Combat Style Master, Dragon Style, and Pummeling Style

Rules Questions

Can I use Combat Style Masterto use pummeling style to attack and then switch to dragon style for the damage rolls?

I would be inclined to say no because you can only make a pummeling attack wile in Pummeling style. If you switch to deal damage you are no longer in it to finish the attack.

When you dropped out of pummeling style you would lose the additional attacks.

Also, there is not a distinction between making an attack roll and rolling damage time-wise in the game. Though you as a player have to roll these events separately, they occur simultaneously. Either you hit and deal damage, or you miss and do not. So you can't use it between an attack roll and a damage roll.

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You can just take a single level of Master of Many Styles and fuse the two. If you can hang on and take enough for a third style, Janni Rush is ridiculous with Pummeling Charge, too.

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A dip into Master of Many styles monk would net you Style fusion and the ability to grab pummeling style/Charge without any of the inbetween feats at low level. Would also give you what you need for dragon style outside of purchasing the feats.
Think you are out of luck otherwise.

Normally No.
Monk of many styles. Yes.

"When you dropped out of pummeling style you would lose the additional attacks."

You would also lose "the first attack" because you would no longer be in the style that allows you to make the attack you are trying to roll damage for.

NikolaiJuno wrote:

"When you dropped out of pummeling style you would lose the additional attacks."

You would also lose "the first attack" because you would no longer be in the style that allows you to make the attack you are trying to roll damage for.

That depends on whether or not he tried to swtich to dragon style before or after the first attack roll. If he tried to switch before he actually rolls the attack then sure...but otherwise he gets the first hit and then has wasted his full round action when he switches to Dragon Style.

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