Best and Worst Medium Spirits to Wake Up With

Occult Adventures Playtest General Discussion

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You know how it goes. You're out late, you've had a little too much to drink (or you're full of spirits, at any rate), you forget just how under the influence you are, and one things leads to another. Next thing you know, it's 24 hours later, you have no memories, and your spirit is back down to 3 influence.

Which spirits would be the best/worst/funniest to have take over for 24 hours?

Best: The Waxworks. Sure, you might have spent that 24 hours wanting to slowly torture people, but you probably couldn't be bothered to work up the effort. Your party members probably just left you on the couch with Andoran's Funniest Home Major Images playing so you could enjoy the suffering of others without any effort.

Worst: Sure, The Rakshasa might try to subjugate all to his will and attempt to gain endless control over you. And yeah, The Lost probably consumed a portion of your identity forever, leaving you to awake with something missing that you'll never be able to put your finger on. (Hint: It was your capacity to appreciate beauty.) But they pale in comparison to The Unicorn, who just spent 24 hours giving away your gear. And if player reactions to seeing a rust monster have taught us anything, it's that there's nothing as scary as losing your gear.

Thoughts on spirit hangovers?

I think The Big Sky is probably one of the worst because it's so open ended. "No regard to consequences" is kind of a big deal in some places.

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