A few volunteers still needed for Origins

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Grand Lodge 4/5 Global Organized Play Coordinator

We are still looking for a few card game volunteers for both OP and demos. Origins is taking place from Wednesday June 3rd through Sunday June 7th.

GM registration for Origins 2015 is live! Please go to Origins GM Application to sign up. 4 GM slots will earn you a badge while 7 GM slots will earn you a badge and 1/4 hotel room or a parking pass.

Volunteer Reward Tiers:

Tier 10 Room - GM Badge, 1/4 Hotel Room, GM Boon, Copy of All Players Boons
Tier 10 Parking Pass - GM Badge, Parking Pass, GM Boon, Copy of All Players Boons
Tier 9 Room - GM Badge, 1/4 Hotel Room, GM Boon, Choice of 3-4 Players Boons
Tier 9 Parking Pass - GM Badge, Parking Pass, GM Boon, Choice of 3-4 Players Boons
Tier 8 Room - GM Badge, 1/4 Hotel Room, GM Boon, Random 1-2 Players Boons
Tier 8 Parking Pass - GM Badge, Parking Pass, GM Boon, Random 1-2 Players Boons
Tier 7 Room - GM Badge, 1/4 Hotel Room, GM Boon
Tier 7 Parking Pass - GM Badge, Parking Pass, GM Boon
Tier 6 GM Badge - GM Badge, GM Boon, Choice of 3-4 Players Boons
Tier 5 GM Badge - GM Badge, GM Boon, Random 1-2 Players Boons
Tier 4 GM Badge - GM Badge, GM Boon
Tier 3 GM Boon - GM Boon, Choice of 3-4 Players Boons
Tier 2 GM Boon - GM Boon, Random 1-2 Players Boons
Tier 1 GM Boon - GM Boon

Event Times:
Slot 1: Wednesday 12:00pm
Slot 2: Wednesday 7:00pm
Slot 3: Thursday 8:00am
Slot 4: Thursday 1:30pm
Slot 5: Thursday 7:00pm
Slot 6: Friday 8:00am
Slot 7: Friday 1:30pm
Slot 8: Friday 7:00pm
Slot 9: Saturday 8:00am
Slot 10: Saturday 1:30pm
Slot 11: Saturday 7:00pm
Slot 12: Sunday 8:00am
Slot 13: Sunday 1:30pm

If you have any question please reach out to Mike McNerney ohiopfs@gmail.com and Luke Woods pfsluke@gmail.com

Grand Lodge 4/5 Global Organized Play Coordinator

Sign ups for ACG GMs can be found here.

Grand Lodge

How long are the slots?

Adventure Card Game Designer

Slots are 2 hours for the card game--more specific info on volunteer rewards is at the link in Mike's second post. What Mike's posted first is the RPG GM schedule, which gives you an idea of the times and rewards but not the info specific to the Card Guild.

I can also say that Origins attendees will get a sneak peek at scenarios that won't be released to stores by the time of the show. Convention exclusives hoooooo!

2/5 *

Does that mean Wrath scenarios? Will some volunteers be running the first few scenarios from Wrath?

Adventure Card Game Designer

That's correct! Also running demos if we need that.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

If I could commit now I would. However, I'm not sure yet. Posting so I can find your post again to check after checking some details. (VL for Birmingham, AL. Not sure why my alias changed. Trying to fix it back.)

4/5 ****

VO alias stuff is only the the PFS forum

Scarab Sages 1/5

Will we need to pre-register to play the Organized Play events?

2/5 *

Question, do PFCG volunteers also get to play the game they're setting up. Or are they spectators usually?

I could see it being fun if we could also join in (making it a 5 player plus GM maximum table), but not so much fun otherwise. My main concern is keeping track of my cards.

I'm not going to volunteer for this event, but will probably do so in the future if I also get to play.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Naarg wrote:
Will we need to pre-register to play the Organized Play events?

Given our slight tardiness, I expect you will be able to walk up, though local hero and Venture-Captain Mike McNerney is working on getting the events into the Origins event schedule as we speak.

Jason S, the official answer to that is no. The unofficial answer will depend very much on the situation on the ground. I take care of my people. :)

Grand Lodge

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Can't wait! May have to cancel some other event tickets to come play!

2/5 *

I just read this.

Does that mean all the Wrath games will only be demos (usually 30 minutes) or will they be full 2 hour games? And I'm also guessing they will not be available for OP credit?

And I'm assuming there will be no S&S OP games?

Might have to redo Origins schedule based on this info. Damn. :(

Adventure Card Game Designer

Jason S wrote:

I just read this.

Does that mean all the Wrath games will only be demos (usually 30 minutes) or will they be full 2 hour games? And I'm also guessing they will not be available for OP credit?

And I'm assuming there will be no S&S OP games?

Might have to redo Origins schedule based on this info. Damn. :(

Wrath games will be full 2-hour sessions, sanctioned and everything. I'll have Chronicle sheets.

I'm bringing a copy of S&S and can therefore support Season of the Shackles play, but it's not something I scheduled so bring your friends.

2/5 *

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That's awesome! And we get to preview adventure #2 for Wrath too, wow, this is going to be great. I have every afternoon off to play PFCG at Origins, looking forward to this.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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As an update, I spoke with Paul form GAMA last night and they are still working on adding the ACG events into the registration system. Hopefully they will be live by the end of the week.

Adventure Card Game Designer

McNerney, you're fantastic. Thank you.


Where is Origins this year?

1/5 *

WinterwolfNW wrote:
Where is Origins this year?

Columbus, Ohio; same place it's been for the last 20 years or so. :)


Okay, sorry I have not been to Origins since Pacific Origins in 1981 when it was in San Mateo California. Did not know they fixed it.

Grand Lodge

Still nothing on the Origins schedule. Anybody have an update? I'm holding slots for this but if it's not going to be listed then I'll go ahead and fill them and fit PACG in when I can. Thanks for any info.

Adventure Card Game Designer

We'll be there, running org play and demos. 10a-8p in Hall D at the Paizo area. Adventure 1 and playtesting-for-official-credit of Adventure 2.

2/5 *

Hi, I have a question. Does playing OP cost any generic tickets, if so how much per 2 hour slot?

Also, I plan on playing OP every afternoon (and playtesting adventure 2), is there a way to reserve a seat? Officially or unofficially?


Adventure Card Game Designer

Nope, no tickets, no reservations. Just come on by and we'll do our best to seat you.

2/5 *

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I just wanted to thank Tanis and company for coming out to Origins and supporting OP there. For me, that was the perfect way to spend most of my week. It turned a horrible week into something very relaxing and fun. Thanks!

Also want to thank the guys I met while playing OP all weekend, Mike and Len (who I played through Adventure 1 with) and Rogue and Dan (who I played through Adventure 2 with). Loved playing with you guys, hopefully will see you next year.

Btw, 100% success rate! :)

2/5 *

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Best moments.

Amaryllis beating a DC 18 demon to death using a hatchet (D6 STR). Halfling power!

Winning on the last turn of the last encounter of the last check. After failing her combat check, Katie used her Ivory Dice to pull out the lucky 50/50 win! Awesome!

Winning on the 2nd last turn with Rogue and Dan.

Watching Valeros (Dan) get eaten by 3 blood demons (nom nom nom) thanks to a Demonic Horde (right, that NEVER happens).

Farming the Manor House. Close this location, no way!

Everyone avoiding the Lava Core, lol. And crossing our fingers on the Torture Chamber.

Realizing surges put you over the top and that you don't need to be afraid of Wrath.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just want to echo the the thanks to Tanis and folks who were at Origins.
Who made the Organized Play for PACG very fun, and also made a great representation for Paizo in the C&D Halls.


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Yes, thanks to the entire Origins Paizo team.

Thanks for the Thanks Jason, it was great playing with you too and all the intrepid World Wound explorers.

It was great to see the booth busy all through the con with new people trying the game and trying organized play.

Wow is Wrath a step up in difficulty from Shackles! You really have to have a well balanced team to be able to take on some of these scenarios.

Now I just need to finish Season of the Shackles in time to get back into Season of the Righteous as soon as the official releases come out.

2/5 *

I know everyone is crazy busy, but is there any chance our sessions from Origins will be reported before Gencon? I'm just worried they'll get lost if too much time passes. Thanks.

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