Pyrocat |

I noticed Skulls & Shackles came with a free 10-pack of transparent deck protector sleeves. These are very nice to touch and play with, but they have an annoying holographic logo near the bottom on one side. This sometimes gets in the way of valuable information, no matter which way you orient or face the card. Does anyone have a recommendation for a similar sleeve protector, minus any obscurities?

Alazar79 |
Yeah sometimes I wish Ultra Pro did not put that silly hologram on there. I usually just put the hologram on the card back side, and use a different brand sleeve for the character cards. Unfortunately when buying in bulk its hard to find a better price than the ultra pros which can be had for as little as 3 cents a sleeve online.
I noticed Skulls & Shackles came with a free 10-pack of transparent deck protector sleeves. These are very nice to touch and play with, but they have an annoying holographic logo near the bottom on one side. This sometimes gets in the way of valuable information, no matter which way you orient or face the card. Does anyone have a recommendation for a similar sleeve protector, minus any obscurities?

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I use the ultra pro clear sleeves as well. The silly hologram blocking words on 3 role cards bothers me less than having to have 2 or more different kinds of sleeves for double sided cards. If you put the hologram on the back of all bane/boon deck cards, you only have slight issues with ships and locations, which are usually blocking only fluff text anyways. Otherwise I would use the branded sleeves, but all my collectible card games are in branded sleeves too. It bothers me to have conflicting art styles or genres. Nothing sets off my OCD like magic cards in star wars sleeves ((((shudder))))

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I use Ultra Pro black, with the hologram; clear for the locations and ships and such, though. For character cards, I just use penny sleeves, as they're getting marked up and whatnot.
The hologram is annoying, but Alazar is right - they're cheap. I think I get mine for around 3.5 cents per, in batches of 2,500, on eBay. Keeps the game in great shape...which, when you're playing with promo cards, you definitely want to do. Don't want to ruin those $20+ cards with shuffling and whatnot.

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The eBay seller is "legends-sports-group". You can buy 2,500 Ultra Pro Black for $89.99, or $.035996 per. I have bought from this guy several times over the past year or two for my PACG sleeving needs.
He also sells Ultra Pro Clear for the same amount.
I think there are about 1100 cards per adventure path, so this amount covers at least two full adventure paths. Then there are class decks, which if you care about keeping them in great condition, you could also sleeve. Probably don't need to sleeve all of them, though...you probably play with only one deck at a time, and the rest of the cards are largely repeats from the adventure paths, so adding them to an adventure path (and, therefore, sleeving them all to add them) may or may not be something you consider worthwhile.

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I use the Ultrapro Pathfinder sleeves on all my base sets and adventure decks single sided cards. The Ultrapro clears on double-sided cards like locations, ships, etc.
Both sleeves have been holding up through organized play.
I did do something different for my personal class decks. Using different color Ultrapro Matte Pro sleeves. (Green - Ranger, Red - Fighter, White - Sorceror, Blue - Bard, and Black - Wizard) The Matte sleeves don't reflect fluorescent light much.

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I use the Ultrapro Pathfinder sleeves on all my base sets and adventure decks single sided cards. The Ultrapro clears on double-sided cards like locations, ships, etc.
Both sleeves have been holding up through organized play.
I did do something different for my personal class decks. Using different color Ultrapro Matte Pro sleeves. (Green - Ranger, Red - Fighter, White - Sorceror, Blue - Bard, and Black - Wizard) The Matte sleeves don't reflect fluorescent light much.
I use colored sets for my different class decks also, it's SO helpful when running 3 characters solitaire.
White for clericRed for Warrior
Green for Rogue

Troymk1 |

The eBay seller is "legends-sports-group". You can buy 2,500 Ultra Pro Black for $89.99, or $.035996 per. I have bought from this guy several times over the past year or two for my PACG sleeving needs.
He also sells Ultra Pro Clear for the same amount.
I think there are about 1100 cards per adventure path, so this amount covers at least two full adventure paths. Then there are class decks, which if you care about keeping them in great condition, you could also sleeve. Probably don't need to sleeve all of them, though...you probably play with only one deck at a time, and the rest of the cards are largely repeats from the adventure paths, so adding them to an adventure path (and, therefore, sleeving them all to add them) may or may not be something you consider worthwhile.
That's a great price, I usually get those at $6 for 100
I fully recommend the Clear sleeves. I used to use the opaque backgrounds, but the clear actually seem more durable and easier to shuuffle

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Skull and Shackles is in ultra-pro matte yellow to match the box, double sided cards in ultra pro clears, class decks in matte yellow so I don't have to swap the sleeves as we always use my set. I keep token cards in the pacg sleeves and also give them out to new players for their class decks if the want them.
Eventually I will put RotRL in black sleeves, and I am guessing that WotR will go in red.

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Skull and Shackles is in ultra-pro matte yellow to match the box, double sided cards in ultra pro clears, class decks in matte yellow so I don't have to swap the sleeves as we always use my set. I keep token cards in the pacg sleeves and also give them out to new players for their class decks if the want them.
Eventually I will put RotRL in black sleeves, and I am guessing that WotR will go in red.
That's a safe bet.

Myfly |

I use the Ultrapro Pathfinder sleeves on all my base sets and adventure decks single sided cards. The Ultrapro clears on double-sided cards like locations, ships, etc.
Both sleeves have been holding up through organized play.
I did do something different for my personal class decks. Using different color Ultrapro Matte Pro sleeves. (Green - Ranger, Red - Fighter, White - Sorceror, Blue - Bard, and Black - Wizard) The Matte sleeves don't reflect fluorescent light much.
Good choice with the ultra pro pacg sleeves. I always takes long time until the good pacg stuff reaches germany.