Chess Pwn |

Dragon Disciple guide Once you've read that come back and ask any questions you still have. :D Good luck, I like the DD
EDIT: I had linked the wrong thing, mine is correct now though.

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Dragon Disciple guide Once you've read that come back and ask any questions you still have. :D Good luck, I like the DD
Thanks, will have to wait for home. I'm on lunchbreak right now, but work doesn't allow Google Docs.

Booloo |

I'd like a Dragon Disciple who wades into melee, possibly with a big axe, possibly with claws and bite.
So advice time ...
what race?
what class(es)?
what feats?
what spells to focus on?
What traits?Dealing lots of damage is nice, but style is nice too.
Thanks in advance.
Bloodrager (Steelsoul) makes for an awesome entry into the class.
Human as usualPower attack is probably the only real prereq, the rest is up to you. I'd take Arcane Strike, Focus Claws and maybe Bite too. And toughness/Iron Will
As for traits, Berserker of the society is a must have (more rage rounds). Carefully hidden is useful too.
You have few spells really. I'd focus on enlarge person/protection from Evil at level 1
Mirror image and Resist energy for level 2
Coupled with Steelsoul archetype you should have a pretty decent AC on top of you top notch offense.

Chess Pwn |

LoneKnave wrote:Why skald after 1 level of bloodrager?-Half orc
-Bloodrager 1 (exchange Bloodline power for familiar)/Skald X/4 levels of DD at most I think, but you can go for 8
-Amplified Rage, Skald's Vigor, Power Attack, Arcane Strike
-Focus on buff spells
Bloodrager give you the Valet familiar which can have your teamwork feats. Skald makes you and your familiar rage, which with amplified rage increases the STR and CON by 4. Also the bloodrager level lets you use it's bonuses for rage. So at lv2 with amplified rage you're getting +8 to STR and CON. Then you stick with skald to get more rounds of rage. I'm going totemic skald so my rage power is another str boost.

BadBird |

The thing about a Bloodrager/DD is that the DD levels are giving you Bloodrager spellcasting levels, which are weak; DD levels are also holding back the appearance of improved rage. A Bloodrager|Barbarian/Sorc/DD is gaining Sorcerer spellcasting levels, which are far, far more powerful. The Bloodrager/DD has some up-sides, but it actually loses casting potential compared to even just a normal Bloodrager.
On the flip side of the equation, a Bloodrager|Barbarian1/Sorc4/DD4 +? has to deal with significant challenges and spend feats on Extra Rage, but it's casting support is extremely potent by comparison. Not only does it grab important things like Greater Magic Weapon, Heroism, Haste, Monstrous Physique (etc, etc, etc) much sooner, but its spells per day absolutely bury a Bloodrager's.
Bard/DD is a potent combo, though again it has the issue of having DD levels picking up spellcasting from a less powerful caster, while also stunting the development of the Bard's combat ability. An Aasimar using FCB to boost Inspire Courage sooner is a big help that way.

Dragonchess Player |

Paladin 3/sorcerer 2/dragon disciple 4/sorcerer +1/eldritch knight 10 can do a lot more than just damage (although + Cha mod on attack rolls when Smiting helps you do damage, too) and has very good defenses (Divine Grace to boost saves, immune to disease and fear); +17 BAB and spell progression as a 15th level sorcerer (7th-level spells) isn't terrible, either. If you're willing to branch into ranged combat as well, paladin 3/sorcerer 2/dragon disciple 4/arcane archer 3/eldritch knight 8 gives BAB +18 and spell progression as a 14th-level sorcerer (7th-level spells).
Alternately, if you want more (and more versatile) spellcasting, barbarian 1/skald 1/arcanist 3/dragon disciple (advance arcanist spellcasting) 4/eldritch knight 10/arcanist +1 gives +16 BAB and spell progression as a 16th level arcanist (8th-level spells).

Renegadeshepherd |
THE best dragon disciple is a divine dragon disciple when you want to bash brains. that's right you read that. Without brining in other prestige class considerations this is the best way to do things for a number of reasons but the biggest is because the divine classes are MUCH better suited for melee with a side of casting than arcane casters (who are better at spells).
So how do we do this? be a kobold, half orc, human, aasimar, or half elf and take scaled disciple feat to qualify but of course the non kobolds will have to take racial heritage. it really is that simple. Of the options whats the best of em? well honestly there isn't one on their own merits. you could debate it to the end of time but there would not be a clear answer. I submit that for this the mystery you would choose would be the strongest factor in deciding the race.
Battle mystery is a superb choice for it would provide heavy armor, war sight for two rolls on initiative, and more. Battle would not maximize the attack or casting but would make you a defensive beast with you stacking HUGE counts of natural armor and heavy armor. I figure you could sport a nice conservative 42 AC without a spell or feat.
Heavens oracle would be a very good one to choose to get you started as you could one shot kill many foes with color spray until you get your dragon disciple bonuses in action. The bad part is that your weapons sorta stink. in this case a half elf or half orc look more appealing as your weapon selection improves.
Loracle is good for those that like to have lots of skills under one stat of charisma. Your charisma need not be huge to make it work so your strength and con can be fairly high. For this a half orc or human is best because they can have skilled trait or in the case of human silver tongue. Skilled and a modest 12 INT means 6 skills and that's not bad at all.
What spells? Grab the good party or self buffers and most of the staples for the divine. Have at least some of the healers spells on hand. Fill in the gaps of the party when possible.
My personal favorite is to go half orc or human battle mystery just because they have the best racial features. The choice comes down to the extra feat that you want so bad or the +2 to all saves for the half orc.
Feats you need: power attack, divine protection, racial heritage, scaled disciple, skill focus, eldritch heritage, improved eldritch.