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Thanks Skizzerz. Pretty sure I understand that bit of it now.

So remaining questions/comments (not really important):

- "matching the adventure's harrow suit" seems imprecise. Particularly if the CotCT book says they "correspond". However, there doesn't really seem to be any other way of reading it. *shrug*
- any reason to not use the "invokes" wording?
- Has anyone picked and found good use for this skill? And other similar harrow boons? I haven't found the individual adventures to be particularly heavy in terms of checks for their corresponding skill. I feel like I'd rather have a power or boon that gives me something more consistent as a bonus.

I've had a bit more of a proper look at the rulebook now, and I think I've figured it out. Although there's no specific wording to support it, I think that the phrase "matching the adventure's harrow suit" implies that it's the matching skill for the harrow. Otherwise they'd just say "on a local check that has the trait of the adventure's harrow suit" or something.

I think the check "having" the trait, means that it has to be a trait from your check, rather than a trait of the thing you are checking against (although I think in most cases, due to the "matching" trait being one of the STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIS/CHA skills, that will be immaterial, I can't think of a counter example off the top of my head). So if it "invoked" the trait, that would mean it either has or is against. So they are specifically excluding the "against" part. Though once again, can't think of an example why that's restricted.

Sorry, I'm still finding that confusing. Why is it limited to non-combat checks? That restriction is part of the adventure rule for Adventure 3 (which adds 1d4 for non-combat INT checks).

Hi, I don't see anyone else asking this, so I suspect it must be totally obvious, but...

Some cards have an ability that looks like this (I'm using one of Hakon's role powers as an example):
"On a local check that has a trait matching the adventure's harrow suit..."

What is a "trait matching the adventure's harrow suit"?

I'm currently playing Adventure 3, and the suit is books. Does that mean I only get the benefit if the check has "books" (the suit)? Or if it has "intelligence" (the corresponding attribute)? Also, why does it say the check "has a trait"? I thought it should be something like "invokes" instead?

Thanks for your help!

Also, one very useful thing to do is use powers that allow you to examine a location, and then put cards back in a specific order and position (like spyglass, augury etc). If you evade, then you shuffle the bane back into the deck, so you undo all your good work of scouting the location.

I reckon it would be better if you moved the blessing of Gorum thing into the role cards for this character. That way you could do both versions of the power, one for each of the different roles. I'd probably suggest it's just when you play Gorum if you do that.

That's a bit more in keeping with God specific blessing powers that appear in the game. It also means that you have a bit of a chance for the character to accumulate those blessings before they use that power.

In addition, I'd consider adding a power that discards cards for some benefit. It's thematic because it's like he's berserking, but it also provides an interesting dynamic to the character where you can push yourself, and hope to try and heal yourself later.

Calthaer, do you have a specific link you could point to for the sleeves?

Well we've had pirates, so this next set has to include ninjas right?