How does Arcane Strike work for a Magus?

Rules Questions

So, I've been digging around for a proper answer to this question and can't find it, so I thought I'd ask:

If a Magus expends a point from his Arcane Pool to empower his weapon, and then uses Arcane Strike (not in the same turn, since both take a swift action), do the bonuses stack?

For example, if, on the first turn, a Magus uses his Arcane Pool on his longsword, he gains a +1 attack and damage enhancement. On the next turn, if he uses Arcane Strike, does he also get the +1 damage bonus on top of that?

I've been trying to gauge whether these two bonuses conflict, and from what I can tell, they don't seem to. It might seem a bit cheese-happy, but for a class who wants to be in melee, but still squishy, every bonus helps.

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The bonuses stack fine--they don't share a type, so there should be no question here.

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They stack up fine, doesn't seem at all cheesy, but you're going to have a lot of competition for your swift actions.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

They stack. I use it for my PFS magus, but I don't always have a swift action free to activate it.

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They stack. For a magus, I really like following it up with the Riving Strike feat. Combine Riving Strike and Enforcer with the Cruel weapon enchantment and you can, with two hits, reduce saves versus spells by 6 (among other effects). None of those debuffs use up spells or require more than a swift action.

My staff magus will often use spell combat and/or spellstrike to follow up those debuffing attacks with a nasty spell at the end of his round.

Grand Lodge

They do not stack because they are both enhancement bonuses. The bonus from Arcane Strike only applies to damage as well, so you cannot just use it enhance the weapon then use the Arcane pool to give it special abilities. You could however use one point from the arcane pool as a +1 base then the other + to give the weapon special abilities. Then you could use Arcane strike to add up to +5 (not stacking with the +1 from the Arcane pool) to damage.

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justicar347 wrote:
They do not stack because they are both enhancement bonuses. The bonus from Arcane Strike only applies to damage as well, so you cannot just use it enhance the weapon then use the Arcane pool to give it special abilities. You could however use one point from the arcane pool as a +1 base then the other + to give the weapon special abilities. Then you could use Arcane strike to add up to +5 (not stacking with the +1 from the Arcane pool) to damage.

They do stack. Arcane Strike is an untyped bonus to damage, not an enhancement bonus like Arcane Pool can provide.

Looking at the feat on the PRD now. Untyped, not Enhancement. As MP, Throne, Lazar, and Gisher(x2) have said, as long as they're activated on separate turns, they appear to stack just fine.

I guess this answers my question! XD

I suspected that the two were kosher, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything, seeing as how they might come off as bit redundant.

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