0-2A Love's Labours Lost - How did you do?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

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With a new Adventure Deck comes new rewards and new challenges. How did everyone do with the first scenario of Adventure 2?

I'm really liking the "build new locations mid-scenario" addition to the game that Skull & Shackles has introduced. It catches you off guard; you think you're doing well with the Blessings timer, but the realization that a whole new location is going to enter that needs to be fully explored can cause panic if you're unprepared.

Both tables of 5 last night won, but barely. The timer almost got us all, but we squeaked out a victory and earned some shiny AD2 rewards in the process.

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Our group lost this one twice from running out of blessings after the extra location was built... in one case we were off by ONE exploration... it was painful but highly fun!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

My understanding is that the new location will be very small - just one card plus one henchman per player. The scenario says you ignore the normal deck list for Tidewater rock.

This one was kind of underwhelming solo - build a new location, beat up one guy and win.

I had forgotten that Lady Agasta was a loot ally, so I spent a bunch of time looking for her in the allies pile. Then the henchmen. Then the villains. Then the light bulb happened.

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Yeah, with four of us, we really thought we'd have no trouble getting to and through those last 4 cards. Even still, we ended up running out of turns just because no one had any blessings or allies to get multiple explores on their last turn. :(

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

ryric wrote:
I had forgotten that Lady Agasta was a loot ally, so I spent a bunch of time looking for her in the allies pile. Then the henchmen. Then the villains. Then the light bulb happened.

Doh! When we introduce a new card, we're supposed to tell you what kind of card it is. We'll fix that next time we update the file (though we don't have any immediate plan to do that at the moment).

One of the benefits in living in the city where Paizo is located is that you get to randomly invite Tanis over to play.

We had a full group of 6 this week. We had Qualzar and Kyra in addition to Radillo, Meliski, Wu Shen and Agna (guess who Tanis played. No undead this time!)

The table talk went down to how suitable the suitors for the Lady were, the "worst dice roller award", the symbolism of the Wand of Flame and the "Kill Shakespeare" game.

Nobody actually rolled bad this game, so we breezed through the scenario yet again. (It also helps that the group is relatively stable.) We were around half the deck in blessings when we caught the villain and defeated him (more precisely, Tanis caught the villain and defeated him after using the evasion power once because we were all the the proper locations to close but didn't have the ability to close all the locations.) and set up for the "bust through a lot of peeps" phase.

Thanks a lot Tanis for coming! Much fun was had yet again.

Pathfinder ACG Designer

zeroth_hour wrote:
Thanks a lot Tanis for coming! Much fun was had yet again.

Glad to join you. I apparently forgot to mention that the Brian who joined us is Brian Campbell, the card game editor and the story writer on the Adventure Card Guild.

Very cool. None of us needed healing this game, but his Kyra was still great at smashy smashy.

Thanks Brian (I couldn't recall your name) for coming as well! I look forward to seeing you again.

We did this 2 weeks ago. Overall, we really liked the background story and the innovative twist in the game rules.

Starting positions:
- Siwar at Merchant Marina
- Kyra at Docks
- Arabundi at House of Stolen Kisses
- Vika at Alehouse

Siwar is able to pick up Besmara's Bones with blessing of Milani on her first turn. Vika is not as lucky, as has to fight a giant moray eel, but her trusty mace helps make short work of it.

Arabundi meets a buccaneer strolling through the House of Stolen Kisses. With the help of a blessing of Pharasma from Kyra, and his own blessing of the gods, he's able to close it down.

Vika moves to the Merchant Marina with Siwar so they can help each other. She comes face to face with a marine, but a swing from her great club, with support from Siwar, and the marine goes down for the count.

Kyra meets Master Scourge at the docks, but he proves too elusive for her, and escapes back into the location.

Now that he's closed a location, Arabundi decides to give a hand to Kyra at the docks, and comes face to face with Master Scourge. This time, we know what to expect, so Arabundi plays a blessing of the gods to succeed at the villain's evade check. For the actual fight, Siwar grants a blessing of Erastil while Arabundi uses another blessing of the gods, but the wily villain manages to escape to the Seaside Warehouse.

Siwar moves on to the Alehouse, which is apparently on fire, because a bucket brigade is being organized! She sends her dilettante to help, and uses her leadership skills to quickly put out the fire.

Vika finds our villain at the Seaside Warehouse. Arabundi grants her a blessing of Erastil to help with the evade check, and she thoroughly trashes Master Scourge with her warhammer.

We all head to Tidewater Rocks to dispatch strange lot vying for Lady Smithee's affections. Kyra tackles Jaundiced Jape and an Owlbear Hartshorn.

It falls to Siwar to handle the last obstacle... which turns out to be Slippery Syl Lonegan (hopefully Lay Smithee swings both ways!). Siwar is far from an offensive powerhouse, but she can pack a punch when the stars align (and her friends help, obviously). She casts an inflict on the female freebooter, boosted by a blessing of Pharasma (courtesy of Kyra), and a couple of well-placed crossbow bolts from Arabundi (recharge power + light crossbow ability): 3d12 + 1d6 + 2d4 = 25, just in the nick of time! (only one card left in the the timer deck).

About to run this tonight. Reading through I have a question about the during this scenario rules. They say the following.

During This Scenario wrote:
Place the ally Heartbreak Hinsin faceup next to this scenario. While Heartbreak Hinsin is next to this scenario, add 2 to any check against henchmen.

Is there actually a way to remove Heartbreak Hinsin that I'm missing. Seems odd the scenario calls out his +2 to checks against henchmen only applies when he is next to the scenario card/sheet when there is no way to remove him (that I can think of.) Am I missing something?

Sovereign Court

It's probably to use him as a reminder.

There's a decent chance of forgetting about a rule that says all henchman checks are increased by 2. If you have a random henchman sitting out on the table the whole game, you're not going to forget nearly as often, if at all.

4/5 ****

We finally got around to this scenario this week.

We had a table of 4 with Zarlova, Lem, Siwar, and Amaryllis.

Despite encountering the fearsome Owlbeartross twice this scenario was pretty easy for us, just watch out for those final henchmen, one of them is a doozy.

Grand Lodge

Extremely easy for us as well.

And I couldn't find the Lady either when building the location deck. We substituted. Now I know she's loot.

The +2 on henchmen was nothing. Not even for the new Check to Defeat 17 guy. Harsk took him out at the knees.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

Maybe I'm misunderstanding it, but I could've sworn that the +2 against henchmen is FOR you, not against you. Thematically, Hinsin is fighting alongside you helping you take out these other suitors.

Love's Labours Lost wrote:
While Heartbreak Hinsin is next to this scenario, add 2 to any check against henchmen.

It's not saying the difficulty of the check is increased by 2, which is the standard verbage for making enemies harder.

Nature's Wrath wrote:
The difficulty of checks to defeat banes that have the Animal trait is increased by 4.

If you follow other previous examples, such as character powers, you'll see that Hinsin definitely gives you a bonus, not making them harder.

Arabundi's Power wrote:
Add 2 (□ 4) to your check to acquire a spell that has the Divine trait.

That is how I would read it too. He helps you.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, he helps you.

That's why they were so easy.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

On first reading of this thread, it sounded like people were making the henchmen more difficult. I just wanted to make sure people understood that wasn't the case.

Grand Lodge

I think my iPhone lost a couple of words from my previous post.

As Harsk, with my Returning Throwing Axe +1, Archer's Bracers, and my Ranged skill at +4, I'm starting with a +7. I chewed through almost all the Henchmen including Tidewater Rock. We had the new henchman that is a base 17.

We found this one really easy, although we did get a bit lucky with henchman near the top of some piles. Also, unless we read it wrong, the initial setup is with N+1 locations instead of the normal N+2, isn't it? Compared to the S&S box scenario with the similar rule, this was a breeze.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

Tidewater Rock is the "missing" location. It's a smaller location than average, but in the end, the number of locations is the same as normal.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Shade325 wrote:

About to run this tonight. Reading through I have a question about the during this scenario rules. They say the following.

During This Scenario wrote:
Place the ally Heartbreak Hinsin faceup next to this scenario. While Heartbreak Hinsin is next to this scenario, add 2 to any check against henchmen.
Is there actually a way to remove Heartbreak Hinsin that I'm missing. Seems odd the scenario calls out his +2 to checks against henchmen only applies when he is next to the scenario card/sheet when there is no way to remove him (that I can think of.) Am I missing something?

Honestly, he's there mainly for flavor. He's effectively the male lead of the story, so he needs some table time.

Pathfinder ACG Designer

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Vic Wertz wrote:

Honestly, he's there mainly for flavor. He's effectively the male lead of the story, so he needs some table time.

Scenario upside: you get to gaze upon the dreaminess that is Heartbreak Hinsin for the whole session! Now that's what we call value-add.

1/5 *

Five of us (Agna, Flenta, Zarlova, Merisiel, and me as Amaryllis) played this one tonight. Things were going OK until we ran into the villain early; we put a bunch of resources into defeating him even though we weren't able to temp close everything.

We continued on, getting another location closed and setting us up to where we could get everything temp closed if needed. The second time around Amaryllis was all set for combat with a Force Missile and Blessing of Pharasma, and with some help on the other checks we made it through to the line of suitors with five turns remaining. They proved to be a slippery bunch (poor Flenta's player had some really bad luck tonight) but we were able to squeak by, winning the scenario on our last turn.

We also messed up the bonus, making the Henchmen a bit more difficult, but that didn't affect us much.

I think only one of us kept our reward draw (I got a B Ally, sigh) but a couple folks got good card upgrades from what we were able to collect.

Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:

Honestly, he's there mainly for flavor. He's effectively the male lead of the story, so he needs some table time.

Scenario upside: you get to gaze upon the dreaminess that is Heartbreak Hinsin for the whole session! Now that's what we call value-add.

Definitely, compared to his rivals.

He can't have his lovely face scarred for life, can he?

Grand Lodge

Geeze... That last location was wussy. Our crew pounded through those Henchies like they were 1st level 1st edition wizards who were out of spells. That said, I'm glad there were only three of us, or time may have (as was noted when this topic was fresh and new) run out.

You know, when I played S&S, and now that I'm playing SotS, Merisiel spends a LOT of time at the House of Stolen Kisses. I ain't SAYIN' nothin'... I'm just sayin'.

Great rewards, in any case. Brielle got an Item 2 (she will now beat people to death with a Topaz of Strength) and drew an Ally 2 (Cook) from the box. Grazzle got Hide Armor of Fire Resistance. Merisiel got one of her two Archers.

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