Do animal companion levels stack of you multi class?


For example; I'm thinking about multi classing a primal hunter and beast rider cavalier. If I took 1 level in each would my animal companion be considered a level 2 companion?


I believe the rule is only if they both have an animal companion feature and it says it stacks.

There is a feat that requires the Expert Trainer Cavalier feature that allows you to use your total level to determine your mount level.

But Beast Rider loses that feature sadly...

Chess Pwn wrote:

It does? I thought the Cavalier mount acted as the Druid companion, where all stats are derived from the character's Druid level (thus needing to refer to the total Cavalier level for stats).

FAQ wrote:

Do animal companion levels from the druid class stack with cavalier mount levels?

If the animal is on the cavalier mount list and on the list of animal companions for your other class, your cavalier and druid levels stack to determine the animal's abilities. If the animal is not on the cavalier mount list, the druid levels do not stack and you must have different animals (one an animal companion, one a cavalier mount).

For example, if you are Medium druid and you choose a horse companion, levels in cavalier stack to determine the horse's abilities. If you are a Medium druid and you choose a bird companion, levels in cavalier do not stack to determine the bird's abilities, and you must choose a second creature to be your mount (or abandon the bird and select an animal companion you can use as a mount).

This same answer applies to multi-classed cavalier/rangers.

(Note that the design team discourages players from having more than one companion creature at a time, as those creatures tend to be much weaker than a single creature affected by these stacking rules, and add to the bookkeeping for playing that character.)

Grand Lodge

As far as I know, it all stacks.

So a Druid 1, Ranger 4, Hunter 1, Cleric (with animal domain) 1 has an effective druid level of 4.

I have run into people telling me that the animal only stacks if they are found on all the lists. Which makes little sense to me and seems over complicated.

If this is Society, expect the RAW interpretation to vary.
If this is a home game, double check with the GM (you may find they have other concerns with pets you had not anticipated).

Chess Pwn wrote:
FAQ wrote:


Yeah, that's what I thought.

But I think I know why I'm confused. I'm thinking about the Primal Hunter Barbarian archetype (thus no companion level to gain there) instead of the Primal Companion Hunter archetype.

Awesome! Thanks for clearing that up for me.

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