What is her strength


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Yup, just based on looks alone, I'd peg her as an 8 Str and Con as well.

She's willowy, pale, and delicate looking. No discernible muscle structure of any kind, her arms look like tubes.

KutuluKultist wrote:

There is a category mistake being made here. The crunch is not there to describe the fluff. "STR 18" is not a description of appearance, nor is a description of past nutrition, training exercise and so on.

What it implies is stuff like +4 to hit and damage in melee.
RPG rules are not theories of nature.

And how much you can carry, your ability to hold on to something (so you don't fall down during your climb) and pull yourself up (so you actually make progress), your ability to swim, your ability to knock doors down, not being blown about by storm-level winds... tug-o-war, trying to keep a door shut as someone is trying to force it open from the other side, you name it.

I'd agree with 8-10 max if we're being realistic.

Thymus Vulgaris wrote:
KutuluKultist wrote:

There is a category mistake being made here. The crunch is not there to describe the fluff. "STR 18" is not a description of appearance, nor is a description of past nutrition, training exercise and so on.

What it implies is stuff like +4 to hit and damage in melee.
RPG rules are not theories of nature.

And how much you can carry, your ability to hold on to something (so you don't fall down during your climb) and pull yourself up (so you actually make progress), your ability to swim, your ability to knock doors down, not being blown about by storm-level winds... tug-o-war, trying to keep a door shut as someone is trying to force it open from the other side, you name it.

All of which can be explained with traditional muscle mass, or alternate sources of extraordinary (or poor) strength. "I grew up on a farm", "I studied the mystical ways of Wang-Fei" and "I made a pact with Nerxaze, Lord of the Underworld" are all viable character backgrounds and equally able to explain a high strength score. I don't expect every character with an above average strength to look like a mountain, truth be told I'd find that boring.

I agree that if I saw this woman in real world I wouldn't expect her to be unusually strong, but in Pathfinder we're lucky enough to be able to ignore the limitations of reality when we deem it appropriate. As a GM I wouldn't limit character illustrations based on their ability scores. As long as the point buy adds up correctly and there's no problem created by the character, I'm happy. :)

I did say "if we're being realistic" :)
Especially considering that she's supposed to be a monk, it'd be very easy to explain the to hit and damage with knowing exactly where and how to strike, and with her small frame, it'd be easier for her to climb simply because she's got less body mass to weigh her down. The other applications aren't as easily explicable, but maybe they don't have to. It could be neat for her to have a decent bluff so she can really play the weak and frail part, and then blow everyone away with her strength when it's needed.

Thymus Vulgaris wrote:
I did say "if we're being realistic" :)

I didn't mean to pick on you in particular, my point was just that "high strength score" does not necessarily translate to "looks strong". The typical skeleton has both 15 strength and what I think most people would consider an underwhelming visible muscle mass. :)

I absolutely agree that 'realistically' she's probably at average or lower strength, I just don't think "realism" is a very good point to draw in the line in a high fantasy roleplaying game that has androids as a playable race. The player wants to play a str 19 monk and (I'm guessing) the character he has in mind isn't built like a linebacker. I guess I don't really see the problem?

7 at most, because rules.

Most gamers don't even qualify as human when it comes to the overhead press as a 7 requires an overhead press of 70 lbs.

Almost no gamers I've ever met can get a pair of 35lbs dumbbells over their head, or even an olympic bar with 12.5 on each side.

The character in the picture, with a body fat around 15 percent but no muscular definition probably has a strength of 4.

Thymus Vulgaris wrote:

And how much you can carry, your ability to hold on to something (so you don't fall down during your climb) and pull yourself up (so you actually make progress), your ability to swim, your ability to knock doors down, not being blown about by storm-level winds... tug-o-war, trying to keep a door shut as someone is trying to force it open from the other side, you name it.

"stuff like"

i.e. effects defined and measured within the rules.

There is no rule relating strength with muscle mass, appearance or even weight/height ratio. In fact, the de facto independence of weight/height and ability scores in general implies conceptual irrelevance.

chkflip wrote:
If the player that chose Ultimate Warrior as their pic base doesn't ramble like a maniac, I riot.

Yeah...the Ultimate Warrior player is taking vow of silence....seriously.

Project Manager

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First woman to complete the American Ninja Warrior course:

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/thumbnail_5 70x321/2014/08/kacy_catanzaro.jpg

Tiny (5 feet), slender, not a ton of muscle definition noticeable when she's relaxed. And yes, mostly she's only lifting herself and she's tiny, but she's still throwing 100 lbs around like it's nothing.

Strong doesn't necessarily look like a bodybuilder. Heck, some of those tiny, ethereal-looking Cirque du Soleil performers are regularly lifting more than their own weight, and they look like they're made of dandelion fluff.

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Kacy is awesome! ... but your link doesn't work, I'm afraid.

So, I made my own!

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Take a cue from female gymnasts. They tend to be short, but very agile and strong for their size.

I'm in the "strength isn't just muscle" camp. Let players do what they will for character appearance.

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Female gymnasts, Kacy included, work off high strength to low body weight ratio. Not overall high strength. The video below shows a woman is is simply strong. She could not win ninja warrior, but Kacy can't lift what this woman can.

Strong Woman.

Scarab Sages

Melkiador wrote:
The average medieval peasant had things pretty easy. Hollywood makes being a peasant sounds worse than it really was. The main difference between us and them was nutrition, which we take for granted because all of our foods are vitamin fortified.

Nutrition & education. Those would be the main differences. That and the fact that modern people don't all do as much manual labour as their predecessors.

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