Jamus Hainard

Shepherd Grim, Halfling Paladin's page

2 posts. Alias of DM_aka_Dudemeister.


Silver Crusade

Sir Belmont the Valiant wrote:

I am building a halfling cavalier to try out a few ideas. He will start out with a Wolf for a mount.

1. Does the wolf/mount start out with the Animal Companion' training package of Combat or Riding? RAW does mention 'combat trained', but that seems to mean that your horse isn't skittish in combat...
2. If the wolf does not come with a training package, can it be trained in down time before the first adventure? I.E., a roll would be made before the adventure begins?
3. If the wolf is equipped with the Extra Slot Feat, could it have special versions of various Magical Boots be made available for purchase?
Boots of Spider Climb and Flying look interesting...
4. Could the halfling perform Ride-By-Attack, Spirited Charge or Death From Above while on a Broom of Flying? Or a Carpet of Flying? Boots of Flying? I understand that without the added mass of the mount, the full additional damage might not be imparted (part of the damage comes from increased speed), but these feats provide other benefits as well.

Odo Hillborne thanks you for sharing your knowledge!

1) Yes, you can safely assume some of its tricks are taken up by the basic riding and combat tricks. However if you want your mount to attack undead and a few other specifically called out types you'll have to train it in game (or pre-game with GM permission).

2) Talk to your GM.
3) Ask your GM.
4) Ask your GM. But RAW, Ride-By-Attack and Spirited Charge probably won't work because while you are "riding" the broom, you aren't in any way using the Ride Skill. Death from Above should work fine.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, I'm not followin' at all. Why would you ban paladins? We're just tryin' to help out.