I'm about to play a Leprechaun, wanna help?


Alright so I am going to play a Leprechaun in our next game.
The stat adjust is Str -2, Dex +6, Con +2, Int +4, Wis +4, Cha +6
Speed 40
Spell-Like Abilities
At will—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 1X), invisibility (self only), mage hand, major image (visual and auditory elements only, DC 1X), prestidigitation, ventriloquism (DC 1X)
3/day—color spray (DC 1X), fabricate (1 cubic foot of material only)
1/day—major creation

eprechaun Magic (Sp)

When a leprechaun uses any of its spell-like abilities to deceive, trick, or humiliate a creature (at the GM’s discretion), the spell-like ability resolves at caster level 8th rather than 4th. If a leprechaun uses its spell-like abilities in this manner, it has a bonus of +11 on concentration checks.
(To adjust with character level)

What class would best suit a Leprechaun, I thought Bard but I already get a lot of bardic abilities. I thought maybe a Hexcrafter Staff Magus so he can use the Quarterstaff and kick some serious butt.

He is a fun loving kind of guy, but still very useful in a fight, but mostly a gish style fighter, though using his own spell-likes is an option as well so even a straight melee fighter could be worked into this.

Also can Enlarge Person work on a Leprechaun?

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