Dawn of Justice Trailer Leaked


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I think the notice was Khal Drogo is fine with the ocean since it listens to him now.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

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Am I the only one who was surprised that Barry Allen came across a lot like Peter Parker in the trailer?

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No...but considering they've made him younger than most of his previous incarnations, it's not THAT weird.

I mean would we say the same thing if it was Wally or Bart?

Liberty's Edge

I'm a little more... head shakey?... whatever, at them aping the Tony/Peter dynamic from Civil War with Bruce and Barry.


Yeah I can see that but again this is more due to fact Barry is younger than the rest of the group. At least...younger than Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Batman. Which is pretty much it after Cyborg.

Is it the same Flash as the show.

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No I'd say this is more of a Flash that's young, inexperienced, but very enthusiastic about being a Super hero. Plus he's more a science guy than Barry at times.

Ah, I've never seen the show.

Liberty's Edge

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The DC movies and TV shows are unrelated.

Well other than WB/DCs traditional movie embargo.

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That and the fact it seems Snyder wanted more geek than smart it seems.

Liberty's Edge

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Like anyone cares what Snyder wants anymore.

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I'm pretty sure Snyder cares what he wants. :p ;)

Sovereign Court

Nobody cares about what he cares.


Okay no boy but HIM cares but that's different from saying nobody including him doesn't care about what he wants.

Scarab Sages

The Flash is the same character from the show Barry Allen, but he is younger than the Barry in the show.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Thomas Seitz wrote:


No...but considering they've made him younger than most of his previous incarnations, it's not THAT weird.

I mean would we say the same thing if it was Wally or Bart?

It's not just that Barry's younger. He came across as a socially insecure outcast I thought, definitely more geeky than I've ever seen the Flash anywhere else (not that I'm a huge Flash scholar, I've only seen him in TV and animated stuff, never read his comics). The Barry Allen(s) I'm familiar with are always much more friendly and outgoing rather than hiding in a geek science lab cave.


You're not wrong about this being different from previous version of Barry Allen. However, I think the fact that a) he's been taken into modern century and b) made young, alters him from being a science guy that has a pretty outgoing personality versus this current one is a reflection of the times they are changing.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Thomas Seitz wrote:


You're not wrong about this being different from previous version of Barry Allen. However, I think the fact that a) he's been taken into modern century and b) made young, alters him from being a science guy that has a pretty outgoing personality versus this current one is a reflection of the times they are changing.

I'll agree with him being younger making some changes more understandable, but don't think bringing him into the modern century would make him less social. If anything, it's an outdated stereotype that Hollywood is perpetuating here, when instead, the reality is that it's far easier and more common now for a tech geek to be socially outgoing and personable than it was 40-60 years ago.


You're forgetting that Hollywood is run by conservative business people that think we're still running our computers on floppy discs. :p

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Thomas Seitz wrote:


You're forgetting that Hollywood is run by conservative business people that think we're still running our computers on floppy discs. :p

Much of Hollywood is, but saying that Hollywood as a whole is doesn't represent studios which are doing a good job - such as Marvel.


Yes but this is WB. It's not exactly as progressive as Marvel is.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Thomas Seitz wrote:


Yes but this is WB. It's not exactly as progressive as Marvel is.

And that's my point. And why I have no interest in the DC movies. WB TV seems to be doing just fine...so there are pockets of hope. (Maybe the Legends of Tomorrow could change history to have WB movies be good?)


Maybe but I doubt it. Right now the best we can hope for is CW doing its thing while WB movies do theirs.

I hope it is good and does well. I would love to see Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern(any but Guy Gardner), Hawk Girl(alien version), etc.

Heck I would like to see the Wonder Twins.

I just hope that we will finally see movies for the Teen Titans, Young Justice, Supergirl, The Question, Warlord, Amethyst Princess of Gemworld, etc.

I think of those, Supergirl movie, Teen Titans and probably some Green Lantern solos MIGHT occur, Dragon. But not before being set up in other movies.

Dragon78 wrote:

I hope it is good and does well. I would love to see Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern(any but Guy Gardner), Hawk Girl(alien version), etc.

Heck I would like to see the Wonder Twins.

I just hope that we will finally see movies for the Teen Titans, Young Justice, Supergirl, The Question, Warlord, Amethyst Princess of Gemworld, etc.


I liked Kyle better honestly. Mostly because he got the best ring. LIFE! :)

Sovereign Court

Oh god just please either let it bee John Stewart or Hal Jordan.

I think the first time we'll see GL is as the Corp, not necessarily an individual, Hama.

Dark Archive

Ben Affleck Confirms Batman Solo Film is Titled The Batman

Wow. Well to sell us on a movie Ben! :p ;)

Scarab Sages

He is a great director and writer imo, so i am taking this as very good news.

Dark Archive

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They were going to call the new Batman movie, 'Batman v Green Lantern: Mid-Morning of Justice,' but wiser heads prevailed.

Dark Archive

The money shot. Literally.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

I really don't like that armored suit on Batman. They had the best movie Batman suit in BvS, and that is just a step backwards.

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