Takeshi Kitano |

I'm waiting for a "heal" or "magical heal" post from the big guy or the princess :D

Hiriko |

Wu Fen if I may suggest. I will always attempt to determine what kind of creature we are facing and for expedience have been adding a die roll for the knowledge check. Would it be possible to add the necessary knowledge check to the initial description?

Wu Fen Chang the Peddler |

Sorry for being absent the past two days everyone! I've been busy with the standard pre-Thanksgiving college work and family stuff. Hopefully no one is disheartened by this turn of events. I will be posting tomorrow since Thanksgiving holiday is now in effect at the college and I should be doing little to no cross-state traveling as well. Thanks everyone for your (Hopefully,) patience!

Wu Fen Chang the Peddler |

Oh, that sucks Seori! I was glad once my break started!
Everyone, Google Docs is acting stupid. Posting a link to the map on another website for you all.
http://www.picstopin.com/1030/jade-regent-brinewall-castle-ground-floor-obs idian-portal/http:%7C%7Ccdn*obsidianportal*com%7Cmap_images%7C816130%7Cbrin ewall-castle-map*png/
You all are in the room north-northwest of the large throneroom with the red carpet. Waiting on everyone to confirm their actions since the map is up.
My apologies for this!
Does everyone know if Roll20 is decent for maps?

Wu Fen Chang the Peddler |

I'm still here! There was no Internet at the boondocks-ish area we stayed at for the holidays. Nonetheless I apologize for my absence as I should have anticipated such and prepared accordingly. Logging on to post this quickly because, looking at my student page for my college, Dr.O's finals are do-at-home essays due on Tuesday. I will post tomorrow and try to make 3 posts/day to compensate for my absence.
Sorry for the wait everyone! I will look at Roll20 and see how it works. Hopefully it's not TOO complicated, though I rather doubt it will be.

Wu Fen Chang the Peddler |

Hiriko, no problem at all. Thanks for the advance notice though.
Takeshi, a good point, though I was hoping for something that made the maps interactive.
If this is the way we go with it, does anyone have a problem with hand drawn maps? I ask because since this is going to be so freeform for the first half of the campaign I will likely be drawing up maps for the locations. Already began with some maps for locations on the island the characters are on.

Takeshi Kitano |

You can make them interactive: setting the "Can display" to "Can edit", then people can move their figure to wherever they designate :)
And no, no problem :)

Hiriko |

I have done something similar in games I have GM'd Wu Fen. It can be a lot of work on the DMs shoulders to draw maps but if you feel your up to it more power to you.

Mamoru Onitora |

That's the way I've always done it. Creating maps can take a little while, but they work pretty well.
I know there's a way to upload images to use as a backdrop. A GM I play with takes pictures of maps and uploads them, and then makes tokens to move around on them. I've never done it though, so I'm not exactly sure how it works.

Takeshi Kitano |

It's quite easy. I even made an entire 'folder' shared with my peeps, which contain maps, contracts, pictures, etc. This way nthing gets lost!
Whenever i want to add, i simply drag and inform them in ooc tags :-)

Hiriko |

Wu Fen do you need a couple of days to get things prepared or something? If not I think we are waiting on you. Since no one made the check I assume we are following the trogs out as we previously decided. Alaren is the only one that hasn't made an attempt and is the most likely to make the perception check out of all of us. Unfortunately he still hasn't made an appearance so you may have to make a decision on that as well.

Takeshi Kitano |

Yeah same here :D
Slow progression beats no progression at all :D

Takeshi Kitano |

Had there been a bet, I would have lost money too. Damned Mad Hatter, I love him/her/it!

Wu Fen Chang the Peddler |

Mad Hatter is awesome!
By the way, I'll post in a bit, just posting a message in all my campaigns! See below to see what!
I've decided to sell or give away all of my video games and systems because they interfere with me doing more important things, like helping other people, getting college work done, ect. There's another, more important reason, but I digress Now, I have games for 360, PS3, X-Box, PS2, GBA, PS1, and GameCube that I'm looking to get rid of.
I'll give you one game for free from my massive library of 100+ games and can sell you others pretty dirt cheap. I'll be using the money I make for charitable purposes, so the money won't be wasted if you choose to buy one. Even if you get the free one, though, I'll just ask to be reimbursed the shipping, but I believe that's fair (You can send it after you get the game,).
If anyone is interested, just let me know and I'll compile a list! About the only kind of games I do not own are sports games, because I'm one of those rare few guys who doesn't get into sports, except for fencing!
Oh, and I haven't drank anything, I am just choosing to restructure my life in a better way, so yes, I know what I'm doing! ;)

Takeshi Kitano |

Not really a console guy, but a real nice effort, loving the money going to charity.

Wu Fen Chang the Peddler |

*Fistbumps Takeshi* Thanks! Here's the list, everyone!
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
Death Jr.
Medievil Resurrection
Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem
Darkstalkers: The Chaos Tower Chronicles
Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7
Dissidia: Final Fantasy
Dragoner's Aria
Guilty Gear: Judgement
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
Obscure: The Aftermath
Final Fantasy Origins
Final Fantasy Anthology
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 9
Legend of Dragoon (Missing a disc,)
Legend of Legaia
Crypt Killer
Croc: Legend of the Gobos
Chrono Cross
Wild 9
Digimon Rumble Arena
Medievil 2
Brave Fencer Musashi
Armored Core: Project Phantasm
Twisted Metal
Worms: World Party
Pong: The Next Level
Twisted Metal 4
Namco Museum: Volume 3
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess with Limited Edition Strategy Guide (Claimed!)
Pikmin 2
Custom Robo (If you get this, save on a seperate memory card, because if a save glitches it can corrupt your data!)
Cel Damage
Spawn: Armageddon
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Bloody Roar: Primal Fury
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
Overlord: Dark Legend
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Castlevania: Judgement
Wii Sports
Wii Sports Resort
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
LA Noire
Crysis 2
Heavenly Sword
Two Worlds 2
Soul Calibur 4
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
Dante's Inferno: Divine Edition
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
Aliens Vs. Predator
Armored Core: Verdict Day
Advent Rising
Grand Theft Auto 3
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
Burger King: Sneak King
Jade Empire Limited Edition
Alter Echo
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind Game of the Year Edition
Dungeons and Dragons Heroes
Halo Combat Evolved
The Suffering
Unreal Championship 2: The Leandri Conflict
Unreal Championship
Aliens Vs. Predator: Extinction
Burger King: Big Bumpin'
Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf
Burger King: Pocket Bike Racers
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams
Fusion Frenzy
Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes
Midway Arcade Treasures 2
Halo 2
Megaman Anniversary Collection
Megaman X Collection
Kingdom Hearts
Armored Core 2
Armored Core 2: Another Age
Armored Core 3
Armored Core: Last Raven
Armored Core: Nexus
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Kingdom Hearts 2
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Shadow Hearts
Final Fantasy X-2
Summoner 2
RPG Maker 3
Final Fantasy 10
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
Legaia 2: Duel Saga
Castlevania: Curse of Darkness
Shin Megami Tinsei: Digital Devil Saga 2
Yu Yu Hakasho Ghost Files: Dark Tournament
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3
Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil Code: Veronica X
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Clock Tower 3
Dragon Rage
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
Champions: Return to Arms
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2
Final Fantasy 12 Collector's Edition
The Bard's Tale
Dark Cloud 2
RPG Maker 2
Shadow Man 2econd Coming
The Suffering: Ties That Bind
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Drakkan: The Ancient's Gate
Bloody Roar 4
Hitman: Blood Money
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence
Dark Cloud
Street Fighter EX3
Tekken 4
Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy 7
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
Tekken 5
Tekken Tag Tournament
McFarlane's: Evil Prophecy
Devil Kings
Hitman: Contracts
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick
Soul Calibur 3
Armored Core: Silent Line
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed 2
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Final Fantasy 13-2
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition
Dragon Age 2
Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath
Armored Core 5
Halo 3
Guilty Gear 2: Overture
Kameo: Elements of Power
Unreal Tournament 3
Fear 2: Project Origin
Divinity 2: Ego Draconis
Final Fantasy 13
Red Dead Redemption
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom
Golden Axe: Beast Rider
Operation Darkness
Might and Magic Elements: Dark Messiah
Armored Core 4
Darksiders 2 Limited Edition
Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition
Fallout: New Vegas (May be claimed already. Will have to double check!)
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Four Swords
Battle Bots: Design and Destroy
Metroid Zero Mission
Pokemon Leafgreen
Earthworm Jim
Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
Metroid Fusion
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories
Pokemon Gold
Pokemon Silver
Ok, that's it! Well, plus about a hundred more already chosen as Christmas presents, but no point in listing those!
After you pick a free game, you can also choose to add an old game for $5 (GBA games, $1,), or a new game (Meaning 360/PS3/Wii,) game for between $5-$10. If you find a cheaper price for one you are interested in on GameStop, let me know and I'll match it! With very few exceptions, my discs are immaculate, with maybe a few specks of dust on them, unless I bought them with scratches. Even those scratched have been buffed so that they play smoothly. I will likely handle actual purchases through E-Bay or something like that so you'll know this is legit. Those only getting a free game will be operating on an honor code: once the game is received, mail back the shipping costs to cover my fees. Ok, anyone wanting, PM now!

Hiriko |

The systems that we have in kind our games seem to pretty much match up. I mean I never meet anyone else that had Might and Magic Elements: Dark Messiah before :)

Takeshi Kitano |

Every other...
What exactly is the post schedule?