GM Captain Trips |

Greetings to one and all! I am currently looking for 1 replacement character for an ongoing Giantslayer game that is currently nearing the end of Act 2 of the first book. The party is well balanced with the exception of the complete lack of an arcane-based character. So recruitment is open to characters that fit that description.
Acceptable classes will include: wizards, sorcerers, witches (and warlocks if you are a male and don't like being called a witch!), arcanists, bards, and skalds. I would prefer the first four, but will accept the latter two with good enough submissions.
The party currently consists of a chavalier, rogue, hunter, druid, and ranger. There are currently no dwarves in the party, which is a complete shame for Giantslayer, so bonus points to someone if they can cook up a passable dwarf arcane caster!
About this game - Giantslayer
For old grognards like me this is a flashback to the early days of gaming, with direct roots in the old "Against the Giants" series of modules published originally in the late 1970's. It is because of that old "dungeon crawl" feeling that I have been looking forward to this AP since it was announced. A feeling I hope to capture once more in this game.
I will be shaping and modifying parts of this AP to give that "old school" feel and sense of danger. So, if you are a fan of playing only "by the book", this one will not be for you! Expect to be surprised, challenged, thrown for a loop, beaten up with rocks, stabbed, pounded, chewed on, you name it. I will challenge you not only with the mechanics of the game but also with role-playing situations. Every choice you make will have an impact.
For everyone still interested, I invite you to sit a spell, and listen to a tale...
Deep in the Mindspin Mountains, a storm giant warlord known as the Storm Tyrant has seized control of a cloud castle and an Orb of Dragonkind, and is gathering an army of giants from across western Avistan—first to bring the orc hordes of Belkzen under his banner, then to conquer the neighboring realms. Heroes defending the human town of Trunau from an orc raid discover that the attack is just a precursor to the Storm Tyrant’s larger plans. Working their way through an abandoned border fort, an ancient giant temple, the tomb of an undead frost giant, and an elite fire giant training facility beneath a dormant volcano, the heroes eventually take the fight to the Storm Tyrant himself inside his flying fortress. Can the giant army be defeated before it can conquer the human lands of the Inner Sea, or will all of Avistan bow down in fealty to the Storm Tyrant?
And so we begin!
Character Creation:
- Starting level - 2nd
- See above for class restrictions.
- Standard races are preferred, but others will be considered. I'm not overly fond of the strange races, but I'll give it consideration. No custom races allowed. Because of the proximity to Belkzen there is a bit of leeway when it comes to the more exotic races, but once again I prefer the classics.
- Archtypes are ok.
- 25 point buy for stats. You are going to need them. Now, having said that, I would highly advise against min/maxing your stats. Not only could it hurt you, but the GM will see through your shenanigans and will likely not consider you.
- Starting gold of 900gp.
- GM's privilege: This is something I have done in many campaigns in the past. Once I have picked the group I will make a second pass through each character and on a one on one basis decide an extra boon for each of them. It could be a free feat, it could be a trait, it could be a special item or weapon, who knows? This will always somehow tie back to your background in some way. But it won't always be obvious. Extra incentive for writing a good character concept and story. However, if you stick a vorpal sword into your background hoping to gain it for your character, I will stick it into the application and behead it. The GM sees through all monkey business!
- Good Alignment preferred. I'm not hung up on Lawful vs. Chaotic. If you want to play Chaotic Neutral you will have to convince me why you shouldn't be spending time in a padded cell instead of adventuring. Obviously we are dealing with an area of Golarion where the "human" inhabitants are in a daily fight with the evil orcs of Belkzen, so let's try to keep our intentions good and pure!
- Max HP at level one. After that it will be player's choice of a GM roll or half HD +1.
- One Giantslayer campaign trait and one other trait. I will allow one drawback in exchange for an additional trait, but there needs to be a justified reason for it in your character background and it needs to be something that is tangible to play. Picking something that gives you no drawback isn't a drawback.
- Players may select a faction to belong to. I will use this for additional plot hooks and possible side activities. I will also allow fame and prestige awards from those factions based on your character's actions.
- Crafting will be allowed, but closely monitored. If I feel you are taking advantage I will pull you aside and slap you with a pickled herring until you step in line.
- You must be a daily poster. We've already lost two players because they did not meet regular posting requirements. Preference will be made for those who show higher activity on the boards and a history of PbP activity. I will strive to always keep the game moving and expect players who will do the same. I am usually online during the day and post mostly in that window of time between 6am and 6pm EST, so that is when my most active hours will be. Obviously things happen, so I do understand that at times you might be unable to post, or I also might be otherwise detained. If that happens in the case of a player, I will allow a reasonable amount of time before GMPC'ing you along.
- If a player fails to post within a reasonable amount of time without notifying the group that they will be unavailable they will be moved to inactive status, removed from the active game, and replaced with another applicant. I am taking this one seriously folks and I won't let an inactive player ruin it for everyone else. So understand what you are committing to before you apply. If you will be away a few days, let the group know and give us some standard marching orders for while you are away. The game will go on, but at least others won't be waiting for you.
- You must be willing to ROLE play, not just ROLL play. The GM feeds off of the players, so a good group of role-players helps the game take on a life of its own. You don't have to fill every post with three paragraphs describing how you took your morning coffee, but you should be able to write well and play your character well. If I find all you do is post "I follow Bob, my sword ready" and post a lot of "Gug gug, I'm a barbarian" (unless you are Gug the Barbarian) type stuff, you will be summarily removed from the campaign, tied to a hippogriff, and flown over a field of elven archers for target practice.
- A complete character stat block, hidden in you post using the spoiler tag or posted as an in-character alias account. If you do not know how to use this tag click on the button below "Submit Post" of your reply that says How to format your text. For a PbP game you should be familiar with all of these tags anyway. If you don't want to create an alias until you are accepted then post the required info in a reply to the recruitment thread.
- A character background. This will allow me to RP with your character a little better, understand their motives, and even tailor hints or dialogue to them specifically. I will look upon those characters with a detailed background more favorably than those with two lines of "I was born, my parents were killed, I was an orphan, I want to kill things for revenge". Be creative! I can tell you right now that this piece is what will get you picked over someone else. The more effort you put into this, the more I will want you at the virtual table.
- A brief note of your posting habits or schedule. If you are more available or likely to post on specific days or at specific times, let me know. Your posting habits here on the forums will be checked. Your post quality will be examined. And I will probably even look at some of your other characters to get an idea for how you interact with other players and carry yourself in a group. Hopefully this will allow me to provide the best players with the best companions. A win/win for everyone.
How to get picked:
1. Write a great background
2. Don't be a power gamer or a min/max munchkin
3. Do something original
4. Make your character memorable
5. Include everything asked for in the application
How not to get picked:
1. Submit a character outside of my creation criteria
2. Beg me to play to allow some crazy munchkin gesalt character
3. Have a poor command of English, to include grammar and punctuation.
4. Be a sloppy poster
5. Disrespect a fellow poster
That's it! I look forward to seeing what the responses are and to finding that special group of folks who will be the brave heroes that Golarion needs to battle off the hordes of Belkzen!
Recruitment will last until Monday or earlier if I find a really good fit for the group. If I am blown away by an amazing character that I want to snatch up I reserve the right to end this recruitment early. It's good to be the king!
For those interested in looking at the current campaign, the link is HERE.
I've been gaming for over 30 years, having started as a much younger man with the original D&D Basic set. Yes, back when Elf was a class. Crazy isn't it? Since those times I've played and GM'ed in more games and campaigns than I could ever count. I've ran AD&D, 2nd Ed AD&D, 3.5 and 4e, Pathfinder, Gurps, Palladium, Mutants and Masterminds, Star Wars, etc. and so on. I am the Venture Captain of Kentucky for the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign. Because of this my weekends are usually full and you won't catch me online much. If you go to GenCon, let me know. I love getting together and playing with folks from online games. If you play Pathfinder Society it would be my pleasure to run you through a hard mode of the Waking Rune and splat your character to death! :)

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I'm interested and consider myself a reliable poster. I'm in one other game where we post at least once a day, and that's been moving smoothly so far. Can I see a link to the gameplay thread though? I'd just like to see where I'm coming in so I can fit my backstory appropriately. Also, more importantly, I'm interested in what sorts of characters the current PCs are.
Probably going to do a wizard or arcanist but we'll see. Maybe a witch, but that'll take some more thinking. I agree that its a shame that there are no dwarves in the party, but I've personally never been a fan of playing them. I could change my mind though, who knows!

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I have Caius up here for consideration! I love the end bit a little vague on purpose so he can be slotted in easily!
Let me know if I've stepped in anything! I'm easy going to change!
I'm a super daily poster! I work in IT so I'm usually available for multiple posts per day, and at least one or two (per day) on weekends! I will definitely give you a heads up if something comes up with life and I need to be NPC'd!

Gizsmith Glitterbyte |

Your 25pt build and old school vibe have inspired me to go old school myself.
May I present Gizsmith Glitterbyte, gentleman adventurer and Gnome illusionist extraordinaire for consideration.
I haven't spent all my money yet, as it depends on how much I can spend via crafting and scribe scroll. (and if you say all, it's gonna take a while to put it together). Otherwise the crunch is in the profile.
10 Min Background:
Five background and concept elements important to Gizsmith
1) Gizsmith is the proprietor of Glitterbyte and Sons' Tonic and Curios Emporium (There are no sons, customers just seem to respond to positively to the wholesome family image), a travelling wagon full of knickknacks, alchemical items and random oddments, found or taken in trade. The wagon gaudily painted and drawn by a pair of donkeys.
2) The consummate showman, Gizsmith routinely uses his mastery of the magical arts (Read: prestidigitation) to enhance his wagon and its team. It is not unusual to find a pair of red and yellow striped donkeys pulling the wagon, or for them to be red-eyed and breathing smoke, like a pair of miniature Nightmares.
3) Though he has a keen eye for a bargain, Gizsmith has no real interest in making a profit, being a gnome, he simply uses his business as a means of meeting new people and seeing new and interesting places, so as to ward off the bleaching. That being said, Gizsmith will buy, sell or trade anything. The legality of the substances involved or the origin of the items he is acquiring aren't things that even cross his mind during transactions.
4) Gizsmith has a passion of the unusual and odd. He would rather have someone trade an odd bit of metal or pottery that they found digging in their garden, than pay for an item in gold. These he puzzles over, sometimes keeps and sometimes discards. He has a pile of these 'useless oddments' in his wagon and keep a couple of his favourites on his person.
5) His natural talents for illusions manifested at an early age and Gizsmith has been nurturing them ever since. Gizsmith almost always has some sort of illusory creature with him. Sometimes its a dog, others maybe a tiger. On especially long and empty stretches of road, he'll make an illusory travelling companion to sit next to him on the cart, so he has someone to talk to.
PC goals
Short term: To see and experience new things. Really, just the opportunity to see a giant is enough to get Gizsmith excited.
Long term: To bravely go where no gnome has gone before, and live to tell the tale. To be eaten but not digested perhaps?
Player goals : Really I just want to play Gizsmith again. I came up with him (as a bard) for an old Kingmaker campaign that fizzled and haven't had a chance to play him in a long time. That being said, I would love to see Gizsmith be a repository of odd or ridiculous magic items, eg Ebony Fly, Apparatus of Kwalish, Rod of wonder. Girdle of masculity/feminity.
Secrets, shhhhhh
Known: Glitterbyte and Sons Brand Bacherlor's Snuff is only 85% effective, not 100% as claimed. Due to his transient nature, no disgruntled customers have caught up with him, but really it's only a matter of time.
Unknown: One of the oddments that Gizsmith has acquired is being searched for by a powerful being to whom it is of great importance.
Memories, mannerisms, or quirks:
1) Gizsmith always has prestidigitation up and running and always introduces himself with a flourish and a burst of bright confetti.
2) Similarly, he always uses magic to change the flavour of his food, regardless of quality.
3) He is overly positive in a if life gives you lemons, make lemonade kind of way.
4) Due to an unfortunate incident as a child, Gizsmith is deeply mistrustful of cheese.
I am on the boards daily and have the ability to post as such. I don't like posting for the sake of posting, but will always chime in and wont hold things up. I prefer shorter posts to keep the action and conversation moving, but love to RP and hate inner monologues. I'm in PST and don't really have a fixed time when I post, but I usually check in several times a day.
Anywho, you sound like my kind of GM and I would love a chance to play in your game. Thanks for the consideration.

gossamar4 |

Fendryk Gossamar
Human Male Arcanist 2
Alias will be created if selected
Male human arcanist 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 8)
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +7
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 14 (2d6+4)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +4
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4+1/19-20) or
. . quarterstaff +2 (1d6+1)
Ranged sling +3 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks arcane reservoir (1/5), arcanist exploit (item crafting), consume spells
Arcanist Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +6)
. . 1st—color spray (DC 15), thunderstomp[ACG]
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, arcane mark, detect magic, light, read magic
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Additional Traits, Fast Learner[ARG], Scribe Scroll
Traits outcast's intuition, seeker, vexing defender, world traveler
Skills Acrobatics +7 (+11 to move through enemy's space without provoking an attack of opportunity if the enemy is larger than you), Appraise +8, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +6, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (nature) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +8, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +3
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Orc
Combat Gear scroll of color spray (x2), scroll of comprehend languages (x2), scroll of disguise self (x2), scroll of endure elements (x2), scroll of infernal healing (x5), mage armor (x5), scroll of magic missile (x10), scroll of thunderstomp (x2); Other Gear dagger, quarterstaff, sling, sling bullets (10), sleeves of many garments, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket, winter, canteen, chalk, charcoal stick, ink, black, inkpen, marbles, parchment (20), scroll box, spell component pouch, tobacco, waterproof bag, wrist sheath, spring loaded, 413 gp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Arcane Reservoir +1 DC or CL (5/day) (Su) Pool of points fuel exploits, or can expend to add +1 CL or DC while cast spell.
Consume Spells (Su) As a move action, expend a spell slot to add its spell levels to arcane reservoir.
Outcast's Intuition +1 to your Caster Level against dispel attempts.
Scroll of color spray (x2) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of comprehend languages (x2) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of disguise self (x2) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of endure elements (x2) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of infernal healing (x5), mage armor (x5) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of magic missile (x10) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Scroll of thunderstomp (x2) Add this item to create a scroll with spells on it.
Sleeves of many garments Transform current clothes into any non-magical new form.
Vexing Defender +4 trait bonus to Acrobatics to move through larger creatures space without provoking AoO.
I've added some crafted scrolls, accounted for by being a level 2 character. If this is a problem, I can easily remove them.
Fendryk returns and finds a seat in the corner of the inn. A barmaid takes his order for a decent ale. He produces a pipe from under his robe. Lights it and takes a few drags. Cham returns with Fendryk's ale and he magically floats a coin through the air to the innkeeper's hand (a generous tip for the ale). "Why thank you darling! What brings you back to Trunau?" Fendryk smiles, "I'm glad you asked little lady. Please..." Fendryk waves his hand and the chair across from him pulls out from under the circular table. "... join me for a moment." He waits for her to get comfortable, then begins his account. "After years of disciplined study, I've completed my initial tutelage of the arcane. You see I may be a keeper of arcane secrets, but I plan to share that knowledge. In the form of wondrous, and magical goods and services. In order to do this, I need to expand my spellbook and build a store, or perhaps gain a partnership in the House of Wonders. Through some aquaintances in the big city, I learned of a rise in activity in the area here and possible opportunity to take the next step toward that goal, right here in Trunau. I set out from Absolam to travel across land to get here."
Fendryk takes a hefty swig of his ale, "As fate would have it, the caravan I was traveling with was subject to a few... shall we say... sidetracks. These provided me with a little insight to the dangers and possible needs of various adventurers. It also afforded me the opportunity to fill several pages in my spellbook. Quite exciting to say the least." Fendryk's face loses it's excitement and he slowly raises his mug up in an apparent prayer saying remorsefully, "Alas, my dear, not all of my travelling companions arrived at their intended destinations. It would seem the rush of adventure, must sometimes be overcome with a sadness of loss." He brings his mug slowly to his lips and swallows an alcoholic tribute to fallen companions. "That pretty much brings me to my current position. I need to find some willing adventurers in the local area here. I thought that we may come to a mutually beneficial arrangement. Perhaps they might have use for a practitioner of the magical arts to aid them, and thus afford me the opportunity to expand my knowledge with the mysterious things they encounter. Equipping me the tools to build a prosperous magic shop here. What do you think?" Cham cracks a large smile, "What at tale you created. You should talk to Agrit Staginsdar at the House of Wonders. She is always eager to work with magic users and may be open to taking on a partner. As for adventurers, there is a group of budding heroes here." Fendryk leans towards Cham, raises a brow, cracks a smile, and asks, "Would you know where I might find these young heroes? I would very much like to meet them?"
Hopefully this explains the character's tie to Trunau, long term goals, basic personality, and why he's at level 2.
I have access to posting at work, but not most map tools. Therefore, between 10am and 10pm (Central time) I may ask for my character to be moved for me in my posts.
I have several PFS games that will be finishing soon, and 2 other new AP's. All AP's are my 1st run through, including this one (if chosen).
I'm very easy going, and friendly, which typically shows through ANY of my characters.
I expect this character to be:
- full caster
- crafter
- support
- skill heavy
- social skilled
- team oriented
Thank you for your consideration!

Szacha the Fiddler |
Here's my application for a human skald. I had applied in the original recruitment.
I've been playing PbP for a while now, and I have a very good posting record. I am often away on weekends, but can usually maintain a good posting rate during the week.
I'd love to get in this game. I've played Against the Giants many many years ago. It all ended when I got split in two by the invisible Jarl of the ice giants!