>>Ask *Thurston Hillman* ALL Your Questions Here!<<

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Do you Fallout?

If so, which Fallouts.

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

Fallout Rampage Cap'n Yesterday wrote:

Do you Fallout?

If so, which Fallouts.

I do Fallouts!

I started with the older Fallout games, but really 'sunk my teeth' into Fallout 3. I put hours upon hours into Fallout 3, along with all the DLC, back on my XBox.

I ended up getting New Vegas, and put in 2-3 attempts at playing, but always got sidetracked by work.

When Fallout 4 came out, I ended up joining some friends in a 'launch marathon', where we all played together (separate games, of course). That was super fun, but then it kinda petered off around the time I reached the Institute. I plan on coming back to it, especially with all the DLC and mods that have been released in the meantime, but that would require a break in my hectic full-timer freelance schedule!

Dark Archive

Ok, what is up with the the new title on 8-13 Thurston? Has the Canadian coup started? Will Minnesota be spared?

Just remember.... mimosas!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


Recently in a miniature box I managed to score the greatest of miniatures, Nos chapeaux de glorieux Overlord. I do not speak french, so I bablefish'd it, if it's something profane, my apologies!

How would you recommend outfitting his imperial Sewerness to approach the grandeur of your SKALCon iteration of his magnificent headwear?

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

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Silbeg wrote:

Ok, what is up with the the new title on 8-13 Thurston? Has the Canadian coup started? Will Minnesota be spared?

Just remember.... mimosas!

As mentioned over here, I did some freelance development on PFS scenarios #8-12 and #8-13, in order to help out John and Linda with their crazy workload. Super exciting and rewarding project, mostly because of the support from the PFS team and other developers/staff at Paizo. :)

No Canadian coup anytime soon... and if it does come, I'm sorry for not telling you in advance. I'll also be sorry if Minnesota isn't spared. Also, I'm sorry.

Mmmmm morning convention mimosas! <3

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:


Recently in a miniature box I managed to score the greatest of miniatures, Nos chapeaux de glorieux Overlord. I do not speak french, so I bablefish'd it, if it's something profane, my apologies!

How would you recommend outfitting his imperial Sewerness to approach the grandeur of your SKALCon iteration of his magnificent headwear?

So many hats... I think it's important to have a multitude of available headwear, so Hats can enjoy an esteemed collection of hats. I've received a lot (and I mean a lot) of emails/PMs/FB messages including renditions of Hats. I'd say the best ones include a variety of Lego-based hats, as they tend to be just about the right size for Hats.

... Hats.

... Long live Hats.

Dark Archive

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As for that...

There will soon be a picture coming of Hats (my modification, complete with the correct number of arms, and a plethora of hats)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Silbeg wrote:

As for that...

There will soon be a picture coming of Hats (my modification, complete with the correct number of arms, and a plethora of hats)

Hmmm...I've always wondered: How many of a thing does one need before you have a plethora?

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

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*peeks in from current writing project, and current video game obsessions*

A lot of hats, that's for sure! :)

Any chance of more contributions of magic items for kineticists ?

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

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Jonas Seaborn wrote:
Any chance of more contributions of magic items for kineticists ?

Believe it or not, I'm actually a huge fan of the kineticist class and adding to the repertoire of items it has available. In fact, you might have found this thread as a result of my reply to Mark Seifter, in his AMA thread, where I apologized for not future-proofing the diadem >.>

The trick with anything kineticist related, is to find the appropriate product to put it in. Then there's the additional hurdle of being selected as a writer on that product. Seems like Psychic Anthology might have some good kineticist stuff, and for good reason. But if I were to say end up writing for "Pancake Adventures" it might be tricky for figure out how to wrangle in some kineticist equipment and be on point.

One thing I will mention, is that if you're OK with 3rd Party Material, the Aethera RPG will have a bunch of new material on kineticists. Material I ended up doing the bul of the writing on; including a whole bunch of 'expanded kinetic powers'. This includes a new simple blast, some composite blasts, new infusions, new utility wild talents, and a variant defense wild talent. I'm actually super proud of it... even if it will make Mark's head explode if/when he reads it ;)

Thurston Hillman wrote:
Jonas Seaborn wrote:
Any chance of more contributions of magic items for kineticists ?

Believe it or not, I'm actually a huge fan of the kineticist class and adding to the repertoire of items it has available. In fact, you might have found this thread as a result of my reply to Mark Seifter, in his AMA thread, where I apologized for not future-proofing the diadem >.>

Maybe.. just maybe ;)

Future products i'll have to keep an eye for.

Paizo Employee Contributor—Canadian Maplecakes

Jonas Seaborn wrote:

Maybe.. just maybe ;)

Future products i'll have to keep an eye for.

And you should! Aethera is shaping up to be a FANTASTIC product, and I think there'll be a lot of useful tools in it for homebrew and some Golarion-based campaigns. Easily one of the highlight 3pp products that I've worked on in the last year or so.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

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Thursty, we all agree John Compton is (clearly) evil. But what, exactly, is his alignment? I'm leaning toward Lawful Awful.

Thursty, are you, just like your country, young, scrappy, and hungry thirsty hungry Thursty?

Wait, you're Canadian. Dang it!

OK, look, this was supposed to be something about, like, Hamilton, because, you know, "Hillman" and "Hamilton" are vaguely sort of kind of similar, along with the related concepts of "thirsty" and "hungry"… But, I'm not Lin-Manuel, so… it kind of got away from somewhere around the all of it...

Anyway, new question! How do you feel about the musical Hamilton?

Paizo Employee Canadian Maplecakes

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Robert Brookes wrote:
Thursty, we all agree John Compton is (clearly) evil. But what, exactly, is his alignment? I'm leaning toward Lawful Awful.

Lawful MONSTER. He knows what he did, and he should feel bad.

Paizo Employee Canadian Maplecakes

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Tacticslion wrote:

Thursty, are you, just like your country, young, scrappy, and hungry thirsty hungry Thursty?

Wait, you're Canadian. Dang it!

OK, look, this was supposed to be something about, like, Hamilton, because, you know, "Hillman" and "Hamilton" are vaguely sort of kind of similar, along with the related concepts of "thirsty" and "hungry"… But, I'm not Lin-Manuel, so… it kind of got away from somewhere around the all of it...

Anyway, new question! How do you feel about the musical Hamilton?

I actually quite enjoy Hamilton! I was introduced to it by a Twitch streamer, friend of mine and host of my Tuesday Roll20 Rise of the Runelords game that I GM — the magnificent BB Wolfe.

/Pride is not the word I'm looking for!

I also just have a love of musicals in television. The recent Flash/Supergirl musical episode was FANTASTIC; there was a freaking Superfriends song for crying out loud, and John Barrowman singing was amazing. Obviously the old Buffy musical episode was another great example of a musical that formed my love of such things.

Oh! And for extra super duper nerdy bonus points: one of my all time favorite (and ridiculous) musical bits that I enjoyed, was a musical episode of the TV series Lexx. It was another formative production I saw that showed me how music could really end up telling a compelling story.

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Now that you're getting paid regularly, have you started taking bids for your Scrooge McDuck money vault.

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Plans to come visit Calgary for our Comic Con next weekend? You should ask them to send you as an official Starfinder representative next year. That would be really neat. Ask for a few extra days so I can take you to Drumheller and you can see the giant skunk mascot in my hometown.

Paizo Employee Canadian Maplecakes

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captain yesterday wrote:
Now that you're getting paid regularly, have you started taking bids for your Scrooge McDuck money vault.

The 'problem' (it's not really a problem) is that I'm still getting through the cross-over freelance assignments I had from being a full-time freelancer. So, instead of worrying about the 'Money Vault', I'm spending all my free time doing work to get caught up!

That being said, I do have a house now... so I guess it's kind of like a vault?

Paizo Employee Canadian Maplecakes

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GreatKhanArtist wrote:
Plans to come visit Calgary for our Comic Con next weekend? You should ask them to send you as an official Starfinder representative next year. That would be really neat. Ask for a few extra days so I can take you to Drumheller and you can see the giant skunk mascot in my hometown.


I love random Canadiana things!

That being said, no conventions in the immediate future for me (beyond PaizoCon / Gen Con). I'm spending the months up to Gen Con getting everything ready for some kind of Society that takes place in the stars. I'm hoping to hit up a few more conventions after the Gen Con rush, probably starting with SkalCon (as it's pretty close to Winnipeg). I would also like to hit up more Canadian conventions... hmmmm, something to talk to Tonya about!

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What's your favorite dinosaur?

Paizo Employee Canadian Maplecakes

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
What's your favorite dinosaur?

Being completely honest, I'm not really a dinosaur person. I think they're interesting creatures, but don't really know much about them beyond some casual research / what I've seen in documentaries of movies.

I suppose, if I had to choose, I like the non-winged velociraptors (Deinonychus?) because I've seen them used to good effect in horror-themed content. Yeah, they're pretty rad, and way more interesting than the concept of dinosaurs with feathers, which I believe is more factually accurate? :)

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Yeah, more and more evidence indicates that certain branches of the dinosaur family tree had feathers or at least a feather like integument, depending the order they belonged to.

So what you're literally saying in a legally binding sense is, "fatbird t-Rex"? Cool!

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Tacticslion wrote:
So what you're literally saying in a legally binding sense is, "fatbird t-Rex"? Cool!

Yes, I believe I am.. lol

Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

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NOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo........... my precious childhood visions of dinosaurs is now aflame with weird bird-things! ;)

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Yeah, it takes some getting used to.

Paizo Employee Canadian Maplecakes

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Nothing is sacred anymore.

Silver Crusade

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What about Fatbird Raptors?

Paizo Employee Canadian Maplecakes

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Rysky wrote:
What about Fatbird Raptors?

I offer leeway; they look like chocobos.

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Cal, sounds like you've visited the area before?

Paizo Employee Canadian Maplecakes

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GreatKhanArtist wrote:
Cal, sounds like you've visited the area before?

To interject (in my own AMA thread—MADNESS), I've also been to Calgary Comic Con! My girlfriend ran an art exhibitor table there 2 years ago. We drove out, and I was amazed at how BIG the convention was. :)

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GreatKhanArtist wrote:
Cal, sounds like you've visited the area before?

I'm having a bad brain day. Visited where? I've never traveled to speak of, unless you count going to GenCon once and to Norman Oklahmoa as the farthest I've ever been from home.

Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

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*bug bug bug*

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Nooooooooooop~! Now I'll have no idea who you aaaarrrrreeeee*~!

* Goven my forgetfulness and/or dyslexic tendency to blend people together who look nothing alike (see: Limey Longears and Kajahase), I'm not entirely sure how much of a joke this is...

Silver Crusade

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Paizo Employee Developer

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Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

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... testing complete. :)


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I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.

Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

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David Schwartz wrote:
I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.

As a good vigilante should. :)

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Why does the forum keep un-dotting this thread?

Does it know something I don't?

Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:

Why does the forum keep un-dotting this thread?

Does it know something I don't?

Alas, the boards can't contain the pure epic that is Thursty's new avatar. Thus it must continually undot all my threads, for fear of shirren individualism spreading...

That, or, it's a... bug in the system.

*puts on shades*


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Thurston Hillman wrote:

That, or, it's a... bug in the system.

*puts on shades*


first of all, how dare you

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Yeah, Calgary Comic Con has really grown since I was a teenager and into comics. I think that having celebrities come has really helped it take off. It's getting more media attention, especially now that nerd culture has taken off. Everyone's into superhero movies these days.

Honestly, I've never been. I know, shame on me. St. John Ambulance used to provide first aid coverage, so I was planning on volunteering and getting the VIP treatment, but since it's on the stampede grounds, they provide security and first aid. A few years ago, they massively oversold tickets and a lot of people couldn't get in due to fire regulations. There was a big kerfuffle in the local nerd community, that's for sure!

Thurston Hillman wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:

Why does the forum keep un-dotting this thread?

Does it know something I don't?

Alas, the boards can't contain the pure epic that is Thursty's new avatar. Thus it must continually undot all my threads, for fear of shirren individualism spreading...

That, or, it's a... bug in the system.

*puts on shades*

(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


I helped! :D

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You know what? Never mind Rocket Raccoon. I think, since you're the Starfinder developer, you should make a space skunk. Just for me. We already have the town mascot, Squirt, in a little airplane on a sign outside the airport. He looks so cute.

Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

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GreatKhanArtist wrote:

Yeah, Calgary Comic Con has really grown since I was a teenager and into comics. I think that having celebrities come has really helped it take off. It's getting more media attention, especially now that nerd culture has taken off. Everyone's into superhero movies these days.

Honestly, I've never been. I know, shame on me. St. John Ambulance used to provide first aid coverage, so I was planning on volunteering and getting the VIP treatment, but since it's on the stampede grounds, they provide security and first aid. A few years ago, they massively oversold tickets and a lot of people couldn't get in due to fire regulations. There was a big kerfuffle in the local nerd community, that's for sure!

I went 2 years ago, and it really seemed packed! This year, I just had some local friends who made the long car-ride out there. Lately, I've been aiming for more gaming-centric conventions to cover my addiction. PaizoCon and GenCon have become yearly events for me... for over 6 years now! :O

Paizo Employee Starfinder Society Developer

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GreatKhanArtist wrote:
You know what? Never mind Rocket Raccoon. I think, since you're the Starfinder developer, you should make a space skunk. Just for me. We already have the town mascot, Squirt, in a little airplane on a sign outside the airport. He looks so cute.

Starfinder Society Presents: Planet of the Unending Stench

Probably a Tier 3-6 scenario, at least.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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I purchased your Pathfinder Module: Ire Of The Storm on FreeRPG day, but, after reading it I have a couple of minor questions.

Since the module is about 1½ of an Adventure Path installment, and is intended for new 1st level characters, would it be worth it to provide some “Campaign Traits” to help fit the PCs into the story? (No, I am not asking you to provide them for me.)

Also, since the module leaves the heroes at level 6, it is reasonable that the PCs would want to continue. Any ideas of a follow up adventure?

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