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I'm certainly excited for this movie, but also bit worried for it's overall grim atmosphere. I really want this to be good but I'm afraid. If this dark and gritty world is the DC cinematic universe, I'm also worried for Suicide Squad and Shazam. 'Squad is known for it's dark humor and colorful characters and Shazam is one of the most idealistic and cheeriest superheroes out there (and my one of my personal favourites).
But the Batman looks good. He is the one I'm most excited about.

ShinHakkaider |
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After seeing this trailer I now have no interest in seeing this movie. I think I might be one of the few people who is not a DC fanboy who actually liked MAN OF STEEL and was hoping for a straight sequel to that movie. I had my issues with parts of the film but nothing was problematic enough to mess with me enjoying the movie.
But this thing that they're doing here? Superman is a light a beacon of hope for humanity. This movie looks DARK. Not only visually but tonally and really while a little darkness is a good thing when used appropriately (and in the case of Kal-El , sparringly) this thing seem GRIMDARK!!! for GRIMDARK'S!!! sake.
And Batman? At this point we get it. HE'S DARK BROODING AND ANGRY. Jesus... But even in the animated series and JL and JLU he occasionally had a sense of levity (a dark one and even a self effacing one...)
I could use some air support...
Also, going right to the Dark Knight Returns Superman v. Batman in powered armor thing reeks of desperation on DC's behalf. UGH. I wanted to like it and maybe I'll give it another chance after it's release but not excited for this at all.

Bjørn Røyrvik |
I am reluctant to assume that the entire movie will be GRIMDARK!!!!! all the way through based on what little we've seen here. But even if this is a fair representation I'm still far more interested in this than almost anything Marvel or SW. Marvel is doing the lighter fare, DC is doing a bit darker stuff. Most of the characters can work in either type of story and it's just as well that WB isn't trying to copy MS too closely.

Jaelithe |
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I am reluctant to assume that the entire movie will be GRIMDARK!!!!! all the way through based on what little we've seen here. But even if this is a fair representation I'm still far more interested in this than almost anything Marvel or SW. Marvel is doing the lighter fare, DC is doing a bit darker stuff. Most of the characters can work in either type of story and it's just as well that WB isn't trying to copy MS too closely.
Hmm. I hardly agree that Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Avengers: Age of Ultron are "lighter fare." Thus far, frankly, Marvel certainly seems to 'get it' much better than DC, insofar as movies are concerned. Television is another matter: I consider The Flash by far the best of the bunch, followed closely by Agent Carter. Neither Arrow nor Agents of SHIELD do much for me at all.

MMCJawa |
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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:I am reluctant to assume that the entire movie will be GRIMDARK!!!!! all the way through based on what little we've seen here. But even if this is a fair representation I'm still far more interested in this than almost anything Marvel or SW. Marvel is doing the lighter fare, DC is doing a bit darker stuff. Most of the characters can work in either type of story and it's just as well that WB isn't trying to copy MS too closely.Hmm. I hardly agree that Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Avengers: Age of Ultron are "lighter fare." Thus far, frankly, Marvel certainly seems to 'get it' much better than DC, insofar as movies are concerned. Television is another matter: I consider The Flash by far the best of the bunch, followed closely by Agent Carter. Neither Arrow nor Agents of SHIELD do much for me at all.
And Daredevil has pretty much blown all of those TV shows away, hands down.

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I am reluctant to assume that the entire movie will be GRIMDARK!!!!! all the way through based on what little we've seen here. But even if this is a fair representation I'm still far more interested in this than almost anything Marvel or SW. Marvel is doing the lighter fare, DC is doing a bit darker stuff. Most of the characters can work in either type of story and it's just as well that WB isn't trying to copy MS too closely.
Marvel are (smartly) using different tones in their movies. Guardians of the Galaxy is in a completely different genre than The Winter Soldier. The Thor movies are complete fluff, Iron Man is action comedy, and the big group stuff (Guardians, Avengers) is mostly about fun. I expect more variations and subgenres would be explored as the MCU develops.
Unlike them, every indication is that all DC movies planned for the near future are going to be various shades of grimdark.

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Marvel are (smartly) using different tones in their movies. Guardians of the Galaxy is in a completely different genre than The Winter Soldier. The Thor movies are complete fluff, Iron Man is action comedy, and the big group stuff (Guardians, Avengers) is mostly about fun. I expect more variations and subgenres would be explored as the MCU develops.
Dr. Strange will hopefully take it in a very different direction.
And on Netflix, both Luke Cage and Iron Fist promise some different tones and themes.
A Black Widow movie might go full on spy-drama, with a dash of James Bond.
Unlike them, every indication is that all DC movies planned for the near future are going to be various shades of grimdark.
Seems that way, and yet with the success of the Flash, with it's lighter tone and more enthusiastic celebration of all that is whacky and un-serious and *fun* about comics (thanks in part to Cisco naming all of the Rogues), perhaps there's someone at DC considering that the 'Batman formula' isn't the *only* road to walk, and that a *fun* superhero movie, perhaps starring someone like Superboy / Conner, or Booster Gold, or a similar character that thrives on a less grim and gritty mono-chromatic palette, could actually sell tickets and put butts in seats and earn green cash money.
More success with stuff like the Flash might result in DC feeling less shy about waving their freak flag, less like they have to apologize for and hide from the inherent goofiness and 'unrealisticness' of the genre, and lead to some *fun* superhero movies from them.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice does not seem to be that movie, 'though.
Interesting that Gal Godot's name is on the poster, and Jason Mamoa's is not. Seems that Wonder Woman will have a bigger presence in the movie than Aquaman.

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MMCJawa |
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Lord Snow wrote:Marvel are (smartly) using different tones in their movies. Guardians of the Galaxy is in a completely different genre than The Winter Soldier. The Thor movies are complete fluff, Iron Man is action comedy, and the big group stuff (Guardians, Avengers) is mostly about fun. I expect more variations and subgenres would be explored as the MCU develops.Dr. Strange will hopefully take it in a very different direction.
And on Netflix, both Luke Cage and Iron Fist promise some different tones and themes.
A Black Widow movie might go full on spy-drama, with a dash of James Bond.
Quote:Unlike them, every indication is that all DC movies planned for the near future are going to be various shades of grimdark.Seems that way, and yet with the success of the Flash, with it's lighter tone and more enthusiastic celebration of all that is whacky and un-serious and *fun* about comics (thanks in part to Cisco naming all of the Rogues), perhaps there's someone at DC considering that the 'Batman formula' isn't the *only* road to walk, and that a *fun* superhero movie, perhaps starring someone like Superboy / Conner, or Booster Gold, or a similar character that thrives on a less grim and gritty mono-chromatic palette, could actually sell tickets and put butts in seats and earn green cash money.
More success with stuff like the Flash might result in DC feeling less shy about waving their freak flag, less like they have to apologize for and hide from the inherent goofiness and 'unrealisticness' of the genre, and lead to some *fun* superhero movies from them.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice does not seem to be that movie, 'though.
Interesting that Gal Godot's name is on the poster, and Jason Mamoa's is not. Seems that Wonder Woman will have a bigger presence in the movie than Aquaman.
Wonder Woman is suppose to have a major role in the movie, while rumors state that Aquaman might have a part more similar to Nick Fury in Iron Man.
At any rate, my understanding is that the TV and Movie divisions of WB are separate entities, and it sounds like they don't really play well together.

MMCJawa |
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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:I am reluctant to assume that the entire movie will be GRIMDARK!!!!! all the way through based on what little we've seen here. But even if this is a fair representation I'm still far more interested in this than almost anything Marvel or SW. Marvel is doing the lighter fare, DC is doing a bit darker stuff. Most of the characters can work in either type of story and it's just as well that WB isn't trying to copy MS too closely.Marvel are (smartly) using different tones in their movies. Guardians of the Galaxy is in a completely different genre than The Winter Soldier. The Thor movies are complete fluff, Iron Man is action comedy, and the big group stuff (Guardians, Avengers) is mostly about fun. I expect more variations and subgenres would be explored as the MCU develops.
Unlike them, every indication is that all DC movies planned for the near future are going to be various shades of grimdark.
I kind of disagree with this regarding Marvel. Tonally, and the way they are shot and staged, all the Marvel movies pretty follow the same formula. Where they differ is the genres. Yeah Winter Soldier is a political thriller and the Thor movies are fantasy. But they still have similar degrees of humor, action, etc.
And yeah...I think a recent publicist dissed Marvel movies for not being "realistic", while branding the gritty, dark vibe as the tone we will see in all upcoming D.C. movies.

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And yeah...I think a recent publicist dissed Marvel movies for not being "realistic", while branding the gritty, dark vibe as the tone we will see in all upcoming D.C. movies.
Yup, Winter Soldier is nowhere near as realistic as a guy who can fly, lift thousands of tons, shoot laser beams out of his eyes, and all but destroys a city fighting three other guys with the same essential powers.
Not to mention the ridiculousness that is Daredevil. Hell, Man of Steel is practically a documentary compared to Daredevil.

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MMCJawa wrote:And yeah...I think a recent publicist dissed Marvel movies for not being "realistic", while branding the gritty, dark vibe as the tone we will see in all upcoming D.C. movies.Yup, Winter Soldier is nowhere near as realistic as a guy who can fly, lift thousands of tons, shoot laser beams out of his eyes, and all but destroys a city fighting three other guys with the same essential powers.
Not to mention the ridiculousness that is Daredevil. Hell, Man of Steel is practically a documentary compared to Daredevil.
"realism" is not the right word, I think, when discussing superheroes. Consistency is a better one, perhaps even "Internal Consistency". The movie needs to set up rules and then follow them. The existence of superman is not unrealistic in a superman movie - it's the underlying assumption. In order to be consistent, though, the movie needs to show a convincing scenario of what might happen if a superman-like entity came to Earth.
Marvel is, of course, inconsistent. There's no actual way all the stuff we have seen so far can seriously coexist like that. Even a short amount of time thinking through the events in individual movies in the MCU (let alone thinking of the interactions between those stories) will show that most of them are kind of dumb.
That's how comics work though, right? you are willing to suspend quite a bit of disbelief, especially since the genre is very aware of being absurd and over-the-top, and plays to the strengths of those qualities.
D.C just doesn't have a movie/TV presence nearly as extensive yet. Once they will, of course they will be every bit as inconsistent. And that's when the whole Grimdark thing really might fall apart.

Kalshane |
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This trailer definitely didn't wow me. I'm really not interested in yet another re-tread of the Batman/Superman fight from The Dark Knight Returns.
Especially when it's "Dark and Gritty" Batman vs. "Dark and Gritty" Superman. The whole reason the Batman/Superman relationship is interesting is because of how different the two of them are, yet still respect each other has heroes in their own right even if they disagree on the why and how.

ShinHakkaider |

I am reluctant to assume that the entire movie will be GRIMDARK!!!!! all the way through based on what little we've seen here.
That would be a fair point of view to take except that trailers aren't cut in a vacuum. If that's what they showed us that's exactly how they want the movie to be perceived. They showed us dour and grimdark!!! because that's the tone that they wanted to set and let the perspective audience know that's what this movie is.
Now personal preference aside...

Pillbug Toenibbler |

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Because armor that can hit hard enough to bruise Superman would insta-gib a human being.
I guess we'll find out if this Batman's okay with using lethal force on normals, though.
Hmm, interesting. If they go with the "Batman never kills" angle, they could contrast nicely with Superman, who already killed in Man of Steel.

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More importantly, why do some of the people reaching for Superman have freakish face paint on?
Apparently they are celebrators of the Day of the Dead, I read that the flowers on backgrounds are also part of the celebrations. Why Superman is there and why did they chose to do that....I don't know. Maybe homage to this?

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SDCC-Trailer is here, and by god it looks glorious.

Blazej |

I am still wary at best. It does have pretty visuals, but I'm not getting enough from it. I wasn't incredibly satisfied with the last Superman movie and this feels more similar than not. This is not the first time I will have seen the pair duke it out and I think would enjoy one of those instances more than this. I'll wait though.