Does any one have a homebrew barbarian?

Homebrew and House Rules

I am looking for a home brew barbarian to run in our RotRL game. Does anyone have one made?


Not that there is anything wrong with a homebrew barbarian, but is there something your group didn't like about Amiri?

I only ask because when I first looked at the game, I read her her card and thought "Both these powers suck. I have to bury a card for this one and the other one lets me move? I'll never bury a card and moving at the end of your turn is a waste." And was I ever wrong. My wife played Amiri and to this day she is the one character I most regret not playing. In fact, I almost chose to play her in a Skull and Shackles group.

So, if you are looking for a homebrew barbarian because you think Amiri's power aren't as impressive as other characters, trust me, she is awesome. Again though, feel free to create a homebrew barbarian. I just wanted to speak up for Amiri.

Good luck!

Michael Head 728 wrote:

I am looking for a home brew barbarian to run in our RotRL game. Does anyone have one made?


Maybe you just have the base set and not the character add-on deck. You could download a PDFs with Amiri's stats. Like Hawkmoon said, she can be a lot of fun to play. Or you could start with her abilities and change them a bit. Keep the total dice at 42 and don't go crazy with the powers. Amiri buries a card to add a die to her awesome strength or constitution, so that can be thought of as "barbarian rage." Think about what makes a barbarian unique and maybe craft a power around that.

Yeah she is ok. I would like to see Frenzied Berserker as a prestige class. I would like to see no armor use at all and maybe something like regenerative vigor giving them fast healing for the trade of of not using armor. I do like the movement portion for fast movement

Ultimately I am looking for more of the half-orc/conan or what I refer to as the iconic barbarian.

Also i like how all the core classes got 4 extra classes. I would like 4 options for all of the expansion characters.

Michael Head 728 wrote:
Also i like how all the core classes got 4 extra classes. I would like 4 options for all of the expansion characters.

Assuming the first seven Class Decks sell well, then Paizo would likely create other decks.

Figuring out a regenerative vigor power poses an interesting challenge. Just recharging a card every turn would be too powerful. Maybe something like Kyra's power to give up your first exploration to recharge from discard but only for herself?

I was thinking this:

Regenerative Vigor: Banish a card (perhaps just a blessing) recharge 1d4 (maybe 1d4-1) from the discard pile. (So you loose a card and only have a chance to have a gain cards.

Regenerative Vigor: When you activate Blessing of Gorum or Blessing of Gorum is the active blessing, you may recharge 1d4 cards from your discard pile.

Here is the template i am working on now. I know i need 2 more + [] boxes. I don't plan on allowing heavy armor. Take a look.

Updated with all powers

I like the Blessing of Gorum idea. But what does activate mean?

Sorry I don't know the correct terminology. I want it to trigger when you play the card to use the blessing. Thus you can't just discard it due to something like hand size limit.
Ultimately I want the barbarian to have to activate it so if a penalty causes him to discard or too much hand he suffers the penalty.

Maybe something like "When you play a Blessing of Gorum, you may shuffle d4 cards from your discard into your deck. If the top card of the Blessings deck is a Blessing of Gorum, at the start of your turn you may shuffle d4 cards from your discard into your deck." A bit too wordy so needs some rewrite, I think.

Playing a card is not the same as discarding at reset or for damage, etc.

How about something to scales with the game to give it a different feel? Something like:

You may bury a card to recharge a number of cards from your discard pile equal to 1([]2) plus the adventure deck number of the buried card.

That way it feels different from the regular heal powers, and gives you a difficult decision of deciding whether to sacrifice a higher numbered card to get to recharge more cards.

Hmmm, you might need to tweak that because you wouldn't get many cards back until you got to the later adventures. Maybe d4 plus the adventure deck number? And then maybe limit it to once per turn, dunno.

Well, notice it isn't random. So you are getting to choose which cards you are recharging. So even with a B card, where you'd bury 1 to recharge 1, you'd get to pick which card you recharged. That alone seems powerful.

Ah yeah, that does make a difference. It's a rather different kind of healing where you pick the cards you want back. So now there's possibilities for a few variants here.

Ultimately I think it would be really cool to have a slew of character cards in a binder for someone to look through and pick to play.

So I love that idea. It gives it a better flavor for sure. So what do you think is better? The blessing or the bury a card balance wise?

Also with the binder idea I like that too. I spent the better portion of a night setting my PhotoShop up so I can quickly generate cards for extra characters.

Michael Head 728 wrote:
So I love that idea. It gives it a better flavor for sure. So what do you think is better? The blessing or the bury a card balance wise?

There probably both pretty balanced. Really you'd have to play test them some to know if one is stronger than the other. Hawkmoon's idea probably means a savvier character than gets back the cards they need. Your idea keyed on the Blessing of Gorum is more just a raw surge of power back. So, maybe make both, one Conan-like and the other half-orc barbarian like (there is a cool Battles mini).

Well the challenge with the blessing is shorting the phrasing.
Also is there a single thread that was made with all tested home brew characters? Like as a reference instead of being siloed out.

Michael Head 728 wrote:
Well the challenge with the blessing is shorting the phrasing.

Maybe "You may shuffle d4 random cards into your deck when you play a Blessing of Gorum or, at the start of your turn, when the top card of the Blessings deck is a Blessing of Gorum."

Michael Head 728 wrote:
Also is there a single thread that was made with all tested home brew characters? Like as a reference instead of being siloed out.

Don't know of such a thread. Maybe start it :)

I will update him tonight thank you for all your help!

Because I have a template I can crank them out in about 2-5 min I'm going to post images of the character cards in said thread sans the character photos unless the original character creator sends one that is cleared to use. If this violates paizo rules engagement let me know.

Thanks again!

Take a look with the update. Thanks guys

I reckon it would be better if you moved the blessing of Gorum thing into the role cards for this character. That way you could do both versions of the power, one for each of the different roles. I'd probably suggest it's just when you play Gorum if you do that.

That's a bit more in keeping with God specific blessing powers that appear in the game. It also means that you have a bit of a chance for the character to accumulate those blessings before they use that power.

In addition, I'd consider adding a power that discards cards for some benefit. It's thematic because it's like he's berserking, but it also provides an interesting dynamic to the character where you can push yourself, and hope to try and heal yourself later.

AoO Fury wrote:

Take a look with the update. Thanks guys

Thinking about him a bit, his healing will take getting some blessings to get going. Once he has a couple and takes the upgrade in hand size, he will be able to really play cards a lot, probably discarding weapons for extra damage, etc.

Now you gotta give him some roles.

Hope the thread gets more characters!

Yeah I haven't studied the prestige classes yet. Once I play test a few I will finish him out.
Penguin to your point I may do that for 2 different flavors

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