Idea: Why there was no plunder die in the game box?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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A special d6 die where the plunder card type is written explicitely. On it .......
So you dont need the mapping table anymore....
Would be very coool....

Where could i get such a customized die?

Who else wants such a die?

Lets plunder....

Grand Lodge

Making dice, especially custom dice, is expensive. As someone that has ordered custom d6's with just a single custom side to it, the bulk manufacturing cost can be quite staggering.

By not producing an additional custom dice, it keeps the cost of the game where it's at.

ThreeEyedSloth wrote:

Making dice, especially custom dice, is expensive. As someone that has ordered custom d6's with just a single custom side to it, the bulk manufacturing cost can be quite staggering.

By not producing an additional custom dice, it keeps the cost of the game where it's at.

There was a kickstarter project where you could get several custom dice for 12 bucks....

So may be 2 USD per die is very reasonable....

Grand Lodge

Sure. But let's say Paizo's first print run of Skull & Shackles is 10,000, which is likely a very low estimate.

Even at $2 per die, that's an additional $20,000 for development of the game. Now many dice companies offer discounts for large orders, but still. That's a big expense upfront that Paizo has to deal with before the game even goes out for sale.

Why add that extra expense when you can just roll a standard d6 and get the same result?

Grand Lodge

If you want d6 plunder dice, here are some. I got some for the game.

Vic already answered why they didn't do special dice for the game. So that's why it's not in the box already.

Silver Crusade

I'll chime in also. The cost for a custom dice is extremely expensive. Here's a link for Chessex's website: Custom Dice

Even at the biggest bundle of 500-999 dice, the cost is $2.52 per dice. (2.04 EUR)

The biggest problem with getting custom dice is it's just not cost effective. One of the things that I've learned through economics classes is that the cost benefit ratio is too low to justify getting custom dice for a game like this. It's easier to print a chart showing you what number equals what card instead of printing a special dice. Also, what happens when someone loses the special plunder dice? Do they not get plunder or do you end up providing them a chart to roll on anyways?

For some gamers who have been around the block for too long, we're used to charts telling us what to roll on and the special dice are just novelty for the most part. I'd rather just stick to a traditional d6 model, that way the dice is useful for multiple games, not just for one specific game.

Charts and tables for d6 are nice.

But a custom plunder die would be amazingly helpful.

Chessex minimum production quantity is 10.
Is anybody interested?

The Exchange

Get a blank d6 and write on it with a sharpie.

At this point we have all memorized the numbers, I have no interest in buying a die that will do that for me.

I think I'm missing why a normal d6 is not adequate for this. Granted I haven't opened our S&S box yet, I did play it at GenCon a couple times and it seemed a normal d6 was fine.

Is it just wanting a special die just for rolling for plunder?

Grand Lodge

Myfly, look at the link I posted.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Myfly, look at the link I posted.


These are just pirate-themed six sided dice, with the usual numbers 1,2,3 ...6 on it...
Nothing special...

So i would love to get one die with text

1 is "Weapon"
2 is "Spell" (SPELL)
3 is "Armor"
4 is "Item"
5 is "Ally" (ALLY)
6 is "Any"

OR even a picture of the weapon (some sword on it), spell is picture of scroll etc...

The cool thing is that you could use this die also for future expansions when you e.g. One card will be stolen from your open hand.... Bad thief, roll that die to determine which card you have to banish or discard if you got that card type in your hand...

This die is very optional... As you said you could use a d6 instead.... So why not offer it as accessory???????

Grand Lodge

Again, because it's really expensive to manufacture.

Grand Lodge

And you're already more than halfway through the Adventure Path. WotR is not Pirate-themed so it won't need a Plunder die.

At least the die I showed you is Pirate themed. And available. They don't just create those things out of thin air. By the time a new die is manufactured, Wrath of the Righteous will already be done and the next AP will be played.

Theryon Stormrune wrote:

And you're already more than halfway through the Adventure Path. WotR is not Pirate-themed so it won't need a Plunder die.

At least the die I showed you is Pirate themed. And available. They don't just create those things out of thin air. By the time a new die is manufactured, Wrath of the Righteous will already be done and the next AP will be played.

I play the SS english version, but there will be a German version soon released... So there is the possibility of optimizing the game for the German version....

Sovereign Court

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Optimizing. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

No there is not a chance of doing what you consider "optimizing" it MyFly. As people have said, adding that die is very expensive, plus it wouldn't be right to do something special like that and not include it for everyone from the beginning. It's especially a waste of money considering it's worthless in PACG outside of S&S and basically worthless outside of PACG.

Grand Lodge

Myfly, this has been Vic's answer about special dice so far. There are dice you can buy here and there are dice you can buy elsewhere. I even mentioned to Vic about the idea of themed dice (like they already do with Q-Workshop) for Adventure Paths and he said no.

So if you have a bunch of money to waste on the project, then go for it.

Silver Crusade

Myfly, I'll ask my question again since you consider adding the plunder die as an optimization to the game. Let's look at this from a theoretical viewpoint. What happens when you lose this die? How do people roll for plunder at this point? Do you include a chart like what is included already or do you come up with a different plunder determination system?

The main reason why you see game systems with custom dice is because the whole game is designed around these custom dice, such as Kings of Tokyo, FATE, Betrayal at House on the Hill, etc. These games usually have a significantly higher price point compared to games similar in nature. All Kings of Tokyo includes is a deck of cards, a small board, cardboard figures and 8 custom dice and it's priced at $45 MSRP. I would hate to see what the price of PACG would be with this custom dice included in it.

Also, I want to agree with Andrew Klein. If this was a dice that was required for every set, Runelords, Shackles, Wrath and every game going forward, then I would be more inclined to try and say this dice would be worth the money, but since this is a special rule for Shackles, It's just not feasible of a recommendation.

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I like realizing cool ideas and playing with my friends the games we like in their premium version. Premium means we are using all original rules, but e.g. Spend time and money on premium playmats, premium dice such as the plunder die...
We play PACG with the standard rules but like nobody else...

Well, i developed the version 6 premium playmats for shackles.... Sooo cool! Version 5 are available for RotR on BGG... And these are already an eyecatcher...

Plunder die is 55 USD plus shipping and import taxes for 8 dice...

Grand Lodge

Hey, nothing wrong with that. That's the same reason why the foil card market exists for collectible card games like Magic. Some people really like to show off their hobby.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Myfly wrote:
I like realizing cool ideas and playing with my friends the games we like in their premium version. Premium means we are using all original rules,

I seem to remember you said you are playing with multiple copies of promo cards, such as Poog of Zarongel, and using more than the standard number of locations.

That doesn't sound like "using all original rules" to me.

Zaister wrote:
Myfly wrote:
I like realizing cool ideas and playing with my friends the games we like in their premium version. Premium means we are using all original rules,

I seem to remember you said you are playing with multiple copies of promo cards, such as Poog of Zarongel, and using more than the standard number of locations.

That doesn't sound like "using all original rules" to me.

I suggested a "hardcore bane" expansion.... Simply if the game is too easy... Would you like to get bored for 30 scenarios?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The success of the games seems to indicate that it's not actually boring if played by the rules.

Lantern Lodge

At least we've gotten away from the idea of a color coded dice mechanic...

Grand Lodge

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Liberty's Edge

Mad Jack Deacon wrote:
At least we've gotten away from the idea of a color coded dice mechanic...

Myfly has a passion for this game to say the

While I don't agree with many of your ideas Myfly...I will admit if I were able to get a plunder die for $2-$3 I would probably buy it(Heck if I were at a convention and saw it I would probably spend up to $5...convention money isn't the same as real it needed for the game...NO...but would it be kind of neat...Yes...


Lantern Lodge

The problem I have is that every time "color coded" was used I immediately thought of the hanky code.

And that isn't how I want to play PACG.

Though some might. YMMV.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The plunder chart is super easy to memorize. The numbers go in order of where things are in the box. If you read down the columns, the box contains characters(the first couple might be out of order), ships, scenarios, locations, monsters, villains, henchmen, barriers, weapons, spells, armor, items, allies, and blessings.

The "boons" consist of (in order): Weapons, spells, armor, items, allies, and blessings.

You just look at the box to remember what a 1-5 means. You can't plunder blessings, so a 6 means "choose."

Easy, yes?

Lookup tables are much much cheaper to produce than custom d6s. The others already explained that, though.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

If someone wanted to have a custom plunder dice made that has pictures on each side ("?" for your choice, a scroll for Spell, a person's silhouette for Ally, etc.) I would HAPPILY go in on it with you. I would have no problem spending $10-15 for such an awesome die.

I found a US-based dice manufacturer which will provide 7 custom dice for 49 USD. So 7 USD each... This is the minimum quantity and a reasonable price.I think...
Who will join in? Has anybody a clipart collection which is vector-graphics based ...
Best if someone in US will order these due to low shipping costs...
When I import it to Germany is high shippping plus VAT of 20 %...

Cartmanbeck, what do you think?
Tim Felts?

Lets do it as a community project.... ?

The die will be produced just for personal use.

Would you be averse to using something like Kickstarter or Indiegogo for it? Although it seems like you want the die regardless of whether or not others do, so that may not be the best solution.

I'm not interested, but it's an idea.

Grand Lodge

For under $10, I would get in on this. Its novel and fun, the same way people buy replacement heart-shaped blocks for Love Letter.

Has anybody designed a die yet? Experience?

Can anybody provide the design?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I'm absolutely in. I would be willing to make the order, have them delivered here (US-Maryland), and then ship them around to you guys in envelopes. You could each PayPal me for them.

I have no experience with designing stuff, so if someone would be willing to make some simple silhouette images for the 6 sides, that'd be awesome. I'm thinking:
1 - Weapon - A simple sword silhouette
2 - Spell - A scroll
3 - Armor - A helm or shield
4 - Item - A potion
5 - Ally - A Person silhouette
6 - Choose - A question mark

Any takers on that part?

I'm RL friend of cartmanbeck. I would toss in some cash for something like this. Make it so.

Depending on how it will look, I'd be interested in joining the bandwagon. Will these be stickers or etched in?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

NyteJKL wrote:
Depending on how it will look, I'd be interested in joining the bandwagon. Will these be stickers or etched in?

Oh they'd definitely have to be etched, or there's no point in doing it, IMO.

I could get on board with this, I suppose.

I'd definitely suggest a shield over helm for armor. Helm silhouettes can look goofy.

Oh, and this may sound silly, but try and get the numbers on an actual d6 to match up with the images. IE, 1 and 6 should be opposite on a d6, so Weapon and Choose should be opposite.

@Orbis: shield looks may be better, you are right!

Cool, so my idea seems to be accepted in the community finally. As i live in Germany it would be expensive to order all dice to my home, pay import tax, high shipping and 20% VAT and then ship it back to you guys in the USA.

Thanks Cartmanbeck, that you help us out here.

Here are two different options i will recommend:

A) Etched die (more expensive)
Vector-graphics of each die side required
Offer 7 dice for 49USD plus shipping, so 7USD for one die.

B) Sticker die (super cheap)
Blank die 40cent, one sticker is 4 cent. So the total die is 64cent.
Here definetly the black blank die with white image on it.
PNG image with 188x188 pixels required for each sticker

Die colour: I would choose a black die, with white shihoulette, like a pirate flag and like the skull&shackles logo.

Die Quantity: Will take two (one for gameplay, one for collection). I dont mind etched or sticker, but black die, white image on it is mandatory.

What would you choose from above: A or B, quantity (in this order)???

Myfly wrote:

@Orbis: shield looks may be better, you are right!

Cool, so my idea seems to be accepted in the community finally. As i live in Germany it would be expensive to order all dice to my home, pay import tax, high shipping and 20% VAT and then ship it back to you guys in the USA.

Thanks Cartmanbeck, that you help us out here.

Here are two different options i will recommend:

A) Etched die (more expensive)
Vector-graphics of each die side required
Offer 7 dice for 49USD plus shipping, so 7USD for one die.

B) Sticker die (super cheap)
Blank die 40cent, one sticker is 4 cent. So the total die is 64cent.
Here definetly the black blank die with white image on it.
PNG image with 188x188 pixels required for each sticker

Die colour: I would choose a black die, with white shihoulette, like a pirate flag and like the skull&shackles logo.

Die Quantity: Will take two (one for gameplay, one for collection). I dont mind etched or sticker, but black die, white image on it is mandatory.

What would you choose from above: A or B, quantity (in this order)???

It's the idea of asking Paizo to produce them that we didn't like, Myfly. The added cost for everyone isn't acceptable. On an individual basis, it's a cool idea.

I think we can all agree on etched over sticker.

I, however, would like a blue die with white symbols to match my PACG dice.

Great... Yes it says in the thread headline, why ... Game box...(all other posts said it is tooo expensive to include it in the game box - a sticker die is just 64cent).

I would also be happy if Paizo would offer such a die in a limited quantity as accessory... Optionally... Why not.

Blue die is also fine for me ... But what colour do you connect with plunder?
I thought about the pirate theme as black white combo...

A sticker die does not hold up to the same standard of quality the rest of the game holds to. It would have been somewhat of a joke, I think, to have one sticker die included.

I like having things match; regardless of plunder = pirate flag or whatever, I would prefer a blue & white one, and will fork over more than my share if needed to ensure funding.

Although if enough people get involved we might be able to do both.

Grand Lodge

I like the yellow color scheme of the Q-Workshop Skull & Shackles dice, with either blue or black etching.

Silver Crusade

Orbis Orboros wrote:

It's the idea of asking Paizo to produce them that we didn't like, Myfly. The added cost for everyone isn't acceptable. On an individual basis, it's a cool idea.

I think we can all agree on etched over sticker.

I, however, would like a blue die with white symbols to match my PACG dice.

I'll agree with Orbis on this matter. I think the way the idea was approached was what my problem with it was. The idea of the plunder dice on an individual basis isn't a bad idea, it's just not something I would like to see included in the base set, especially as an idea of "optimization". The game works great as is and adding the plunder dice isn't going to add any replay value , it would just be an extra dice. If there was a collectors edition published later down the line that had some special stuff included, a plunder dice might be cool, but that's obviously something that people are paying extra for.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

The color is less important to me than the images looking nice, so you guys can vote on that one.

Myfly, can you send me the link to the company you found to order the dice from, so that I can look around their website a bit?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Ok I was able to find some perfect vector graphics that are available for use under Creative Commons, so as long as we're not producing them to be sold en masse, we're golden.

Here's the Dropbox link to the images I'm planning to use:
Dropbox folder png images

Let me know what you guys think.

cartmanbeck wrote:

Ok I was able to find some perfect vector graphics that are available for use under Creative Commons, so as long as we're not producing them to be sold en masse, we're golden.

Here's the Dropbox link to the images I'm planning to use:
Dropbox folder png images

Let me know what you guys think.

I would order one of these, black or blue background I think. Cartmanbeck, those graphics look great.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I'm thinking black dice with white pictures would be the best way to go just because I can almost guarantee the colors won't match if we try to get blue to match the dice in the box, and that would be more annoying than having one that is totally differently-colored. Do others agree on that?

It looks like I'll probably put in an order for 10 custom dice, and anyone who wants to contribute and get one in the mail can PM me with their shipping address and I'll PM you with my Paypal account. For those of you in far-away lands, I might ask for a bit more contribution on shipping, but I am more than willing to take a few dollars' hit for a few of them to make this a reality.

Should I add the word "Plunder" above the question mark on the "choose" side of the dice? Or is it best to just leave it as only pictures?

Grand Lodge

I think a spellbook-type image would be better for "spells" than the rolled up scroll.

Other than that, I like it.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Alright, which of these do you think is best?


(I'm partial to open3.png)

cartmanbeck wrote:

Alright, which of these do you think is best?


(I'm partial to open3.png)

Open3 is just a black square nothing on it...

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