Ensign 5th Account |

Rhedyn wrote:4. A pure skill Monkey that uses skills both in and out of combat. A mundane controller.Oh, I'd love for a magic-less class that could effectively support a party with the Heal skill, or perform feats of Handle Animal or Diplomacy or some other skill with the capability of competing and remaining relevant in a world of magic and monsters, sort of how like the Rogue manages to get extra use out of Disable Device, or the Bard gets extra mileage out of Perform (obviously not necessarily to that level, since what the Bard is doing in pretty obviously magical!).
Rogue without Sneak Attack...
Fungi/Fungal based Class, Archetypes, Mysteries, Bloodline, Curse, etc...
Mutation based Class, Archetypes, Mysteries, Bloodline, Curse, Hex, etc...
Corruption(s) based Class, Archetypes, Mysteries, Bloodline, Curse, Feats, etc...
Cooking based Class, Archetypes, Mysteries, Bloodline, Curse, etc... because being able to cook and eat monsters and other hazards could be useful.
Mute Oracle Curse.
Dead/Death/Undead/Undeath based Oracle Mystery(ies).
Fey/First World based Oracle Mystery.
Orc Bloodrager bloodline (make more sense than for Sorcerers).
Spontaneous "Druid".
Summoner based primarily on Summoning (no eidolon).
Divine equivalent to the Arcanist.
Unchained Cleric and Fighter.

Shinigami02 |

Rogue without Sneak Attack...
Phantom Thief Rogue, the ultimate skill monkey.
Mutation based Class, Archetypes, Mysteries, Bloodline, Curse, Hex, etc...
People of the Wastes had this, either as a sort of racial option or as a Vigilante archetype.
Corruption(s) based Class, Archetypes, Mysteries, Bloodline, Curse, Feats, etc...
There are Oracle Curses based on at least many of the Corruptions. They're disappointingly watered down but they exist.
Dead/Death/Undead/Undeath based Oracle Mystery(ies).
Bones Mystery and to a lesser degree the Juju mystery can do this.
Summoner based primarily on Summoning (no eidolon).
Okay it doesn't exactly remove the Eidolon, but the Master Summoner's Eidolon is so gimped and their Summon Monster SLAs sufficiently boosted without it that it might as well not have an Eidolon.

Ensign 5th Account |

Ensign 5th Account wrote:Rogue without Sneak Attack...Phantom Thief Rogue, the ultimate skill monkey.
But lose pretty much the rest of the Rogue's Class Features as well; Trapfinding, Trap/Danger Sense, Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, etc, granted, almost all Rogue's archetypes do that unfortunately.

Shinigami02 |

I wouldn't mind more Hybrid classes provided they're well done. None of the "let's just smash the core features of this class onto the chassis of that class" that so many of the hybrid Archetypes did, but more stuff like Swashbuckler, Warpriest, Brawler, and the like (giving its own twist to the combination) would be cool.

Gavmania |

I have mixed feelings about adding MRE classes. On the one hand, 90% of the existing classes/archetypes I would never use but on the other hand I do thoroughly enjoy the ones I do use. The answer seems to be to me not more classes but better classes. Take for example rogue - a popular and well established concept that is better played by investigator or bard. I would happily play a bard or investigator, but I cant help thinking it would have been better to have given investigator abilities to the rogue making investigator irrelevant and boosting rogue. If I want to play investigator I either play a rogue with an investigator background or go to the investigator archetype.
To go back to the OP, assuming we are phasing out prestige classes, the following are missing:
Arcane trickster. To some extent this can be played as archaeologist bard or others, but it would be nice to have a dedicated class like magus is for gishes.
Full caster gish note this is not a Magus, but could be an archetype of magus. Like Eldritch knight it would have access to all 9 spell levels (though possibly reduced in some way, like an arcanist) and 3/4 BAB (hence the magus chassis), but would not get access to Spell combat and other iconic magus class abilities.
Teleporting Gish possibly a magus archetype that gets access to arcanist abilities (their teleporting power is awesome, and wasted on a full caster). I'm aware that a spheres of power magus with warp and destruction spheres would cover this role adequately, but it would be nice for paizo to address this rather than 3rd parties.

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I wouldn't mind more Hybrid classes provided they're well done. None of the "let's just smash the core features of this class onto the chassis of that class" that so many of the hybrid Archetypes did, but more stuff like Swashbuckler, Warpriest, Brawler, and the like (giving its own twist to the combination) would be cool.
Exactly, this is what I meant by ACG being rushed out: besides editorial issues, the hybrid classes suffered from the problem you described (like how bloodrage is just a fancy pants name for rage). Just about the only hybrids that aren't terribly base-breaking are the investigator and slayer. After that, your mileage varies heavily on what hybrids are good or bad.

Gallant Armor |
I'd like to see a martial class that gets mundane special moves/buffs/effects using the spell system as a framework. This could allow for greater versatility in and out of combat than the current martial classes.
I've heard that Path of War covers this, but many games don't allow 3rd party material.