T1 Recipe Fancy Fair in Marchmont: would this work?

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

I have accumulated hundreds of spare T1 recipes, and I know many others have too. I try to trade these but it is often hard to meet up, also because I am on euro times.

Once EE 4.0 goes live, with 7-day auctions, I am planning to put all of these up on the Marchmont Market for a fixed price:

+1 recipe 49 copper
+2 recipe 99 copper
+3 recipe 149 copper
Crafting recipe: 99 copper

I may go lower on them.

My hope is that others will do the same, and follow the same pricing, or not go crazy on them in any case.

I realize that there are recipes that are more in demand and would fetch a greater price. You are off course free to put a mark up on those. I am just hoping we can get something going for fair prices.

Problems that I see:

  • People are scared to run to Marchmont with 200+ recipes on them;
  • Some rich dude will come, buy them all up and corner the market;
  • Everybody is looking for the same 20-ish rare recipes and the AH will just be flooded with useless recipes;
  • Unsold recipes will default to the Marchmont bank; (but at least your profits should go directly to your abbaddar credit, not sure if this is in yet);
  • People will want to save them for future members/friends;

Would this work? Or should we not use the AH and make it a "Meet and Trade" on a certain time? Thought the latter will undoubtedly cause synchronization issues again (and you'd still have to run across the world with recipes on you).

I guess there is already bartering going on in Marchmont, but I am trying to make players go out and put those redundant recipes back into circulation.

In any case, this is what I will be doing with my T1 recipes, since I can't really barter them away anymore currently. T2 recipes are another story, I guess we will be bartering with those for the foreseeable future.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I paid 33 copper each for 16 lodestone in Marchmont - couldn't find any useful recipes at the time and felt it was a waste to go there.

I think the issue is:

The prices are too low for 'good' recipes.

The prices are okay for recipes 'nobody' wants. I think I have 8 austere camp recipes in stock.

I think seeding the whole market would be great. Maybe I should take some of the ones just filling the vault and sell them as well.

I'm still looking (and would pay hard coin) for a silver bar +3 recipe.

About carrying 200 recipes - well - if I'm a bandit and you announce this here openly then I would be on the watch-out for you. This is not a coal pinata - this is a golden goose which is moving around.

At the same time - being on European time zone - I would find times / routes to sneak into Marchmont. Alternativly - get some protection.

But please no rage quit the game if you get waylayed.

Now we need some proper refined goods. Coarse Twine +3 or basic strips +2/+3 should fetch a great price for would be weapon smith who are not affiliated with any place.

+4 or +5 goods - I can see uses for these. Some +4 copper bars might allow me to make +2 Dwarven Banded Steel Plate. I can currently reach around +1.8 with all existing ingredients.

Goblin Squad Member

My feeling is that Marchmont is the worst possible AH to do this in, unless your real goal involves providing free recipes to the nearby player settlements known to prey on travelers.

Goblin Squad Member

How about a travelling craft fair, where instead of the recipes travelling, the buyers do. Skip the NPC AHs, and schedule a different settlement each week to have their version of a craft fair, putting their equipment and extra recipes on in bulk. If would let us do some advertising of what will be available, without letting anyone know who's travelling with what. Anon buyers would slip out of town with their findings at their leisure. It would give those interested in buying a reason to visit other parts of the map, with a good chance of making solid acquisitions, and make for less wasted time for all. People could also advertise their needs ahead so locals could arrange to have them in stock.

Goblin Squad Member

I don't know who you could possibly be talking about.

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
How about a travelling craft fair, where instead of the recipes travelling, the buyers do. Skip the NPC AHs, and schedule a different settlement each week to have their version of a craft fair, putting their equipment and extra recipes on in bulk. If would let us do some advertising of what will be available, without letting anyone know who's travelling with what. Anon buyers would slip out of town with their findings at their leisure. It would give those interested in buying a reason to visit other parts of the map, with a good chance of making solid acquisitions, and make for less wasted time for all. People could also advertise their needs ahead so locals could arrange to have them in stock.

This would certainly be more in vein with the intentions of the game, where PC AH's should attract players, and not players bring their goods to NPC AH's.

But I am hoping that I can not only sell my surplus, but that I may be able to buy a few too, so I can "complete" my collection.

If several people would bring their collection of Recipes(sometimes in the hundreds)to one place, we may see some serious exchange going on.
Off course at some point in the future, I hope NPC AH's are second choice, and we will have PC AH's that function as regional centers where people flock to. When the political climate allows this. :)

But right now, most PC AH's are empty, also because most people seem to stockpile their recipes, rather then put them up for sale on their settlements AH. Also because they do not see much use for coin yet. So they trade a few here and there(with all the hassle that it brings), give away some to new members but most are sitting idly in the bank.

Bringing them all together in one place, and then use the AH and coin as middleman could break open this currently stagnated market for recipes.

It would also be a very nice boon for starting players in Marchmont who get easy access to cheap recipes.

Goblin Squad Member

I certainly see a benefit in this concept, but will note I might be one of the rich players buying up cheap recipes. I would do so not out of spite, but because the Keepers like to trade in recipes. We've got over 700 right now; if you re missing something let me know.

Once the AH works better, Keeper's Pass will be a good source for recipes. We want to draw players down here, as recruiting up in Marchmont is hard enough already. Making Keeper's Pass the go-to place for new players to get recipes works to alleviate that. So, this would be another reason for the rich southern folks to keep cheap recipes from flooding Marchmont.

Goblin Squad Member

I realize that my proposal may not mesh well with the overall intentions of players and settlements. :D

I would love to go to Keepers for recipes, but then I must know for sure that there are many, many recipes for sale there. And for a good price. Else the trek will not be worth it.

I appreciate your offer for barter, but practice has taught me that catching the right guy on the right time is just too cumbersome. I also hate it when I know someone is waiting for me somewhere and I must rush there.

I am missing a lot of recipes btw, since I am employing a full squad of refiners and crafters. :) Actually, I am missing 132 recipes from T1.

Goblin Squad Member

I sell all my unwanted recipes on Marchmont AH. I typically set the price at the price of the level needed to learn it, reducing by 1s over 2 days. e.g a level 6 recipe would be 6s when I put it up and reduce to 5s over the length of the auction. I see that as a fair price. I sometimes have 40 recipes up, although I haven't been down to refresh my stock for a couple of days.

I notice that some T1 recipes on Marchmont AH are listed for as much as 15s. I sometimes wonder if these are the ones I have put up being sold on for quick profit.

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Starting tomorrow Canis Castrum will be keeping our Auction House stocked with everything we deem 'spare'. This will include raw materials, finished items, and spare recipes from our collection. On the note of recipes we have a fairly large T1 stock but are still missing some here and there. If you are interested in swapping some recipes PM me and I'll give you access to our tracking sheet so you can take a loot at what is available.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

Hammerfall is more than open to hosting an AH open to all, as a matter of fact I see this as necessary to the survival of the settlement.

Once the AH is on 7 days it should be easier to see what is around as there is less of a rush necessary.

I have noticed that prices at Marchmont seem to be a bit on the excessive side sometimes, mostly, IMO, because people do not know what is a fair price and are pricing them high and each time they revert back dropping the price a bit lower.

Goblin Squad Member

Prices in Marchmont are low compared to Rathglen.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

It's less centrally located, but if we want to use an NPC AH for this, Thornkeep might be a good choice.

Once auctions last 7 days, I suspect that a lot of people will take their spare recipes to the nearest AH, whether PC or NPC.

Goblin Squad Member

The Marchmount AH is the most stocked AH I've come across in game. I'll continue to use it because my goods are more likely to sell on it, and I'm more likely to find what I need there. While it might be that people want a PC AH to be a hub, right now it seems people are choosing to use Marchmount.

Goblin Squad Member

The Marchmont Auction house is busy because people are making it busy. Until people are prepared to take a risk by not listing their stuff there for a few days, it will continue. I think keeping it stocked with +0 stuff is fine, but we should be holding back on anything better.

Tuoweit wrote:
My feeling is that Marchmont is the worst possible AH to do this in, unless your real goal involves providing free recipes to the nearby player settlements known to prey on travelers.

Been in game a week and never had a problem in Marchmont.

I think maybe he chose Marchmont for its central location and free PBR on Thirsty Thursdays.

Just checked the Marchmont AH ... no smelting recipes

Goblin Squad Member

Of all AH I have visited so far Marchmont is the only one worth the effort ( the stuff I move around). When the rumored 4 gets deployed it will be easier to find odd stuff you don't think of looking for.
But Marchmont is quite nice for now ... If those mega vaults of rec's you sit on could get listed it would be a nice kicker for the markets ...

And for the banditry problem ... Running EU time seems be the thing to avoid that, because I seldom even see other out in the woods...

Goblin Squad Member

Once the AH fix is in place, we are likely to make he Hammerfall AH our primary point of sale, as it is much easier to access than Keeper' Pass and we very much support our Hammerfall allies in their focus on becoming a market hub for the south.

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