Replaying missed scenarios

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

I'm part of a game that's being played at my local game store.
Unfortunately, due to work etc, I've missed some of the scenarios the group has played.

Are you allowed to go back a play missed scenarios out of order?

I've played 1-A and 1-D but missed 1-B and 1-C

Grand Lodge


Yes, but you'll have to find an organizer and group that's replaying that scenario.

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zeroth_hour wrote:
Yes, but you'll have to find an organizer and group that's replaying that scenario.


He can play the missed scenarios solo, it's not mandatory to be with a group

Grand Lodge

Karloch wrote:
zeroth_hour wrote:
Yes, but you'll have to find an organizer and group that's replaying that scenario.


He can play the missed scenarios solo, it's not mandatory to be with a group

True but that means he has to purchase the scenario pack.

Or maybe pick it up in a play by post format on this site. Might be able to find someone who could run it for you if you requested it.

Karloch wrote:
He can play the missed scenarios solo, it's not mandatory to be with a group

Not only that, but you can play solo with multiple characters to catch up your "main" character. Right?

There's a line in the OP guide about "playing with multiple characters" if everyone agrees. And if you're playing solo, you only have to agree with yourself. :)

The exact text:

Playing Multiple Characters
If all players at the table agree, players may play more than one character. (Table limits on the maximum number of characters still apply.) All characters gain deck upgrades and scenario rewards as normal, but only 1 character per player can be registered as an official Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild character, and only that character can gain a Chronicle sheet for the scenario.


wkover wrote:
Karloch wrote:
He can play the missed scenarios solo, it's not mandatory to be with a group

Not only that, but you can play solo with multiple characters to catch up your "main" character. Right?

There's a line in the OP guide about "playing with multiple characters" if everyone agrees. And if you're playing solo, you only have to agree with yourself. :)

The exact text:

Playing Multiple Characters
If all players at the table agree, players may play more than one character. (Table limits on the maximum number of characters still apply.) All characters gain deck upgrades and scenario rewards as normal, but only 1 character per player can be registered as an official Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild character, and only that character can gain a Chronicle sheet for the scenario.


Though note we bumped a 4 year old post. So this is really just for helping people who stumble across this in the future :)

Too funny. :)

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Wow, sorry about that, thought I was browsing things a bit more recent. Oops!

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