Fuse Grenades Turns and use

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Do fuse grenades have a charge build in, like a grenade, or do they need to be lit with a tindertwig/spark?

The two scenarios would be move to draw, move to light, Standard to throw. The attack takes a round and a half plus gold.


Move draw tindertwig, move draw grenade, move to light tindertwig, move to light grenade, turn 3 throw as standard plus gold. This seems crazy.

Any clarification would be awesome.

Grandlounge wrote:

Do fuse grenades have a charge build in, like a grenade, or do they need to be lit with a tindertwig/spark?

The two scenarios would be move to draw, move to light, Standard to throw. The attack takes a round and a half plus gold.


Move draw tindertwig, move draw grenade, move to light tindertwig, move to light grenade, turn 3 throw as standard plus gold. This seems crazy.

Any clarification would be awesome.

My interpretation is that they need to be lit. Early grenades used in the 1700s did need to be lit. That's why they fell out of favor until more modern fuses that just required releasing a lever were developed.

I tried equipping a couple of characters with fuse grenades. I hung them on a bandolier with a tindertwig. The way I played them was 1 action to draw both the tindertwig and the grenade, I action to light and throw. 1 Round total. Otherwise they'd be almost unusable.
I don't know if that's correct but no one seemed to object.


Giantslayer has a magic grenade (with little cost increase) that ignores ALL miss chance and concealment, so it can attack foes in murderholes/arrow slits with ease.

But yes, they seem largely useless thanks to the variable fuse (which makes no sense when it varies by up to 12 seconds).

Grand Lodge

Can you sunder a lit fuse grenade, to disable it?

deuxhero wrote:

Giantslayer has a magic grenade (with little cost increase) that ignores ALL miss chance and concealment, so it can attack foes in murderholes/arrow slits with ease.

But yes, they seem largely useless thanks to the variable fuse (which makes no sense when it varies by up to 12 seconds).

This is what I was thinking I will have to see what the gms say.

deuxhero wrote:

Giantslayer has a magic grenade (with little cost increase) that ignores ALL miss chance and concealment, so it can attack foes in murderholes/arrow slits with ease.

But yes, they seem largely useless thanks to the variable fuse (which makes no sense when it varies by up to 12 seconds).

Some only vary between 1 or 2 rounds 1d3-1. That seems fine for me but the more dramatic differences seem silly.

Michael Jewer wrote:
deuxhero wrote:

Giantslayer has a magic grenade (with little cost increase) that ignores ALL miss chance and concealment, so it can attack foes in murderholes/arrow slits with ease.

But yes, they seem largely useless thanks to the variable fuse (which makes no sense when it varies by up to 12 seconds).

Some only vary between 1 or 2 rounds 1d3-1. That seems fine for me but the more dramatic differences seem silly.

I hope it was 1d3-1 (min 1). While amusing, grenades that explode in your face half the time aren't exactly practical weapons.

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