[PFS] Ways to get wings for my Paladin


Dark Archive

I recently brought my Paladin out of my 'retirement' (It has been about six months since I played her last) and I would really like to find a way to give her angelic wings. She is a level 6 Aasimar (Yes, this was pre-restriction of Aasimars) and so far, as far as I am aware, the only two things I have seen are Wings of Flight (which I will not have the fame to purchase until far after the normal limits of PFS) or to take Angelic Blood/Angel Wings (which will give me wings at level 11 for the final level of normal societies.

Is there anything I may have missed that can help complete that angelic image?

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Red Bull?

Silver Crusade

not really no. if you were starting from level 1 you may could grab the dragon disciple wings around 10, but 10-12 is the usual level PF has decided you should get access to wings.

Silver Crusade

At 10th level, retrain your 9th level feat into Angel Wings and go slow track. You don't need to meet prereqs for feats at the level you earned the feat, just when you take the feat (or, in this case, retrain into it)

The Exchange

Really, Alex M?
I've been poring over archery feats that don't require PBS so that I can retrain into it later, and if this is true it would be amazing! I'm pretty sure its not, so can I get a quote on it?

Could you work with an Animal Totem Tattoo at 12,000 gp?

This slotless magical item gives you the totemic transformation of a 5th level druid with an animal totem archetype. That means that bat, dragon, and eagle tattoos can give you wings.

Since it works like the shaman ability, this is 5 minutes/day, spread out in 1 minute increments. Standard action to activate.

Oh, and you can 'speak with animals' for the appropriate group associated with you transformation. Birds for eagle, lizards for dragon... and 'mammals' for bat. While thematically troubling, bat seems like the best deal overall.

Be very good..and die..and when you get to the 7 heavens they will make him a angel...blam wings!

The Exchange

Covert Operator wrote:

Really, Alex M?

I've been poring over archery feats that don't require PBS so that I can retrain into it later, and if this is true it would be amazing! I'm pretty sure its not, so can I get a quote on it?

Retraining: Can I retrain a feat to replace it with a feat I didn't qualify for at the level I originally gained that feat?

Yes. As long as the new feat is a valid feat for your current character, you can retrain the old feat and replace it with the new feat.

For example, if you are a 3rd-level rogue who took Improved Initiative at 1st level, you can retrain that feat and replace it with Weapon Focus. Even though Weapon Focus has a prerequisite of "base attack bonus +1" (which means you couldn't take it as a 1st-level rogue), it is a valid feat for your current level (3rd), and is therefore a valid choice for retraining.

(Note: Likewise, the fighter class ability to retrain fighter bonus feats does not require you to meet all of the new feat's prerequisites at the level you originally gained the feat.)

Covert Operator wrote:

Really, Alex M?

I've been poring over archery feats that don't require PBS so that I can retrain into it later, and if this is true it would be amazing! I'm pretty sure its not, so can I get a quote on it?

Yep. There is a FAQ.

The Exchange

Thanks guys! This solves a huge problem my character had.

Dark Archive

Wait a minute! You can't hijack my thread for your questions! *shakes fist at!*

You have equally assisted me! Thank you

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