Platypus |
I was really disappointed with Seltyiel when I first got him, but recently I've been a lot happier with the character.
I can pinpoint the time when this happened. It was when he got Tessa Fairwind, who says: "Reveal this card and recharge another card to add 1d6 and the Swashbuckling trait to any check attempted by a character on a ship."
Before Tessa, Seltyiel's hand would fill up with weapons and items until he couldn't do anything, and he'd be stuck making one explore per turn. After Tessa, Seltyiel can recharge his cards to help out his allies. Spells and blessings and allies actually show up and get used!
The other thing that helped a lot was when I added the Marauder prestige class, which let him turn attack spells into +3d6 on checks against barriers. Seltyiel had been really suffering on those Wisdom-check barriers -- with a 1d4 base, even blessings and Find Traps couldn't save him. The 3d6 helps a lot more.
This suggests I may have been playing the character wrong earlier. Arguably, before I get to the point where I have all four of Seltyiel's weapons clogging up his hand, I should be using his Magus power on spells to let him recharge his weapons. Unfortunately his spell-based attacks are a lot weaker than his weapon-based attacks, and it's really hard to say, "I'm going to use a deliberately weak attack on this monster to get some cards out of my hand."

MightyJim |

It depends what you've taken as his skill feats (intelligence or strength) and what weapons/spells you've picked up.
The fact that you can have a second stab at recharging spells (and if you've got Tessa Fairwind to add a D6 to the recharge check) seems to make him fairly reasonable at arcane combat

Nefrubyr |

There are several S&S cards with "Reveal this card and recharge (or discard) another card" powers and I've also found them useful for getting Seltyiel's deck cycling. The Captain, although basic, is still sticking around in AD3 for me and helping him acquire spells, although Lady Agasta has recently moved on to accompany Alahazra.
I also try to play the spell and recharge the weapon when he has two or more weapons; the spell might be weaker but a weak attack with +2d6 is still stronger than most. It helps to have Lirianne chipping in d4 + 2 on most combats just to cycle her own excess weapons.

isaic16 |

Also, don't be afraid to just discard weapons. It feels very negative to do so, but if it cleans up your hand, especially in larger games where you have healer support, trust me, it's worth it. Also, in our game he took the Spellblade power to get extra explores when he acquires a spell or weapon, which does wonders at keeping him moving even without enough allies/blessings. Lastly, he ended up mostly just ignoring that first power and using only support spells. This lowers his maximum combat potential, but even his baseline combat prowess is pretty good (especially when you're often discarding weapons), and it gives him a lot more opportunities to help out.
(I do really wish there were more not "For Combat" attack spells in S&S, though, as that is exactly what he needs. I think the only one is illuminate, which isn't great in a group with only one ranged combatant (Lirianne, who doesn't need the help) ).

Joshua Birk 898 |

Seltyiel's early naysayers, reporting for duty!
"Good" and "Bad" don't exist in abstract categories. I don't think anyone has ever argued that Seltyiel is unplayable. The question is how he performs relative to other characters in the game. Seltyiel in AP 4 performs a lot better than Seltyiel in AP1, but I still find him weaker than every other S&S character I have played with. So, when you say he is "actually not that bad", how would you compare him to his counterparts?
And while the cycling allies do help him, he still only can have one ore two allies in a 20 card deck. I'm curious what items you find clog up your hand. I have have never had that problem with the Magus.

Platypus |
I'm curious what items you find clog up your hand.
Besmara's Tricorne comes immediately to mind. Great card, and I'm always happy to see it, but it does take up a card slot.
I also (before Act 4) spent a lot of time with my hand clogged up with attack spells. If I get one explore per turn, and that explore doesn't hit a monster, those attack spells are deadweight.

Draco18s |

Seltyiel naysayer here as well.
I played him twice before I realized that his flaw is that even though he has spell slots, he can't use those spells for utility. A friend of mine looked at it and said, "No, even at worst, this ability is just as good as [the non-S&S rogue]'s" to which I replied, "No, at best its as good as the rogue because the rogue can recharge any card."
Seltyiel is specifically limited to one handed weapons and attack spells for that power which is like saying "get four attack spells and four mundane, non-magical, basic daggers." Or you decide to go all-out on those four weapons and make your four spells the pointlessly basic attack spells.
"Recharge this for d6 on a combat check" is not better than the card's actual text! If it was like the [non S&S druid] with "reveal for 1d4" it would actually be useful because then you can use the beatstick as a beatstick (discarding it for its extra dice) and still have an attack spell in hand. For those times you use the spell instead, you reveal a weapon. I think someone else posted a houserule somewhere that the reveal was +1 with "additionally discard for a d6."
As written, using the power openly admits that the card you recharged may as well be completely blank and that those four slots exist solely to grant you a d6 that will never get any better and that you will never bother improving the four "I am a d6" cards.
Goes right up there with the suggested starting deck for him (and my replacement spellcaster who's name I completely forget) saying to have a Carver for an ally. Sorry, but when is a d8 to a check I'm already good at better than a d4 to freaking everything (cabin boy)? Seltyiel has a d8+2 and the spellcaster I swapped for has a d12+2!
I dislike Seltyiel's magus powers because they render a third of his deck pointless. It's not a choice between "do I use my ability or do I hold this card" because both abilities do the exact same thing: kill stuff.

Troymk1 |

Seltyiel has really firmed as the game progresses. Now in AP 6 he's a premier combat character.
I never added to more than 4 weapon slots, these are his base attack item. (and if they begin to stack will be discarded for their effect. Now with a plethora of spells he can shuffle them into his deck for added combat value! Which is very powerful
The abilty to discard any attack spell to gain 2d6 vs Ships and Barriers is awesome
I too added Agasta to his deck to help cycle weapons and armour if they begin to clog. And I have found the Immortal Dreamstone was a massive boost to him also
A side value is that he doesn't need the top notch attack spells, so he can hand those off to a dedicated spell caster for smaller versions (ie Feiya)

Mechalibur |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Another good choice for Seltyiel is Lady Agasta Smythee. Lets him recharge cards every time he gets in to combat!
You just opened a bit fat can of sardines with this one.
Don't expect Seltyiel's early naysayers to roll in here changing their tune, methinks me matey me hearty.
I think you're the only one salty about this, to be honest.

![]() |

Wow - Seltyiel is by FAR my favorite character in the card game. He can recharge a spell in his discard pile, which is awesome! Recharged cards help your character last longer. Plus if you are forced to discard some cards, just discard a spell or two, and you have a chance to recharge it. I like the Spellblade role, where he can explore again when he acquires a spell or weapon. I think that Seltyiel is so good, I have trouble playing anyone else!

The_Napier |

SE.Grizz wrote:where has this been confirmed- I thought we'd only seen the new classes that would be in Wrath?Saltyiel confirmed for Wrath of the Righteous.
Best Character. Best Cards. Best Salt.
Confirmed are the new Arcanist, Cavalier, Inquisitor, Summoner, Bloodrager, Hunter, Shaman, and Cutpurse (promo) + the returning Paladin, Cleric, and two others that I haven't seen confirmed yet but are thought to likely be Sorcerer and Thief
So Magus is possible, but I can't say I've heard confirmation

Orbis Orboros |

Wow - Seltyiel is by FAR my favorite character in the card game. He can recharge a spell in his discard pile, which is awesome! Recharged cards help your character last longer. Plus if you are forced to discard some cards, just discard a spell or two, and you have a chance to recharge it. I like the Spellblade role, where he can explore again when he acquires a spell or weapon. I think that Seltyiel is so good, I have trouble playing anyone else!
Give Amaryllis a try, she's got the same recharge power.
SE.Grizz wrote:where has this been confirmed- I thought we'd only seen the new classes that would be in Wrath?Saltyiel confirmed for Wrath of the Righteous.
Best Character. Best Cards. Best Salt.
It hasn't, that was facetious. "Saltyiel"

The_Napier |

The_Napier wrote:Confirmed are the new Arcanist, Cavalier, Inquisitor, Summoner, Bloodrager, Hunter, Shaman, and Cutpurse (promo) + the returning Paladin, Cleric, and two others that I haven't seen confirmed yet but are thought to likely be Sorcerer and ThiefI can promise you there's no "Thief."
Rogue, darnit. Rogue.