Looking for players to start a late Sunday morning (CDT) d20Pro / Skype game


Grand Lodge

Hello fellow Pathfinders!

I would like to start a late Sunday morning d20Pro/Skype Pathfinder group/game. I am thinking of running sessions two or three Sundays a month going from around 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM US Central time. I am somewhat flexible, though, on the exact session times. I expect there to often be one Sunday a month when I won't be able to run a session, which is when I play in a local PFS event.

I have run online Pathfinder Adventure Path games before, including Second Darkness (through Chapter 2) and Kingmaker (through Chapter 3).

I have run in-person APs including Council of Thieves (got into Chapter 6), Kingmaker (through Chapter 2), and Carrion Crown (got into Chapter 3).

I am running an in-person Serpent's Skull game (currently into Chapter 2), but the DM rotation has switched for awhile to another person in my local Saturday gaming group.

Before deciding on a particular AP to run for this group, I would first like to assemble four to six reliable players and run a couple of short adventures to help everyone get to know one another and allow you to see how I run a game.

If you're looking for a recurring online Pathfinder game and this day and time work for you please post in this thread and note your interest and ask any questions you might have.

I look forward to getting this group up and running soon!

Yorgi (Andy)

Just how flexible are you about the time? At the very least, starting an hour later will give me a chance to have lunch, since I live in eastern time.

Grand Lodge

I'm willing to run sessions starting as late as 1 PM CDT, running until around 5 PM CDT, but my preference is still for a late morning, as opposed to afternoon, game time.

I'm also open to a split session, say from 10-12 and then 1-3 allowing an hour break for lunch.

My interest. She is expressed.

I may be interested in this. I will say an hour later would be better for me too because it wouldn't be quite as early as I am on the West Coast ;) I will watch this and see how it develops.

I'll throw my hat into the ring.

Grand Lodge

Dotting for interest.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I would like to have my name considered for this game.

Grand Lodge

Hi, All. Thanks for expressing your interest!

It looks like it may be late May before I can get this going. My local group has been switching our game sessions between Saturday and Sunday afternoons to accommodate some of the players' work schedules.

The local group is scheduled to play this coming Sunday, 5/3. The next Sunday is Mother's Day, and I will be out of town the following weekend. Finally, the weekend after that is the Memorial Day holiday weekend and I will be attending a graduation.

How many of you would be available for Saturday sessions? I could run late morning, afternoon, or evening Saturday sessions on occasion when the local group or PFS is scheduled for a Sunday.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I would not be able to do Saturdays unfortunately. I have an IRL star wars game that starts at 1-2 CST and runs to about 6-7 then we play this new game called Malefaux or through the breach or something like that. But if you are running on Sunday's I would love to join.

It would have to be evening for me. My local PFS is Saturday afternoon.

Saturdays are fine for me in generally, though the next two weekends are promising to be work-intensive.

Grand Lodge

Saturday is no good for me.


Shadow Lodge

im good any day of the week mate :) im on the west coast but any time any place is good lol

I'm available whenever- I have no life whatsoever.

Grand Lodge

It looks like my local group is solidifying playing on Sundays for now. I will make a new post for a late Saturday morning game.

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