Need 2 players for Way of the Wicked!


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Wivvy, I have seen both and get the references! I love both of the shows!

HighonHolyWater, yes.

Everyone else, sounds good!

Sovereign Court

Still unsure on my classes, but the character is up! I had a beautiful backstory type out and... subsequently deleted it on accident. So, I'll have that for you tomorrow because it's late and I can't function properly!

Changed the name from Alexandria to Angelica

Angelica will stick to social manipulation and some sneaking where needed. I'm expecting her to proceed into assassin or crimson assassin (if only those didn't have so many prereqs) with her paladin powers on the side. Templates, not sure yet, but dread vampire looks like a good match. Should be an interesting mix.

She is very beautiful and uses that to her advantage. She thinks most individuals within the kingdom are useless and feeble creatures. Some hardship would do them good. Though she doesn't mind some worship from useless fools and commoners she is more interested in gathering a cadre of good and strong subjects she can rely on who do her bidding and who are devoted to her.

She is very patient though preferring the long game over the short benefits of killing an individual. She would rather see them suffer before putting them out of their misery. Angelica is a plotter through and through.

I think the rest of her information should be clear from her background.

Elara Brightleaf wrote:
Tirion Jörðhár wrote:
Pretty sure that the second class, and probably the Gestalt class, will be either a cleric(evanglist), or Inquisitor(Sanctified Slayer/Infiltrator). Either way, it will be the Darkness(night) domain.

I think one of their players (Jaq) is an Inquisitor (Infiltrator). Not that there can't be two players with the same class, but...y'know. Something to consider.

I realize that there might be some overlap. However, considering that this will be a party of 6 gestalt characters, not having at least some overlap is highly unlikely. Also, it should be the character and not the classes that are the deciding factor and Inquisitors are one of those classes that can fill pretty much any role other than arcane caster. That being said, with only an oracle in the party at this point, I would be more likely to lean toward a cleric than inquisitor. However, if another picked character is a full divine caster, then the inquisitor becomes a more viable option.

In the end, either will work as she is going to be a high charisma spiked chain wielding bundle of joy. My thought at this point is that she wears her spiked chain as almost a belt, savoring the moments when the spikes happen to poke through her clothing and armor. Unlike Jaq however, her motto is not to make people commit suicide, no, for her it is about convincing them to live so that they can suffer through the pain, for a long long time.
Also, looking way down the road, (un)Holy Vindicator looks like an interesting PrC. Not sure whether the Gestalt side could switch from Cleric to Holy Vindicator at level 9 or 10, but it would play well with the character.

Sovereign Court

"Let's say the world is like a pane of glass. If the glass is perfect, and the plane is even, you may not see it. If you can not see it, you will never know if you are going to crash into it. So my philosophy is, to see the world more clearly, you must first learn how to break it."

My friends, the Red Ledger.

Talireans, such good, proud, stately, utterly despicable people. They prance about on top of the rotting earth like they own it, and not a thing could be wrong for that reason. The entire world is on fire and they are just basking in the glow. They turn their holy noses up at anything that is less than what they see as fit for their pure and righteous hands. What this world could use, what it needs, is a man of vision. A man to turn the world upside down and shake it until there is dirt on every man’s head. Of course the goodly peoples of Talengarde would see such a man as a psychopath, or a tyrant. Of course any form of simple correction would evoke the just wrath of the perfect race. But that’s what this man is made for, to fertilize the seed of corruption that is within every man.

They call him Red Ledger, not that it really matters. He'll probably have you killing someone you love before you get the chance to say it anyways. Red Ledger was raised on the streets nameless, alone and unloved. His mother was a whore you see, and she was impregnated by a particularly careless client. Dedicated to her job, she continued to work despite the child she carried. Seven months into her pregnancy, she was bought in to the company of a particularly shady man. She had seen every kind of man in her line of work, so the only thing she thought of it was that he liked to bite.

She awoke the next morning, pale and weak. Her eyes were red and a white streak shot down her head. An overpowering taste of iron filled her mouth. A few hours later, however, she was fine. Her color and strength returned, and then it was business as usual for the next two months.

She gave birth to her son in an alley with no help. The labor gave her great pain, but she already loved her child before he was born. She knew she would not be able to support the two of them, but she would do everything she could for the baby, even if it pushed her do the brink of life, because that’s what a strong mother would do for a child. After she birthed the child, she held it in her arms and smiled upon it. The smile changed instantly to a looked of terror. She screamed as she saw the thing that laid host in her womb for months. The baby was bluish pale, and wrinkled. Black nails grew from his fingers and toes, his eyes were red, and snow-white hair grew down to his shoulders. His mother instantly became pale and weak again. In just moments, her heart gave out. She dropped the child onto the ground, and he stood up and gazed upon his dead mother, whom he had drained the life out of.

For nearly a century and a half, Red spent his life in the streets, beneath the feet of the normal society. He was the half-vampire child of a harlot, and the righteous Talireans couldn’t possibly have anything to do with him. This gave him the unique opportunity to see the world from the bottom up. He could see that the world needed changing, it needed to be flipped onto its head. Scorned and ignored, there was nothing left to do but train and prepare. He spent decades dedicating his life to training for… what? Truth be told, he hadn’t the slightest idea. He only knew one thing: There was red in his ledger.

The world owed him. The world let the rich and powerful be rich and powerful, and let the true visionaries such as himself live in squalor. Every person in Talengarde owed him a debt and he would collect. He knew corruption had taken root in every man, and he knew exactly how to bring it out in its most perverse, destructive form. His first opportunity came when the son of a rich man took his food, and beat him half to death. When the rich man saw this, he only demanded compensation for scuffing his son’s shoe on Red’s teeth.

That night, Red broke into the man’s house. He stood over the sleeping man, ready to stab him. No no no, he thought, this is way too easy. One by one, he grabbed the man’s children and wife out of their beds and brought them into the big dining hall to be tied up. Red knew a little something about this man. He knew that the man was in a blood feud with another powerful family, and was riddled with greed and an ego to rival a king’s. When the time was right, he opened the wife’s mouth to let her scream. The man ran down stairs to see a grinning Damphir holding a blade to his bound-up family.
“N-No!” The man stammered, “Wha-What do you want huh? Just tell me!”
“There’s red in my ledger, sir.” Red replied, “And you owe me a debt.”
“Debt? What debt could I possibly owe?” There it was, the rightly manner that befitted every Talirean. The ideal that they could owe no debt because the only ones they wrong are the one that deserve it. No more. No more will these tyrants mock the lesser with their facade of perfection.
“Your son, this little brat,” He kicked the man’s son sharply, and the boy who so strongly beat a homeless man to the edge of his life now whimpered and sobbed. Guilt was a hell of a drug. “you watched him beat a homeless man within an inch of his life, steal his food, and then had the audacity to demand money from me, knowing I hadn’t a penny. So yes, What debt could you possibly owe me?” He smiled.
“What are you talking about, you lunatic?” The man looked bewildered, “You took my son’s food, you grabbed him around the neck and only stopped when he slapped you! You- you urinated on his shoes! You were stammering about pissing on the boots that walked on your head or something, then you started hitting yourself with the leg of a chair! I only demanded money so that you wouldn’t be locked up, I took pity on you, I swear!” A look of pure amusement flashed across Red’s face as realized the man might actually be right.
“Hm, I’m a cheeky little bastard, aren’t I? No matter, I will collect my debt for your longstanding corruption nonetheless.” Hopelessness showed in the eyes of the man now.
“What must I do?”
“I’m going to give your friends down the street all your wealth, your estate, and your accomplishments. Your reputation will be soiled, and your rivals will own all of your credit.”
The man spoke weakly, “I’ve worked all my life for this.”
“As have I.” Red said, bowing, “There is another thing I want.”“What? Anything!” Hope sprang back into the lifeless face of the righteous, pitying man.
“Kiss your wife, and then cut her throat out. Lest I do it for you.” The woman screamed at this suggestion, Red supposed this excited her.
“Sir… There has to be another way.”
“There is. You could be in jail, your rivals could be enjoying your life’s work, and your children and children’s children could be trampled upon by the good and perfect people of Talengarde for years to come. All at the price of saving a single life that’s ran its course.”
Red already knew he would win this. His smile grew wider and wider. It nearly reached to his ears. He has such a frightful smile. The man started sobbing. This infuriated Red.
“How does it feel to be piteous? To be caught be two decisions that just aren’t fair, but the rest of the people of Talengarde move right on with their saintly lives? KISS YOUR WIFE.
The man obliged, he kissed her upon the forehead. “I-I’m so sorry. There’s no other way.” 
Red giggled hysterically. “Yes there is! You’re just ignoring it!” He bent down and got right in the wife’s face, “Did you feel that? That was your last kiss dear woman! Your last, from the love of your life, who is going to rip your throat out with his fingers! He kissed you first, isn’t that sweet? Why aren’t you smiling?” Red felt obligated to help her, and cut a smile in her face.
“She’s happy,” Red said to the man, “do it now.” The man closed his eyes, whispered a prayer to someone, and tore into his wife’s neck with his hands that could do no wrong.

The man was arrested, his daughter was wolf food, and his son was exiled*. The powerful rivals received everything from that family, but it came with a cost. The money was not untraceable, people were calling for fraud. Knowing that a vast wealth was up in the air, many families wanted a part of it, and many more wanted to profit off of the pandemonium that would ensue. War broke out in the streets. Buildings were destroyed, blood cleansed the streets of their innocence, and the righteous struck down the holy.

This was Red’s life goal. Wealth meant nothing, he simply wanted to disrobe those cloaked in their filthy rags of righteousness. Everyone had such a robe, and he would pick at every thread on every robe until the whole world stood naked and exposed. He would watch the world burn to be king of the ashes.

Years later, this all came back around to him. Of course, someone would have had to bear witness to Red’s wrongdoings. One person saw the incident with the rich man’s son, another thought they saw the shady homeless Damphir in the general area of the man’s house, and another in a position of authority simply needed someone to blame. That is Red’s story, another account is that Red wrote his confession in blood on the wall above where he slept, but that is just hear-say. As the trial dragged on, his crimes were elucidated further. Red Ledger was something like famous, and his victims created quite the display. When he killed, he killed precisely, and spectacularly. Displays of mothers killing babies, or children eating the hearts of their mothers greeted fathers as they walked in the door. His victims were few compared to some of the more famed serial killers in history, but those he killed had a ripple effect that twisted everyone’s morals into oblivion, and brought them one step closer to opening their eyes.
Alas, he was convicted, and sent to a prison for the worst of criminals. He was not worried, he was on fate’s side, and he just simply had to wait and see what fate would do next.

For those of you that don't know, The Joker, the iconic Batman villain, was formerly known as the Red Hood. And Heath Ledger was the most recent, and my favorite, actor to portray this villain on screen. So you have Red Ledger, which is also symbolic of when someone owes a person a debt.

Dark Archive


Red Ledger, you mentioned that you were unsure of a class? The Psychopath class seems to fit well.

Seranov, which dude? :P

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just impressed is all. Very definitely Joker.

Ok everyone, serious face time! I would like for everyone, if they will, to write a short, two-paragraph-or-less (Preferably,) statement of why you want into WotW, what you bring to the table, and other such things. Hopefully, this will make my job of making selections a bit easier!

When you say "bring to the table", you mean as players, right? Just want to be sure before I start typing.

Dropping out, best of luck.

First of all fun is the reason that I play pathfinder for. It's fun to pretend to be something else in a strange world. It's fun to do something and make new friends at the same time. I've played pathfinder for a while now but have not had the chance lately to play in real life. So I decided to join in the forums here that I have come to for advice many times on different issues and advice.

I've heard about this way of the wicked AP for a bit and the idea of playing evil characters is something that is risky if not handled in the right way. But Fire Mountain seem to have a good thing going and I'm excited to have a chance. I created a character that is more of a minion than most and so will not really be one to 'power struggle' with any other players and thus hopefully get along.

TLDR: Pick me! :D

Dark Archive

I want to play Way of the Wicked because I wanted to get in on the ground floor of one of these games. It's a really interesting story: going from criminal on death row to becoming a mighty evil champion, doing bad things and generally enjoying the less-righteous side of things. It's a nice difference from the usual good- or neutral-focused parties, where you can really let loose and be a jerk to NPCs and such. I want to play in YOUR WotW game because it'll give me the option to play a kind of character that normally I never would. Mek and Rek are going to be unlike anything I've ever played before, RP-wise.

I have roughly a year and a half of experience playing PF (took off for about a year to play video games and work on my college degree) and really enjoy all the aspects of it: the character building, the combat, the roleplaying. As you can see from my aliases, I am in quite a few PbP games, and am very dedicated to keeping up in all of them. I will be playing a character that will be half calm and logical planner, half hotblooded soldier. They should be a blast to play! :D

First of all, I'd love to play WotW because many of my IRL games are run by GMs who would never allow evil alignments, so WotW is certainly out of the question. This kind of removes the opportunity to explore perspectives on every alignment, and I'd love to take the opportunity to play an evil party.

I think that I can bring to the table an ability to compromise and work with other PCs, while still staying in character. I take the time to think about how my PC would react in the situation, and that's what I do, so long as it doesn't place the game in danger.

Sovereign Court

Why do we enjoy Pathfinder so much? Why is creating characters and pretending to be someone you're not so enticing? Because when you make a character, you are vicariously playing as a different part of yourself. In this case, in a Way of the Wicked campaign, you have the unique ability to access that dark part of yourself, and it be encouraged. In every person, there is a chaotic element seated in the back of their minds, and it isn't often that we get the chance to appease the thirst for chaos and complete moral abandon. This is why I wanted to walk the Way of the Wicked, because it allows me to be a person I would never get to be otherwise, It allows me to get in the psychotic state of mind where the most dark and creative thoughts can prosper.

What Red Ledger brings to the table is a completely new look on the world. He's seen corruption and perversion, and became a master of it. He knows people well, he knows what makes them tick, he can sniff out a lie, and he can bring out the beast inside of a man. Red Ledger is guile, and tricky. He's incredibly smart, especially when it comes to a lie. He wants nothing more than to twist the world inside out, and turn it upside down. Chaos brings him peace, and unadulterated amusement. On top of all that, Red knows how to handle himself in a fight. He likes it up close and bloody.
Also, thanks! I'll check it out!

Elara has been finalized, fluff-wise. The main difference in her backstory from my initial post is that she is going to be a bit more focused on assassinations; in other words, killing specifically at the behest of others. She views her imprisonment as a form of divine punishment from Achaekek for killing for pleasure. Moreover, her imprisonment is being changed to have been entirely at the hands of one individual (Renault Ashebury), a paladin/bloodrager that hunted her down, but decided that instead of becoming like her, he would turn her over to the proper authorities.

These changes were done to make her a little less sloppy, and a little more focused on re-evaluating her relationship with her god. It also gives the GM a potential NPC to throw at the party related to Elara's past.

Renault Ashebury knew something was wrong as soon as he opened the door. The house felt still and dead, and a sickly sweet smell lingered in the air. The creak of hinges broke the quiet, but only just. Hesitantly, he crossed the threshold.

“Father…?” he called into the darkness, but it offered only silence. “I’m home!” The young boy carefully set his travelling effects upon the floor. His hands shook lightly as he did so; with a conscious effort, he stilled them, and walked into the living room. The faint echo of boots on wooden floor seemed a thundering cacophony in his ears.

A slight movement of shadows flickered in the corner of his eye, and he halted. He stopped breathing and listened for a heartbeat. A glint of steel, placed lightly across his throat jarred him from the thoughts that danced in his head. He tried to crane his neck to see make sense of his new circumstances, only to have the blade at his neck dig in, drawing blood. A firm hand grasped the back of his head and held it facing forward.

“The son?” mused a feminine voice from behind him. Renault’s mind raced, but came up with nothing. The blade dug in again. “Yes?”

Realizing that an answer was required, Renault opened his mouth and tried to speak. The words that stumbled out formed a vague approximation of the word, “Yes.” The woman behind him gave a tired sigh. There was no malice in it, it simply held the exasperation of someone who suffered an annoying inconvenience.

“Prayers?” she asked with an air of indifference. “Or prefer to meet your father now?”

The air went out of Renault’s lungs, and at last he understood. The boy’s eyes flicked over to a slumped figure in the living room, and he instantly knew whose body it was. The stench of blood and bile rose to his throat, and he tasted the sharp tang of iron on his tongue. A brightening light filled his eyes, until it was blinding. Strength forced its way into his muscles until they cracked and threatened to break his small frame. His senses focused in and out, pulsating with his rapid heartbeat. And then he moved.

He didn’t remember breaking free from the killer’s hold. He didn’t recall grabbing the family greatsword from the wall, either. How or why the weapon glowed and hummed in his grasp were beyond his reasoning. All that existed of Renault was replaced with a white-hot rage, and the desire to hear the satisfying crunch of his sword swing breaking flesh and bone. The light intensified, and Renault’s mind went blank. The world faded to black.

Renault awoke among the rubble of his father’s mansion. The figure standing over him slowly shifted into focus. It was a tall Ulfen woman who looked as if someone had grayed out all her features. Her skin was the color of ash, her eyes almost black, and even her red hair seemed to be rust-colored, rather than the vibrant color common in the Ulfen. Renault tried to will his arm into moving, into drawing a weapon, but it refused.

“Impressive rage,” she complimented. Although her face remained a mask of stony indifference, her eyes sparkled with merriment. She bent down to bring her face closer to his. He flinched despite himself. “Today, a seed of hatred has been planted. Grow it. Nurture it. Train,” she said, emphasizing the word, almost pleading. “Find me when your rage can sunder the heavens.”

The woman removed a dagger and made three quick slashes across the boy’s right cheek, forming deep cuts. “Something to remember me by,” she explained, re-sheathing the blade. Renault tried once again to move, but his body disobeyed. He opened his mouth and let out a cry of pure hatred and watched, powerless, as his father’s murdered strode off into the dark of night.

Ten years later, Elara Myre sat on a bed in a cheap inn in Talingarde. She hated it. The town was pristine and dull, and the populace spoiled. If she hadn’t been sent here, she would have paid good money to avoid the city entirely. Absentmindedly, she ran a finger over the blade she was sharpening, a cruel sawtoothed thing. A knock on the door interrupted her reverie.

“Yes?” she called, dropping the whetstone and readying the weapon.

The door exploded inwards, and shrapnel and bits of wood flew towards Elara. She peered through the cloud of dust at the figure standing in the doorway. It was a tall, powerfully-built man clad in well-used, yet well-polished, full plate. He held an enormous sword, and his body radiated pure divine wrath.

Elara took note of the scar on his right cheek and, for the first time in months, gave a true smile. “Kept me waiting,” she said as the armored hulk advanced. “Make it worth it.”

Why do I want into WotW? It looks fantastically fun, and completely turns the usual idea of playing the heroes and saving the day on its head. I thoroughly enjoy strong RP, and I love the current group in the PbP. Everyone has such enjoyably evil characters, and I would love to throw Elara into that ring of madness. Of course, I also treasure the GM's willingness to allow such a wide swatch of races, classes, and other obscurities.

What would Elara bring to the table? The player's guide specifically calls out the utility an assassin-type character would have, and Elara certainly fits that bill. Between the slayer class and abilities, and the infiltrator (investigator) ability to not only disguise herself, but to imitate specific individuals, she can offer not only quiet killings, but the potential for the mayhem involved in framing others for the murders of the party. This offers a great deal of versatility to the character, and broadens solutions to potential problems, limited only by creativity of the party. Moreover, her characterization allows her to work with virtually any evil party members, as long as they order her to kill things so she can regain the lost favor with her mantis god.

Nidoran, as a player and/or as a character.

Great answers everyone!

As a note, there is an opportunity for those who do not get selected (No, I haven't made selections yet,) to indulge their desire for a wicked AP. Full details of this will, very likely, be released on Sunday after selections!

At work. Will post my paragraph tonight

So I have broken out of this stupid prison 4 times I think. I want to know what life is like on the outside. I have been playing D&D and pathfinder for over 25 years. Started when I was 8. We played WoTW at our home game but only went into book 2. I'm a mature enough player not to meta game. From what I have done in this story it is super sweet. I also love gestalt. I'm very familiar with the rules and love high powered games. GM Rednal is running his fallen Gods game where we are tripple gestalt with one mythic level and it is great. I work in IT and post many times a day so fast paced is great for me. I was in around 12 games on here but 6 have died in the last few months so I'm looking for more.

Cole as a character would bring healing in for all the undead templates with his negative channels and also be a melee powerhouse front line guy. He will be full divine on the other side for versatility.

I want in because being evil is fun, Veldrin has told me WotW is badass and that you're a great DM. I bring a familiarity with both pathfinder and gestalt, a love for creative and intriguing roleplay and lust for glorious combat. WotW sounds like the perfect game to indulge myself and I think I have a great character.

Winter Oracle/Druid - Andir is a student of chaos. But anarchy doesn't suit him, for it is not true chaos. He seeks to cause entropy wherever he goes. To drain the heat and life out of everything he encounters, until the world, nay, the cosmos is frozen solid.

I really love this campaign. It allows for much more creative thinking and role playing than most games. In the majority of good-focussed games, the objective is to help the king. To defeat goblins and orcs and dragons and whatever other bad guys are hurting the locals and attempting to undermine/overthrow the government. In this campaign, we get to be those underminers and overthrowers. I have started this campaign several times, but only once made it out of the first part, all the other campaigns had the DM go awol or otherwise have to bow out. The one that I did make it past the first book was awesome, and heavily modified from my understanding, so there will be little ability to metagame. (In that game part of one test involved being chased down a winding sloping passage by a 10' diameter rolling boulder. That scene alone took several weeks and was probably one of my favorite scenes in any PF game. I could be wrong, but I am fairly sure that this is not in the actual AP at all. My favorite part of that was when my slow weak summoner was picked up and carried by an NPC, and then began to summon suicide ponies to charge back up the passage in an attempt to slow the boulder. It is hard to get more evil than sending cute ponies into a suicide charge at an oncoming rolling boulder.)

Tykath is a devoted follower of Zon-Kuthon. She takes great pride in her ability to indoctrinate others, usually unwilling, in the pleasures of her spiked chain and other toys. She is lawful to the core, and believes that there are rules and laws for a reason, although not necessarily the rules and laws being imposed by the useless Talingardians. She is a skilled combatant, but prefers fighting with agility and style over pure brute force of most warriors. That she is blessed (profanely of course) by Zon-Kuthon so that she can call on the Midnight Lord's favors when needed is simply and added bonus. Game wise, she is a strong fighter, but not a tank as her AC will likely not be overwhelming. With her swashbuckler abilities, she can deal out good damage and also functions as a secondary skill character. In addition, her divine skills (cleric/inquisitor and possibly a dip into anti-paladin) will enable her to buff and debuff further strengthening the party. In the end, she is a team player, because everyone know that pain and suffering is more fun to inflict as a group.

Why this campaign? It scratches a couple of itches for me, Gestalt for one. Normally I play the good guys, but I'd like the chance to try something darker. A chance to walk in Karsa Orlong's shoes or perhaps Mystique's or maybe even Sand dan Glokta's (although that would be uncomfortable...)

What do I bring? Reliability. In this game I've kept an average daily post rate of 3+ posts for over a year and also 3+per day here although it's only been going for a few months. I'll let you be the judge if my writing style is any good :) I'm reasonably experienced having played on and off since 1st edition and I'm an avoid reader of SF&F literature.

Shadow Lodge

Ok, what do I bring to the table, well first off I am enthusiastic, this kind of game gets me really excited. I love playing the bad guy, and I love gestalt. With gestalt I can have two classes that don't synergize and still come out with something viable, resulting in many more possible concepts.
I have a high post rate. My first post on this site was in November of 2012,
I have since then made 15.5 thousand posts, that averages at roughly a staggering 21 posts per day.
Now not all of that will nessairially be in this one game, but I can respond to anything within the day generally speaking.
I believe myself to have a good sense of humor and I enjoy role play just as roll play (I know bad pun but it was obligatory) I've RPed in several different game systems from vampire the masquerade to 2e Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, I actually wrote my Sr Project (an assignment that should anyone fail it, they also fail their Sr year) on Roleplayig games, in particular, Dungeons and Dragons, and the psychological/sociological affects I the game (and the fact tha no it does not cause depression, and no you don't talk to actual demons or use actual magic)
I have quite a bit of experience using gestalt, my first game on the forums was a gestalt game, and it's one I'm still a part of (recently found out by gameplay post total it's the biggest game on the forums, I was not surprised.)
I like building characters and I do so constantly (at least when I'm not too busy)

What does my character bring to this game?
Wade's a jack of all trades, he can heal, he can charm, he can lie, he can do damage dealing, at range or close up, he has a lot of skill ranks from bard, later he'll be able to reliably debuff
He'll (probably) get along well with the other escapees

Why do I want in this game? Well I tried to get into this game under this GM before but didn't make it, so that plays into it. I've also tried to get into a WotW game in general so many times I've lost count (something in the double digits though)
I made it once but the GM had some kind of issue and stopped posting. We didn't get much farther than the game I'm trying to get into got.
I love gestalt and I love playing character concepts that I haven't got a chance to play before, this game has both!

I've always wanted to play a tragic, yet slightly insane villian. I loved playing on the villain side in a group v group IRL game me and a bunch of friends set up. It lets me let out the coniving parts of me with no remorse :3

I play a lot of PFS on the PBP's and offline so I am quite familiar with the rules and a heavy poster. I like the boards in that it gives you the chance to really elaborate your action instead of the more fast paced live games where you are tight for time (especially in PFS). Now WOTW is something where I can scratch my I want to be evil itch, which is not allowed in PFS. I already played in a homebrew evil campaign which unfortunately lost it's characters pretty quickly (was a noble drow weretiger ninja in that). So I know about templates and building a fun character in that without making an OP one that steals the thunder away from the rest. Unfortunately there was one such character among the group but the roleplay around it was fun enough to make it work. I also play shadowrun, warhammer 40k, dnd 3.5, 4.0, did some vampire and all sorts of games before, so I'm an experienced rper.

What I bring to the table. Reliability in posting (multiple times a day if the group posts that much), amusement in the posts in how they accentuate the action and background of my character, and the lovely character itself. She will be manipulating and conniving. Building great large con's in order to get to her goal. She will be well rounded in combat thanks to her anti-paladin and rogue classes and eventually greatly expands her versatility with the prc and anti-paladin abilities at higher levels. Skill-wise she will take the social ones, aid in disabling traps (or setting them) and a use magic device to be able to use whatever it is she needs. When her template comes (whichever it will be) she will be a lovely example of it and it will be reflected in her change in personality and actions.
She works very well with others since she will try to manipulate them to see her ways which charm and guile, and get them to do what is on her agenda without them knowing it. And beyond the group she will be able to manipulate or straight up quietly assassinate her enemies to great amusement and usefulness of the group. They won't see it coming until it is too late. She isn't a crazy person, though she can be a little impulsive. Her actions are well thought out to lead up to a nice crescendo. There is a motivation behind her evilness and it would be pleasure to be able to play that out.

Way of the Wicked interests me as a story because it's structured in a way that lets you play villains, but do so constructively, encouraging villains with some dimension rather than cackling, crazed murderrapists, and for me that is the interesting way to do it. To twist the typical story of a hero's rise to instead tell the story of villains, but while still possessing some degree of restraint. Bad guys with some dimension to them are just so much more interesting, and that is what the design philosophy between WotW comes off as to me; I like that.

As for what I bring, I have years of internet roleplay experience going back to embarrassing teenage endeavors that are buried forever, but which I'm betting a lot of applicants have a rough idea of the sheer awfulness of. I've been playing Pathfinder since about two years after it came out, have played in and ran many games, and have a good grasp on the system. As a student I'm rarely without a computer and have enough breaks that I can commit just fine to a solid posting rate.

Okay. Here goes.

Ive been role playing a lot lately. Keeping myself busy and occupied. Job makes it difficult to do some of my other hobbies at the moment. Building or living in a make believe world helps one explore things some people cant even imagine. I see it as a privilege. So i try to keep my imagination active

As to WotW. It gives one a bit of an insight to the other side. Instead of the GM throwing bad monsters and evil overlords at you, now you are the bad monsters and the evil overlords. Seeing the world from the other side of the looking glass. Its all fun and games, till someone loses an eye. Then its hilarious. Or in the words of Joker. You camt spell slaughter without laughter.

While Blade won't be able to pick up more people than is necessary to fill out his campaign, I believe that I want to GM WotW now! My style as a GM is quite similar to his own, being his pupil and all. I will pick up a group of 6 after he finishes selecting his 3 candidates! ^_^

That's right Blade, you just got threadjacked! HIGH BROW!!! :P

EDIT: There be plot twisties in my campaign too! >:D

Shadow Lodge

Same character generation style?
If I'm not picked for his campaign I'd like to swap bard for bones oracle
It would fit slightly better as an oracle but the necromancer niche is filled and I also like bards.

As I said, his style and mine are quite similar, so same guidelines for recruitment. I don't think he's posted any here though, right? I was going to do mine like his original recruitment guidelines, with ONE tweak: 2 less points in ability score generation.

Shadow Lodge

With nine slots open now most of us should get in :)

Lord Foul II wrote:


With nine slots open now most of us should get in :)

well I am pretty sure of one that will probably not make it in any slot.

Shadow Lodge

How many are entering in total? (And/or were you talking about anybody in particular ed?)

Lord Foul II wrote:

How many are entering in total? (And/or were you talking about anybody in particular ed?)

I am pretty sure I will not be in...(well at least not Blade's game as I sent him a summoner. (an old submission from a while back) I don't think He wants two summoners in the same game.

Shadow Lodge

Well then that still gives you six shots, and I think it'd be awesome were we to be in the same game,and if it's the little pyro you played in captain wombat's game (however briefly) then it's an interesting character that any DM should be happy to have (provided they're fine with evil characters)
so buck up, it's not hopeless.
I have been accused of being an optimist or an idealist before, those accusations are not unfounded

Sovereign Court

I've decided I like the mix between physical and intellectual you get with a slayer-investigator mix. But I'm taking the cleaner and empiricist archetypes of each one respectively. Also taking the Ru-shi Damphir heritage and the Shaky flaw, since he has a thing against ranged weapons anyway. Let's see what happens!

"Don't misunderstand me, dear friend, I don't want to see the world just burn! I want to see it beg, grovel, attempt to get up and fall back down. I want to contort it, turn it inside out and upside down, shatter it into a million bloody pieces and THEN, I want to see it burn. That's the debt you owe me."

Backstory for Captain Woodes Rodgers. Human Swashbuckler/Psychopath-1

The Long Version:
As a small child, Woodes had it all. He had a roof over his head, two parents that loved him, and he was very popular among the kids around the town, but everything came crashing down when he and his father were kidnapped by bandits. His father was killed almost instantly when they got back to the bandits camp, but Woodes was forced to live on. Living as a slave for almost five years, he slept in a cage with his father’s corpse and a three inch thick pool of blood. While his body lived on, his soul died in that cage. He was nothing more than a shell of a human, devoid of all emotion with nothing but his twisted imagination to keep him company. All that kept him going was the thought of him ripping through the bandits flesh and watching their blood spill out onto the ground. Woodes’ soul had left, and a monster had moved in. Throughout his five years in captivity he had come to admire the pirates that made there way into the camp to sell their spoils. Woodes had enjoyed the way that the pirate captains had acted so classy until they got ripped off and the beast within came out. He had dedicated himself to acting like them: hiding the monster inside of him until the time was right to unleash it. Well now was that time, Woodes had overheard one of the pirates that morning saying that they would be docked in town until sunrise tomorrow and Woodes knew that, if he could escape from the bandits, then he could sneak onto the ship and become a pirate. So once all of the bandits were asleep, he broke out of the cage using a makeshift lock pick that he had made from one of his fathers ribs and he grabbed a makeshift knife that he had made from the femur. Woodes was about to run back towards the docks and hope he could make it there before sunrise, but something was holding him back. He looked back at the camp that he had spent five years burning to the ground in his imagination. He couldn’t walk away. Woodes wasn’t angry-emotion had become alien to him-but it was more of an itch the he needed to scratch. Woodes crept into the camp and stabbed the one that was on watch in the back. There was more blood than he thought there would be, it came out like a river. Sputtering and spewing until nothing nothing was left. Woodes had spent the better part of five years soaked in someone else’s blood, but this, this felt so…right! When the body hit the ground all he could do was laugh, he laughed so hard he almost fell into the fire. He turned the body around and looked into the man’s eye, lifeless, Woodes laughed again. ”My apologies lad. My sincerest apologies but, thank you!” Woodes dug his thumbs into the mans eyes and laughed again. Still, something was off, Woodes still felt that itch, he still wanted more blood. Woodes stood up and, slowly, crept into the tents one by one and bound and gagged the bandits. When he was done he pulled the out of their tents and had them lined up outside. After that he walked back to the first one he had pulled out and put a knife to his throat. ”The first one was to slow,” said Woodes as he looked the bandit in the eye, “I didn’t get to see the look in his eye. You I’ll kill more slowly.” And so he began, a line of thirty bandit all line up to be slaughtered like cattle. Woodes cherished every second of it, but the itch was still there, something was missing. Finally Woodes got to the last bandit, but this one was special. He was the leader, he was somebody. Finally Woodes realized what was wrong, everyone he had killed were nobody’s, but the chief was somebody worth killing. Woodes had also learned that he didn’t have a taste for torture, he enjoyed the blood but he found himself getting very impatient to watch the light bleed out of his eyes. After a moment of thinking, Woodes new how he was going to kill him. So he leaned into the bandits ear and he whispered “Over the past five years you have enslaved me, tortured me, and treated worse than a dog, but I don’t hate you. No because that would be human of me, and that part of me died a long time ago. The truth is that I love you, I love the faint pop of your skin when I pierce it with my knife, I love that light in your eye that starts going out ever so slowly when the blood starts leaving, and I love the sound of your blood singing in your veins. The reason I am going to kill you is because your blood sings so much more beautifully when it is no hidden beneath your flesh.” With that, Woodes stabbed the bandit in the stomach and watched the light leave his eyes. Just before the bandit died, Woodes looked at him and said, with no sincerity, “Apologies Lad,” and with that, Woodes first kill was laid to rest. Woodes felt like he could finally breath again, the itch was finally gone. However, Woodes new it would come back, and when it did he would have to kill again.
That day Woodes returned home, now a young man, half starved, and soaked in blood, no one even recognized him when he collapsed on his mother’s doorstep. When he woke up three days later, everyone instantly started bombarding him with questions, but all Woodes would say is that he forgot and he wanted to go home and rest.

After the first month, Woodes was starting to feel on edge, he tried to ignore his urges, but they wouldn’t go away. After the second month he was starting to feel like a nervous wreck. He was jumpy and he felt like everyone was watching him like they knew his secret. He wasn’t sleeping or eating, and he would barely talk to anyone. Killing some of the stray animals around helped, but Woodes knew that he would have to kill someone very soon. After the third month Woodes couldn’t take it any more, he felt like there were eyes everywhere, he couldn’t sleep or eat, and the only time he went outside would be to scope out people who he could be killing at the moment. Finally the time came when he was going to get the chance to kill someone. He had known who it was going to be for months now, the sheriff. Woodes waited until the sheriff was taking laps around the town, then he ran up to the sherif and said something about a dead cat in an alley. When the sheriff followed, Woodes waited until he and the sheriff were deep within the alleyway before he turned around and stabbed him in the stomach so fast the sheriff couldn’t be sure he was dying until he looked down and saw the knife for himself. “Apologies Lad” was the last word the sheriff would here before he dropped the ground and closed his eyes for the last time. As Woodes looked at the body, he felt that he needed a keepsake to remember the kill, so he knelt down a cut a piece of blood-soaked cloth from the dead mans shirt and put it in his pocket. “Now you can sing to me forever,” Woodes said as he drug the body away to be buried. Woodes no longer felt on edge but something was still off. His mother knew. She had done nothing to indicate that she knew, but he could feel it. Every time she looked at him it was like she was staring into his black heart. Eventually he couldn’t take it anymore, he had to do something about her. One afternoon he walked into his house and gave his mother a smile, It doesn’t matter, he thought. She knows anyway, she can see me. As he approached her his heartbeat quickened. It became so loud that he was afraid his mother could hear it, so to stop her from running he took a knife from the table and stabbed her in the stomach. The look on her face surprised him, she looked so surprised that there was no way she could have known. Woodes stepped back, shocked at what he had done, everything felt different this time. Her blood was so hot that it burned his skin, the light in her eyes lingered on and burned red with hate, and the look on her face wasn’t one of hate or fear, but only one of the deepest sympathy. As she collapsed to the ground Woodes took a step back and looked at her body. This woman was the only one who has ever cared about me in my life…and I killed her. for the first time in five years Woodes felt something that might be called an emotion, but he all he said was “Apologies lass.” He buried his mother and covered his tracks without cutting a piece of her clothing of to keep-she was no trophy, but her blood still sang through the old wooden house, and when the guards came in to ask Woodes questions about his mothers disappearance, the blood sang even louder. Woodes was a perfect gentlemen to the investigators, he even managed to joke and make them laugh, they never saw the monster inside of him. Still, the blood was singing so loudly, they had to hear it eventually. After an hour of talking to them he was sure they knew what he had done. Nothing they did or said betrayed their false ignorance, but they had to hear the blood sing throughout the house. When they left Woodes figured that it had to be that they were getting reinforcements. As soon as the door shut, Woodes ran to his room and grabbed his sword and his hat (two items that would soon become symbols of great terror to merchants sailing the seas) and he ran out of the door to stow away aboard a ship.

He hid out by the docks until nighttime and then he crept aboard the nearest vessel. When he hopped over the railing he found himself facing the captain. What might you be doin’ here mate? The bandit asked. Woodes looked at the captain and then turned around to look at the crew. When he took in the whole scene, he realized that this was no ordinary ship, this was pirate ship. His back still to the captain, Woodes said with a smile, “What am I doing here?” he whirled around and stabbed the captain in the stomach, “Why I’m your new captain mate! I should’ve told you sooner, apologies lad!” And that was the beginning of Woodes relatively short tenure as a pirate. He very quickly excelled at it though, and his name became a household symbol of fear throughout the coastal regions. Over the course of his piracy he learned to control his madness, he no longer felt paranoid, nor did he think that other people could hear the Sanguine Symphony as he liked to call it. His crew had questions though, like why they always took the plundered ship’s captains as prisoners, or why they always seemed to disappear. One day when they were docked in a town near his home town he heard tell of a group of slaughtered bandits that were found in the foothills. They had been buried in the town cemetery by the church. Woodes knew he shouldn’t but he couldn’t resist, he had to see his first kill. So at night he crept into the graveyard with a shovel, and started digging. When he was knee deep in the grave, he found himself surrounded by guards. A short while later he was shipped off to Branderscar prison. Being a captain, Woodes appreciated the structure that law gave, but he vowed to topple the wicked government that denied him a visit to his oldest friend. On his way there, he also decided that he would get revenge on his crew that wasn’t there to help him.

So the backstory went way out of hand, so I'll understand if you would rather read the short version.

The Short Version:
Woodes was kidnapped as a child by bandits. They killed his father and Woodes spent five years in a cage with his fathers corpse. When he escaped he slaughtered the bandits with particular glee and took special delight in kill the chief. When he got home he told everyone that he remembered nothing. As the months went by, he needed to kill someone again. He decided to kill the sheriff, but when he did, he feared that his mother was on to him. Fearing the worst, he killed his mother and found that he gained no satisfaction from it. After fearing that her blood was singing too loudly and the guards were on to him he stowed away on a ship that night. When he killed the captain, he inherited the ship and its crew. He learned how to think and act like a normal person while being a pirate. His downfall was when he decided to pay a visit to his oldest friend, his first kill. He was in the process of digging him up when the guards came in and sent him to Branderscar prison. Woodes vowed vengeance on the Talengarde government and his crew for getting him arrested.

Woodes’ Description:
Woodes has learned to act like a high class individual and his confident air I think that’s the word I’m looking for is very convincing. He understands the importance of law but he also understands the righteous law needs to be destroyed. Like many psychopaths, he longs for human attachment. That is why he reacted so badly when he killed his mother. Wodoes kills mercilessly and indiscriminately, but he takes special pleasure in the murder of the ones that he feels are “somebody’s” in society. A psychologist would diagnose him with Anti Personality Disorder and Narcissism, most other people would call him bat crap crazy. Still, Woodes is faithful to his crew (so long as they don’t betray him like his last crew) and determined in his mission. He also loves a great joke and a sea shanty.

Also, I have been obsessing over getting into a Way of The Wicked campaign for a long while now and I would love for it to be this campaign. One, because it is a gestalt campaign, which is awesome, and two, because I like the characters you already have and I would enjoy being a part of their chemistry. I'm a dedicated poster and am typically on Paizo three or four times a day. I enjoy joking with the other party members OOC and having a good time. Also, my character can bring a tank/damage character to the party, and also a party face if needed. He is never short on words and has a habit of saying the right things. He can also be comical when the moment calls for it, but he can also be quite terrifying.

Furthermore, I have done a great deal of research on psychopaths, and I feel like I know Captain Woodes Rodgers as well as I know myself. This makes it very easy for me to stay in character. Hopefully you will be able see the mix between Dexter and Hook (two shows that I am very happy you watch) in my character if I am selected.

Shadow Lodge

The anticipation is killing me :)

Sovereign Court

I think you speak for all of us, friend.

I think I've checked this thread like thirty times already, and that was just in this past hour, I don't even want to know how many times I've checked it throughout the day.

don't worry guys. Anytime now.

Yeh, the waiting when the DM has sort of set a deadline is always tough. Fortunately, GM Shield of the Righteous has said that he will make a second party, so most of us should end up winning one way or the other.

Either way, good luck all.

Shadow Lodge

To pass the time let's get a roll call up, see how many of us there are, and what classes they have

I have wade willhelm, for blade's campign he's a warlock/bard for shield's campign he's an oracle/warlock

He's afraid of dying, and has a large ego, so one of his long term goals is to become immortal, becoming a god would be ideal :ap
In combat he's a jack of all trades, doing ranged damage, healing, buffing, and other spell casting

I have Red Ledger, the visionary Joker-esque psychopath with a Robin Hood complex. He's a Slayer-Investigator.

"Oh you don't know who I am? Good. I'm not real. I am the embodiment of all the lack of problems you have in your perfect world. The imaginary fault in your flawless fabric. But don't let your blindness concern you, even white will turn to black when your neck is broken."
He says the nicest things.

I've been lurking all day eagerly too. My characters (since I got the go-for-it shrug from Blade) are Bard/Rogue Luna Aurial, disgraced aristocratic daughter looking to return to her lavish lifestyle through charisma and trickery, and Dragon Sorceror/Antipaladin Ariana Ddraig, who believes the key to magical progress is to take over and lead it herself.

I am Annabelle Lee, (AKA Orphan Black) I make Red Ledger look like a saint.

I am a little bit Annie

and a little bit Esther

Little Orphan Annie came to our house to stay,
And wash the cups and saucers up, and brush the crumbs away,
And shoo the chickens off the porch, and dust the hearth, and sweep,
And make the fire, and bake the bread, and earn her board and keep;
And all us other children, when the supper things are done,
We sit around the kitchen fire and have the best of fun
Listening to the scary tales that Annie tells about,
And the Goblins will get you, if you don’t watch out.

Cedric here. Stats unupdated
these fools, they labour and for and kneel willing to false consuels. They will follow me this time. This time they will hail me like a god. And I, will rule them. They will thank me. And I will have revenge on the fools that turned against me, It will come swiftly in the dark, the last thing they will see is the spectre of death closing upon them as there world goes dark and cold. Peace will come. Peace through tyrany. They will grovel. And they will love me for it.

I have Tykath. Swashbuckler/Cleric (or inquisitor). Still trying to figure out if/and what archetypes would be appropriate. Probably Sanctified Slayer if Inquisitor. Possibly Crusader or some 3rd party archetype for cleric. If the party is short on full divine casting, then cleric. If we have a full caster, then inquisitor.

Tykath is everyone's favorite Zon-Kuthite. She enjoys educating others of the pleasures of the Midnight Lord. Many don't appreciate the lessons at first, but they usually come about eventually, or die trying.

Captain Woodes Rodgers. Human Swashbuckler/Psychopath at your service.

You seem a decent fellow,I hate to kill you. But the blood in your veins sings the sweetest of songs. Is it not a pity that its song should hide beneath your skin? That's what I do mate, I make the world a more beautiful place. Apologies lad

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