80s & 90s Tech, games & other stuff you loved back then.


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Getting into our favorites from those 2 decades was bound to happen i reckon.

Any games or favorite tech from back then?

Ever caught yourself thinking of stuff you loved from back then?

anyone remember Sledgehammer
also when i watch the Transformer movie from then i have to keep the volume down because the music was so bad!

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I miss minidisc players.

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I miss my walkman, that thing rocked!

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Oh yes, the walkman :D.

Collecting cassettes and recording the music from that old slab i called my 1st radio. Complete with no less than 2 cassette slots and a record player. Like this.

My dad was carrying the battery recharger, connected to the car, on vacation for all our battery consumings.

90s kids/teens: Walkman, awesome, now i can clip it to my belt too!

2000+: what's a walkman? What's a cassette?

Sledgehammer? Sure do, happens to be my mom's favorite, so it comes around from time to time.

The best part is its all cyclical, the kids today are all about late 80s early 90s kitsch, at least in the midwest

I'm still using the alarm clock I got from my grandma christmas of '85

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What did it look like?

Oldest i recall using ran on batteries, but had to be knocked on the top to shut up, literally. That was a chicken actually.... *facepalms laughing*

21 Jump Street!
love that show:-)

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I remember some favorite video games from the late 90's, like Dune 2, Dust: A Tale of the Wired West, or, most fondly, Infantry, a top-down combat MMO released in '97. Oh god I loved Infantry, I played that game right up until Sony shut the servers down. I would give anything for that game to have the population it did in the early 2000s.

There has never been, nor likely will there ever be, a video game that has brought as much fun as that one.

Chyrone wrote:
What did it look like?

its G.E. a brick shape, silver on the front and top and faux wood panels on the side, not as squat as most of them were at the time.

best part is since i'm a morning person, i've never ever used the Snooze button:p

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Hmmm, well, didn't really get into video games at home until the Sega Genesis. Luckily most of the games they released have been re-released on the Ultimate Sonic Sega Genesis Collection...things like the Phantasy Star Series (IV is still the best), Beyond Oasis, Shining Force I and II, and such.

From the 90s, I still can play all the great PS1 games on the PS3, so though the Playstation one isn't really around anymore, the games still play well! All the Squaresoft games, especially the remakes of Final Fantasy 1-6, Final Fantasy VII and IX (sorry, never really got into VIII), and especially Chrono Trigger and the original Chrono Cross. Also especially love both Lunar games.

As for PC games, loved all the Infinity Engine games as well as the original Diablo. Also loved the X-wing Trilogy (some of which are finally getting releases on GoG) and who can forget (well, a lot probably) the wizardry games!

Liberty's Edge

Ah, Palm... how the mighty fell.

I blame HP.

We only had the PC, the only home console we'd (my brother and i) play was the old SNES with only 2 cassettes. Grandpa and grandma had that in a little room. Good old Super Mario I & duck hunt and Punchout. There were no save functions back then people. The latter did put into practice the phrase "practice makes perfect".

I am glad though, that people have collected and made available many DoS and SNES emulators. Replay the favorites the systems nowadays can't handle.

Returning briefly to the walkman, surely others have run into the "colorful offers" of headsets in the stores back then.
*Looks around knowingly*

Thin, thick, grey, colored, metal, plastic.

Liberty's Edge

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If those were the game cartridges you had, you had a NES, not a SNES.

Also The Legend of Zelda was released in 1986, originally for Famicom Disk but in NA and EU as a cartridge with a battery save. Even before that consoles used passwords for 'saving' a game. Punchout!, for instance.

Ok, my bad. I've not held that thing in my hands for years....obviously. :)

I should have been more specific, with punchout you'd have to beat X things to get a password. Which is different from a savegame between 2 difficult (initially perhaps) fights...sorta.

Skeletor's lair, Battle Cat and the ram-head dude (the guy with the springy legs) best toys ever!

Also loved Inspector Gadget:-)

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GreyWolfLord wrote:
From the 90s, I still can play all the great PS1 games on the PS3, so though the Playstation one isn't really around anymore, the games still play well! All the Squaresoft games, especially the remakes of Final Fantasy 1-6, Final Fantasy VII and IX (sorry, never really got into VIII), and especially Chrono Trigger and the original Chrono Cross. Also especially love both Lunar games.

I bought a used PS2 not too long ago expressly for the purpose of playing all the old PS1 games I have lying around, as well as a couple of PS2 titles.

That said, growing up I was more of a SNES kid, I didn't actually play a Playstation until the early 2000s - first when my high school friends had one, then later when my roommates in college did. That was IMO Squaresoft's heyday - Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy II and III (IV and VI), Super Mario RPG, and so on and so forth. Which is probably one of the reasons IX is my favorite of the PS1 FFs, all its back-references to the early-era games and return to the older storytelling style and less-modern/postmodern setting.

The giant brick Gameboy, too, had several good games. Final Fantasy Adventure was one of the very first games I actually managed to beat - I think only Super Mario World preceded it. There was of course the Pokemon craze, the Final Fantasy Legends games, and a couple others. I remember the hype for first the Game Boy Color then the Game Boy Advance at the end of the 90s, and how it was really played up that the Advance was almost as good as the SNES in the era where the N64 was well into its later years.

Then of course there was also the N64 itself, though I didn't get into it nearly as much since there were no RPGs on it that I knew of. Played plenty of Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 though. Oh and Banjo-Kazooie.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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My Pet Monster! Was even better than My Buddy, because the monster could be swung by the legs and the hard plastic nose hurt when it hit someone (i.e. my sister).

Sure did too. So many ways the Chief got blown up.

GreyWolfLord wrote:

Hmmm, well, didn't really get into video games at home until the Sega Genesis. Luckily most of the games they released have been re-released on the Ultimate Sonic Sega Genesis Collection...things like the Phantasy Star Series (IV is still the best), Beyond Oasis, Shining Force I and II, and such.

From the 90s, I still can play all the great PS1 games on the PS3, so though the Playstation one isn't really around anymore, the games still play well! All the Squaresoft games, especially the remakes of Final Fantasy 1-6, Final Fantasy VII and IX (sorry, never really got into VIII), and especially Chrono Trigger and the original Chrono Cross. Also especially love both Lunar games.

As for PC games, loved all the Infinity Engine games as well as the original Diablo. Also loved the X-wing Trilogy (some of which are finally getting releases on GoG) and who can forget (well, a lot probably) the wizardry games!

The one game we all played on the Sega Genesis was "Star Control". Also loved playing the original Sid Meier's Pirates. People wonder how I can know so much about the Carib...now you know the rest of the story.

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
My Pet Monster! Was even better than My Buddy, because the monster could be swung by the legs and the hard plastic nose hurt when it hit someone (i.e. my sister).

I always wanted one and never, ever got one:(

it didn't matter how many christmas list or birthday lists i put it on:(

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captain yesterday wrote:
Also loved Inspector Gadget:-)

TV shows... hoo boy.

That was the era of the Saturday Morning Cartoons.

Off the top of my head, some of my favorites:
Gargoyles, Batman the Animated Series, Spider-Man, X-Men, DuckTales and that ridiculously earwormy theme song, Looney Tunes reruns, Animaniacs and its spinoffs, Transformers, Ninja Turtles, Invader Zim, The Tick... could probably go on and on if I took the time.

Lots of superhero shows on that list... which makes sense given the current superhero theme in lots of movies recently, we're all right in the right age bracket for it.

GreyWolfLord wrote:

Hmmm, well, didn't really get into video games at home until the Sega Genesis. Luckily most of the games they released have been re-released on the Ultimate Sonic Sega Genesis Collection...things like the Phantasy Star Series (IV is still the best), Beyond Oasis, Shining Force I and II, and such.

From the 90s, I still can play all the great PS1 games on the PS3, so though the Playstation one isn't really around anymore, the games still play well! All the Squaresoft games, especially the remakes of Final Fantasy 1-6, Final Fantasy VII and IX (sorry, never really got into VIII), and especially Chrono Trigger and the original Chrono Cross. Also especially love both Lunar games.

As for PC games, loved all the Infinity Engine games as well as the original Diablo. Also loved the X-wing Trilogy (some of which are finally getting releases on GoG) and who can forget (well, a lot probably) the wizardry games!

the phantasy star/final fantasy sega/Nintendo wars...

has flashbacks

One of these days I will take the time to find and play Phantasy Star. I'd never even heard of it until the 2000s, having had no experience with Sega beyond Sonic games.

There's only a few in Orthos' summary i could scrape off as haven't seen.

Even DoS games based on those shows were on our PC. TMNT & Ducktales.
Ducktales: quest for gold. Actual gold in itself.
My brother was a button ninja at the photography.

Speaking of superhero shows, others on your school/sports talking about which is more awesome..... *rolls eyes smirking*

Phantasy star was awesome!

FFVII, FFVIII, Dungeon Keeper, the gold box games, Baldur's Gate... Most or all of computer game history, really. As for tech, baking machines and soda streams, anyone?

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Any movie by John Hughes. Sometimes I drive by Maine North High School and look at the front facade. (They used Maine North in The Breaskfast Club)

P.S. No I don't live in Shermer IL.

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One of my friends pointed out how Breakfast Club would never work in modern society, due to the internet and cellphones and other such advances completely changing the way children and teens typically interact.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Brox RedGloves wrote:

Any movie by John Hughes. Sometimes I drive by Maine North High School and look at the front facade. (They used Maine North in The Breaskfast Club)

P.S. No I don't live in Shermer IL.

No, you don't.

(None of us do.)

But we see it as we want to see it. In the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions.

My Daughter is really into Sabrina the Teenage Witch right now, she loves Alanis Morissette, and her favorite music video is Amish Paradise by Weird Al:-)
she's a pretty cool kid:-)

The Smurfs
Darkwing Duck
Beavis and Butthead
The Head
The State
The glory years of The Simpsons!
all of these i love:-)
edit: actually i hated The Smurfs, but i love the way it f@&#s with my avatar, so its up there:-p

thunderspirit wrote:
Brox RedGloves wrote:

Any movie by John Hughes. Sometimes I drive by Maine North High School and look at the front facade. (They used Maine North in The Breaskfast Club)

P.S. No I don't live in Shermer IL.

No, you don't.

(None of us do.)

There was a time I lived ON Shermer though!

i was born in Illinois, i try not to go back:-)

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captain yesterday wrote:
i was born in Illinois, i try not to go back:-)

I don't blame you. (I have too much family living here to leave)

Brox RedGloves wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
i was born in Illinois, i try not to go back:-)
I don't blame you. (I have too much family living here to leave)

its actually easier then you'd think:-D

Scarab Sages

Mighty Max

The Mind's Eye and the distinctive appearance of that era's CGI technology (one of those things that, even after technology advances belong it, remains relevant on its own merits)


New World Computing, YES!!! Might and Magic franchise.

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Ultimas 1-4, Wizardry #s 1-3, and interactive text-based games, like Zork. Nothing else has kept my attention the same way since.

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Jerry Dandrige

That game where you were the axe wielding maniac, also golden axe
double dragon!

Hero Quest (the board game that had the illegal "anniversary edition" kickstarter last year)

The SSI D&D Games - Pool of Radiance, Champions of Krynn, Etc.

Sega's Beyond Oasis (a very fun over-head view adventure platformer - fairly Legend of Zelda-ish) and Phantasy Star IV (best of the series for actual game play - I sincerely recommend skipping the rest and going straight to IV. The gameplay of the prior entries is super clunky, but IV was great.)

Many, many NES games (LoZ 1 & 2, SuperC, Mega Man 3, Super Mario Bros. 3, Crystalsis, etc.)

Babylon 5.

The "Shipwreck's worst day ever" two-parter episode of G.I. Joe. You know, the one with the melting. The G.I. Joe cartoon's entire terrible run is justified by the existence of that episode.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Relevant to thread

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Zhangar wrote:

Phantasy Star IV (best of the series for actual game play - I sincerely recommend skipping the rest and going straight to IV. The gameplay of the prior entries is super clunky, but IV was great.)

unless you play 1-3, you really aren't able to appreciate not just what IV did right but the lessons learned along the way. People complain about iii, but it started the multigenerational adventure party mechanic in video game rpgs, and II was the first true mixing of science fiction and fantasy to my knowledge. I have yet to see a game split the genres down the middle like that.

Dark Archive

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Mix tapes and Micronauts (70's cross-over to early 80's). Atari 2600.

Also - I miss thinking that the D&D box sets came with the monster figures inside.

Grenadier and Ral Partha minis, Grenadier box set art - I could never afford all of them as a little kid - just got the Dwellers Below and Denizens and I cherished both those sets.

I miss playing D&D or Gamma World with my friends on Friday nights and Saturday mornings. I miss gamming on summer days when school was out. It was a colossal waste of time - wouldn't trade it for anything. Just wish we actually played more

cap yesterday - I think that game was called Splatterhouse.

I miss Saturday afternoons in dark arcades
- Q-bert
- Akari Warriors
- Dig-dug
- Life force

and too many others to name...

Not related to tech or games but...
I miss punk rock and oi and going to those shows not knowing how the night would end (cops, emergency room, fights and other good things).

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InfoCom text-based adventures: Zork, Lurking Horror, Leather Goddesses of Phobos...

Auxmaulos, which punkrock band would that be?

Bad Religion, Pennywise, Fishbone, Rancid?

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