Hellknight Antipaladin


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Although it might seem impossible I have created a Hellknight that has fallen to become an Antipaladin,(knight of the sepulcher archetype).The backstory was that I was a young arminger in the service of the Order of the God Claw that encountered the horrifying Order of the Crux, known to be undead Graveknighs. Fear broke our ranks only I managed to stay my ground, as a result my comrades were slain. Instead of killing me outright I was forced to feed on the hearts of my dead brothers, the act warped my mind and dammed my soul. Now I am an Antipalain a chaotic evil mockery of all that the Hellknights stood for. This character has gone to become 5th level,I believe I have created a unique Antipaladin with a good backround any comments?

Alignment restrictions would make this impossible, barring GM interference.

Axial wrote:
Alignment restrictions would make this impossible, barring GM interference.

I don't think you understand, I was a Hellknight in training. This was my way to become an antipaladin without resorting to the typical paladin becoming evil. Its a creative backround story a new twist on an old theme, I just wanted to see what people thought about it.

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I like it. Run it.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So essentially to be more accurate, you are an EX-Hellkight/Anti-Paladin.

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Cool story bro.

If you're GM has your characters become Mythic. You can pick up the feet or path Beyond morality, and then you don't have to worry about alignment.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Or take the Tyrant or Insinuator Archetypes and play a LE Antipaladin.

Though Knight of the Sepulcher is probably more apropos given the thread necromancy :3

what rysky said tyrant archetype changes anti paladin to lawful evil. however if your planning on becoming undead knight of the sepulcher archetype is prity terible seeing as how it gives you all the abilities you would get from being undead anyway wile tradeing away many of your useful abilities, i would just ask the dm to allow you to go on a quest to get negative energy afinity while you quest to become a graveknight

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