Not all those who wander are lost. ~JRRT

Off-Topic Discussions

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He is coming back!

Yes, long ago he was lost, but soon he shall return. He will not be the same, because everything that dies changes. Like Gandalf before him, he will come back from death different. He has seen the Light, and it destroyed him.

However, he came back from death and embraced the Light, and now he is one with the Light. His new quest is to bring the Light to the Lost, and put them back on the true path.

Yes, he is returning...

Uh oh.

What will he think of what we've done to the film versions of his books?


We're so very sorry.

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“If I look back I am lost.” ~ G.R.R.M., A Game of Thrones

I am not talking about JRRT, Mr. Lincoln.

Wasn't clear to me.

I'm still waiting for GRRM's death (hopefully natural after a long life well-lived) or the finish of the series before I start into his series.

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Didn't have enough the last time, eh Leafar?

Dark Archive

Maybe someone should move this to the off-topic section of the boards...

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Didn't have enough the last time, eh Leafar?

He shall return at the appointed time...

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At the actual time of the appointment, or 30-60 minutes late like most doctors? It's a Monday, so he's probably got today off and is hob-nobing on the back nine of the Lankhmar Country Club with other forgotten-/non-deities about now.

Also, can you update the magazines in your waiting room? A lot of this stuff is pre-Tower of Babel.

Didn't have enough the last time, eh Leafar?

Wow...if only I still cared.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

At the actual time of the appointment, or 30-60 minutes late like most doctors? It's a Monday, so he's probably got today off and is hob-nobing on the back nine of the Lankhmar Country Club with other forgotten-/non-deities about now.

Also, can you update the magazines in your waiting room? A lot of this stuff is pre-Tower of Babel.

"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in Nevaeh, nor the Sun, but only the Light." ~Book of Leafar 24:36

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Farael the Fallen wrote:
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in Nevaeh, nor the Sun, but only the Light." ~Book of Leafar 24:36

Nah, ain't nobody got time to read that. I'll wait for the inevitable lackluster Will Ferrell movie adaptation.

{sings (badly):} "...It's the Leafar of the Lossssssssssst!"

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He will return on the Winter Solstice, which on this world is December 21st...

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*paging Doodlebug Anklebiter, Doodlebug Anklebiter to the thread please*

Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:

Wasn't clear to me.

I'm still waiting for GRRM's death (hopefully natural after a long life well-lived) or the finish of the series before I start into his series.

This. I hate waiting for the next book in a series to be written.

Scarab Sages

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Who are we talking about? Is it The Koga? I always liked his version of b+$~@$* crazy.

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I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. ~Book of Leafar 22:13

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I have decided to appoint a champion to assist with the return of Lonfer the Easily Distracted. Post if you are interested.

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Leafar wept. ~Book of Leafar 11:35

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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Leafar, and the Word was Leafar. ~Book of Leafar 1:1

12/21/14 draws near...

Doom? DOOM! W(*&@#^POf &@ (*E R*&T! @(*#!@OYOBFDKJG)((*# #$&*@% )(* TYO@*&O

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MissingNo wrote:
Doom? DOOM! W(*&@#^POf &@ (*E R*&T! @(*#!@OYOBFDKJG)((*# #$&*@% )(* TYO@*&O

He was with the Lights in the beginning. Through the Lights all things were created; without Them nothing was created that has ever been created. In Them was life, and that life was the Lights of all Mankind.~Book of Leafar 1:2-4

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in Nevaeh, nor the Sun, but only the Light." ~Book of Leafar 24:36

Nah, ain't nobody got time to read that. I'll wait for the inevitable lackluster Will Ferrell movie adaptation.

{sings (badly):} "...It's the Leafar of the Lossssssssssst!"

Leafar said to his disciples, "It is inevitable that stumbling blocks come, but woe to him through whom they come! ~Book of Leafar 17:1

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Mythic JMD031 wrote:
I have decided to appoint a champion to assist with the return of Lonfer the Easily Distracted. Post if you are interested.

Are you also confused? Is our champion helpless to save us? You are right here among us, Leafar! We are known as your people. Please don't abandon us now! Book of Leafar 14:9

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The Lights shine in the Darkness, and the Darkness has not overcome Them! 5 There was a man sent from the Lights whose name was Leafar. 6 He came as a witness to testify concerning the Lights, so that through him all might believe in Them. 7 He himself was not one of the Lights; he came only as a witness from the Lights. 8 They are the true Lights that give light to everyone coming into the World. 9 Leafar was in the World, and though the World was made through the Lights, the world did not recognize Them. 10 ~Book of Leafar 1:5-10

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in Nevaeh, nor the Sun, but only the Light." ~Book of Leafar 24:36

Nah, ain't nobody got time to read that. I'll wait for the inevitable lackluster Will Ferrell movie adaptation.

{sings (badly):} "...It's the Leafar of the Lossssssssssst!"

Using "lackluster" and "Will Ferrell movie adaptation" in the same sentence is nearly always redundant.

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thunderspirit wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in Nevaeh, nor the Sun, but only the Light." ~Book of Leafar 24:36

Nah, ain't nobody got time to read that. I'll wait for the inevitable lackluster Will Ferrell movie adaptation.

{sings (badly):} "...It's the Leafar of the Lossssssssssst!"

Using "lackluster" and "Will Ferrell movie adaptation" in the same sentence is nearly always redundant.

The sentence is by the decree of the Watchers, the decision by the word of the Lights, to the end that the living may know that the High King rules the kingdoms of men and gives it to whom he will and sets over it the lowliest of men. ~ Book of Leafar 4:17

If the world is gonig to end on 12/21, I'm glad i'll get to see the final Hobbit. Hopefully 12/21 brings the I.Z.A.-I need to practice my headshots.

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lorenlord wrote:
If the world is gonig to end on 12/21, I'm glad i'll get to see the final Hobbit. Hopefully 12/21 brings the I.Z.A.-I need to practice my headshots.

The world is not ending. He is returning...

But what if him returning means the world ends?

Liberty's Edge

The Flying Spaghetti Monster touches leafar ith his noodly appendage and leafar likes it.

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lorenlord wrote:
But what if him returning means the world ends?

Good point...

ShadowcatX is looking promising. Any one else interested in vanquishing this foe?

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Mythic JMD031 wrote:
ShadowcatX is looking promising. Any one else interested in vanquishing this foe?

The Lights will again have compassion on us; They will vanquish our iniquities and cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. ~Book of Leafar 7:19

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Farael the Fallen wrote:
He is returning...

Satan? I didn't know he left...

All hail His return!

And that's all you're getting from me, Master.

These days, I'm too busy organizing communist Wal-Mart marches and making out with hawt roller derby chicks to sing your praises.

I will, however, favorite all of your posts for old time's sake.

Acolyte of Leafar the Loved wrote:

All hail His return!

And that's all you're getting from me, Master.

These days, I'm too busy organizing communist Wal-Mart marches and making out with hawt roller derby chicks to sing your praises.

One day Leafar said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side of the Elddim Sea." So they got into a boat and set out.

As they sailed, he fell asleep. A storm came down on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!" Leafar woke up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.

"Where is your faith?" Leafar asked his disciples; he then went back to sleep. In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the storms, and they obey him."

~Book of Leafar 8:22-25

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Farael the Fallen wrote:
Acolyte of Leafar the Loved wrote:

All hail His return!

And that's all you're getting from me, Master.

These days, I'm too busy organizing communist Wal-Mart marches and making out with hawt roller derby chicks to sing your praises.

One day Leafar said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side of the Elddim Sea." So they got into a boat and set out.

As they sailed, he fell asleep. A storm came down on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!" Leafar woke up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.

"Where is your faith?" Leafar asked his disciples; he then went back to sleep. In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the storms, and they obey him."

~Book of Leafar 8:22-25

"Then the GM, in Her infinite wisdom and dwindling exhausted patience, declared: 'I told you repeatedly we aren't playing mythic characters, especially not with your extra-b0rken self-created abilities. Fiat falls, Leafar dies.' The rest of the players would have been happy, if not for their empty rumbling stomachs. For Farael had once again 'forgotten' to bring the food. And so, in the frozen living room of Nador, they were forced to eat Leafar the Lost's player. And there was much rejoicing."

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
Acolyte of Leafar the Loved wrote:

All hail His return!

And that's all you're getting from me, Master.

These days, I'm too busy organizing communist Wal-Mart marches and making out with hawt roller derby chicks to sing your praises.

One day Leafar said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side of the Elddim Sea." So they got into a boat and set out.

As they sailed, he fell asleep. A storm came down on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!" Leafar woke up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.

"Where is your faith?" Leafar asked his disciples; he then went back to sleep. In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the storms, and they obey him."

~Book of Leafar 8:22-25

"Then the GM, in Her infinite wisdom and dwindling exhausted patience, declared: 'I told you repeatedly we aren't playing mythic characters, especially not with your extra-b0rken self-created abilities. Fiat falls, Leafar dies.' The rest of the players would have been happy, if not for their empty rumbling stomachs. For Farael had once again 'forgotten' to bring the food. And so, in the frozen living room of Nador, they were forced to eat Leafar the Lost's player. And there was much rejoicing."


Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
Acolyte of Leafar the Loved wrote:

All hail His return!

And that's all you're getting from me, Master.

These days, I'm too busy organizing communist Wal-Mart marches and making out with hawt roller derby chicks to sing your praises.

One day Leafar said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side of the Elddim Sea." So they got into a boat and set out.

As they sailed, he fell asleep. A storm came down on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.

The disciples went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!" Leafar woke up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.

"Where is your faith?" Leafar asked his disciples; he then went back to sleep. In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the storms, and they obey him."

~Book of Leafar 8:22-25

"Then the GM, in Her infinite wisdom and dwindling exhausted patience, declared: 'I told you repeatedly we aren't playing mythic characters, especially not with your extra-b0rken self-created abilities. Fiat falls, Leafar dies.' The rest of the players would have been happy, if not for their empty rumbling stomachs. For Farael had once again 'forgotten' to bring the food. And so, in the frozen living room of Nador, they were forced to eat Leafar the Lost's player. And there was much rejoicing."

Leafar asked them,"Have you have forgotten the Lights, who are your Saviors? Have you remembered the Rock, which is your fortress? Therefore, though you set out the finest plants and plant imported vines, though on the day you set them out, you make them grow, and on the morning when you plant them, you bring them to bud, yet the harvest will be as nothing in the day of disease and incurable pain!" ~Book of Leafar 17:10-11

On Earth today is 12/6/14. On the Winter Solstice of 12/21/14 Leafar will appear. On another world he died, as was recorded here years ago, but he has returned. Now he will appear here again, for now he is one of the Lights. I will continue to preach his message. Even though I am fallen, I can still speak the truth. He is returning! Repent! The Kingdom of Lights is at hand! Behold, it is written:

“For the Lights so loved the World, that they sent me, the Lightbearer, that whoever believes in them shall not perish, but have eternal life. For the Lights did not send me into the World to judge, but that the World might be saved through me. He who believes in the Lights are not judged; he who does not believe in them have been judged already, because they have not believed in the name of the Lightbearer. This is the judgment, that the Lights have come into the World, and Mankind loved the Darkness rather than the Lights, for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the Lights, and does not come to the Lights for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But he who practices the truth comes to the Lights, so that their deeds may be manifested as having been wrought into goodness.” ~Book of Leafar 3:17-22

Sovereign Court

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I̢̡͚̯̙̹̫̥̻͖̙͔͆̄ͭͦ̉͊ͤ͞s̛̤͔͔͖͎̱͙̭̱̭̤̳̲̭͖̈̏̌̈̃ͨ̌̓̇ͥ̿̉̿̍̚͢͝͡͝ ̸̖̣͎̳̬̟͖̗̼̜͓̪͎̜ͧ̽͋̂ͩ̓̉ͦ͛̏ͩͤ̋͛̔̚̚͞ͅt̡̡̛̝͖̬̥̥ͭ̂̓̅ͣ̌ͥ͊̽̽̂̏͋̐̽͐ͮ̎́̀h̢͍̉̉ͮ̈́͋͑̆̈̀ ̜̰̣̟̞̫̣̣̰̘ȉ̏͂ͬ͋͂̅̐̅̐̈́ͨ͛̂̅͒̾҉̷̸̥̜̘̥̳̱̱͎̹s̞̠͙̦̖̤̯̠̖̥̻̣̭͖͔̍̈́̆̐̓̓͋͋ͧ͛ͭ̎̄̉̔͛̕͟ͅ ̙̟̬ ̧̲̝̘͍̮͓̬̬̼̮̋̐ͩ͊͒͋̀͒ͤ̈́̃͊̇̂̀͠͡ġ̛̜̪̞̹̳̲̠͍̤̯̊̎̅̓̑́̃̏̌͗͂̍̆͊̒̉̽̀́͘͠ͅo̾ͮ̽̅̒̽ͯ͆͛̽͆ ̷̶͖͓̫̘̫͚̣̦͑ͯͪ̋̈͆ĩ̴̡͎͕̰̭̟̰̰̣̠̘̦̗̰̺͙̞̻͆̌̎ͯ̀̌̉ͦ̔̈́̉ņ̢̡̬̜̹̥͇ͨ̑ͩ̍͑͆̓ͨͪͭ̇͌ͥ̉ͯͮ̀̊ ̫̣͕̺̺͇̞̟͚g̖̺̯̣̖̪̥͕̗͈̰̮͓̩̤̹̫͍̿̾̀̀̒ͪ͑͘ ̸̶̠͔̠̘̬̬̹̯̯̼̘͈̫̠͚̪̩̤͊̽̋͗̂ͫ̀͜͢t̉̑̄̑̐̕҉̶͖͓͕̞͜o͌̅̓̆̃̇̄̆ͧ̀ͣ͏̴̨̝͕̰̩̮̟̘̤̤͍̮̥̰͍̹͜͞ ̖̫ ̶̳͚̙̩͎̦̹͕̲̻͕̹͙̗͖̠͊ͧ͌̿ͫͪ͗͗̓̽̂̏̕ͅb̷̵͋ͫͭ͊͂͒͆ͧͩ̒͋ͤ͟҉̳͍̙̟̪͙̳͡ĕ̄̈́͑͏̙͉̜̤̭̤̥͈̘̩͟͞ͅ ̥ ̸̥͓̠͚̥̬͍̤̎͒̑̀̃͒ͤ͒̈́̏ͥ̋̀̀͟ļ̧̨͇̦̻͓̩̓̐ͯͪ́ͭ̅ͅį̦̟͇͍̥͇̜͙̟̝͙͇̠̮̝̄̅ͪ͑ͫͫͨ̇͗̎̍ͪ̇͋͠ͅk ̴̸̧̟̥͉̱̖̮̺͈̳͆̂̈́ͩ̄͐̓ȩ̴̡̬̻͇̮͇͈͖̠͙̜̰͔̣̪͗̾̓̕͢ ̷̵̸̡̩͙͕͍̗̻͈͚̼̞̫͚͎̄ͦ̈́̒̉̌̋ͯͯ͂͒̅̌̄̑͋ͤ͗̆́A̶̡̪̮͕͖͇̣͍͕̽͊̓ͫ͂̋ͩ̊̎ͦͦ̔̅͋͒ͨ̚̚r͑̒̓ͣ͗̓̂̚ ̶͖͉͚͈̲̣͚̝̤͒ͬ͋͟o̶̪̠͔̪͐ͧͪ̂̌̽̆̃ͫ̓ͧ̋͆ͮ̚͟͝͞ḑ̶̧̮̱̦͉͖͍̞͍͖̰̥̯̊͑̽̊̋ͦͪ͂͆͗ͦ̃́̋ͥ͘͞ͅẻ̊ ̴̈̂ͤ̏ͨ̇ͦ͏̛̯̟̮̳͇̫̣̭͙̫͇͖̣̱͍̟̠n̡̪̬͚̺͕̦̜͉̮̝̙͕͐ͤ̆̔ͤ̔͊͜͟͝'̢͖̞̗̻̖̞̹͂͐̅ͪͩ̊ͪ̌͒͒̀͟͠ś ͧ͒̾ͯ̈̄ͯ̈͋̈͏͏͙͕̰̤̮͙͍̠͖͉̞ ̱̥̼͕͕̤̪͖͓̘̜̝͖̭̱̭̘͆͑ͪͦͥ̓̓̀͌̌͐̂̿͗̉̇ͭ̚͢͞ͅr͍͎͍̥̼̼̩̱͎ͩͭ̈̄̀́͟ė̵̸ͦͯ͆̐ͨ͐ͦͭ̀́͏͎͈͖̠̪ ̗̮t̵͗̔̓̂͊ͥ̈́҉͕̮̟̺͈͙͎̬̖̻u̘̺̗̟̼̙̙̠̘̼͔̩̯̘͇̙ͪͨͦͬͧ͛͒͠͡ͅr̴̝̪͕͑̂͌̐ͪ̇̂ͤ̓ͧ̿̐͛͐͂̈́̈́ͭ̚͞͠ ̺̗̘͚̬̬̣͔̳̥̯͇̦͇nͥͪ͊͌̈́ͫͪ͂̐̂ͨͧ̂ͫ҉̵̛̞̜̤̘̣͖̮̫̥͇͡

GeraintElberion wrote:
I̢̡͚̯̙̹̫̥̻͖̙͔͆̄ͭͦ̉͊ͤ͞s̛̤͔͔͖͎̱͙̭̱̭̤̳̲̭͖̈̏̌̈̃ͨ̌̓̇ͥ̿̉̿̍̚͢͝͡͝ ̸̖̣͎̳̬̟͖̗̼̜͓̪͎̜ͧ̽͋̂ͩ̓̉ͦ͛̏ͩͤ̋͛̔̚̚͞ͅt̡̡̛̝͖̬̥̥ͭ̂̓̅ͣ̌ͥ͊̽̽̂̏͋̐̽͐ͮ̎́̀h̢͍̉̉ͮ̈́͋͑̆̈̀ ̜̰̣̟̞̫̣̣̰̘ȉ̏͂ͬ͋͂̅̐̅̐̈́ͨ͛̂̅͒̾҉̷̸̥̜̘̥̳̱̱͎̹s̞̠͙̦̖̤̯̠̖̥̻̣̭͖͔̍̈́̆̐̓̓͋͋ͧ͛ͭ̎̄̉̔͛̕͟ͅ ̙̟̬ ̧̲̝̘͍̮͓̬̬̼̮̋̐ͩ͊͒͋̀͒ͤ̈́̃͊̇̂̀͠͡ġ̛̜̪̞̹̳̲̠͍̤̯̊̎̅̓̑́̃̏̌͗͂̍̆͊̒̉̽̀́͘͠ͅo̾ͮ̽̅̒̽ͯ͆͛̽͆ ̷̶͖͓̫̘̫͚̣̦͑ͯͪ̋̈͆ĩ̴̡͎͕̰̭̟̰̰̣̠̘̦̗̰̺͙̞̻͆̌̎ͯ̀̌̉ͦ̔̈́̉ņ̢̡̬̜̹̥͇ͨ̑ͩ̍͑͆̓ͨͪͭ̇͌ͥ̉ͯͮ̀̊ ̫̣͕̺̺͇̞̟͚g̖̺̯̣̖̪̥͕̗͈̰̮͓̩̤̹̫͍̿̾̀̀̒ͪ͑͘ ̸̶̠͔̠̘̬̬̹̯̯̼̘͈̫̠͚̪̩̤͊̽̋͗̂ͫ̀͜͢t̉̑̄̑̐̕҉̶͖͓͕̞͜o͌̅̓̆̃̇̄̆ͧ̀ͣ͏̴̨̝͕̰̩̮̟̘̤̤͍̮̥̰͍̹͜͞ ̖̫ ̶̳͚̙̩͎̦̹͕̲̻͕̹͙̗͖̠͊ͧ͌̿ͫͪ͗͗̓̽̂̏̕ͅb̷̵͋ͫͭ͊͂͒͆ͧͩ̒͋ͤ͟҉̳͍̙̟̪͙̳͡ĕ̄̈́͑͏̙͉̜̤̭̤̥͈̘̩͟͞ͅ ̥ ̸̥͓̠͚̥̬͍̤̎͒̑̀̃͒ͤ͒̈́̏ͥ̋̀̀͟ļ̧̨͇̦̻͓̩̓̐ͯͪ́ͭ̅ͅį̦̟͇͍̥͇̜͙̟̝͙͇̠̮̝̄̅ͪ͑ͫͫͨ̇͗̎̍ͪ̇͋͠ͅk ̴̸̧̟̥͉̱̖̮̺͈̳͆̂̈́ͩ̄͐̓ȩ̴̡̬̻͇̮͇͈͖̠͙̜̰͔̣̪͗̾̓̕͢ ̷̵̸̡̩͙͕͍̗̻͈͚̼̞̫͚͎̄ͦ̈́̒̉̌̋ͯͯ͂͒̅̌̄̑͋ͤ͗̆́A̶̡̪̮͕͖͇̣͍͕̽͊̓ͫ͂̋ͩ̊̎ͦͦ̔̅͋͒ͨ̚̚r͑̒̓ͣ͗̓̂̚ ̶͖͉͚͈̲̣͚̝̤͒ͬ͋͟o̶̪̠͔̪͐ͧͪ̂̌̽̆̃ͫ̓ͧ̋͆ͮ̚͟͝͞ḑ̶̧̮̱̦͉͖͍̞͍͖̰̥̯̊͑̽̊̋ͦͪ͂͆͗ͦ̃́̋ͥ͘͞ͅẻ̊ ̴̈̂ͤ̏ͨ̇ͦ͏̛̯̟̮̳͇̫̣̭͙̫͇͖̣̱͍̟̠n̡̪̬͚̺͕̦̜͉̮̝̙͕͐ͤ̆̔ͤ̔͊͜͟͝'̢͖̞̗̻̖̞̹͂͐̅ͪͩ̊ͪ̌͒͒̀͟͠ś ͧ͒̾ͯ̈̄ͯ̈͋̈͏͏͙͕̰̤̮͙͍̠͖͉̞ ̱̥̼͕͕̤̪͖͓̘̜̝͖̭̱̭̘͆͑ͪͦͥ̓̓̀͌̌͐̂̿͗̉̇ͭ̚͢͞ͅr͍͎͍̥̼̼̩̱͎ͩͭ̈̄̀́͟ė̵̸ͦͯ͆̐ͨ͐ͦͭ̀́͏͎͈͖̠̪ ̗̮t̵͗̔̓̂͊ͥ̈́҉͕̮̟̺͈͙͎̬̖̻u̘̺̗̟̼̙̙̠̘̼͔̩̯̘͇̙ͪͨͦͬͧ͛͒͠͡ͅr̴̝̪͕͑̂͌̐ͪ̇̂ͤ̓ͧ̿̐͛͐͂̈́̈́ͭ̚͞͠ ̺̗̘͚̬̬̣͔̳̥̯͇̦͇nͥͪ͊͌̈́ͫͪ͂̐̂ͨͧ̂ͫ҉̵̛̞̜̤̘̣͖̮̫̥͇͡

Then Leafar said, "For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this strange inscription to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worship, and this is what I am going to proclaim to you." ~Book of Leafar 17:23

Dark Archive

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"And the Beast was taken, and with him the False Prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the Beast, and them that worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."

Oh snap, it just got Biblical up in here.

Culex, Dark Knight of Vanda wrote:
"And the Beast was taken, and with him the False Prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the Beast, and them that worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."

That sounds familiar to this from the Good Book:

But the Beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the Rune of the Beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into a fiery lake of burning sulfur deep within the Hells for all time. ~Book of Leafar 19:20

You should turn away from Vanda and embrace the Lights, Culex.

Dark Archive

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Your illusions deceive no one, False Prophet.

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

Culex, Dark Knight of Vanda wrote:

Your illusions deceive no one, False Prophet.

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

How dare you call me a false prophet, Culex, when you call yourself a Dark Knight of the most foul Vanda!

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Farael the Fallen wrote:
He will return on the Winter Solstice, which on this world is December 21st...

why do all of these things happen on my birthday?

Freehold DM wrote:
Farael the Fallen wrote:
He will return on the Winter Solstice, which on this world is December 21st...
why do all of these things happen on my birthday?

Blessed are you, DM of Freehold!

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