Fire blaster.


Just wondering something. Am interested in making a blaster based on fire spells, which race and or class would be the best for doing so? I like the idea of being able to switch element type but not a necessity. Thanks for the advice.

Would love to try and recreate Dark Scheidner and Ney from Bastard. With two separate characters.

Sovereign Court

Well if we are keeping it simple:

Arshes Nei
Half-elf (take the alternate trait ancestral arm for proficiency with longsword)
Wizard 11 (Evocation: Admixture, electricity and fire)

Helloween (Empowered lightning bolt) for example.

Dark Schneider
Wizard 14 (Evocation Admixture: focus on fire mostly)

Venom (use fireball but change the damage type to acid with admixture)

Well that would be my main advice.

Sounds good thanks!

Arcanist can take school understanding Admixture to turn his spells into fire and has dimensional slide for warping. Sounds like a good basis for Dark Schneider.

Scarab Sages

I'd go gnome for +1 cl on fire spells.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Raecyn wrote:
Just wondering something. Am interested in making a blaster based on fire spells, which race and or class would be the best for doing so? I like the idea of being able to switch element type but not a necessity. Thanks for the advice.

Admixture subschool of Evocation Wizard is the norm. Human for bonus feat though not necessary. Elf is an excellent choice for the +2 Spell Pen, +2 Dex and +2 Int.

Traits: Magical Lineage (usually Fireball) Wayang Spellhunter (fireball again).

Spell Focus (Evocation) In Pathfinder Organized Play (PFS/Society Wizards get this automatically instead of Scribe Scroll.)
Spell Specialization (most start with Burning Hands then swap with Fireball).
Metamagic feat of choice. Empower for more oomph, Persistent to make them save twice, Dazing if you want some control, etc...

Combat gear
Rod of Selective Spell (so you can nuke and not melt your buddies.)
Goblin Drums, lesser.

If you prefer Sorcerer.
Alternate racial trait: Pyromaniac for different SLA and +1 caster level with Fire spells.
Tattooed Sorcerer for another +1 caster level with evocation.
Orc Bloodline: +1/die damage, darkvision.
Similar traits and feats as wizard.

Combat gear:
Rod of Elemental Spell to change energy types.

An excellent guide is the Blockbuster Wizard.
Thread is here:

Or do a search for blockbuster builds and you'll find variants.

There are also feats that allow Wizards to cast fireball spontaneously and for Sorcerers to not require a full-round action to apply Metamagic feats. Take em if you want.

Wow great advice thanks

Grand Lodge

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I find admixture wizard 19/cross-blooded sorcerer 1

Crossblooded orc and gold draconic. +2 damage per dice on fire spells.

Remember empowered> maximized but both are amazing. Just dont rush maximized because its typically not worth it.

Your meta magics should be: intensify, empower, dazing, quicken

Off feats: spell specialization (burning hands into fireball), spell perfection

If you can fit maximize in then do.

Persistent Spell metamagics is worth it too at high levels & if you are going to be a blaster I generally find Sorcerers get the better situational deal from Metamagic as well as more spells to burn (pardon the pun).

Also consider getting one or two buff/defensive spells for when you fight fire immune foes or it's generally a better tactic. It's good to be excellent at something but one trick ponies will get found out at some point.

Grand Lodge

Persistent Spell is especially worthwhile against foes with Evasion, since if they save you're hosed.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Fruian Thistlefoot wrote:

I find admixture wizard 19/cross-blooded sorcerer 1

Crossblooded orc and gold draconic. +2 damage per dice on fire spells.

Remember empowered> maximized but both are amazing. Just dont rush maximized because its typically not worth it.

Your meta magics should be: intensify, empower, dazing, quicken

Off feats: spell specialization (burning hands into fireball), spell perfection

If you can fit maximize in then do.

Yes the cross-blooded sorc 1/admix wiz x is also popular. I didn't mention it because I don't like class dipping with full casters. Or for that matter pretty much ever :)

However this is arguably one of the best builds if you want boom boom and more boom. Though your wizard primary will be a caster level behind once he does dip. But it's hard to argue with that +2 per die.

Is this for PFS? If not, are there any restrictions on race? Ifrit and Goblins have some fire based racial options.

No crazy races like a Drow noble but other ones are fine, not for PFS.

I am surprised no one mentioned the Fire Oracle for a fire blaster... With their bonus spells and all the blasty-type Revelations, Fire Oracles are amazing blasters.

Raecyn wrote:
No crazy races like a Drow noble but other ones are fine, not for PFS.

In that case, I would look at Goblin Pyromaniac Alchemist. I am sot sure if it is what you want, but it is interesting.

Grand Lodge


Yes the cross-blooded sorc 1/admix wiz x is also popular. I didn't mention it because I don't like class dipping with full casters. Or for that matter pretty much ever :)

However this is arguably one of the best builds if you want boom boom and more boom. Though your wizard primary will be a caster level behind once he does dip. But it's hard to argue with that +2 per die.

A single dip is not too terrible. You still see 9th level spells. But your right +2 per dice is well worth the trade off.

Its the difference between 15d6+15 & 15d6+30 fireball.

The crossblooded also get more damage from empower spell making it the hardest hitting blaster.

Others mentioned persistant spell. I say no. Very few classes have evasion...if your fireball is resisted your a wizard with spells that can target all saves or even have no save. No good wizards run only blasts they will have a few other answers. Persistant spell is for save or suck/die spells like hold monster or dominate.

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