotes generated are unclear, imprecise, or just have typos - feel free to point that out too. A lot of these footnotes were created sometime ago by a very tired person who was trying to crunch them out, and there may be (hopefully small) mistakes ;)

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claudekennilol wrote:I'm curious as to what (if any yet) plans you have for when you implement leveling up. When I do it by hand, I want to see the progression. I've got my own spreadsheets that I fill in level-by-level and with those I can see an outline of my character at any given level. Sure, it's not helpful when playing, but it's super helpful when planning.From what you described, I think you may like what we have in mind...
Yeah, this sounds like exactly what I was asking for. Does your plan account for planned retraining? For instance, on pet classes that don't have full bab, I'll often start off with Skill Focus (Handle Animal) then retrain it for something such as Power Attack once I have a few levels and no longer need the bonus points in Handle Animal.

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Works like a charm, very much enjoying using the site, found a couple of things a bit wonky but submitted a ticket for them.
In regards to future changes, eventually getting a 'build' option would be fantastic (and of course archetypes as you've mentioned, but I know that will be a ton of work). On a far smaller scale, if it would be possible then a 'current weight/max weight' on the store screen (perhaps with the 'load' for your strength) would a real help I feel and hopefully not too much extra work since the sheet already calculates encumbrance.
Also, is it possible to list characters in the 'Character Factory' yet for everyone to peruse, rather than just the 'public' link we can put on forums? Tried searching but I couldn't spot an option for that anywhere.

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On a far smaller scale, if it would be possible then a 'current weight/max weight' on the store screen (perhaps with the 'load' for your strength) would a real help I feel and hopefully not too much extra work since the sheet already calculates encumbrance.
I like this idea a lot. We could just have the encumbrance level somehow displayed at the top of the Store screen. We could even have the 'effective' strength shown in this menu (in case the player has a masterwork backpack, muleback cords, or something similar), so that the player can see specifically how their encumbrance level is doing.
Also, is it possible to list characters in the 'Character Factory' yet for everyone to peruse, rather than just the 'public' link we can put on forums? Tried searching but I couldn't spot an option for that anywhere.
Yes - though I'd like to think about how we'd like to do that. This is definitely an area that I'd like community feedback.
It was actually originally designed so that 'public' characters would be automatically added to the Character Factory. In this very early version, I shared it with a number of personal friends. Well, a couple of friends - bless their hearts - came up with builds that were pretty much girls in boob-armor, and in my eye rode the line between 'good taste' and something other than. While they weren't overtly terrible - just merely questionable - it did beg the question; what if a user creates a character that is actually offensive, and adds it to the Character Factory? This would obviously be 'bad'.
So, I am mulling over the best way to do this. Here are some ideas:
- All public builds are automatically 'candidates' for the Character Factory, and I (or another admin type person) can review each one as they are made public and then 'approve' them for Character Factory inclusion.
- We are planning to allow users to comment and even vote on characters made public (Character Factory or otherwise). Perhaps any public character that has over a certain number of positive votes could automatically be included in the Character Factory, and are removed from the Character Factory if they descend beyond a certain threshold.
- We could also throw caution to the wind and allow all public builds to automatically be added to the Character Factory (though my gut does tell me that someone eventually will be a jerk, because there's always a jerk, lol).
So to sum - this is definitely something we want. We just need to think of the best way to do it.

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Yeah, this sounds like exactly what I was asking for. Does your plan account for planned retraining? For instance, on pet classes that don't have full bab, I'll often start off with Skill Focus (Handle Animal) then retrain it for something such as Power Attack once I have a few levels and no longer need the bonus points in Handle Animal.
We definitely want to provide some means of retraining, as well as some means to make brute force changes (in the case of a home game where the GM approves a retro change on a character). The rules for retraining are pretty well described, and so we should be able to come up with code that calculates the correct price and any other requirements.
What I'm picturing is a 'Change Log' tab, along with the current 'Sources' and 'Purchase History' tabs. This Change Log would list changes made through retraining, as well as changes made through brute force. The Change Log would be controlled by the application and *not* by the player, and so any GM curious about what a player has changed need only view this tab to find out.
This stuff is a bit down the line though of course. We need to build a roof on the cart before we attach a helicopter blade :)

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I would be interested in checking this out.
Also, is your design team open? I am fairly good at optimizing filters on large data tables, and I would love to take a look at what you are using for feat validation and see if I can streamline it so you get better performance, since you cited that as an issue earlier.

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So where exactly do we go to see all the "public" characters at?
In the Character Factory, as of about ten minutes ago :)
Eventually we'll come up with some sort of criteria for requirements for Character Factory inclusion; likely it will be some sort of voting mechanism, so that it will be left up to the community to decide who stays and who goes.
That said, for the moment - all characters are now added. I think Elsa is my current favorite.
Also, I did send codes via PMs to those who asked - if you did not receive one, please do let me know and we'll get you one - thanks!