Hunter / dragon disciple set up

Rules Questions

So I have Kobold Hunter, that I'm hoping to take dragon disciple. I'm also running the divine hunter archtype that give me access to a cleric domain and I'll get domain powers at 3 and 6. I assume that although DD will give me more hunter casting, it won't give me cleric progression.

So although i could get a breath weapon from dragon subdomain, that would only happen at 6, while this would give me another breath weapon to stack with dragon disciple, I wouldn't get any other benifits I believe....

Anyway I'm looking to see how the 2 classes would interact and what would maybe be the best distribution hunter/DD

The DD levels only raise arcane caster level, and hunter is a divine caster. Also to enter DD you need a spontaneous arcane spell, so if you're a hunter you'll need a SLA to even qualify for the class.

Other than that the DD doesn't boost your animal companion or your hunter's focus, which I feel are the defining points of the hunter. So I don't think it's that good of a mix.

kobold have a feat that can allow a spontonus divine to get into dd and progess its casting in place of arcane

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

do you have a link for it?

Kobolds of Golarion wrote:

Scaled Disciple (Kobold)

Your draconic heritage manifests as divine power.

Prerequisite(s): Ability to spontaneously cast divine spells, kobold.

Benefit(s): You gain a +1 bonus to your caster level when casting spells included in the dragon domain* or subdomains. Your spontaneous divine spellcasting qualifies in place of arcane casting for the dragon disciple prestige class, and you may increase spellcasting in your spontaneous divine class as you progress in dragon disciple levels. Add the bonus spells gained from the blood of dragons ability to those you can cast as divine spells.

scaled disciple
Nethys link

divine hunter archtype

Bahamutkotd wrote:

scaled disciple

Nethys link

divine hunter archtype

These are fantastic. Thanks for bringing them to my attention. I love the Dragon Disciple PrC, and this opens it up so much

So after looking at it, I could go caster/bow DD with hunter and keep the divine hunter or go with the feral hunter and shapeshift into a dionykus and dinosaur ppl to death....

But I'm a kobold.... I feel the divine hunter of Apsu fits into the thought process of the Kobold outcast because of being a good being in a evil society and finding redemption in apsu is thematicly cool.

Not as strong as the shapeshift route as i can't turn into a medium 5 attack dino at 4 and go chompity chomp

So here's the build as i'm thinking ATM, this is to try and make the most of the feats that I want to take and to be a party face when I can, and make the most of my skills.

9 str 3 p
16 dex 5 p
12 con 5 p
12 int 2 p
14 wis 5 p
10 cha 0 p

dragon's crown alt racial (Crafty isn't bad but only using perception out of it and diplo sounds better)
magical knack for hunter (helps clean up the fact that i'll lose casting from DD)
Reactionary (golden scales as a option... but would "maybe" lock me into gold as a color?)

1 Redemed kobold
3 deadly aim
5 scaled Disciple
6 dd
7 dd feat + powerful draws


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