How do you Pronounce "Ng" the Eldest of wandering, rather than the alignment?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

I flit between "Enn Gee" "Nig" Nug" "Eng" "Ing", I would rather use his name that fall back on "The Hooded one".

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"Ing" The pronounciation of the I is so soft its almost silent.

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Ng. Like "ng" in english. It doesn't need any vowels at all, almost silent or not.

Executive Editor

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While I love everyone's interpretations (especially Marco's), the name is generally pronounced "Ing," though creatures with different types of mouths place a different amount of emphasis on the initial vowel.

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Some words were never meant to be pronounced by human tongues. O_o

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For reference the Vietemese name Nguyn sounds very much like "wind".

Scarab Sages

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Find the They Might Be Giants song Anna Ng and listen to it. It's usually "Eng" or sometimes Ing but you can try to not pronounce the initial vowel if possible. Well at least that's how I say it, assuming it's meant to be the same as the Chinese last name.

Scarab Sages

Try this: Shut the back of your mouth/beginning of your throat the way you do when you're holding your breath, then vocalize. It should sound more like a sound effect than a word.

Grand Lodge

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So, followers of Ng, would be Ngans, Ngers, Ngoids?

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