>>Drink Tea with *thegreenteagamer* Here!<< (You can ask questions if you want, too.)

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I might have to do something with "Before My Body is Dry" but I'm not quite clever enough to make up the necessary puns at present.


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Tell me more about this.. tea, does it.. speak to you, has it told you where they took my sister!!

Cause you know if it did.... problem solved, I'm good :-)

In the meantime, Agent Scully here is prepared to do a cavity search...

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.. Wait! What?..... I don't know if that's such a good idea Mulder...

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Um...Red Bull and Coke Gamer, we need you for a, uh...look, this redheaded chick digs you.

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Dude! Bro! I'm with the sheet cake now...... nope not going to make the joke I want to, poor taste

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TheRedbullandCokegamer wrote:
Dude! Bro! I'm with the sheet cake now...... nope not going to make the joke I want to, poor taste

Haven't you heard? Sheet cake is into group activities....

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I don't even know why I crack jokes on your thread if you won't favorite them:-)

By the way I have a "ask/talk with" thread gimmick for one of my aliases that would rule them all, I'm just holding onto til the time is right, Mwahahahahaha!!!!

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Hey, I favorited the RB&C one.

I was never really an X-Files fan.

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Also I'm just not interested in maintaining it, and i hate answering/asking questions (*hint, its not an ask thread*)

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

Hey, I favorited the RB&C one.

I was never really an X-Files fan.

how... how is that... possible... Still don't understand.... how?

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Season 1 bored me, and I'm not a fan of the "Oh but you have to wait until season x when it gets really good" school of TV watching.

Plus, I rarely am into dramas. I'm more of a comedy guy. Life has enough drama as it is, I don't need more on TV. There are a handful of dramas that hold my interest, and even those need comedy interspersed between viewing to keep me held. I can probably think od ten dramas I've liked, and at least three are HBO.

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Okay here's my idea >>Cooking Brains with Bill<< just a thread for people to talk cooking b+@+#~%! with my alias Bill, Brain Collector the shtick is every recipe I post has Brains (optional) at the end :-)

Wish I knew tea:-)

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Finally someone that gets comedy!!

You must watch Quickdraw on Hulu (Don't even need to subscribe!) Then tell me what you think, we love it!

Especially first episode and my favorite is first episode of season 2 :-) awesome show!!

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captain yesterday wrote:
Also I'm just not interested in maintaining it, and i hate answering/asking questions (*hint, its not an ask thread*)

You know, I haven't gotten many questions. I'm not a popular enough figure. It's only recently I even realized people occasionally recognize me when I popped up (the alignment thread I started), and that genuinely suprised me. I've been around these parts for a few years, but I've taken many long breaks between activity in the past, and for at least half a year I mostly just browsed the advice subsection of the PFRPG board to learn me some optimization basics, as I had come from an old 3.5 group in the past that was brutal.

I think if I hadn't included the tea subject I'd continue to flounder in relative obscurity, but, dude, tea is pretty awesome, so of course people come out to talk about that...which isn't a problem for me, because I love expanding my knowledge of it (or anything really).

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Okay, here's the thing with me and TV... we don't have cable, or internet in the house. I usually post from my phone, and though I can stream shows on it (and enjoy to do so), I only have 4GLTE data for a limited amount until it devolves into 3G, thank you MetroPCS for that hidden subtext in your supposedly unlimited plan (it's still cheaper than anything, so not that big a deal). Right now I'm still on 3G for a few more weeks.

Most of the shows I watch are on DVD, because despite budgetary slashing from the city every year, the city still has a decent library system with regularly updated DVD collections.

But yeah, seriously, people who don't like comedy confuse me. Who doesn't like to laugh? My mother in law doesn't like most comedies, and will usually prefer action, even cheesy Segal movie action...mind boggling... (I mean I like action, but Segal over it? God no!)

EDIT/ADDENDUM - I'm not a low tech guy, I just hate Comcast, they have a monopoly on high speed in my area, and I can walk to WiFi in two blocks if I'm desperate. Seriously, those dicks doubled our rates twice in two months, even though we had four months left on our low price guarantee, and then wouldn't help us at all to fix it when we called. We've since refused to pay the difference, and now they hound us for collections...if they put 1/10th of the effort into customer service that they do into collections, they probably wouldn't be world famous for bad service.

So yeah, it's not that I type slow or am awful with typos, it's I'm on a phone and autocorrect is the devil.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:


So yeah, it's not that I type slow or am awful with typos, it's I'm on a phone and autocorrect is the devil.

And just who do you think designed that alleged feature? BWAHAHAHA

By the way, anytime Scully needs her cavities searched I'm up for it. ;-)

As for tea, I drink it occasionally. Never did like coffee that much. Even when I was in the Navy I tended to use soda to get my caffeine fix. The few times I did do coffee I'd usually dump a package of powdered hot cocoa mix in it.

I know that this will get me all kinds of abuse from the snobs on the thread, but I usually go for Lipton when I get tea. It's cheap and you can find it everywhere. I usually take my tea without sugar. However, when I want/need a serious caffeine buzz working bizarre shifts these days I'll go for one of the 16 oz energy drinks. Right now I'm using Monster, but that's largely because I've been able to find good deals on it in stores as opposed to any serious brand loyalty.

Ceaser Slaad wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:


So yeah, it's not that I type slow or am awful with typos, it's I'm on a phone and autocorrect is the devil.

And just who do you think designed that alleged feature? BWAHAHAHA

By the way, anytime Scully needs her cavities searched I'm up for it. ;-)

As for tea, I drink it occasionally. Never did like coffee that much. Even when I was in the Navy I tended to use soda to get my caffeine fix. The few times I did do coffee I'd usually dump a package of powdered hot cocoa mix in it.

I know that this will get me all kinds of abuse from the snobs on the thread, but I usually go for Lipton when I get tea. It's cheap and you can find it everywhere. I usually take my tea without sugar. However, when I want/need a serious caffeine buzz working bizarre shifts these days I'll go for one of the 16 oz energy drinks. Right now I'm using Monster, but that's largely because I've been able to find good deals on it in stores as opposed to any serious brand loyalty.

Yeah...taurine grosses me out, so I avoid most energy drinks. Arizona energy, BAWLS, and a few others that use guarana are more my speed.

Sweet Tea Gamer and Rynjin seem to favor Lipton, for some reason it's popular for the sweet stuff...but as a regular hot cup without sugar, that just weirds me out a little.

To me, coffee is entirely reflected by the quality of the beans, which makes a massive difference, and the additives. I've had crappy beans with quality additives, or the reverse, but cheap with cheap equals gross.

Ceaser Slaad wrote:
I know that this will get me all kinds of abuse from the snobs on the thread, but I usually go for Lipton when I get tea. It's cheap and you can find it everywhere.

My people!

Ceaser Slaad wrote:
I usually take my tea without sugar.

Wait, what?

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I will say one thing for Lipton, their 100-bag-boxes make excellent storage for paper minis.

And yes, I have on occasion bought and drunk 100 bags of Lipton's English Breakfast bags just so I could use the box. (If you use two bags for one cup it's almost okay.)

The results may surprise you!

None of the first page's worth of articles in that Google search even remotely reflect your question.

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Way to cherrypick data.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

Sweet Tea Gamer and Rynjin seem to favor Lipton, for some reason it's popular for the sweet stuff...but as a regular hot cup without sugar, that just weirds me out a little.

I've never drunk it hot, I get it solely to make sweet tea with.

I only drink hot tea occasionally but I usually have something from Twinings or Bigelow in the pantry.

Currently I have an English Afternoon, an Irish Breakfast (which is my second favorite after Lapsang Suchong), and an Earl Grey (the Bigelow one).

The former two drunk with a good amount of sugar and some milk.

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Cliche British Guy Sipping Tea wrote:


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Yeah, sure. I guess. Or whatever.

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I say!
Where has Charles gone off to, we sent him out with Jeffrey and the Good Lord Foxglove for more tea nearly three hours ago, but that was before the storm!

My word!
I don't want to be ungrateful, its just with the Scones gone and the tea drying up I've only now noticed how odd Foxglove's coastal fixer upper feels... I say!... are those birds watching us....

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Nothing to worry about ... unless the birds have been watching one of Alfred Hitchcock's films. :-)

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Darling, fetch me some crumpets. Baaaa!

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Right you are, then.

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I got some bad news for you guys.

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theblackteagamer wrote:

So let me just ask this straight up...

Did anyone else first get into drinking tea by ordering "Tea, Earl Grey, hot"? Or was that just me?

I have used Mint teas to settle my stomach for years, but that is how I got into other types of tea. And it still surprises me to this day that it tastes ande smells like hot, liquid, fruitloops. I never expected that, it sounds so sophisticated, and tastes like a cereal I haven't had since I was ten. Its not bad, it just threw me for a (fruit)loop.

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Arnold Palmers are wonderful. Mixing two of my favorite drinks, just about as great a combo as you can get (short of pizza and ice cream...but you know, not on the same bowl or plate)

I love APs - games and tea both, I suppose - but I also prefer some old sweet tea as well. It really depends on what mood I'm in which is 'superior'.

I still don't see why you can't have icecream and pizza on the same plate, though. The 'Turtles used to have their icecream Pizzas, and since they always did everything realistically in the '89 cartoon...

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I love pizza, and I love ice cream. But the idea of pizza a la mode just doesn't do it for me.

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If I could eat it to try it, I would work up a sweet pizza recipe that might a la mode rather well. I'm thinking keep the dough as is, too much more sugar could overfeed the yeast, leaving you with a goopy mess that eats flour at an insane rate while you try to knead it. Tomato is a fruit* so I would work up a fruit pie filling type for the sauce, wouldn't need much of it for one pie. Coconut flakes for the cheese, unfortunately, as most cheeses are too flavorful to go well with sweets like the sauce, but bacon works well enough with them for the topping. If only I wasn't allergic to tomatoes I would try this out, and probably tweak it some more, but alas. If anybody else is feeling adventurous, let us know how it goes.

Unrelated to pizza, wishing I had time to make a 'Florida' AP, Biglow Lemon Lift and Orange spice for the tea, makes it really citrusy, but I'm off to work too soon to brew it. Should have started it earlier, mothers day gets busy.

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I wanted to reply, but I have nothing of any worth to add to the subject, other than a questioning of what makes that AP "Florida"?

Also, just a general soapbox rant that anyone who requires their employees (in a non-emergency industry) to be at work before 8am is just a dick. How many customers do you get from 6am-9am, like three?

*grumbles about waking up at 5:15am this morning to get to work by 6*

If you shop before 9am, you're just adding to the cycle. Go back to sleep. Nobody likes early birds.

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You would just love my schedule.

Sunday: 6:00 pm to 6:00 am
Monday: 4:30 pm to 6:00 am
Tuesday: 4:30 pm to 6:00 am

And that's my 39 hour work week.

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I'm an early bird!

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captain yesterday wrote:
I'm an early bird!


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Ceaser Slaad wrote:

You would just love my schedule.

Sunday: 6:00 pm to 6:00 am
Monday: 4:30 pm to 6:00 am
Tuesday: 4:30 pm to 6:00 am

And that's my 39 hour work week.

Unless you work in an emergency services, your boss should be hit repeatedly in the head with an aluminum bat until the wielder grows weary from exertion for giving you such a schedule.

...and even then, the tired guy should pass the bat on to a fresh swinger until it breaks.

Sovereign Court

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They say early bird catches the worm, but the truth is that the second mouse gets the cheese.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:
Ceaser Slaad wrote:

You would just love my schedule.

Sunday: 6:00 pm to 6:00 am
Monday: 4:30 pm to 6:00 am
Tuesday: 4:30 pm to 6:00 am

And that's my 39 hour work week.

Unless you work in an emergency services, your boss should be hit repeatedly in the head with an aluminum bat until the wielder grows weary from exertion for giving you such a schedule.

...and even then, the tired guy should pass the bat on to a fresh swinger until it breaks.

The joy of working security old chap. It's nowhere near as bad as what I had to put up with in the Navy though. You too could find yourself taking the watch as Officer of the Deck (Underway) on a ship in a war zone having had only three hours' sleep in two days. Yee hah! Not.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

I wanted to reply, but I have nothing of any worth to add to the subject, other than a questioning of what makes that AP "Florida"?

Also, just a general soapbox rant that anyone who requires their employees (in a non-emergency industry) to be at work before 8am is just a dick. How many customers do you get from 6am-9am, like three?

*grumbles about waking up at 5:15am this morning to get to work by 6*

If you shop before 9am, you're just adding to the cycle. Go back to sleep. Nobody likes early birds.

I'm just going to say that not everyone works retail.

And I like getting to work pretty early, so that I can get out at a decent hour and still have daylight left.

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i work in construction when not being a stay at home dad, before that a baker, and yeah as Jeff says i'd much rather get to work early and get it done so i still have daylight left when i get home:-)

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All the citrus, which is Floridaish. I like to name the different AP's I make to differentiate between them.

On hours, I generally work 10 to 9 Tuesday-Thursday, and 10 to 10 friday. As I live closest to work and have been a Pantry cook (sandwiches, Salads, Desserts, and prep for the Line cooks) there the longest, I am also the one most often called in for covers and holidays. At the ends of Fridays, I am usually wiped, I don't see how you stay alert through shifts longer that 12 hours Caesar. Also, Fun Fact: If you wish to implant many human hosts, people seem to love Caesar Salads on Mothers day.

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Thearnoldpalmergamer wrote:

All the citrus, which is Floridaish. I like to name the different AP's I make to differentiate between them.

On hours, I generally work 10 to 9 Tuesday-Thursday, and 10 to 10 friday. As I live closest to work and have been a Pantry cook (sandwiches, Salads, Desserts, and prep for the Line cooks) there the longest, I am also the one most often called in for covers and holidays. At the ends of Fridays, I am usually wiped, I don't see how you stay alert through shifts longer that 12 hours Caesar. Also, Fun Fact: If you wish to implant many human hosts, people seem to love Caesar Salads on Mothers day.

The sad truth is I'm not always as alert as I would like to be. But I can get quite a bit of reading done, listen to the radio and post messages on my smartphone. As long as I'm awake and alert enough to be able to react to a herd of stampeding elephants and make my rounds, things usually go well. Could be worse, could have to *work* for a living. ;-)

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Sorry, I was grumpy this morning. I'm not a morning person.

Caesar, I kinda think security sort of falls into emergency services. Sure, it's mostly only contacting them when they're needed, but it's under that umbrella, so it fits my preempted exceptions.

I actually wasn't talking only about retail. It was sort of inspired by the disturbing amount of traffic before 6am that I saw. I couldn't believe how many people had jobs that made them get up at such an ungodly hour.

I have a lot of compassion for the plight for the low wage workers. I used to look down on a lot of people...I had a serious set of judgmental issues...But some...things....came to light in my life to where I realized you never can tell what otherwise capable people are dealing with that might be preventing them from rising above their current situation in life. Most people don't wear their negative circumstances on their sleeves, and we tend to assume all is well with a person when they might just be stoic enough to not show what's holding them down.

So, onto positive things:

Holy crappoli, did you see this epic burn?

Maybe I'm overreading this, but I thought that was genius. It seemed Arrested Development level layered sly comedy in only a few sentences.

Okay, Muad'dib gets white tea put on hold for that one. Nobody else steal it until he either takes it or declines.

Other Things That Start With T:
Titanic (hope you like drowning)
Toad (hope you like warts)
Tadpole (hope you like looking forward to having warts)
Toilet (hope you like your drunk roommate getting confused and using the wrong pot)
Turbo (dumb movie)
Turtle (hope you like things falling on your head from the sky)
Terrorist (hope you like supporting the reds)
Table (as in, let's table this discussion and put a moratorium on tea-drinking)

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