List of silly spells


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Hello all,

I'm in a silly mood, so I feel like making a list of all pathfinder spells that are a little "silly/funny". Here we go:

-Mad monkeys: a swarm of thieving monkeys.

-Vomit swarm: I dont know why, but my players laugh up a storm at every mention of vomit swarm. They even proposed a "strategy" of casting vomit swarm while kissing someone to infest them with spiders. They laughed themselves silly.

-Strangling hair: to be murdered by one's hair is a hilarious thing.

-Detect toughts : a "copper" (material component) for your thoughts has always made me chuckle.

So, paizonians? Any other pathfinder spells that make you chuckle?

Grand Lodge

Enhance Water: Hey, I am Jesus!

Unnatural Lust: Now, kiss!

Pup Shape: Daww, it's so cute.

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Unnatural Lust: Now, kiss!

I've actually seen this spell used pretty well, it made a Kuthite Inquisitor rush to the Kitsune Sorcerer and she took a /lot/ of damage from AoOs.

On topic, Fire Sneeze and Sold Note get chuckles out of me.

Though of another one: Gravity sphere: a 30ft radius 0-g party!

Baleful polymorph is always good for entertainment in our group.

Share thoughts: it's like having an rolladex of memory's yours or others it's just that good. I don't even have to remember stuff in game about the game anymore I just mind meld and relay or receive what I need.

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Tree shape.

Just why?

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The goblin spell, Vomit Twin, is about as silly as they come:

Vomit Twin wrote:

Upon casting this spell, you vomit forth a disgusting ooze copy of yourself into a single adjacent square. As long as the twin exists, whenever you take a move action to move, the twin can move as well, although it does not need to follow you and cannot take any other actions. On subsequent rounds, at the start of your turn, you can instantaneously exchange places with your twin, as if using teleport. This is not an action and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

The twin has a speed of 30 feet and provokes attacks of opportunity from movement as normal. It has an AC equal to 10 + 1/2 your caster level and a number of hit points equal to your caster level. If the twin is reduced to 0 hit points, it is destroyed, although you can create a new one on your turn as a standard action as long as the duration persists. You cannot have more than one vomit twin at a time.

Mudball is pretty silly, too. I've always wanted to try that one. A 1st level spell that blinds the target* with no chance for SR or save? Yes, please.

*You do have to succeed on a ranged touch attack, and the target or and adjacent ally can easily remove the blinded condition on their turn.

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TheBlackPlague wrote:

Good thing the target gets a Dave, otherwise it'd be overpowered!

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Summon instrument: "EL KABONG!!!"


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Allfood is a little silly. You survive in the wilderness by eating... random stuff that you've magically transformed into "food".

Also, the material components are a pinch of salt and pepper. Given the description of the "food" this spell creates, you're going to need quite a bit more than that.

Grand Lodge

Well, Allfood is also an interesting way to bypass a castle wall.

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What, no votes for Blistering Invective? You burn your enemies so hard they literally catch fire.

Snapdragon fireworks

I've always liked to

A sudden downpour soaks the target creature or object. The rain follows the subject up to the range of the spell, soaking the target with water. If the target is on fire, the flames are automatically extinguished. Fires smaller than campfires (such as lanterns and torches) are automatically extinguished by this spell.
the guy with the "failure jokes" in the party! The bolded part is the most irritating aspect of the spell.

Silver Crusade

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Hydraulic Torrent. draulic-torrent-

You get to drink from the fire hose!!


Dark Archive

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This. Because it was made to be silly, so it should be.

eruptive pustules amuses me no end
pilfering hand can be very amusing and effective

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Mirror polish. Every time I see this spell, I just gotta' chuckle and ask "why?"

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Ravingdork wrote:
Mirror polish. Every time I see this spell, I just gotta' chuckle and ask "why?"

To reflect gaze attacks like in the stories, I guess.

Not in the rulebook, but one game I ran, a player wanted to cast Magic Stone while on board a ship, but there were no stones, so he asked if he could use the pickled fish as stones. I said, sure, why not, even though he didn't memorize "Magic Fish" that day. There ensued a long diversion wherein many of the spells in the PHB (2nd ed) were given a fish variant. Wall of Fish, Fishball, Limited Fish, and so on.

ETA: Which is more a case of getting silly with spells than of silly spells. Carry on.

Create Mr. Pitt wrote:
Baleful polymorph is always good for entertainment in our group.

My group's wizard was the victim of this recently. He then used his new pigeon form to gather intelligence.

Zavas wrote:
This. Because it was made to be silly, so it should be.

Shamelessly stolen. : D

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Yup, I am definitly going to have a crazy vermin druid launch a cone of lobsters on my players in the upcoming weeks!

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No votes for Polypurpose Panacea yet? Bored? Cast a spell and ride the trip for an hour or two.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My group has invented a cantrip usable by all players at any time:

Find Book
Range: Personal
Action: 1 action
Components: V (player must declare "Where's X book?"), S (check the book you're leaning on), F (the book you're trying to find).

When you cast this spell, you find the book you just asked for. It's the one you're leaning on.

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I love that the somatic component for Hideous Laughter is throwing tiny tarts at your target although it seems that PF doesn't specify that you actually throw the tarts. Some earlier edition did, back when it was Tasha's Hideous Laughter.

A Wizard fellow I play PFS with uses "Hey, you know what would be funny?" as the verbal component of his Create Pit spells. Well played, sir.

born_of_fire wrote:

I love that the somatic component for Hideous Laughter is throwing tiny tarts at your target although it seems that PF doesn't specify that you actually throw the tarts. Some earlier edition did, back when it was Tasha's Hideous Laughter.

A Wizard fellow I play PFS with uses "Hey, you know what would be funny?" as the verbal component of his Create Pit spells. Well played, sir.

I'm totally stealing that idea.

Clashing Rocks

I can only imagine an army of druids summoning hundreds of Colossal-sized boulders, crushing hundreds of people and burying them all under a new mountain made out of enormous rocks.

Let's be blunt:

Is there anyone out there, anywhere, who has ever actually used Anthropomorphic Animal in a non-tawdry way?

NobodysHome wrote:

Let's be blunt:

Is there anyone out there, anywhere, who has ever actually used Anthropomorphic Animal in a non-tawdry way?

Only to use the blood money trick on an mastadon.

Mastadon + Anthromorphic animal( + Magic Jar + (Blood Money + Big expensive spell)) = Profit.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Let's be blunt:

Is there anyone out there, anywhere, who has ever actually used Anthropomorphic Animal in a non-tawdry way?

Only to use the blood money trick on an mastadon.

Mastadon + Anthromorphic animal( + Magic Jar + (Blood Money + Big expensive spell)) = Profit.

Ok... I had to re-look-up "tawdry", but you're right; that's cheesy, not tawdry. :-P

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Sh#t Storm - 4th level spell

Combines the effects of stinking cloud and grease in a single spell effect.

Not to mention, its fun to say, "I cast a sh#t storm!"

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Arch_Bishop wrote:

I've always liked to ** spoiler omitted ** the guy with the "failure jokes" in the party! The bolded part is the most irritating aspect of the spell.

Drench is great for inducing wet t-shirt contests on enemy spellcasters. That was actually most of my actions in the first fight. The thing flew, had 21 AC, fast healing and DR. I was level one with a normal scythe. I wasn't going to be doing jack s+++, I figured I'd hurt the thing's dignity at least.

Fire Trail, which lets you leave a trail of fire in your wake, just seems hilarious. You cast the spell, and then just go, "Now what was I doing?" before wandering all over the entire places in some serpentine pattern.

Grasping Hand/Any of the Bugsby's Hand variants are just plain amusing. "I conjure a giant hand to b*$@h slap you."

Sovereign Court

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The Image line of spells is often used to quite comedic effect. We once had to cover up our murder of an innkeeper quite rapidly, so we shoved the body under the bed, crouched in the corner, and used Silent Image to make a clean new rug, bedsheets, and an illusory wastepaper basket & lamp to cover myself (a gnome) and our rogue (an elf). The sheriff poked his head in... then kept moving. ;D

Oh, and Telekinetic Charge is a fun one, too. Just make sure there isn't a cliff beneath the flying target you're flinging your barbarian at...

Shadow Lodge


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There is also of course, the ever-classic presentation of explosive runes.

"I prepared explosive runes this morning."

Grand Lodge

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TheBlackPlague wrote:

Love it. This is now my favourite 0 level spell. I would cast this all day long. :)

Dark Archive

williamoak wrote:
Yup, I am definitly going to have a crazy vermin druid launch a cone of lobsters on my players in the upcoming weeks!

Thanks for reminding me to add the rest of the class list.

I've always had a boatload of fun with Vanish and mirror image. I remember falling for an NPC. Turned out she was married and I was cuckolding the poor Baker. There was much debate in the party over which would be funnier, casting vanish and slipping outside or just casting mirror image for the sheer 'WTF'.

Also I always liked to weaponize the cantrip Drench. We played in an arctic campaign and lets just say that soaking someone and all their changes of clothes is effectively a death sentence.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
NobodysHome wrote:

Let's be blunt:

Is there anyone out there, anywhere, who has ever actually used Anthropomorphic Animal in a non-tawdry way?

My character Hama, a very traditional witch concept, uses it on her various animals to create servants as needed. Always scares the heck out of the village people.

EvilTwinSkippy wrote:
TheBlackPlague wrote:
Love it. This is now my favourite 0 level spell. I would cast this all day long. :)

My current Summoner//Sorcerer is using it for all it's worth for the first few levels :D The save is so bad that naturally it won't be useful for very long, so gotta squeeze that early use out of it!

EvilTwinSkippy wrote:
TheBlackPlague wrote:
Love it. This is now my favourite 0 level spell. I would cast this all day long. :)

My current Summoner//Sorcerer is using it for all it's worth for the first few levels :D The save is so bad that naturally it won't be useful for very long, so gotta squeeze that early use out of it!

I like Charitable Impulse. Also, Unadulterated Loathing and Reckless Infatuation are a fun combo.

Scarab Sages

Grease is always good for a laugh, as well as being very effective.

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